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Summary The specificity of interaction of amino acids with triplets in the acceptor helix stem of tRNA was investigated by means of a statistical analysis of 1400 tRNA sequences. The imprint of a prototypic genetic code at position 3–5 of the acceptor helix was detected, but only for those major amino acids, glycine, alanine, aspartic acid, and valine, that are formed by spark discharges of simple gases in the laboratory. Although remnants of the code at position 3–5 are typical for tRNAs of archaebacteria, eubacteria, and chloroplasts, eukaryotes do not seem to contain this code, and mitochondria take up an intermediary position. A duplication mechanism for the transposition of the original 3–5 code toward its present position in the anticodon stern of tRNA is proposed. From this viewpoint, the mode of evolution of mRNA and functional ribosomes becomes more understandable.Offprint requests to: W. Moller  相似文献   
The packing of peptide helices in crystals of the leucine-rich decapeptide Boc-Aib-Leu-Aib-Aib-Leu-Leu-Leu-Aib-Leu-Aib-OMe provides an example of ladder-like leucylleucyl interactions between neighboring molecules. The peptide molecule forms a helix with five 5----1 hydrogen bonds and two 4----1 hydrogen bonds near the C terminus. Three head-to-tail NH ... O = C hydrogen bonds between helices form continuous columns of helices in the crystal. The helicial columns associate in an antiparallel fashion, except for the association of Leu ... Leu side chains, which occurs along the diagonal of the cell where the peptide helices are parallel. The peptide, with formula C56H102N10O13, crystallizes in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with Z = 4 and cell parameters a = 16.774(3) A, b = 20.032(3) A and c = 20.117(3) A; overall agreement factor R = 10.7% for 2014 data with magnitude of F(obs) greater than 3 sigma (F); resolution 1.0 A.  相似文献   
The DNA binding domain (DBD) of gamma delta resolvase (residues 141-183) is responsible for the interaction of this site-specific DNA recombinase with consensus site DNA within the gamma delta transposable element in Escherichia coli. Based on chemical-shift comparisons, the proteolytically isolated DBD displays side-chain interactions within a hydrophobic core that are highly similar to those of this domain when part of the intact enzyme (Liu T, Liu DJ, DeRose EF, Mullen GP, 1993, J Biol Chem 268:16309-16315). The structure of the DBD in solution has been determined using restraints obtained from 2-dimensional proton NMR data and is represented by 17 conformers. Experimental restraints included 458 distances based on analysis of nuclear Overhauser effect connectivities, 17 phi and chi 1 torsion angles based on analysis of couplings, and 17 backbone hydrogen bonds determined from NH exchange data. With respect to the computed average structure, these conformers display an RMS deviation of 0.67 A for the heavy backbone atoms and 1.49 A for all heavy atoms within residues 149-180. The DBD consists of 3 alpha-helices comprising residues D149-Q157, S162-T167, and R172-N183. Helix-2 and helix-3 form a backbone fold, which is similar to the canonical helix-turn-helix motif. The conformation of the NH2-terminal residues, G141-R148, appears flexible in solution. A hydrophobic core is formed by side chains donated by essentially all hydrophobic residues within the helices and turns. Helix-1 and helix-3 cross with a right-handed folding topology. The structure is consistent with a mechanism of DNA binding in which contacts are made by the hydrophilic face of helix-3 in the major groove and the amino-terminal arm in the minor groove. This structure represents an important step toward analysis of the mechanism of DNA interaction by gamma delta resolvase and provides initial structure-function comparisons among the divergent DBDs of related resolvases and invertases.  相似文献   
Summary We present NMR studies of an intramolecular triple helix, the three strands of which have been linked by a hexaethylene glycol chain. To overcome the generally encountered difficulties of assignment in the homopyrimidine strands, the carbon C1 of the pyrimidines were selectively 13C-enriched. Assignments of the aromatic and sugar protons were obtained from NOESY-HMQC and TOCSY-HMQC spectra. We show that the recognition of a DNA duplex by a third strand via triplex formation is easily carried out in solution by observing the changes of the 1H1–13C1 connectivities as a function of pH. Furthermore, the conformation of the sugars has been found to be C2-endo, on the basis of the coupling constant values directly measured in an HSQC spectrum.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of chain selection and assembly of type IX collagen, a heterotrimer 1(IX)2(IX)3(IX), must differ from that of fibrillar collagens since it lacks the characteristic C-propeptide of these latter molecules. We have tested the hypothesis that the information required for this process is contained within the C-terminal triple helical disulfide-bonded region (LMW). The reassociations of the purified LMW fragments of pepsinized bovine type IX collagen were followed by the formation of disulfide-bonded multimers. Our data demonstrate that only three triple helical assemblies form readily, (1)3, (2)3, and 123. The information required for chain selection and assembly is thus, at least in part, contained in the studied fragments. Molecular stoichiometries different from the classical heterotrimer may thus also form under certain conditions.  相似文献   
Electrostatic interactions are among the key factors determining the structure and function of proteins. Here we report experimental results that illuminate the functional importance of local dipoles to these interactions. The refined 1.7-A X-ray structure of the liganded form of the sulfate-binding protein, a primary sulfate active transport receptor of Salmonella typhimurium, shows that the sulfate dianion is completely buried and bound by hydrogen bonds (mostly main-chain peptide NH groups) and van der Waals forces. The sulfate is also closely linked, via one of these peptide units, to a His residue. It is also adjacent to the N-termini of three alpha-helices, of which the two shortest have their C-termini "capped" by Arg residues. Site-directed mutagenesis of the recombinant Escherichia coli sulfate receptor had no effect on sulfate-binding activity when an Asn residue was substituted for the positively charged His and the two Arg (changed singly and together) residues. These results, combined with other observations, further solidify the idea that stabilization of uncompensated charges in a protein is a highly localized process that involves a collection of local dipoles, including those of peptide units confined to the first turns of helices. The contribution of helix macrodipoles appears insignificant.  相似文献   
The vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus is a parthenogenetic reproducing species which forages for suitable host plants at night, but is found congregated in dark places during the day. Frass of this weevil species is suspected to contain attractive compounds that are host‐plant related. Using a still‐air olfactometer, we tested adult vine weevils at night for their behavioural response to odours from conspecifics, feeding on a mixture of spindle tree (Euonymus fortunei) and yew (Taxus baccata), and to a sexually reproducing related species (Otiorhynchus salicicola), feeding on a mixture of ivy (Hedera helix) and cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus). Their attraction to conspecifics and O. salicicola appeared to be related to frass production. Freshly collected frass from O. sulcatus and from O. salicicola males and females was attractive. Prunus laurocerasus and H. helix have not been observed to be hosts of the vine weevil in the field. However, our tests showed that the vine weevil was attracted to mechanically damaged leaves of both plant species, whereas undamaged leaves were not attractive. Only undamaged young unfolding leaves of H. helix were also attractive. The attraction to odours from mechanically damaged host and non‐host plants suggested the involvement of compounds that are commonly found in many plant species. The involvement of plant compounds and/or aggregation pheromones in attraction to frass of the vine weevil and frass of the related weevil species O. salicicola is discussed.  相似文献   
Pathogenic prion proteins (PrP(Sc)) are thought to be produced by alpha-helical to beta-sheet conformational changes in the normal cellular prion proteins (PrP(C)) located solely in the caveolar compartments. In order to inquire into the possible conformational changes due to the influences of hydrophobic environments within caveolae, the secondary structures of prion protein peptides were studied in various kinds of detergents by CD spectra. The peptides studied were PrP(129-154) and PrP(192-213); the former is supposed to assume beta-sheets and the latter alpha-helices, in PrP(Sc). The secondary structure analyses for the CD spectra revealed that in buffer solutions, both PrP(129-154) and PrP(192-213) mainly adopted random-coils (approximately 60%), followed by beta-sheets (30%-40%). PrP(129-154) showed no changes in the secondary structures even in various kinds of detergents such as octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (OG), octy-beta-D-maltopyranoside (OM). sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Zwittergent 3-14 (ZW) and dodecylphosphocholine (DPC). In contrast, PrP(192-213) changed its secondary structure depending on the concentration of the detergents. SDS, ZW, OG and OM increased the alpha-helical content, and decreased the beta-sheet and random-coil contents. DPC also increased the alpha-helical content, but to a lesser extent than did SDS, ZW, OG or OM. These results indicate that PrP(129-154) has a propensity to adopt predominantly beta-sheets. On the other hand, PrP(192-213) has a rather fickle propensity and varies its secondary structure depending on the environmental conditions. It is considered that the hydrophobic environments provided by these detergents may mimic those provided by gangliosides in caveolae, the head groups of which consist of oligosaccharide chains containing sialic acids. It is concluded that PrP(C) could be converted into a nascent PrP(Sc) having a transient PrP(Sc) like structureunder the hydrophobic environments produced by gangliosides.  相似文献   
The helix propagation and N-cap propensities of the amino acids have been measured in alanine-based peptides in 40 volume percent trifluoroethanol (40% TFE) to determine if this helix-stabilizing solvent uniformly affects all amino acids. The propensities in 40% TFE are compared with revised values of the helix parameters of alanine-based peptides in water. Revision of the propensities in water is the result of redefining the capping statistical weights and evaluating the helix nucleation constant with N-capping explicitly included in the helix-coil model. The propagation propensities of all amino acids increase in 40% TFE relative to water, but the increases are highly variable. In water, all beta-branched and beta-substituted amino acids are helix breakers. In 40% TFE, the propagation propensities of the nonpolar amino acids increase greatly, leaving charged and neutral polar, beta-substituted amino acids as helix breakers. Glycine and proline are strong helix breakers in both solvents. Free energy differences for helix propagation (delta delta G) between alanine and other nonpolar amino acids are twice as large in water as predicted from side-chain conformational entropies, but delta delta G values in 40% TFE are close to those predicted from side-chain entropies. This dependence of delta delta G on the solvent points to a specific role of water in determining the relative helix propensities of the nonpolar amino acids. The N-cap propensities converge toward a common value in 40% TFE, suggesting that differential solvation by water contributes to the diversity of N-cap values shown by the amino acids.  相似文献   
The helix content of a series of peptides containing single substitutions of the 20 natural amino acids in a new designed host sequence, succinyl-YSEEEEKAKKAXAEEAEKKKK-NH2, has been determined using CD spectroscopy. This host is related to one previously studied, in which triple amino acid substitutions were introduced into a background of Glu-Lys blocks completely lacking alanine. The resulting free energies show that only Ala and Glu- prove to be helix stabilizing, while all other side chains are neutral or destabilizing. This agrees with results from studies of alanine-rich peptide modela, but not the previous Glu-Lys block oligomers in which Leu and Met also stabilize helix. The helix propensity scale derived from the previous block oligomers correlated well with the frequencies of occurrence of different side chains in helical sequences of proteins, whereas the values from the present series do not. The role of context in determining scales of helix propensity values is discussed, and the ability of algorithms designed to predict helix structure from sequence is compared.  相似文献   
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