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Using various three-dimensional traps alone and in combination with the onion volatile, dipropyl-disulphide (Pr2S2), we found that visual behaviour of female onion flies, Delia antiqua (Meigen), varied with the visual context (background composition and trap spacing) in which traps were presented and the females' reproductive state (mated vs. unmated). Against a background of real onions, females alighted more frequently on spherical than cylindrical traps, and white than green spheres, but females responded equally to white and green cylinders. In an onion field, baiting traps with Pr2S2 significantly increased female response to white over green traps, but had no influence on their response to trap shape. When traps were spaced 10 m apart and against a background of bare soil, females orienting to Pr2S2 baits alighted more frequently on vertical than horizontal traps, but shape and spectral reflectance were insignificant. However, when traps were spaced 0.25 m apart, females orienting to Pr2S2 baits alighted more frequently on cylinders than spheres. Mated females alighted more frequently on green than white cylinders, but unmated females responded to cylinders independent of spectral reflectance. When located 20 m downwind from Pr2S2 baits, mated females alighted on green cylinders significantly more often than unmated females. Response to traps mimicking onion plants suggests that ovipositional host-finding in female onion flies is dominated by olfactory responses at long range (several metres) and by visual cues at short-range (ca. 1 m). The view that host location by female onion flies is a hierarchical response pattern mediated by multiple sensory modalities and modified by resource level (habitat) and reproductive status, is discussed.  相似文献   
Five principle monoterpenoid and other constituent volatile chemicals of sunflower heads were combined to resemble two lines of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.): one U.S.D.A. standard line and one French line which was poorly visited by insects (Etievant et al., 1984). Field trials of attraction to red sunflower seed weevils (Smicronyx fulvus Le Conte, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) showed that one was clearly preferred over the other. The more attractive mixture contained -pinene, -pinene, limonene, camphene and bornyl acetate in a ratio resembling that of Flath et al. (1985) rather than that described by Etievant et al. (1984). One or two volatiles were deleted from the optimal blend but only mixtures of five volatiles showed the highest attraction. Substitution of sabinene, another volatile prominent in sunflower, for one of the five in the optimal blend also decreased attraction of seed weevils. When the monoterpenoid components and green leaf volatiles in the traps resembled the ratios of most of the prominent volatiles of sunflower, attraction was significantly greater than controls.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Free-flying, wild Glossina pallidipes Aust. and G. morsitans Westw. were video-recorded in the field in Zimbabwe as they flew out of air permeated with host odour (camera 2.5 m up, looking down at the ground). Analysis of the flight tracks supports the proposal of Bursell (1984) that tsetse flies attracted to an invisible source of host odour respond weakly if at all to wind direction while in flight: on losing contact with the odour the flies made a sharp turn that was uncorrelated with wind direction. The size of the turn varied considerably, with a marked discontinuity in the log-survivorship curve at 120° (a fly which had turned through at least 120° was 5 times as likely to stop the turn as a fly which had turned <120°). Over half the flies made turns of >90° (and <2 m diameter) within the 2×2.5 m field of view of the camera. It is suggested that these turns initially served to arrest the upwind progress of the fly, with the size of the turn determining the degree to which the fly backtracked towards where it last detected odour or continues cross-wind. Mean flight speed was c. 5 ms-1 (min. 2.5, max. probably 7ms-1).  相似文献   
Diadromus pulchellus is a solitary ichneumonid parasitoid. Its only known host is the pupa of Acrolepiopsis assectella, a specialist herbivore of Allium species. D. pulchellus females parasitize A. assectella pupae within 48 h after the caterpillars spin their cocoon and begin to pupate. Having observed that the cocoon produced by the leek moth caterpillar stimulates parasitoid egg-laying and that caterpillar leaves a silk thread, we studied the hypothesis that silk thread might be involved in host-finding by the parasitoid. Behavioral tests showed that when D. pulchellus females encounter a host silk thread, they change directions, follow the thread, and quickly locate the host. These findings show that pupal parasitoids can use signals produced by their hosts at the developmental instar preceding the one that they parasitize.  相似文献   
The influence of visual stimuli on female host location was investigated in Eurema hecabe (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Mated females with no oviposition experience were presented with artificial plant models treated with the methanol extract of the host plant, Lespedeza cuneata (Fabaceae). When models of different colours were presented to females, they landed and deposited eggs predominantly on the yellow-green model. However, the size of the model was not important. When females were presented with simple square models and a model on which small squares were assembled, they predominantly chose the assembly model. This suggests that female discern the pattern which resembles the leaf of their main host plants, which consists of many small leaflets. However, the whole image of a leaf of the host plant was not an essential cue for host location, as females also chose the square with the central space more frequently than that without the space. We suggest that the long contour of a complicated form plays a role in female host location.  相似文献   
Infective juveniles of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae show a low level of locomotory activity that is presumed to limit their usefulness as biological insecticides. A 30 μg ml-1 solution of the carbamate pesticide oxamyl reduced the proportion of nonmobile nematodes by nearly two thirds to 35%, while stimulating a 7.5-fold increase in sinusoidal movement. This increase in activity did not result in a corresponding increase in host-finding. Oxamyl treatment did not enhance infective juvenile pathogenicity to Galleria mellonella larvae. At higher concentrations, oxamyl caused aberrant nematode movement and partial paralysis. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora infective juveniles maintain a high level of locomotory activity. Treatment with 30 μg ml-1 oxamyl increased the proportion of sinusoidal over nonsinusoidal movements, but infective juvenile host-finding and pathogenicity were significantly reduced. Higher rates impaired movement and induced complete paralysis. We conclude that oxamyl is incompatible with S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora. The concept of chemically activating infective juveniles to increased locomotory activity and thereby achieving enhanced efficacy is inconsistent with our results.  相似文献   
Altica carduorum Guer. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations aggregate on vigorously growing stands of its host, the thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Asteraceae). The beetle needs contact to recognize a Cirsium species and biting to distinguish its host C. arvense. Feeding or mechanical damage on C. arvense, but not other Cirsium species, aggregates the beetles. Also feces from feeding on C. arvense, but not other Cirsium species, aggregates the opposite sex. Adults also aggregate on larval feces. We suggest that initial host location in the spring depends on random encounter by beetles overwintering in a stand of C. arvense. The beetles commonly make short flights after feeding and either land on another C. arvense plant, which establishes a secondary aggregation centre, or return to the original one. In this manner beetles released on a stand of C. arvense in China spread a radius of 600 m in a year, but those released 35 m away from their host failed to find it. Altica carduorum will develop on any Cirsium species to which it is confined, but is monophagous in the field because host finding is dependent on aggregation to wound and feces substances that are specific to C. arvense.  相似文献   
A systematic program of genetic improvement was initiated by assessing the phenotypic variation of Steinernema feltiae strains for two traits assumed to limit efficacy: ultraviolet tolerance and host-finding ability. All of the strains assayed showed both low ultraviolet tolerance and poor host-finding ability, indicating that the likelihood of improving these traits through more extensive population sampling is remote. Limited genetic variation was detected among the strains for tolerance to ultraviolet, suggesting that selective breeding for increased tolerance would be inefficient. By contrast, highly significant phenotypic differences were found with regard to host-finding ability, suggesting that this trait would be responsive to selection. A genetically heterogeneous population was constructed by round-robin mating of 10 strains; it will serve as the foundation population for selective breeding.  相似文献   
The importance of color stimuli in host-finding by Dalbulus maidis (DeLong & Wolcott), D. gelbus DeLong, and D. quinquenotatus DeLong & Nault (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) was determined by comparing pre- and post-contact responses of leafhoppers to maize seedlings (Zea mays L.) with those to vertical models varying in hue or value (total amount of reflected light). For each species, more contacts were made with maize by jumping/flying than by walking, and both sexes remained on maize for similar times after contact. When presented simultaneously with seven models (vertical wooden rods) painted in different colors, each species made more contacts with yellow. Yellow also received more contacts when it was present in a group of four colors. There were no differences in contacts made with the yellow model by jumping/flying or by walking for D. maidis and D. gelbus, but D. quinquenotatus made more contacts by jumping/flying than by walking. If yellow was not present in the group, the color reflecting maximally between 500–580 nm received more contacts compared to the other three colors. Responses to a series of neutrals indicated contacts were elicited primarily because of hue, and not changes in value. Yellow also elicited tenure as long or significantly longer than other colors after contact with a model. For each species, there were no differences in tenure between males and females on models. The importance of color stimuli in host-finding by Dalbulus leafhoppers is suggested to be influenced by differences in flight behavior and habitat stability of field hosts.
Résumé Nous avons examiné l'importance de la couleur dans la découverte de l'hôte, en comparant au laboratoire les réactions avant et après contacts avec des plants de maïs,-à 4 feuilles-, et avec des leurres peints présentant des différences de nuance ou de quantité de lumière réfléchie, chez 3 espèces de Dalbulus: D. maidis,-spécialiste du maïs-, D. gelbus,-qui consomme le maïs et Tripsacum, et D. quinquenotatus,-spécialiste de Tripsacum. Les espèces entrent en contact avec le maïs plus en voltigeant que par la marche, mâles et femelles séjournant plusieurs heures après être entrés en contact. En utilisant des leurres végétaux,-des morceaux de bois verticaux peints de différentes couleurs-, une forte réponse au jaune, due à la teinte plus qu'à l'intensité, a été mise en évidence. Il n'y a pas de différence dans les contacts après voltige ou après marche avec des leurres jaunes pour D. maidis et D. gelbus, tandis que chez D. quinquenotatus, ils sont plus fréquents après voltige. Ces 3 espèces de Dalbulus continuent à être influencées par la couleur après contact, puisque chaque espèce reste plus longtemps sur le jaune que sur les autres couleurs. L'importance de la stimulation par la couleur dans la découverte des hôtes par Dalbulus est semble-t-il due au comportement de vol et à la stabilité de l'habitat dans la nature.
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