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Four pigeons responded under a progressive-delay procedure. In a signaled-delay condition, a chained variable interval (VI) 30-s progressive time (PT) 4-s schedule was arranged; in an unsignaled-delay condition, a tandem VI 30-s PT 4-s schedule was arranged. Two pigeons experienced a signaled-unsignaled-signaled sequence; whereas, two pigeons experienced an unsignaled-signaled-unsignaled sequence. Effects of saline and d-amphetamine were determined under each condition. At intermediate doses (1.0 and 1.78 m/kg) delay functions were shallower, area under the curve was increased, and, when possible, break points were increased compared to saline; these effects were not systematically related to signaling conditions. These effects on control by delay often were accompanied by decreased response rates at 0 s. These results suggest that stimulus conditions associated with the delay may not play a crucial role in effects of d-amphetamine and other stimulants on behavior controlled by reinforcement delay.  相似文献   
Despite similar ecology, mating systems and female preferences for supernormal tails, the 17 species of African widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes spp.) show astonishing variation in male tail ornamentation. Whereas bishops retain their brown nonbreeding tails in nuptial plumage, widowbirds grow black nuptial tails, varying in length from a few centimetres in E. axillaris to the extreme half metre train of E. progne. Here, we phylogenetically reconstruct the evolution of the discrete trait, nuptial tail and the continuous trait, tail length, using a molecular phylogeny of 33 Euplectes subspecies. Unlike many recent findings of labile evolution of plumage ornaments, our results suggest that the nuptial tail of Euplectes is a derived and phylogenetically conserved ornamental trait that, once gained, shows directional evolution in its expression. Directionality is demonstrated in the trivial sense of a short‐tailed ancestor, and by contingency and randomization tests suggesting that branches with increasing tail length are overrepresented. This supports an early origin and strong retention of directional female mate choice in widowbirds and bishops, as previously indicated by empirical and experimental results, and provides a less labile, yet rapid scenario of sexually selected diversification.  相似文献   
Summary The potential of tobacco BY-2 suspension-cultured cells for examining in vivo targeting and import of proteins into plant peroxisomes was shown recently in our laboratory. In the current study, the necessity and sufficiency of putative C-terminal targeting signals on cottonseed malate synthase and bacterial chloramphenicol acetyl-transferase (CAT) were examined in BY-2 cells. Cotton suspension cells also were evaluated as another in vivo peroxisome targeting system. Ultrastructural views of BY-2 cells showed that the peroxisomes were relatively small (0.1-0.3 m diameter), a characteristic of so-called unspecialized peroxisomes, Peroxisomes in cotton and tobacco cells were identified with anti-cottonseed catalase IgGs as distinct immunofluorescent particles clearly distinguishable from abundant immunofluorescent mitochondria and plastids, marked with antibodies to -ATPase and stearoyl-ACP 9 desaturase, respectively. The C-terminal ser-lys-leu (SKL) motif is a well-established peroxisome targeting signal (PTS 1) for mammals and yeasts, but not for plants. Antiserum raised against SKL peptides recognized proteins only in peroxisomes in cotton and tobacco cells. The necessity of SKL-COOH for targeting of proteins to plant peroxisomes had not been demonstrated; we showed that SKL-COOH was necessary for directing cottonseed malate synthase to BY-2 peroxisomes. KSRM-COOH, a conservative modification of SKL-COOH, was shown by others to be sufficient for redirecting CAT in stably-transformed Arabidopsis plants to the leaf peroxisomes. Here we show with the same CAT constructs (e.g., pMON316CAT-KSRM) that KSRM is sufficient for targeting transiently-expressed passenger proteins to unspecialized BY-2 peroxisomes. These results provide new direct evidence for the necessity of SKL-COOH (a type 1 PTS) and sufficiency of a conservative modification of the PTS 1 (KSRM-COOH) for in vivo, heterologous targeting of proteins to plant peroxisomes.Abbreviations CAT chloramphenicol acetyltransferase - CHO cells Chinese hamster ovary cells - DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine - GUS -glucuronidase - ICL isocitrate lyase - KSRM lysine-serine-arginine-methionine - MS malate synthase - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PTS peroxisome targeting signal - SKL serine-lysine-leucine - tobacco BY-2 Bright Yellow-2 Dedicated to Professor Eldon H. Newcomb in recognition of his contributions to cell biology  相似文献   
Summary We have examined the 13C and 13C chemical shifts of a number of proteins and found that their values at the N-terminal end of a helix provide a good predictor for the presence of a capping box. A capping box consists of a hydrogen-bonded cycle of four amino acids in which the side chain of the N-cap residue forms a hydrogen bond with the backbone amide of the N3 residue, whose side chain in turn may accept a hydrogen bond from the amide of the N-cap residue. The N-cap residue exhibits characteristic values for its backbone torsion angles, with and clustering around 94±15° and 167±5°, respectively. This is manifested by a 1–2 ppm upfield shift of the 13C resonance and a 1–4 ppm downfield shift of the 13C resonance, relative to their random coil values, and is mainly associated with the unusually large value of . The residues following the N-cap residue exhibit downfield shifts of 1–3 ppm for the 13C resonances and small upfield shifts for the 13C ones, typical of an -helix.  相似文献   
During mate choice, receivers often assess the magnitude (duration, size, etc.) of signals that vary along a continuum and reflect variation in signaller quality. It is generally assumed that receivers assess this variation linearly, meaning each difference in signalling trait between signallers results in a commensurate change in receiver response. However, increasing evidence shows receivers can respond to signals non-linearly, for example through Weber's Law of proportional processing, where discrimination between stimuli is based on proportional, rather than absolute, differences in magnitude. We quantified mate preferences of female green swordtail fish, Xiphophorus hellerii, for pairs of males differing in body size. Preferences for larger males were better predicted by the proportional difference between males (proportional processing) than the absolute difference (linear processing). This demonstration of proportional processing of a visual signal implies that receiver perception may be an important mechanism selecting against the evolution of ever-larger signalling traits.  相似文献   
Freshly emerged flower visitors exhibit colour preferences prior to individual experience with flowers. The understanding of innate colour preferences in flower visitors requires a detailed analysis, as, on the one hand, colour is a multiple-signal stimulus, and, on the other hand, flower visits include a sequence of behavioural reactions each of which can be driven by a preferential behaviour. Behavioural reactions, such as the distant approach, the close-range orientation, the landing, and the extension of mouthparts can be triggered by colour stimuli. The physiological limitations of spectral sensitivity, the neuro-sensory filters, and the animals' different abilities to make use of visual information such as brightness perception, wavelength-specific behaviour and colour vision shape colour preferences. Besides these receiverbased factors, there are restrictions of flower colouration due to sender-based factors such as the absorption properties of floral pigments and the dual function of flower colours triggering both innate and learned behaviour. Recordings of the spectral reflection of coloured objects, which trigger innate colour preferences, provide an objective measure of the colour stimuli. Weighting the spectral reflection of coloured objects by the spectral composition of the ambient light and the spectral sensitivity of the flower visitors' photoreceptors allows the calculation of the effective stimuli. Perceptual dimensions are known for only a few taxa of flower visitors.  相似文献   
Integrin receptors are heterodimeric transmembrane receptors with critical functions in cell adhesion and migration, cell cycle progression, differentiation, apoptosis, and phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Integrins are activated by intracellular signaling that alter the binding affinity for extracellular ligands, so-called inside to outside signaling. A common element for integrin activation involves binding of the cytoskeletal protein talin, via its FERM domain, to a highly conserved NPxY motif in the β chain cytoplasmic tails, which is involved in long-range conformation changes to the extracellular domain that impinges on ligand affinity. When the human beta-5 (β5) integrin cDNA was expressed in αv positive, β5 and β3 negative hamster CS-1 cells, it promoted NPxY-dependent adhesion to VTN-coated surfaces, phosphorylation of FAK, and concomitantly, β5 integrin-EGFP protein was recruited into talin and paxillin-containing focal adhesions. Expression of a NPxY destabilizing β5 mutant (Y750A) abrogated adhesion and β5-Y750A-EGFP was excluded from focal adhesions at the tips of stress fibers. Surprisingly, expression of β5 Y750A integrin had a potent gain-of-function effect on apoptotic cell phagocytosis, and further, a β5-Y750A-EGFP fusion integrin readily bound MFG-E8-coated 10 μm diameter microspheres developed as apoptotic cell mimetics. The critical sequences in β5 integrin were mapped to a YEMAS motif just proximal to the NPxY motif. Our studies suggest that the phagocytic function of β5 integrin is regulated by an unconventional NPxY-talin-independent activation signal and argue for the existence of molecular switches in the β5 cytoplasmic tail for adhesion and phagocytosis.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Roots growing in soil encounter physical, chemical and biological environments that influence their rhizospheres and affect plant growth. Exudates from roots can stimulate or inhibit soil organisms that may release nutrients, infect the root, or modify plant growth via signals. These rhizosphere processes are poorly understood in field conditions. SCOPE AND AIMS: We characterize roots and their rhizospheres and rates of growth in units of distance and time so that interactions with soil organisms can be better understood in field conditions. We review: (1) distances between components of the soil, including dead roots remnant from previous plants, and the distances between new roots, their rhizospheres and soil components; (2) characteristic times (distance(2)/diffusivity) for solutes to travel distances between roots and responsive soil organisms; (3) rates of movement and growth of soil organisms; (4) rates of extension of roots, and how these relate to the rates of anatomical and biochemical ageing of root tissues and the development of the rhizosphere within the soil profile; and (5) numbers of micro-organisms in the rhizosphere and the dependence on the site of attachment to the growing tip. We consider temporal and spatial variation within the rhizosphere to understand the distribution of bacteria and fungi on roots in hard, unploughed soil, and the activities of organisms in the overlapping rhizospheres of living and dead roots clustered in gaps in most field soils. CONCLUSIONS: Rhizosphere distances, characteristic times for solute diffusion, and rates of root and organism growth must be considered to understand rhizosphere development. Many values used in our analysis were estimates. The paucity of reliable data underlines the rudimentary state of our knowledge of root-organism interactions in the field.  相似文献   
陈慧  周莲  陈博  宋凯  郭晓春  何亚文 《微生物学通报》2019,46(11):2952-2962
【背景】野油菜黄单胞菌(Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris,Xcc)是十字花科植物黑腐病的致病菌。Xcc中DSF (Diffusible signal factor)信号依赖的群体感应系统和RpfB介导的群体感应退出机制均与其致病性密切相关。【目的】分别检测18种氨基酸对DSF-家族群体感应信号分子合成的影响,为研发新型生物防治方法提供思路。【方法】添加不同浓度的氨基酸到ΔrpfC菌株XYS培养体系中,接种后不同时间点取样提取DSF信号分子,利用高效液相色谱法(High performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)分析DSF和BDSF浓度。【结果】18种氨基酸中,甲硫氨酸、色氨酸和胱氨酸能有效降低ΔrpfC菌株培养体系中DSF和BDSF水平,抑制效果与氨基酸浓度密切相关;3种氨基酸对DSF信号分子的抑制作用存在叠加效应;甲硫氨酸、色氨酸或胱氨酸不影响ΔrpfCΔrpfB双突变体菌株中DSF和BDSF水平。【结论】首次发现了甲硫氨酸、色氨酸和胱氨酸通过RpfB诱导Xcc退出群体感应状态。  相似文献   
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