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Abstract.  Cellular immune responses and glucose dehydrogenase activity are examined in the larvae of Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) injected with three entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana , Nomuraea rileyi and Paecilomyces tenuipes . Total haemocyte count and the number of spherulocytes increase significantly over 2 h in larvae infected with N. rileyi , the most virulent fungal pathogen of M. brassicae . However, glucose dehydrogenase is not activated in the haemolymph of larvae inoculated with N. rileyi . By contrast, P. tenuipes , the least virulent fungal species, but with the highest proteolytic activity, activates glucose dehydrogenase and the number of nodules formed is significantly larger in larvae inoculated with P. tenuipes . It is suggested that the different virulence of each fungal species is caused by specific immune responses in the larvae. Haemopoiesis is affected by the fungal conidia and this is investigated by culture of the haemopoietic organs of M. brassicae in vitro . The proportion of spherulocytes discharged from the organs is typically high after all of the fungal treatments. In addition, the anterior and posterior haemopoietic organs, according to the histological locations in larva, show different patterns of haemopoiesis in response to fungi.  相似文献   
Human neutrophils pre-incubated with granulocyte-macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) exhibit an enhanced mobilization of calcium in response to secondary stimuli such as chemotactic factors. The mechanisms underlying this priming effect of GM-CSF were examined. It was first demonstrated that the additional calcium mobilized by chemotactic factors in GM-CSF-treated cells was derived from intracellular stores and was associated neither with an increased permeability to calcium nor with production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. These results indicated that GM-CSF called upon a novel mechanism in order to enhance the mobilization of calcium in human neutrophils. The growth factor has recently been shown to prime phospholipase D leading to an enhanced activation by chemotactic factors and an augmented production of phosphatidic acid. Furthermore the ability of exogenous phosphatidic acid to mobilize calcium in cell types other than neutrophils has been previously demonstrated. Therefore, we examined the potential involvement of phospholipase D in the priming of the calcium response by GM-CSF in human neutrophils. Inhibition of the production of the fMet-Leu-Phe-stimulated production of phosphatidic acid by ethanol or wortmannin had only marginal effects on the concurrent mobilization of calcium. However, the priming of the mobilization of calcium by GM-CSF was greatly decreased in cells treated with either ethanol or wortmannin. These results provide strong support for the hypothesis that the production of phosphatidic acid, which is enhanced in GM-CSF-treated cells, is linked to an increased mobilization of intracellular calcium. These results may have relevance to the mechanism of action of GM-CSF in mature haematopoeitic cells as well to the mitogenic activity of other growth factors.  相似文献   
Bax and Bak are critical effectors of apoptosis. Although both are widely expressed and usually functionally redundant, recent studies suggest that Bak has particular importance in certain cell types. Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that Bak activation is prevented primarily by Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL, whereas Bax is held in check by all pro-survival Bcl-2 homologues, including Bcl-2 itself. In this study, we have investigated whether loss of Bak or elevated Mcl-1 modulates haemopoietic abnormalities provoked by overexpression of Bcl-2. The Mcl-1 transgene had little impact, probably because the expression level was insufficient to effectively reduce Bak activation. However, loss of Bak enhanced lymphocytosis in vavP-BCL-2 transgenic mice and increased resistance of their thymocytes to some cytotoxic agents, implying that Bak-specific signals can be triggered in certain lymphoid populations. Nevertheless, lack of Bak had no significant impact on thymic abnormalities in vavP-BCL-2tg mice, which kinetic analysis suggested was due to accumulation of self-reactive thymocytes that resist deletion. Intriguingly, although Bak−/− mice have elevated platelet counts, Bak−/−vavP-BCL-2 mice, like vavP-BCL-2 littermates, were thrombocytopaenic. To clarify why, the vavP-BCL-2 platelet phenotype was scrutinised more closely. Platelet life span was found to be elevated in vavP-BCL-2 mice, which should have provoked thrombocytosis, as in Bak−/− mice. Analysis of bone marrow chimaeric mice suggested the low platelet phenotype was due principally to extrinsic factors. Following splenectomy, blood platelets remained lower in vavP-BCL-2 than wild-type mice. However, in Rag1−/− BCL-2tg mice, platelet levels were normal, implying that elevated lymphocytes are primarily responsible for BCL-2tg-induced thrombocytopaenia.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the effect of stem cell factor (SCF), alone or in combination with other growth factors, on the generation of colony-forming cells (CFC) and on the expansion of hematopoiesisin vitro from light density, soybean agglutinin, CD34+ cord blood cells under serum-deprived conditions. The growth factors were either added only once at the onset of the culture or added every few days when the cultures were demidepopulated and refed with fresh medium. No growth factor, alone, generated CFC or expanded hematopoiesis under these conditions. However, SCF, in combination with interleukin 3 (IL-3) or with late-acting factors (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) or erythropoietin (Epo)), generated large numbers of mature cells as well as CFC. The number of CFC generated depended on the refeeding procedure adopted. In cultures never refed, the CFC numbers increased from > 160 CFC/culture at day 0 to > 3000 CFC at day 10. The CFC numbers stayed above the input levels for 25 days before declining. Almost no CFC were detectable after one month. In contrast, in cultures regularly refed, CFC were detectable for at least 40 days. The lineages of the mature cells and the types of CFC generated varied with the different growth factors. In the presence of SCF plus IL-3, erythroid burst-forming cells (BFU-E) and granulocyte/macrophage colony-forming cells (GM-CFC) were generated and erythroid as well as myelomonocytic precursors were present among the differentiated cells. In contrast, in the presence of SCF and G-CSF or Epo, the progenitor cells as well as the differentiated cells were dictated by the late-acting growth factor (i.e. mostly G-CFC and myeloid cells in the presence of SCF and G-CSF vs. BFU-E, erythroid colony-forming cells (CFU-E) and erythroblasts in the presence of SCF and Epo). Thus, marked expansion of erythropoiesis and granulopoiesis can be achievedin vitro by as few as two factors — SCF acting as the early factor along with the appropriate late-acting factor.Paper presented in part at the World Congress on Cell Cultures, Washington D.C., 21–24 June 1992.  相似文献   
正常人和小鼠骨髓细胞体外平皿液体培养中形成的贴壁细胞层,具有骨髓基质成分和功能,在此贴壁细胞层或基质层上,培养粒系祖细胞 CFU-C(Colony Forming Unit-Culture),以不带基质层的 CFU-C 为对照(100%)。结果第一周基质层上 CFU-C 为对照51.07±3.54%(人)和27.30±4.68%(鼠);第二周者则与对照相近;笫三周之 CFU-C 则上升达150.70±17.63%(人)与146.89±10.01%(鼠)。示基质层对 CFU-C 的增殖分化,在1~3周呈先抑制后刺激的效应。并观察了10例用山莨菪碱治疗的再生障碍性贫血患者之骨髓三周基质层,对正常骨髓CFU-C 影响。治疗前4例,基质层上 CFU-C 较对照<80%,示有抑制作用。此4例均治疗有效。其中2例复查,抑制作用消失。其余6例,其基质层上 CFU-C,均较对照>80%,仅1例用山莨菪碱治疗有效。这种基质层上培养 CFU-C 的方法,可用于实验或临床,研究骨髓基质支持造血的功能。  相似文献   
The central role of the kidney during early development in the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula , is haemopoietic. The kidney is the first tissue to become lymphomyeloid and lymphocytes and developing granulocytes are found in the interstitial tissue surrounding the renal tubules. The lymphomyeloid role of the kidney is transient and does not persist after hatching. The kidney is a major immunoglobulin (Ig) containing tissue during early development as evidenced by increasing numbers of Ig–positive cells.  相似文献   
Haemopoiesis is a fundamental physiologic process found in many animals. Among mammals, the diversity in size and function required suitable adaptations of this process. In this work, we use allometric principles to determine whether this required a change in the basic architecture of haemopoiesis. We show that it is possible to express both the number and rate with which haemopoietic stem cells replicate as well as total marrow output across all mammals as a function of adult mass. This unified view, which is compatible with the existing data, suggests that there was no need for major adaptations in the architecture of haemopoiesis across mammals.  相似文献   
The microenvironment in the haematopoietic organs plays an important role in regulating and sustaining differentiation and self-renewal of haematopoietic stem cells. Although crucial for stem cell maintenance and homing, the stromal cell—stem cell interactions are poorly understood. Here we show that an ICAM-like molecule is responsible for stem cell adhesion to stromal cellsin vitro. The molecule was characterized by a monoclonal antibody 3E10. Immunoblotting results indicated that the molecule had an electrophoretic mobility equal to that of intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). Binding inhibition assays, however, showed that inhibition of binding of enriched CD34 cells by 3E10was more prominent in comparison with that of ICAM-1.  相似文献   
胚胎发育中,肝脏是一个重要的造血器官。近年来胎肝移植的临床应用重新引起了人们的关注。本文应用染色体的 C-带染色法研究了小鼠骨髓和胎肝造血干细胞在照射受体小鼠中的增殖能力与相互间的竞争作用。实验结果表明胎肝造血干细胞在成年骨髓中的植入率比较同样条件下的成年骨髓造血干细胞低,但胎肝造血干细胞比较成年骨髓造血干细胞具有更强的自我更新或增殖能力。在同种胎肝造血干细胞移植中,为了降低同种移植抗力,提高移植的胎肝造血干细胞在受体中的耐受性,移植前对受体作适当的免疫抑制处理是必要的。因此,克服个体发育屏障和移植免疫屏障是提高同种胎肝造血干细胞移植效果中两个重要的研究课题。  相似文献   
Recently, the size of the active stem cell pool has been predicted to scale allometrically with the adult mass of mammalian species with a 3/4 power exponent, similar to what has been found to occur for the resting metabolic rate across species. Here we investigate the allometric scaling of human haemopoietic stem cells (HSCs) during ontogenic growth and predict a linear scaling with body mass. We also investigate the allometric scaling of resting metabolic rate during growth in humans and find a linear scaling with mass similar to that of the haemopoietic stem cell pool. Our findings suggest a common underlying organizational principle determining the linear scaling of both the stem cell pool and resting metabolic rate with mass during ontogenic growth within the human species, combined with a 3/4 scaling with adult mass across mammalian species. It is possible that such common principles remain valid for haemopoiesis in other mammalian species.  相似文献   
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