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This paper deals with the behavioral pattern of neighbor relations and their relationships to the subjective attitudes and expectations of the residents. The sample was 318 middle-class women living in eight-to 20-story buildings. The findings indicate that respondents so desiring were able to develop active social ties with their neighbors. Moreover, they interacted with neighbors despite the fact that the majority had opportunities for alternative social relations. The distinction between localized and nonlocalized high-rise residents does not seem meaningful in this case. Actual social ties with neighbors were related to norms and expectations regarding neighbor relations. Despite active neighboring, respondents did not have difficulties obtaining privacy.  相似文献   
Due to the rise of environmental concern ecologists have been asked for advice more frequently since the late 1960s. This article discusses how the changing relationship between ecologists and society has affected the behaviour of one particular group of ecologists, namely Dutch fresh water ecologists, by focussing on their behaviour towards job market control and public interest activities. The analysis has been based on interviews with 65 Dutch fresh water ecologists together with an analysis of their publications.In contrast with American ecologists, Dutch fresh water ecologists have made little effort to control their job market by formal arrangements such as formulating a code of ethics and certification procedures. Secondly, Dutch fresh water ecologists generally conceive of their own role in contributing to the solution of environmental problems in relation to that of the environmentalists by doing good research and reliable advisory work. Although a significant number of researchers also address lay publics by writing popular articles and/or holding lectures, only a minority actively participates in environmental politics.  相似文献   
Airborne particles and ammonia were monitored in horse stalls managed under four conditions. Two ventilation rates, high (27 air changes per h) and low (5 air changes per h) and two bedding types, paper and straw, were employed. At both ventilation rates, the number of airborne particles generated while the stalls were mucked out was higher with straw than with paper. Particles were more efficiently cleared at the higher ventilation rate in both the straw and paper stalls. Ammonia measurements reflected an accumulation over time. In the stalls with low ventilation, ammonia levels were significantly higher than in those stalls with high ventilation regardless of bedding type. Management decisions and their relationships to respiratory disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
本溪关门山国家森林公园游客行为特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究游客行为特征对于旅游资源的开发、管理以及旅游目的地的可持续发展具有重要的作用。以本溪关门山国家森林公园为研究对象,通过问卷调查的方法对游客的人口统计学特征、地域结构特征、一般行为特征、消费特征及感知特征进行了研究。结果表明:关门山国家森林公园的游客以较高学历的男性中青年为主;客源主要来自本省辽宁,并以沈阳、本溪和大连的游客为主,客源地理集中度指数为35.71;旅游的主要目的是观赏枫叶,出游时间大部分集中在每年"十一"黄金周期间,且半数以上为当日往返的短程游览者;游客偏好与家人一起出游的旅行方式,所选择的交通工具主要为自驾车和旅游专车;游客的消费结构不平衡,主要集中于景区门票和交通费,占总消费的56.7%;游客对景区的喜好度依次为龙门峡景区月台子景区小黄山景区夹砬子景区鸣翠谷景区。总的来说,游客满意度较高,有89.1%的游客愿意重游此地,游客最不满意的地方主要表现在景区卫生方面。基于调查研究结果,对关门山国家森林公园的开发建设和可持续发展提供了相关建议。  相似文献   
建立和完善碳交易市场是目前各国政府控制温室气体排放、积极应对全球气候变化的重要途径之一,厘清其发展特征和动力是推动碳交易的前提。将碳交易市场作为自然-经济-社会复合生态系统反馈机制的一环,从国际、国内两个尺度对碳交易市场的特征、动力机制和趋势做了分析,发现国际气候谈判的核心利益、减排的融资需求、货币霸权是碳交易市场全球化和金融化的主要驱动力。中国碳交易市场发展具有分阶段、市场规模大、发展不平衡、试点区域构建了碳交易政策体系等特征。鉴于中国经济增速快、碳排放增量大、能源依赖性大、区域发展不平衡、政府主导经济发展和外围保障体系不够完善等因素影响下,国内减排压力和国际声誉作为内在驱动机制,与国际相通的驱动机制共同促使形成具有中国特色的全国统一碳交易市场。同时,中国碳交易市场存在规模和业务扩大、制度更加完善、成为有世界话语权的碳交易市场等发展趋势。  相似文献   
分别从产业经济、医院用药及零售终端这3 个方面对2013 年中国医药行业实际现况进行统计和分析,为企业明确发展方向、确定产品研发思路及制定市场策略提供参考。  相似文献   
在当前面对医疗市场激烈的竞争现状,医院如何立于不败之地,如何使医院建设保持一个良性发展势态,是医院管理者面临的严峻课题。各级医院应主动适应市场变化,大力推行市场营销,促进医院的建设与发展。讨论医院怎样运用现代营销理论来构建面向市场、符合医院行业特点的医院营销体系。  相似文献   
The modern hyper-prolific sow gives birth to more piglets than she has functional teats (in the following called supernumerary piglets). The aim of the present study was (1) to investigate the production consequences of hyper-prolific sows rearing supernumerary piglets equal to the mean live-born litter size, and (2) investigate whether potential negative effects on survival and growth could be alleviated by providing access to milk replacer and/or providing easier access to the udder (by loose housing). At day 1 (D1) postpartum (pp), 93 litters were standardised to 14 or 17 piglets (LS14/LS17) after which no piglets were moved between sows leading to decreased litter size if piglets died. Litters were provided with or without milk replacer in milk cups (+MILK/−MILK), and sows were either crated or loose housed (CRATE/LOOSE) in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design. Piglet mortality was higher in LS17 compared to LS14 (P < 0.01; OR = 2.0), higher in −MILK compared to +MILK (P = 0.01; OR = 1.2) and higher in LOOSE compared to CRATE (P = 0.02; OR = 1.8). This study showed that sow rearing of supernumerary piglets while supplying with milk replacer can increase piglet survival. It also showed that early mortality before piglets learned to drink milk replacer posed a challenge using this automatic milk replacer system. An interaction between access to milk replacer and the standardised litter size D1 affected litter weight (P < 0.01) and piglet weight day 28 (D28) (P = 0.03). The highest litter weight D28 was found in LS17 +MILK (P < 0.01) but with a lower individual piglet weight than in LS14 −MILK. Piglet weight D28 was higher in LS14 −MILK compared to LS17 regardless of access to milk replacer. Heterogeneity in piglet weight within litters D28 was larger in LS17 (P = 0.03) but could be reduced with +MILK in CRATE (P < 0.01). No effects were found on sow weight loss and feed intake (P > 0.05). In conclusion, the results showed that sows cannot rear the supernumerary piglets without further management interventions to reduce mortality. Supplying supernumerary piglets equal to the mean live-born litter size of hyper-prolific sows with milk replacer can from results of this study be an alternative strategy to the use of nurse sows.  相似文献   
The Sorcerer II is the highly mediatized and spectacular Venter Institute's ship that circumnavigated the planet between 2003 and 2006 to collect and classify marine microbial genomes. We analyze Craig Venter's public communication activities and strategies especially focusing on the images of science and scientist he proposes: that of an eighteenth-century “savant” and nineteenth-century naturalist devoted to the exploration of new worlds, and that of the hacker, hero of informational capitalism. Emphasizing his independence from both academy and industry, but building strong alliances with both spheres and with the media, Craig Venter sails the oceans of the contemporary biotechnologies' market, interpreting a specific typology of the relationship between science and society, enterprises, universities.  相似文献   
Throughout Western societies, policy‐makers who address the problems of disadvantaged ethnic and immigrant minorities confront norms that prescribe equal or preferential treatment for these groups. Variations in these norms make significant differences in policy‐making. Based on evidence from housing and planning policies and a standardized survey of local élites in comparable German, French and US metropolitan areas, this article analyses how these norms altered logics of policy‐making. Normative differences help to explain why policies to house minorities proved more successful in the German setting than in the French. Contrasts in central‐local relations, in local government, in political parties and in the social and economic background of policy‐making fail to account for the difference that these norms make. In the American setting normative ambiguities combined with institutional, social and spatial differences to render parallel norms comparatively ineffective.  相似文献   
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