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Preadaptation, host shifts and parallel cladogenesis in the evolution of phytophagous insects In this contribution we investigate the possibilities to apply concepts developed for the evolution of animal parasites to insect-plant systems. We compare host parasite systems in animals with plant-herbivore systems and list similarities and differences. The terms preadaptation, predisposition, expansion and contraction of host ranges, and parallel cladogenesis are discussed. We enumerate general preadaptations for the evolution of herbivory in insects and preadaptations for shifts between herbivory and entomophagy. Examples are given for expansions of host ranges based on phytochemical or structural characters of host plants. Cases of parallel cladogenesis in herbivoreparasitoid systems and plant-herbivore systems are compiled from the literature. An analysis of the insect fauna of the “thistles” (Cynaroideae) in the Palearctic and Nearctic demonstrates the importance of the evolutionary history of the plant taxa and of the existence of preadapted pools of herbivores for the evolution of guilds of specialized herbivores. The members of the Curculionid taxon Cleoninae provide examples for multiple colonizations and radiations of herbivores on the Cynaroideae. The taxonomic and biological relationships of the weevil genera Rhinocyllus, Bangasternus and Larinus which exploit the flower heads of Cynaroideae, can be interpreted as result of a basic parallel cladogenesis between herbivore and host. A gelelectrophoretic analysis of Larinus spp. supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   
It was suggested by Heinrich that cryptic, palatable caterpillars would adopt foliar foraging techniques which would reduce the chance of their being detected. I wished to test this hypothesis further and to determine the post-discovery tactics. I found that caterpillars of Larentia clavaria pallidat, contrary to expectations, usually rested on upper surfaces of young Althaea setosa leaves but moved to the undersides when exposed to higher light intensities. This species may be effectively concealed by older canopy leaves. These larvae usually responded to predator-like stimuli by assuming a deimatic s form but rarely dropped. Dropping may be infrequent partly because younger caterpillars could not easily relocate the foot plant. I discuss, briefly the implications of host-plant selection.  相似文献   
A spring-fed, headwater stream in central Rhode Island was examined during the period from June to October, 1979 to 1982. In the first two summers, a dense riparian canopy reduced the light penetration at the stream surface to a range of 5 to 18% of incident radiation. The lotic macroalgal community during this period was limited to 1 to 4 species covering < 1 to 35% of the stream bottom. However, in June and July, 1981, the surrounding leaf canopy was removed by a massive gypsy moth larval outbreak. Light penetration to the stream during this summer increased to 73% by early July, thereby resulting in a rise in water temperatures by 3.7°C. Even though there was a partial regrowth of leaves in late July and August of 1981, macroalgal cover values continued to rise to an early August peak of 80%. During the third summer, 88% of the macroalgal abundance could be attributed to illumination and water temperature. The filamentous diatom Funotia pectinalis ( O.F. Müll.) Rabh. was the predominant species in the midsummer of all four years, accounting for at least 60% of the total cover. In 1981. an important taxon was the desmid Hyalotheca dissiliens (S. Smith) Bréb., a species which was not seen in other years. A less severe gypsy moth defoliation occurred in 1982 but did not produce significant differences in light, temperature or macroalgal cover from 1979 and 1980. The results indicate that light and temperature can be limiting during the summer in spring-fed, headwater streams and that seed populations of some species are present in undetect-able levels during these periods of suboptimal growth conditions. In addition, it appears that stream macroalgal communities can be quite resilient, recovering rapidly following a major perturbation .  相似文献   
On the basis of an artificial defoliation experiment, a new growth model of soybean was formulated through a modification of Rudd's (1980) model with regard to his equations for dry matter allocation. Compensatory growth for leaf damage was modelled by a single process in which the dry matter allocation changes dynamically according to the severity of leaf damage. The sums of squared differences between simulations and experimental soybean yields were much smaller in our modified model than in Rudd's original model. The modified model gave a better simulation of yield loss due to defoliation that varied in time and intensity. The relationship between various times and intensities of defoliation and yield loss was shown, which is essential for establishing the dynamic economic injury level in IPM.  相似文献   
A laboratory study was conducted to determine the effects of defoliation and denodulation on compensatory growth of Medicago sativa (L.). Plants grown hydroponically in clear plastic growth pouches were subjected to 0 and 50% nodule pruning, and 0, 25, 50, and 75% defoliation by clipping trifoliate leaves. An additional experiment was conducted to determine if clipping leaves simulated herbivory by Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) larvae. Previously, we determined that nodule pruning accurately simulated herbivory by Sitona hispidulus (L.) larvae (Quinn & Hall, 1992). Results indicated that denodulation stimulated nodule growth and caused exact compensation in standing and total number of nodules per plant within 15 days and in standing nodule biomass within 22 days of treatment. Denodulation caused a significant reduction (13%) in final shoot biomass, but did not affect significantly final root biomass. Percentage of change in number of trifoliate leaves per plant increased with the level of defoliation. Within 22 days of treatment, total number of trifoliate leaves per plant was similar to controls. However, final standing shoot biomasses were significantly less that controls, indicating undercompensatory growth. Shoot biomasses of the 25-, 50-, and 75%-defoliated plants were 18, 20, and 36% lower than controls, respectively. Nodule biomass per plant was reduced by 24 and 32% in 50- and 75%-defoliated plants, respectively, but was not affected significantly by 25% defoliation. Root biomass was affected by all levels of defoliation. Clipping trifoliate leaves accurately simulated defoliation by H. postica larvae. Our results indicated that partial defoliation affected shoot, root, and nodule biomass of M. sativa, but that partial denodulation only affected shoot biomass.  相似文献   
If generalist insect predators are a selective force contributing to patterns of feeding specialization by insect herbivores, then predators should be deterred from eating allelochemical-fed prey. The attack and feeding behaviors of naive predators (Podisus maculiventris stinkbugs) reared on control caterpillars (Manduca sexta) fed plain diet were compared to experienced predators reared on caterpillars fed tomato allelochemicals. Tomatine-fed prey were found more quickly by both naive and tomatine-experienced predators, and chlorogenic acid-experienced predators were more stimulated to begin searching for prey. However, experienced predators were less likely to attack both chlorogenic acidfed and tomatine-fed caterpillars than were naive predators. These results indicate that allelochemical-fed prey were easier for predators to locate, but allelochemical-containing prey often deterred predation by experienced predtors.  相似文献   
Summary Structural features of marine macrophytes are generally believed to act as defences against herbivores by reducing the ability of herbivores to consume the plants. Thallus form and calcification in particular have been considered structural defences that act by reducing the probability of consumption of tissue by herbivores. Studies directly measuring the mechanical resistance of a variety of marine algae (tropical and temperate) to herbivores of two important feeding types, rasping herbivores (docoglossan limpets) and a biting herbivore (an herbivorous crab), do not support this hypothesis. I suggest that thallus form and calcification may play a more important role in minimizing the impact of herbivores by reducing the probability of subsequent tissue loss due to herbivore-induced damage. For some algal species, tissue lost subsequent to herbivore damage may greatly exceed loss due to direct consumption by herbivores. I suggest that calcification and thallus properties resulting in preferential tear directions reduce the probability of tissue loss subsequent to herbivore damage rather than prevent herbivores from removing tissue as has been suggested in the past.  相似文献   
Establishing the ecological determinants of the spatial dynamics of large African savanna mammals is necessary for understanding the cumulative impacts on the suitability and resilience of their natural habitats, of progressive habitat fragmentation and temporal shifts in climate, fire regimes and elephant browsing. Systematic directional gradients and small‐scale spatial dependence were evident in rainfall, herbivore biomass and lion density in the Masai Mara National Reserve during September 1990 to July 1992. Lion density, the biomass of resident and all herbivore species were autocorrelated within 4.3, 4.1 and 3.3 km, respectively, and peaked in areas of relatively low rainfall but higher microtopographic and vegetation heterogeneity and complexity and more diverse drainage systems. Rainfall influenced herbivore biomass and hence lion density non‐linearly and that influence was apparently modified by forage mineral nutrients, structural habitat complexity, degree of drainage and distance to waterpoints. Lion density was related to the biomass of resident herbivores, even after controlling for rainfall and spatial trends. Persistence of the recent decline in Mara woodlands and increasing human population along the reserve–ranch boundary would likely reduce the reserve's lion population because most lions spent the daytime within the vegetation mosaic fringing drainage lines, away from humans and domestic livestock.  相似文献   
  • 1 In the spring, females of the leaf beetle Gonioctena sibirica deposited larvae on the ventral surface of growing young leaves situated on the apical position of shoots of the willow Salix bakko.
  • 2 The parent females remained with the larvae usually on the underside of the basal part of leaves, facing toward the base of shoots. When other arthropods approached, the females temporarily moved towards these intruders, showing aggressive behaviour such as swinging the body or stamping the legs. Many females remained with their larvae until the larvae grew into the final (fourth) instar. No female produced an additional brood in the field.
  • 3 Broods from which parent females were experimentally removed suffered higher mortality than those in which females were left intact. Arthropods such as spiders and ants were observed preying on the larvae. In contrast, the survivorship of broods from which females were removed and intruders were excluded with a sticky substance applied to the base of twigs was not different from that of control broods. These results demonstrate that the main mortality factor of offspring is pedestrian arthropod predators and females physically repel the predators.
  • 4 Potentially alternative reproductive strategies, such as producing a large number of offspring by iteroparity and/or larger brood(s) with less or no care, seem to be inhibited in G.sibirica by larval dependence on growing young leaves which are temporally limited and by ovoviviparity which may have limited brood size.
  • 1 Uroleucon gravicome (Patch) feeds on annual Erigeron species and on perennial Solidago species.
  • 2 To test whether Solidago and Erigeron are analogous to winter and summer hosts of typical host-alternating aphids, reproductive performance, host preferences, and host associations were measured for E.strigosus, S.juncea and S.nemoralis during spring, summer and autumn.
  • 3 Caged individuals can reproduce on both genera throughout the season, though colonies are rare on Solidago during summer.
  • 4 Developmental rate, adult weight, and fecundity decline between May and August on all hosts; however, the drop is least on E.strigosus, intermediate on S.nemoralis, and greatest on S.juncea.
  • 5 Throughout the season, reproductive performance is at least as great on Erigeron as on Solidago, the difference being least in spring.
  • 6 Soluble nitrogen content shows the same seasonal trends as reproductive performance, declining in all hosts, but declining least in E.strigosus.
  • 7 Preference tests and field records show that U.gravicorne moves from Solidago to Erigeron when the first alatae mature in late spring, feeds on Erigeron during the summer, and, in late summer, returns to Solidago where overwintering eggs are laid.
  • 8 Solidago is not nutritionally superior during spring or autumn; its use during those seasons may result from the need for good oviposition sites.
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