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The amino acid (35S-methionine) incorporating activity of an in vitro wheat germ translation system was found to be maximal in 80 to 125 mol m–3 K with 2 to 4 mol m–3 Mg both as the acetate. Substitution of Na for K, or chloride for acetate at concentrations above 80 mol m–3 inhibited incorporation. When the K acetate concentration was raised to 200 mol m–3, no incorporation of radioactive methionine occurred.Translation by polysomes extracted from leaf tissue of S. maritima, supplemented with postribosomal supernatant from wheat germ, showed activity which was optimal in the presence of 225 mol m–3 K acetate and 8 mol m–3 Mg acetate. However, the translation system was not directly comparable with the wheat germ system, as studies with an initiation inhibitor, aurintricarboxylic acid, suggested that the S. maritima system was essentially elongation-dependent, while initiation occurred in the wheat germ system.Elongation-dependent polysomal preparations were extracted from leaves of the glycophytes Pisum sativum, Triticum aestivum, Oryza sativa and Hordeum vulgare, and from the halophytes Atriplex isatidea and Inula crithmoides. Translation by polysomes from the salt-tolerant plants was optimal at higher K and Mg concentrations, than by polysomes from the glycophytes. Furthermore, NaCl was better able partially to substitute for the role of K in polysomal preparations from halophytes than glycophytes.  相似文献   
Microbial communities in intertidal coastal soils respond to a variety of environmental factors related to resources availability, habitat characteristics, and vegetation. These intertidal soils of India are dominated with Salicornia brachiata, Aeluropus lagopoides, and Suaeda maritima halophytes, which play a significant role in carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, and improving microenvironment. However, the relative contribution of edaphic factors, halophytes, rhizosphere, and bulk sediments on microbial community composition is poorly understood in the intertidal sediments. Here, we sampled rhizosphere and bulk sediments of three dominant halophytes (Salicornia, Aeluropus, and Suaeda) from five geographical locations of intertidal region of Gujarat, India. Sediment microbial community structure was characterized using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiling. Microbial biomass was significantly influenced by the pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, nitrogen, and sodium and potassium concentrations. Multivariate analysis of PLFA profiles had significantly separated the sediment microbial community composition of regional sampling sites, halophytes, rhizosphere, and bulk sediments. Sediments from Suaeda plants were characterized by higher abundance of PLFA biomarkers of Gram-negative, total bacteria, and actinomycetes than other halophytes. Significantly highest abundance of Gram-positive and fungal PLFAs was observed in sediments of Aeluropus and Salicornia, respectively than in those of Suaeda. The rhizospheric sediment had significantly higher abundance of Gram-negative and fungal PLFAs biomarkers compared to bulk sediment. The results of the present study contribute to our understanding of the relative importance of different edaphic and spatial factors and halophyte vegetation on sediment microbial community of intertidal sediments of coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   
Desert rodents that consume halophytic plants must have adaptations for coping with the high salt content of the leaves. A kidney capable of excreting very concentrated urine is one method. Another is removal of the hypersaline epidermis by means of chisel-like incisors prior to ingestion of the leaves. Tympanoctomys barrerae has evolved a unique refinement of the latter adaptation. It possesses two bundles of stiffened hairs on either side of the palate just caudal to the incisors. The bundles vibrate against the lower incisors, removing the epidermis from the leaves. The efficiency of the operation is significantly greater than with the use of incisors alone. Such a device has not been described in any other mammal. The facial muscles associated with the lips, the cheek vibrissae, and the oral cavity are described in T. barrerae and the nonhalophilic octodontid Octomys mimax. M. buccinatorius pars intermaxillaris is the only muscle in direct contact with the bristle bundles. Other anatomical features found in T. barrerae that may be associated with this feeding device are: 1) a much enlarged and mobile lower labial pad operated by Mm. buccinatorius pars orbicularis oris, pars longitudinalis profunda, and mandibularis cranialis profunda; 2) two oral glands not described in other rodents; and 3) a shortened tongue. Although, taken as a whole, this epidermal stripping device is unique to T. barrerae, most of its features have evolved by modification of structures present in the facial region of more generalized rodents.  相似文献   
盐生植物种子的休眠、休眠解除及萌发的特点   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文讨论了盐生植物种子的休眠、休眠解除及萌发的特点 ,主要内容有 :( 1 )盐生植物种子的休眠类型 ;( 2 )打破盐生植物种子休眠的必要条件 ;( 3)盐生种子萌发与土壤盐度的关系。并讨论了盐度抑制盐生植物种子的机理。最后 ,作者提出了将来研究盐生植物种子萌发需要解决的几个重点问题以及研究盐生植物种子休眠和萌发问题的意义  相似文献   
The contents of Na+, K+, water, and dry matter were measured in leaves and roots of euhalophytes Salicornia europaea L. and Climacoptera lanata (Pall.) Botsch featuring succulent and xeromorphic cell structures, respectively, as well as in saltbush Atriplex micrantha C.A. Mey, a halophyte having bladder-like salt glands on their leaves. All three species were able to accumulate Na+ in their tissues. The Na+ content in organs increased with elevation of NaCl concentration in the substrate, the concentrations of Na+ being higher in leaves than in roots. When these halophytes were grown on a NaCl-free substrate, a trend toward K+ accumulation was observed and was better pronounced in leaves than in roots. Particularly high K+ concentrations were accumulated in Salicornia leaves. There were no principal differences in the partitioning of Na+ and K+ between organs of three halophyte species representing different ecological groups. At all substrate concentrations of NaCl, the total content of Na+ and K+ in leaves was higher than in roots. This distribution pattern persisted in Atriplex possessing salt glands, as well as in euhalophytes Salicornia and Climacoptera. The physiological significance of such universal pattern of ion accumulation and distribution among organs in halophytes is related to the necessity of water absorption by roots, its transport to shoots, and maintenance of sufficient cell water content in all organs under high soil salinity.  相似文献   
Seed dimorphism in Salicornia europaea: Nutrient reserves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Median and lateral seeds of Salicornia europaea L. were separately analysed for their sizes and nutrient reserves. The mean air-dry weight of a single median and lateral seed was 0.31 and 0.25 mg, respectively. The composition as well as the concentration of the nutrient reserves were similar in both seed types. The bulk of the cations was derived from K+, followed by Mg2+, Na+ and Ca2+. The chloride content was somewhat higher than the sodium content, and phosphate was equalled by acid soluble Ca2+ and Mg2+. Starchy compounds and sucrose were present in equal amounts, each of them accounted for about 50% of the carbohydrates. Glucose and fructose were less than 1%. Protein-nitrogen (ethanol-insoluble N) was about 34 g (kg dry seeds)−1. About 7 g (kg dry seeds)−1 was ethanol-soluble nitrogen, of which 10% was derived from amino acids. The total lipid content was more than 290 g (kg dry seeds)−1, 65% were calculated to be glycerides. More than 90% of the fatty acids consisted of linoleic and oleic acids, the majority (72%) of which was linoleic acid.  相似文献   
The halophyte species Salicornia ramosissima has long been consumed as food and is currently regarded as a high-value gourmet item. However, given that these plants grow in estuarine areas, often impacted by pollution, and are prone to the accumulation of ions, the risks associated with food borne pathogens or toxic metals has to be carefully considered. The objective of this work was to gather evidence that S. ramossissima harvested locally in an estuarine system (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) can be safely consumed as a healthy and catering-amenable food. Fresh shoots, taken as green vegetables, and dried powdered shoots (green salt) intended as seasoning, were analysed for total aerobic bacteria, total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus and fungi (yeasts and moulds). The nutritional profile and the concentration of macro and micro elements, including potential toxic elements, was also established. Fresh shoots and green salt were incorporated in catering meals (soup and a meat dish) and subjected to sensory analyses. The microbiological quality of fresh shoots and green salt was compliant with the guidelines for salad greens and herbs and spices, respectively. The nutritional and elemental profile revealed that fresh shoots have a high content in fibre and NaCl. From the concentration of Na determined in green salt, a daily dose of 7 g was estimated as corresponding to the recommended daily dietary intake Na. None of the other elements was present in concentrations that could exceed the dietary intake limits. In the sensory tests, fresh shoots were well accepted as salad greens but green salt, used as seasoning, was considered as insufficient in terms of saltiness and does not completely substitute cooking salt. The results confirm the nutritional and sensory value of S. ramossisima and represent a promising prospect for the incorporation of locally harvested or crop cultivated plants in catering meals.  相似文献   
To investigate factors determining the differences in their salt tolerance, growth and germination, experiments were conducted on two plant species belonging to genus Artemisia: Artemisia fukudo Makino, a biennial salt marsh plant and Artemisia stelleriana Bess, a perennial coastal hind dune plant. Growth experiments revealed that salinity (100 and 300 m m NaCl) inhibited the relative growth rate (RGR) in A. stelleriana significantly but not in A. fukudo. These specific differences in salt tolerance were mainly attributed to differential responses of net assimilation rate (NAR). That is, the reduction in RGR in A. stelleriana was mainly due to the reduction in NAR, whereas no significant reduction in NAR was observed in A. fukudo. The reduction in RGR in A. stelleriana in the salt treatment was also attributable to a reduced leaf area ratio (LAR). Specific leaf area (SLA) in the two species decreased in the 300 m m treatment. The decrease in SLA in A. fukudo was, however, compensated for partly by an increase in leaf weight ratio (LWR). Germination experiments also showed that A. fukudo has a higher salt tolerance than does A. stelleriana. These results are consistent with the differences in the salinity conditions between the native habitats of the two species.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring inland salt habitats are highly threatened due to increasing fragmentation and area reduction, while the surroundings of former potash mining dumps have experienced a massive invasion by halophytes over the last 20 years. We reconstructed colonisation patterns of these purely anthropogenic inland salt sites using molecular markers in the obligate halophyte Suaeda maritima (L.) dumort. (Chenopodiaceae), a typical plant in such areas. In the present study, 120 individual plants from 40 coastal and inland populations in Central Europe were subjected to AFLP analysis with nine primer combinations. A total of 243 AFLP band positions were scored as presence/absence characters. Genetic diversity values were not significantly different in populations from natural and anthropogenic inland salt sites as compared to coastal habitats. Results from principal coordinate analysis, neighbour-joining analysis and analysis of molecular variance ( amova ) all indicated that most of the genetic variation is preserved within populations, while genetic differentiation among populations is comparatively low. We conclude that S. maritima has repeatedly and independently colonised the surroundings of former potash mining dumps in Central Germany. However, the absence of founder effects and the lack of phylogeographic structure prevented us from identifying putative donor populations.  相似文献   
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