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Abstract  Mixtures of single odours were used to explore the receptor response profile across individual antennae of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Seven odours were tested including floral and green-leaf volatiles: phenyl acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, β-caryophyllene, limonene, α-pinene, 1-hexanol, 3 Z -hexenyl acetate. Electroantennograms of responses to paired mixtures of odours showed that there was considerable variation in receptor tuning across the receptor field between individuals. Data from some moth antennae showed no additivity, which indicated a restricted receptor profile. Results from other moth antennae to the same odour mixtures showed a range of partial additivity. This indicated that a wider array of receptor types was present in these moths, with a greater percentage of the receptors tuned exclusively to each odour. Peripheral receptor fields show variation in the spectrum of response within a population (of moths) when exposed to high doses of plant volatiles. This may be related to recorded variation in host choice within moth populations as reported by other authors.  相似文献   
Seasonal climatic shifts create peripheral habitats that alternate between habitable and uninhabitable for migratory species. Such dynamic peripheral habitats are potential sites where migratory species could evolve high genetic diversity resulting from convergence of immigrants from multiple regionally distant areas. Migrant populations of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) captured during two different seasons were assessed for genetic structure using microsatellite markers and for host plant type using stable carbon isotope analysis. Individuals (N = 568) were genotyped and divided into 13 putative populations based on collection site and time. Fixation indices (F‐statistics), analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), and discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) were used to examine within and among population genetic variation. Mean number of alleles per locus was 10.25 (± 3.2 SD), and allelic richness ranged from 2.38 to 5.13 (± 3.2 SD). The observed and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.07 to 0.48 and 0.08 to 0.62, respectively. Low FST (0.01 to 0.02) and high FIS (0.08 to 0.33) values suggest captured migrants originated from breeding populations with different allele frequencies. We postulate that high genetic diversity within migrant populations and low genetic differentiation among migrant populations of H. zea are the result of asymmetrical immigration due to the high dispersal and reproductive behavior of H. zea, which may hinder the adaptation and establishment of H. zea to peripheral habitat. These findings highlight the importance of assessing peripheral population structure in relation to ecological and evolutionary dynamics of this and other highly reproductive and dispersive species.  相似文献   
Insects are suitable model organisms for studying mechanisms underlying olfactory coding and olfactory learning, by their unique adaptation to host plants in which the chemical senses are essential. Recent molecular biological studies have shown that a large number of genes in insects and other organisms are coding for olfactory receptor proteins. In general, one receptor type seems to be expressed in each neurone. The functional characterisations of olfactory receptor neurones have been extensive in certain insect species, demonstrating a fine-tuning of single neurones to biologically relevant odourants; both insect and plant produced volatiles. Stained neurones of the same functional type have been shown to project in one and the same glomerular unit in the primary olfactory centre, the antennal lobe. This corresponds to molecular biological studies, showing projections in one glomerulus by neurones expressing the same receptor type. Comparison of these findings with physiological and morphological characterisations of antennal lobe neurones has indicated correspondence between input and output of the glomerular units. Examples are presented from studies of heliothine moths. From the antennal lobe, the olfactory information is further conveyed to the mushroom bodies, particularly important for learning, and the lateral protocerebrum, a premotoric area. The three brain areas are regions of synaptic plasticity important in learning of odours, which is well studied in the honeybee but also in species of moths.  相似文献   
Chemical communication is ubiquitous in nature and chemical signals convey species-specific messages. Despite their specificity, chemical signals may not be limited to only one function. Identifying alternative functions of chemical signals is key to understanding how chemical communication systems evolve. Here, we explored alternative functions of moth sex pheromone compounds. These chemicals are generally produced in, and emitted from, dedicated sex pheromone glands, but some have recently also been found on the insects' legs. We identified and quantified the chemicals in leg extracts of the three heliothine moth species Chloridea (Heliothis) virescens, Chloridea (Heliothis) subflexa and Helicoverpa armigera, compared their chemical profiles and explored the biological function of pheromone compounds on moth legs. Identical pheromone compounds were present on the legs in both sexes of all three species, with no striking interspecies or intersex differences. Surprisingly, we also found pheromone-related acetate esters in leg extracts of species that lack acetate esters in their female sex pheromone. When we assessed gene expression levels in the leg tissue, we found known and putative pheromone-biosynthesis genes expressed, which suggests that moth legs may be additional sites of pheromone production. To determine possible additional roles of the pheromone compounds on legs, we explored whether these may act as oviposition-deterring signals, which does not seem to be the case. However, when we tested whether these chemicals have antimicrobial properties, we found that two pheromone compounds (16:Ald and 16:OH) reduce bacterial growth. Such an additional function of previously identified pheromone compounds likely coincides with additional selection pressures and, thus, should be considered in scenarios on the evolution of these signals.  相似文献   
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