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Substrate inhibition is one of the major problems preventing high cell densities of microalgae in heterotrophic culture, so the possibility of overcoming the problem by various culture techniques was examined. It was found that perfusion culture may be the most appropriate technique for high cell densities in heterotrophic culture using inhibitory substrates. An experimental example in which a hollow fibre cell recycle system (HFCRS) was employed to achieve high cell densities of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii on acetate under heterotrophic conditions of growth was demonstrated. The cell density in the HFCRS was much higher than that reported in the literature for this species.  相似文献   
Mineralization of trace levels of [14C]-phenol by heterotrophic microorganisms was quantified at 4 sites along a river continuum in southwestern Virginia. Significant phenol mineralization rates were detected in surface sediment and seston samples at all sites from August 1985 through May 1986. Phenol degradation was strongly affected by season (ANOVA; P < 0.0001). From a baseline rate in August (range: 1.19 × 10-5 to 897 × 10-4 mg phenol mineralized mg AFDW-1 h-1) phenol mineralization rose to a yearly maximum in October (range: 1.21 × 10-4 to 1.16 × 10-3 mg phenol mineralized mg AFDW-1 h-1) despite decreasing stream temperatures. This autumnal peak in phenol degradation was attributed to the pulsed input of allochthonous detritus, especially leaf litter, which contains substantial quantities of phenols and related compounds. Although phenol mineralization was significant in these streams, phenols were metabolized at much slower rates than more labile compounds present in the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool. Estimates of turnover rates for three major components of DOM revealed that glucose and glutamate turnover rates (0.064–0.140 h-1 mg sediment AFDW-1 and 0.140–0.610 h-1 mg sediment AFDW-1, respectively) were, respectively, 2.2–4.7 × and 9.6–16.9 × greater than phenol turnover rates (0.015–0.064 h-1 mg sediment AFDW-1). Although the relatively low rates of utilization of refractory phenolic materials suggest that these compounds may accumulate and become more prevalent components of the DOM pool, phenol concentrations at the 4 study sites remained below detectable levels (i.e., < 1 g 1-1) throughout the study. Consequently, it seems that although phenolic materials are metabolized more slowly than labile DOM, phenols are degraded at rates which preclude accumulation in the water column.  相似文献   
The cyanobiont ofCycas circinalis (identified asNostoc sp.) was isolated and its heterotrophic metabolism was studied in free culture under nitrogen-fixing conditions. Morphology, growth rate, nitrogenase activity, biochemical composition, efficiency of assimilation of organic carbon and molecular nitrogen were determined under different conditions of energy and carbon supply. The study has revealed the high potential of the heterotrophic metabolism in this symbiotic cyanobacterium. Although low rates of metabolic activities were attained under heterotrophic conditions, the efficiencies of organic carbon utilization (0.48 g cell-carbon per g glucose-carbon in chemoheterotrophy, from 0.65 to 0.74 under photoheterotrophy) and of N2 assimilation (35.0 mg N2 fixed per g glucose used in chemoheterotrophy, from 58.3 to 61.9 under photoheterotrophy) displayed by this organism were among the highest ever found in diazotrophically grown microorganisms. The isolate fromC. circinalis was able to grow indefinitely in the dark under nitrogen-fixing conditions, maintaining a well balanced biosynthetic activity and the capacity to resume photosynthetic metabolism quickly. The significance of the heterotrophic potential of this symbioticNostoc is discussed.  相似文献   
A species of Prorocentrum (Dinophyta, Prorocentrales), isolated from a phytoplankton net sample from the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, has been brought into unialgal culture. The sample was collected at an aquaculture site immediately following an incident of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) due to the consumption of contaminated mussels. This clonal isolate has been identified as P. lima, based on its morphological characteristics. Analysis of the culture extract, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection, indicated the presence of the DSP toxins, okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX-1).  相似文献   
The fatty acid, sterol and chlorophyll composition of the calcified, unicellular alga Thoracosphaera heimii (Lohmann) Kamptner are reported. The presence of 4,23,24-termethyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol (dinosterol), 4,23,24-trimethyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3-one (dinosterone) and the predominance of C18, C20 and C22 unsaturated fatty acids, including the acid 18:5ω3, indicates that T. heimii is a dinoflagellate. The fatty acid: sterol ratio (1.3), is typical of dinoflagellates. The geochemical significance of dinosterone, the high relative concentration of 4-desmethyl-5α-stanols and the role of 23-methyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol in the biosynthesis of dinosterol in T. heimii are also discussed.  相似文献   
Host relations among the Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) are highly intriguing from an evolutionary view. Females are usually primary endoparasitoids of whiteflies or scale insects, whereas the development of the male is different and has been used for classification. In heteronomous hyperparasitoids (adelphoparasitoids or autoparasitoids) the male develops as a hyperparasitoid of conspecific females or other endoparasitoid species. We review the consequences of this mode of development which is unique because decisions concerning host selection are inextricably linked with progeny sex ratio. Autoparasitoid field sex ratios can fluctuate dramatically concurrent with changes in the relative availability of male and female hosts. A recent adaptive explanation for these sex ratios involves understanding the reproductive constraints acting on heteronomous parasitoids. Host relations in these parasitoids can show a degree of plasticity. We argue that in many instances autoparasitism may be facultative in nature and should not be used for classification. Heterotrophic parasitism, wherein the male develops as a primary parasitoid of lepidopterous eggs, has been poorly understood in the past due to uncertainties in reports of the biology and taxonomy of heterotrophic parasitoids. The host relations of this group are clarified.  相似文献   
在自生异养条件下,旋扭山绿豆根瘤菌MXDI6菌株的氢酶诱导表达受气相、pH值、镍等因子影响:氢酶表达的最适氧浓度为4%,最适氢浓度为15%,二氧化碳没有明显影响;氢酶表达的pH值以5.0—6.0为宜;0.5μmol/LNiCl2明显促进吸氢活性,但镍浓度大于1μmol/L则抑制吸氢活性.  相似文献   
The marine algaBrachiomonas submarina var.pulsifera (Droop) CCAP 7/2A, is employed as a food organism in aquaculture; it can be cultured heterotrophically or mixotrophically. Growth rates and productivity under heterotrophic conditions were lower than those achieved under mixotrophic conditions. By reducing the osmotic potential of the medium, whilst simultaneously increasing the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus and using sodium acetate as a carbon source, a 20-fold increase in final yield was attained. This corresponded to a maximum culture of 9.02times 106 cells ml–1 and a dry weight of 2.51 g l–1.Author for correspondence  相似文献   
The temporal changes in extracellular enzyme activities in freshwater microbial biofilms were examined in two contrasting river sites in North Wales over a 12 month period. Sites were a first order, unshaded oligotrophic upland stream (Nant Waen) and a fourth order, mildly eutrophic river with riparian tree cover (River Clywedog). When algal populations were low, biofilms of the more eutrophic site supported greater enzyme activities and higher population densities than the oligotrophic site. Composition, concentration and origin of substrates available to the respective biofilm communities influenced extracellular processing patterns. Reduction in algal populations depressed total and extracellular activities in biofilms from the first order site, suggesting that biofilm communities here were maintained by in situ primary production. Biofilms from Nant Waen were often found to contain higher extracellular activities per cell than the more eutrophic River Clywedog biofilms, which might represent the enhanced ability of an oligotrophic biofilm to accumulate extracellular enzymes. In contrast, light and darkgrown River Clywedog biofilms were not enzymatically distinct, inferring a less important role for biofilm phototrophs. Some evidence was found for increased reliance on allochthonous substrates in the River Clywedog for biofilm maintenance.  相似文献   
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