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Primary cell cultures were prepared from breast muscles of 11 day 4 hour-embryonic chicks. Cytoplasmic RNAs were isolated from the cultured cells at various time intervals from day 3 to day 8. A [P32] DNA probe complementary to messenger RNA of myosin heavy chain was used to hybridize with the RNAs after gel electrophoresis. A transient species of polyadenylated RNA with a decreased mobility in electrophoresis was detected during a period of time when contractions of syncytial fibers were first observed.  相似文献   
A review of in vitro mutagenesis assessment of metal compounds in mammalian and nonmammalian test systems has been compiled. Prokaryotic assays are ineffective or inconsistent in their detection of most metals as mutagens, with the notable exception of hexavalent chromium. Mammalian assay systems appear to be similarly inappropriate for the screening of metal compounds based upon the limited number of studies that have employed those compounds having known carcinogenic activity. Although of limited value as screening tests for the detection of potentially carcinogenic metal compounds, the well-characterized in vitro mutagenesis systems may prove to be of significant value as a means to elucidate mechanisms of metal genotoxicity.  相似文献   
Since the first North Sea Conference (1984, Bremen), all countries bordering the North Sea made commitments to reduce discharge of hazardous substances into the North Sea. From Belgium and The Netherlands, large reductions (upto 90) in heavy metal emissions from land-based sources have been reported between 1985 and 2000. Recently, some studies in the Western Scheldt estuary (WS) have shown that total metal concentration in the water, sediments and suspended particles have decreased compared to levels in the 70s. However, data on aquatic organisms is still very limited and it is therefore difficult to confirm whether the reductions in pollution input and generally improving water quality in the WS have a corresponding impact on the levels of heavy metals in aquatic organisms. The current study measured metal concentrations in the soft tissues of mussels, Mytilus edulis (known to be good indicators of environmental metal pollution) during the period 1996–2002. Spatial (salinity and pollution gradients), temporal and seasonal variations were also studied. Results showed a down-stream decreasing trend for the metals studied (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) during all sampling campaigns. There was also a significant seasonal effect on tissue metal concentrations, with a peak observed around spring in both WS and the nearby less polluted Eastern Scheldt (ES). On temporal trends, a clear drop of metals in mussels was observed in the early 80s coinciding with the start of the efforts to reduce chemical pollution input into the North Sea. Since those early reductions, metal concentrations in mussels generally remained unchanged upto mid 90s. However, in recent times metal concentration in mussels have increased significantly, for example Cd in 2002 was almost 10 times the values in 1983 and similar to levels seen during the peak in the 70s. Other metals also increased in the 90s also reaching levels seen in the 70s. As there is no indication of recent increase in metal input into the estuary, we suggest that increased metal concentrations observed in mussels in recent years especially in the upper estuary are most likely a result of changes in physical and chemical speciation and metal bioavailability. Such changes may be caused by changes in some water quality parameters in the estuary (i.e. increased dissolved oxygen, concentration of organic matter), resulting in conditions that favour releases of sediment-bound metals into the water column. The relationship between metal content and season showed very similar annual profiles in the polluted WS and less polluted ES. Thus, seasonal variations in metal concentrations appear to be largely controlled by biological processes, while total body burdens are dependent on environmental levels and bioavailability.  相似文献   
Summary The toxicity of some heavy metals to the common macrophytic freshwater algaChara vulgaris was studied under laboratory conditions. For experiments, apical tips of algae containing two internodes were cultivated for fourteen days in the presence of various concentrations of cadmium, mercury or lead (as triethyl lead or lead nitrate). Fifty percent growth inhibition occurred with concentrations of 8.5×10–8 M (9.5 ppb) cadmium, 7.5×10–7M (150ppb) mercury, 1.6×10–6 M (330ppb) organic lead or 4× 10–5 M (8000 ppb) inorganic lead. Sublethal concentrations of these metals caused alterations in the fine structure of internodal cells which turned out to be at least partly metal-specific or in the case of lead, the effects depended on whether the lead was ionic or organically bound. Cadmium and inorganic lead induced disorders of cell wall microfibrils which resulted in local wall protuberances. Mercury affected the chloroplasts which mostly showed considerably increased grana stacks. In addition, mercury caused a dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum and of the mitochondrial tubuli. Organic lead damaged the membrane system of chloroplasts; sheet- or tubule-like thylakoids were disarranged and showed whorl-like structures. At higher concentrations of organic lead, tubular invaginations of the plasmalemma (charasomes) disappeared. The fine structure of nuclei was not altered by any of the metals.  相似文献   
Summary The physical localization of sequences homologous to three cloned genes was determined by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. Previous work had assigned the skeletal myosin heavy chain gene cluster (Myh), the functional locus for the cellular tumor antigen p53 (Trp53-1), and the cellular homologue of the viral erb-B oncogene (Erbb) toMus musculus chromosome 11 (MMU11). Our results provide regional assignments ofMyh andTrp53-1 to chromosome bands B2C, and ofErbb to bands A1A4. Taken together with in situ mapping of three other loci on MMU 11 (Hox-2 homeobox-containing gene cluster, theSparc protein, and theColla-1 collagen gene), which have been reported elsewhere, these data allowed us to construct a physical map of MMU11 and to compare it with the linkage map of this chromosome. The map positions of the homologous genes on human chromosomes suggest evolutionary relationships of distinct regions of MMU11 with six different human chromosome arms: 1p, 5q, 7p, 16p, 17p, and 17q. The delineation of conserved chromosome regions has important implications for the understanding of karyotype evolution in mammalian species and for the development of animal models of human genetic diseases.  相似文献   
V. Pettigrove 《Hydrobiologia》1989,179(2):111-117
A high incidence of ligula (mouthpart) deformities is reported for the larvae of Procladius paludicola Skuse (Diptera: Chironomidae) collected from sites on the Murray and Darling Rivers, Australia. This is the first report of deformities in Australian freshwater insects, and is discussed in relation to known toxic pollutants within the catchment.  相似文献   
Luoma  Samuel N. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):379-396
It is clear from available data that the susceptibility of biological communities to trace element contamination differs among aquatic environments. One important reason is that the bioavailability of metals in sediments appears to be altered by variations in sediment geochemistry. However, methods for explaining or predicting the effect of sediment geochemistry upon metal bioavailability are poorly developed. Experimental studies demonstrate that ingestion of sediments and uptake from solution may both be important pathways of metal bioaccumulation in deposit/detritus feeding species. Relative importance between the two is geochemistry dependent. Geochemical characteristics of sediments also affect metal concentrations in the tissues of organisms collected from nature, but the specific mechanisms by which these characteristics influence metal bioavailability have not been rigorously demonstrated. Several prerequisites are necessary to better understand the processes that control metal bioavailability from sediments. 1) improved computational or analytical methods for analyzing distribution of metals among components of the sediments; 2) improved computational methods for assessing the influences of metal form in sediments on sediment-water metal exchange; and 3) a better understanding of the processes controlling bioaccumulation of metals from solution and food by metazoan species directly exposed to the sediments. Such capabilities would allow mechanistic explanations essential to the development of practical tools sought for determining sediment quality criteria for metals.  相似文献   
Provini  A.  Premazzi  G.  Galassi  S.  Gaggino  G. F. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):213-223
Sediment cores were collected at 5 stations in Lake Varese. They were analyzed for organic matter, N, P, organic C, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn and PAHs. A sedimentological approach has been applied to estimate the ecological risk from identified pollutants.As in other eutrophic lakes in Northern Italy, this lake is also at considerable risk from heavy metal pollution. Cr, Cu and Cd showed the highest enrichment factors for the last 5 years, 23.4, 8.0 and 7.6 respectively. Other metals had enrichment factors ranging from 1 to 3. Fluoranthene was chosen as a representative PAH, derived from combustion products; its average value in surficial sediments ranged from 100 to 220 ng l-1 dw. This compound can be a hazard to human health and aquatic life. An evaluation of radionuclide distributions after the recent Chernobyl accident in the USSR (134Cs, 137C s, 131I, 106Ru) provided useful tracers to follow the cycling of pollutants bound to particulate matter in the aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   
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