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Aim To describe a protocol for incorporating a temporal dimension into historical biogeographical analysis, while maintaining the essential independence of all datasets, involving the generation of general area cladograms. Location Global. Methods General area cladograms (GACs) are a reconstruction of the evolutionary history of a set of areas and unrelated clades within those areas. Nodes on a GAC correspond to speciation events in a group of taxa; general nodes are those at which multiple unrelated clades speciate. We undertake temporal calibration of GACs using molecular clock estimates of splitting events between extant taxa as well as first appearance data from the fossil record. We present two examples based on re‐analysis of previously published data: first, a temporally calibrated GAC generated from secondary Brooks parsimony analysis (BPA) of six extant bird clades from the south‐west of North America using molecular clock estimates of divergence times; and second, an analysis of African Neogene mammals based on a phylogenetic analysis for comparing trees (PACT) analysis. Results A hypothetical example demonstrates how temporal calibration reveals potentially critical information about the timing of both unique and general events, while also illustrating instances of incongruence between dates generated from molecular clock estimates and fossils. For the African Neogene mammal dataset, our analysis reveals that most mammal clades underwent geodispersal associated with the Neogene climatic optimum (c. 16 Ma) and vicariant speciation in central Africa correlated with increased aridity and cooler temperatures around 2.5 Ma. Main conclusions Temporally calibrated GACs are valuable tools for assessing whether coordinated patterns of speciation are associated with large‐scale climatic or tectonic phenomena.  相似文献   
The genetic differentiation among populations of the leaf beetle Chrysolina virgata living in wetlands of Japan was studied based on the sequence data of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene region (750 bp). Two distinct lineages of mitochondrial haplotypes were found: one (clade A) consisted of 26 haplotypes distributed over the distribution range of C. virgata between north‐east Honshu and Kyushu, whereas the other (clade B) was monotypic and confined to a small region in north‐east Honshu where it coexisted with clade A. Nested clade analysis for these haplotypes suggested that range expansion and following differentiation due to isolation by distance might have resulted in the present distribution pattern of the haplotypes in clade A. We discuss the evolutionary process leading to the occurrence of two distinct haplotype clades in Japan in terms of repeated colonization from the continent and range expansion and contraction during climatic changes.  相似文献   
Aim  To assess temporal changes in gammarid distribution in Brittany and microhabitat-use overlap between the endangered endemic Gammarus duebeni celticus Stock & Pinkster, 1970 , the expanding natives G. pulex (Linnaeus, 1758) and Echinogammarus berilloni (Catta, 1878), and the introduced G. tigrinus Sexton, 1939.
Location  Brittany and adjacent regions in western France.
Methods  The spatial and temporal patterns in distribution of gammarids at the scale of Brittany were studied using 351 sites. Longitudinal distributions (from the source to the estuary of the river) and microhabitat-use (substratum type and water velocity) were also considered in selected rivers.
Results  At the regional scale, all species occurred together less often than expected statistically, with significant deviations from expected for G. pulex vs. both G. duebeni celticus and G. tigrinus , and for E. berilloni vs. both G. duebeni celticus and G. tigrinus . However, at the microhabitat scale, E. berilloni occurred significantly more often than expected with the endemic G. duebeni celticus , and this appears to be due to similar substratum and water velocity preferences, although at both the regional and microhabitat scales E. berilloni prefers wider streams than G. duebeni celticus . This study reveals a decline in the endangered G. duebeni celticus since 1970.
Main conclusions  The longitudinal and local distributions of G. duebeni celticus , and the higher-than-expected co-occurrence of the species with G. pulex , suggest that the decline of the endemic species may be due to changes in the environment and/or interference from native G. pulex , which is expanding its range in Brittany. The results are discussed as regards to the consequences for regional biodiversity.  相似文献   
Aims Our aim is to reconstruct decadal scale development of historical landscapes during the last 1000 years by means of fossil pollen analysis of annually laminated lake sediments, and detailed historical maps and documents. Location Lake Rõuge Tõugjärv (Estonia), a small lake with annually laminated lake sediments situated in a dense prehistoric setting. Methods The chronology of the palaeodata is based on the annual laminations supported by AMS 14C and 210Pb dating and 137Cs, 241Am, and spheroidal carbonaceous particle marker horizons. The time‐scale and resolution allows fine sampling (the pollen samples generally comprise 3.5 years) and vegetation change reconstruction. Relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) of the lake was estimated, and the statistical zonation, rate of change, palynological richness, and DCA and PCA ordinations were generated on the basis of the pollen data. The historical calibration data set (maps, numerical information on population, domestic stock, farmland division, etc.) is based on archival material preserved in the Estonian Historical Archives. Results The topmost part (0–180 cm) of the sediment column of Lake Rõuge Tõugjärv, covering the last 1000 years, is visibly laminated carbonaceous gyttja. The varve chronology extends from ad 2000 to ad 1339, with a cumulative ± 9‐year error estimate. Beyond this the chronology is extrapolated using the 14C date and varve age–depth estimations. The simulation of the RSAP of Lake Tõugjärv shows that the major portion of the pollen loading originating from local vegetation is derived from plants growing within 2000 m of the sampling site. The pollen record divides into five statistically significant subgroups, which fall on the PCA plot into three clusters reflecting the general openness–closedness of the landscape. During the period between ad 1000 and 1200 (RT 1) the Rõuge area was generally wooded with birch, spruce and pine forests. The advancement of extensive farming gradually opened up the landscape between ad 1200 and 1650 (RT 2 and RT 3). The maximum openness of the landscape was reached between ad 1650 and 1875 (RT 4), with the most open period in the late eighteenth century. Historical maps from 1684 and 1870–99 and available quantitative data on population, domestic stock, farmland division, etc. show the same trend. The pollen data covering the last 125 years, and maps from 1935 and 1995, show the reduction of arable land in RSAP of the lake under investigation and the reduction of open land to an extent comparable with the end of the seventeenth century. Main conclusions The formation and development of the cultural landscape at Rõuge over the last 1000 years is characterized by rapid changes in floristic richness and rates of vegetation change attributed to certain historic processes in the RSAP. Five phases of landscape and social development are clearly distinguished during the last 1000 years. The decadal scale vegetation response to human‐induced forcing agrees with historical maps and documents and could be used for past landscapes prior to the period with solid historical data.  相似文献   
Greece is considered as a secondary centre of evolution for the genusAllium since it possesses about 50% of the species known from the whole Flora Europaea area. In the present investigation 44 GreekAllium spp. have been studied and new chromosome counts are reported from 40 populations and 17 species. The distribution of the different cytotypes (x = 7, x = 8, x = 11 and 2n = 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x) in Greece is discussed. From the four phytogeographical subdivisions recognized, South continental Greece shows the greatest species and karyotype diversity. This phenomenon is probably due to the geographical position and to the geological history of this area which has received species and populations from different directions. Subsequently, hybridization apparently has been of evolutionary importance.The genusAllium in Greece I.  相似文献   


Woody plant encroachment is a widespread phenomenon affecting treeless or sparsely treed habitats. We aimed to determine the extent and timing of tree and shrub encroachment into rock barrens of eastern Ontario over the last century, and to assess implications for their ongoing management.


Queen's University Biological Station in the Frontenac Arch ecoregion.


We quantified the extent of change in woody vegetation in 290 rock barrens using aerial photography from 1925, 1965, and 2008. Composition and structure of woody plant communities in 10 barrens was subsequently quantified in the field using plot-based sampling. Cores or cross-sections were obtained from individuals >1.5 m height and dendrochronological techniques were used to determine their age and identify temporal patterns of any woody encroachment.


Aerial photography indicated that the mean proportion of woody plant cover in barrens increased 22.5% from 1925 to 2008. Dendroecological analysis supported this. Few trees were present prior to 1900 and most established since 1960. Fraxinus americana, Juniperus virginiana, and Juniperus communis were the most common woody species colonizing the barrens. Remnants of large Pinus strobus stumps with extensive charring were found in 90% of the sampled barrens at a mean density of 22.6 stumps ha−1.


Rock barrens on the Frontenac Arch have changed substantially over the past century; gradually being colonized by trees and shrubs and losing their distinctly open character. Active management — including prescribed fire and mechanical thinning — may be necessary if there is a desire to maintain these barrens and the rare species they support as components of the region's biodiversity. However, identification of a reference state for restoration is complicated by the fact that the structure and composition of these habitats were undoubtedly altered by European land clearance in the 19th century, and that some of these areas likely existed as pine woodlands before that.  相似文献   
Changes in forest cover and draining of wetlands for agriculture appear to have caused changes in the aquatic ecosystem of the River Kyrönjoki by the 16th century. In the 19th century, a decline of salmonid fish populations was widely observed as a further sign of degradation. During the latter half of the present century intensified use of naturally acidic soils has resulted in increased acidic run-off. Deterioration of water quality has extended to the estuary, where it has caused large fish-kills and affected the reproductive success of coastal species. Degradation of the coastal ecosystem, first observed in the decline of salmonids and later as a more general decline of other coastal fish populations, can be linked to spatially restricted events. The loss of key river and estuarine habitats exerted an effect over the reproduction and abundance of species migrating throughout the system. This effect contributed to observed temporal and spatial discontinuities in the degradation history. Monitoring changes in critical habitats may prove to be an early indicator of changes in the health of estuarine and coastal aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
An effective method for isolating DNA from historical specimens of baleen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA was isolated from an early twentieth century museum specimen of northern right whale baleen. A system of stringent controls and a novel set of cetacean specific primers eliminated contamination from external sources and ensured the authenticity of the results. Sequence analysis revealed that there were informative nucleotide positions between the museum specimen and extant members of the population and closely related species. The results indicate that museum specimens of baleen can be used to assess historical genetic population structure of the great whales.  相似文献   
The three extant Divisions comprising the bryophytes extend, as fossils, well back into Palaeozoic time. Bryophyte origin is part of the rise of terrestrial, vascularized, plants with sporopollenin-walled spores in the Silurian. Before the end of Carboniferous time, bryophyte lines were widely present. Separation of Gondwana and Laurasia by the Permian Tethys Sea and subsequent widespread desert episodes fragmented an already diversified bryoflora subjecting it to intense selective pressure. The cool, mesic climate of southern Gondwana provided a refugium for austral bryophytes. Warmer and drier climates of the Permo-Triassic Laurentian-Laurasia favoured drought-adapted or niche-specific groups creating marked systematic discontinuities. The Angaran wet, probably cool, temperate region provided refuge for basic stock for much of today's rich holarctic and wet ‘tropical’ bryofloras. Climatic changes, correlated with tectonic events and the rise of angiosperms, opened habitats favourable for a diversity explosion. Despite demonstrated potential for long-distance dispersal, modern distributions are mostly linked with total floras or establishment on islands prior to niche saturation. Remnants of Gondwanan bryoflora persist in high southern latitudes as disjunctions with the possibility that the folded ranges of the African Cape have been an insular fragment at higher latitudes becoming attached shortly after angiosperm diversification. Floras of southern India and east Africa have common features but the Himalayan flora shows evidence that the Gondwanan flora of the Indian plate was lost during the movement through desert and tropical latitudes; neotropical and palaeotropical floras are distinctive. Much of the northern Australian bryoflora is recently Malesian-derived while the southeast shows strong austral influence and commonality with New Zealand. Tropical Pacific island floras are mostly Malesian-derived but with both holarctic and austral elements present as in Hawaii and the Society Islands. Holarctic bryoflora is circum-polar with temperate areas of Euro-American and far eastern elements floristically bound by disjunct and vicariad species. Kroeber Coefficients of Correlation differ as Pacific island floras are compared and Guttman-Lingoes Smallest Space Coordinates indicates floristic subgroups within Polynesia. Although these and other mathematical treatments yield potentially promising results, the methods are yet unrefined and there is some uncertainty whether characteristics of numbers or of organisms are implicit in the summations.  相似文献   
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