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Conservation breeding management aims to reduce inbreeding and maximize the retention of genetic diversity in endangered populations. However, breeding management of wild populations is still rare, and there is a need for approaches that provide data-driven evidence of the likelihood of success of alternative in situ strategies. Here, we provide an analytical framework that uses in silico simulations to evaluate, for real wild populations, (i) the degree of population-level inbreeding avoidance, (ii) the genetic quality of mating pairs, and (iii) the potential genetic benefits of implementing two breeding management strategies. The proposed strategies aim to improve the genetic quality of breeding pairs by splitting detrimental pairs and allowing the members to re-pair in different ways. We apply the framework to the wild population of the Critically Endangered helmeted honeyeater by combining genomic data and field observations to estimate the inbreeding (i.e., pair-kinship) and genetic quality (i.e., Mate Suitability Index) of all mating pairs for seven consecutive breeding seasons. We found no evidence of population-level inbreeding avoidance and that ~91.6% of breeding pairs were detrimental to the genetic health of the population. Furthermore, the framework revealed that neither proposed management strategy would significantly improve the genetic quality or reduce inbreeding of the mating pairs in this population. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of our analytical framework for testing the efficacy of different in situ breeding management strategies and for making evidence-based management decisions.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity is positively linked to the viability and evolutionary potential of species but is often compromised in threatened taxa. Genetic rescue by gene flow from a more diverse or differentiated source population of the same species can be an effective strategy for alleviating inbreeding depression and boosting evolutionary potential. The helmeted honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix is a critically endangered subspecies of the common yellow‐tufted honeyeater. Cassidix has declined to a single wild population of ~130 birds, despite being subject to intensive population management over recent decades. We assessed changes in microsatellite diversity in cassidix over the last four decades and used population viability analysis to explore whether genetic rescue through hybridization with the neighbouring Lichenostomus melanops gippslandicus subspecies constitutes a viable conservation strategy. The contemporary cassidix population is characterized by low genetic diversity and effective population size (Ne < 50), suggesting it is vulnerable to inbreeding depression and will have limited capacity to evolve to changing environments. We find that gene flow from gippslandicus to cassidix has declined substantially relative to pre‐1990 levels and argue that natural levels of gene flow between the two subspecies should be restored. Allowing gene flow (~4 migrants per generation) from gippslandicus into cassidix (i.e. genetic rescue), in combination with continued annual release of captive‐bred cassidix (i.e. demographic rescue), should lead to positive demographic and genetic outcomes. Although we consider the risk of outbreeding depression to be low, we recommend that genetic rescue be managed within the context of the captive breeding programme, with monitoring of outcomes.  相似文献   
About 10 per cent of birds'' eggs fail to hatch, but the incidence of failure can be much higher in endangered species. Most studies fail to distinguish between infertility (due to a lack of sperm) and embryo mortality as the cause of hatching failure, yet doing so is crucial in order to understand the underlying problem. Using newly validated techniques to visualize sperm and embryonic tissue, we assessed the fertility status of unhatched eggs of five endangered species, including both wild and captive birds. All eggs were classified as ‘infertile’ when collected, but most were actually fertile with numerous sperm on the ovum. Eggs of captive birds had fewer sperm and were more likely to be infertile than those of wild birds. Our findings raise important questions regarding the management of captive breeding programmes.  相似文献   
Forest fragmentation, reduced forest cover, and hunting pressure are the main threats affecting animal‐mediated seed dispersal. However, their combined effects on seed dispersal rates have been simultaneously investigated only rarely, and never in Africa. We aimed to disentangle the effects of forest cover, hunting pressure, frugivore abundance, and fruit availability at the local and landscape scales on the seed dispersal rates of Staudtia kamerunensis (Myristicaceae). To estimate the percentages of seed dispersal failure (undispersed seeds), we quantitated fruit remains below fruiting trees distributed across five contrasting sites in a semi‐natural forest‐savanna mosaic in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We used statistical analyses accounting for spatial autocorrelation and found that forest cover in the surrounding landscape, hunting level, the associated abundance of dispersers, and fruit availability all had significant effects on the percentage of seed dispersal failure. The combination of high fruit availability and reduced abundance of seed dispersers could accelerate seed disperser satiation, causing the seed dispersal system to be saturated. Our study highlights how two major factors associated with anthropogenic activities, forest cover and hunting, affect seed dispersal by animals. These findings could have far‐reaching implications for our understanding of tree‐frugivore interactions and the conservation of tropical communities.  相似文献   
Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized from the great hornbill, Buceros bicornis. In analyses of 20 individuals, the numbers of alleles per locus varied from two to 11. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.22 to 0.88 and from 0.20 to 1.00, respectively. The mean polymorphic information content was 0.62. Among these, three loci deviated from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. However, no significant genotypic disequilibrium was detected between any pair of loci. These microsatellite markers are useful for the population genetic study of the great hornbill.  相似文献   
The breeding season diet and nesting characteristics of the Silvery-cheeked Hornbill Bycanistes brevis are poorly known. To further understand these aspects of the breeding biology of this hornbill species, 14 nests were studied in and around Amani Nature Reserve located in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Nesting tree species were identified and the diet composition of nesting hornbills was evaluated between July and November 2001. The ejecta from each nest were collected, inventoried, identified (as completely as possible) and enumerated. Food items were categorised as plant, vertebrate or invertebrate. Plants, represented largely by fruits, were the dominant food type (n = 861), followed by invertebrates (n = 306; mainly millipedes and beetles), and vertebrates (n = 15; mainly smaller birds and chameleons). A comparison of results from the current study to other nesting observations made approximately seven decades earlier in the same area suggest that (1) the invasive tree species Maesopsis eminii, which was the most common food type consumed (n = 4 539 seeds), has become a favoured new food source in the breeding season, and (2) the breeding season appears to have shifted to an earlier period, potentially due to the fruiting phenology and abundance of Maesopsis eminii.  相似文献   
The helmeted guinea fowl Numida meleagris belongs to the order Galliformes. Its natural range includes a large part of sub‐Saharan Africa, from Senegal to Eritrea and from Chad to South Africa. Archaeozoological and artistic evidence suggest domestication of this species may have occurred about 2,000 years BP in Mali and Sudan primarily as a food resource, although villagers also benefit from its capacity to give loud alarm calls in case of danger, of its ability to consume parasites such as ticks and to hunt snakes, thus suggesting its domestication may have resulted from a commensal association process. Today, it is still farmed in Africa, mainly as a traditional village poultry, and is also bred more intensively in other countries, mainly France and Italy. The lack of available molecular genetic markers has limited the genetic studies conducted to date on guinea fowl. We present here a first‐generation whole‐genome sequence draft assembly used as a reference for a study by a Pool‐seq approach of wild and domestic populations from Europe and Africa. We show that the domestic populations share a higher genetic similarity between each other than they do to wild populations living in the same geographical area. Several genomic regions showing selection signatures putatively related to domestication or importation to Europe were detected, containing candidate genes, most notably EDNRB2, possibly explaining losses in plumage coloration phenotypes in domesticated populations.  相似文献   
2002~2004年通过对笼养冠斑犀鸟的繁殖生态进行观察,结果表明:冠斑犀鸟的发情期为3月中旬至4月初,求偶的追求者为雌鸟,雌鸟占据选巢营巢主导地位,从入巢到破巢的整个营巢期雌鸟始终把自己封闭在巢洞内,雄鸟担负了运送巢料和食物的所有任务直到雌鸟出巢,出巢后幼鸟在未具有觅食能力前,绝大部分的哺育任务仍由雄鸟承担。冠斑犀鸟的繁殖封巢期为89.0±12.99天,首次营巢的时间较长达15天左右,从第二年起营巢时间缩短为3天,孵化期为25.25±3.86天,育雏期为45.75±2.87天,繁殖成功率为100%。繁殖期除了人工投料外,冠斑犀鸟仍可从生态园中获得多种食物,以满足幼鸟的生长需要。  相似文献   
冠斑犀鸟(Anthracoceros albirostris albirostris)属于国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物,并且是亚洲热带地区重要的种子传播者.冠斑犀鸟在20世纪70年代以前曾广布广西西南部中越边境地区,但其分布范围持续萎缩,2000年以后只残存于3个孤立的分布点,而西大明山林区一直是冠斑犀鸟的主要分布点.为了解此物种在广西的最新分布状况,我们于2009年在广西西大明山自然保护区首次进行了冠斑犀鸟的同步调查,同时调查了当地犀鸟可利用的植物资源.结果显示至少有50只冠斑犀鸟在当地栖息,是广西目前最大的种群,但数量明显呈下降趋势.本文记录了124种犀鸟可潜在利用的植物,探讨了广西犀鸟面临的威胁,并呼吁国家有关部门和科学界加强对中国犀鸟保育研究的关注.  相似文献   
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