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Naive and experienced Diglyphus isaea were attracted by host plant odours of lettuce and chrysanthemum to search and probe on infested and uninfested leaves. A slight preference was shown for leaves infested with Chromatomyia syngenesiae. At close range, visual stimuli were unnecessary for oviposition and host‐feeding. Contact with uninfested lettuce and chrysanthemum elicited searching and probing behaviour whereas host frass did not. Host larval movement appeared to aid host detection at close range. The number of ovipositor probes increased with proximity to live hosts but not for stationary, dead hosts. Dead hosts were frequently walked over or missed when D. isaea passed within 0.5 cm of the stationary larvae. Dead hosts were also rejected for oviposition but not for host feeding. Both naive and experienced females discriminated between healthy hosts and those which had been attacked by conspecifics or encountered previously.  相似文献   
Prereproductive adults of the grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.) (Orthoptera, Acrididae), demonstrated orientation and movement towards both visual and olfactory stimulus sources in a still-air chamber. Visual stimuli (wheat and lima bean foliage, vertical black or yellow-green stripes, and a yellow-green broad leaf pattern) were approached more frequently than the control white background surface. Olfactory stimuli (chopped wheat foliage and a four-component, synthetic, grass odor blend of volatiles) elicited an even greater positive response than the visual stimuli. Changing the proportions of the four volatiles in the blend significantly reduced positive orientation responses to the stimulus source. Visual cues of wheat foliage and olfactory cues of either chopped wheat odor or the grass odor blend gave greater responses when combined than when presented separately.In flowing air or wind, nearly all insects demonstrated a rapid positive response to odors of chopped wheat and the grass odor blend, significantly greater than the response to the same stimuli in still air. However, positive responses to visual cues were not significantly greater in wind than in still air. When combined with the olfactory stimuli in flowing air, visual cues did not increase the incidence of response. Grasshoppers responding to grass odors in wind moved more rapidly and directly toward the source, and stopped less often and for shorter durations than insects responding to odor in still air or to visual cues.We conclude from these studies that M. sanguinipes adults show orientation behavior to both visual and olfactory stimuli from food plant sources, although leaf odors elicit a stronger positive response particularly when carried by wind.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A new type of airflow olfactometer is described, and results given of experiments using it to measure behavioural olfactory responses of hymenopterous parasitoids. Compared with Y-tube olfactometers it shows several advantages. In its exposure chamber four separate abutting odour fields are presented so that the test insect can readily enter and re-enter them. More than one odour (or different concentrations of one odour) can be tested at the same time, thereby providing complex preference test situations. The various behavioural measures that can be assessed in the apparatus are examined and discussed.  相似文献   
The influence of host odour, windspeed, position of the sun, and temperature on flight behaviour of the cabbage seedpod weevil (Ceutorhynchus assimilis Paykull) were studied. This weevil showed a positive anemotaxis (upwind flight) inside the odour plume of a host crop (Brassica napus L.). Outside the odour plume the weevil showed a pronounced phototaxis at windspeeds below 1.5 m/s. At higher windspeeds, the seedpod weevils flew downwind. The cabbage seedpod weevil flies most readily at low windspeeds (less than 0.5 m/s) and at temperatures above 22 °C.  相似文献   
Migration of cercariae of the diplostomatid trematode, Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus, to the brain of the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, takes place via directed, nonrandom movement. Penetration of the fish epidermis is rapid and is essentially complete by 2 hr postinfection. Migration to the central nervous system occurs almost exclusively via the general body musculature and connective tissue, although a few cercariae gain direct access to the nervous system via the eyes. Cercariae enter either the neural canal and spinal cord, or the brain via the spinal or cranial nerves and their associated foramina, although cercariae appear to remain in (on) these peripheral nerves for only a short time. Cercariae associated with cranial nerves continue to the brain. Those becoming associated with spinal nerves travel up the neural canal and (or) spinal cord to the brain. Data suggest that most arrive at the brain via the neural canal and spinal cord. Within the brain, most developing metacercariae (neascus-type) occur in the optic lobes and cerebellum. Whether this is “selective localization” or merely the result of the larger space afforded by these brain regions could not be determined.  相似文献   
The gene-finding programs developed so far have not paid muchattention to the detection of short protein coding regions (CDSs).However, the detection of short CDSs is important for the studyof photosynthesis. We utilized GeneHacker, a gene-finding programbased on the hidden Markov model (HMM), to detect short CDSs(from 90 to 300 bases) in a 1.0 mega contiguous sequence ofcyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 which carriesa complete set of genes for oxygenic photosynthesis. GeneHackerdiffers from other gene-finding programs based on the HMM inthat it utilizes di-codon statistics as well. GeneHacker successfullydetected seven out of the eight short CDSs annotated in thissequence and was clearly superior to GeneMark in this rangeof length. GeneHacker detected 94 potentially new CDSs, 9 ofwhich have counterparts in the genetic databases. Four of thenine CDSs were less than 150 bases and were photosynthesis-relatedgenes. The results show the effectiveness of GeneHacker in detectingvery short CDSs corresponding to genes.  相似文献   
Eggs of the elm leaf beetle Xanthogaleruca luteola are often heavily attacked by the chalcidoid wasp Oomyzus gallerucae. We studied the chemical signals mediating interactions between the egg parasitoid, its host, and the plant Ulmus campestris. Olfactometer bioassays with O. gallerucae showed that volatiles of the host-plant complex attract the parasitoid. In order to determine the source of attractive volatiles within this host-plant-complex, we tested separately the effect of odours of eggs, gravid elm leaf beetle females, faeces of the beetles and elm twigs (with undamaged leaves and leaves damaged either mechanically or by feeding of the beetles). Odours of faeces of the elm leaf beetle were attractive, whereas neither volatiles from eggs nor from gravid females acted as attractants. Volatiles from undamaged or damaged plants did not elicit a positive reaction in O. gallerucae, whereas volatiles from feeding-damaged plants onto which host eggs had been deposited were attractive. This latter result suggests that it is not feeding but deposition of host eggs onto elm leaves that induces the production of plant volatiles attractive to the egg parasitoid. Investigations of the search patterns of O. gallerucae within the habitat by laboratory bioassays revealed that the egg parasitoid encounters host eggs by chance. Contact kairomones from faeces were demonstrated to be important in microhabitat acceptance, while contact kairomones isolated from the host eggs are relevant for host recognition. Received: 12 February 1997 / Accepted: 29 April 1997  相似文献   
Yimei Li  Ying Yuan 《Biometrics》2020,76(4):1364-1373
Pediatric phase I trials are usually carried out after the adult trial testing the same agent has started, but not completed yet. As the pediatric trial progresses, in light of the accrued interim data from the concurrent adult trial, the pediatric protocol often is amended to modify the original pediatric dose escalation design. In practice, this is done frequently in an ad hoc way, interrupting patient accrual and slowing down the trial. We developed a pediatric-continuous reassessment method (PA-CRM) to streamline this process, providing a more efficient and rigorous method to find the maximum tolerated dose for pediatric phase I oncology trials. We use a discounted joint likelihood of the adult and pediatric data, with a discount parameter controlling information borrowing between pediatric and adult trials. According to the interim adult and pediatric data, the discount parameter is adaptively updated using the Bayesian model averaging method. Numerical study shows that the PA-CRM improves the efficiency and accuracy of the pediatric trial and is robust to various model assumptions.  相似文献   
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