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Oxygen is favoured as terminal electron acceptor in aerobic and facultative microorganisms because of its appropriate physical state, satisfactory solubility and its desirable combinations of kinetic and thermodynamic properties. Oxygen is generally reduced by four electrons to yield oxygen, but there are important biological consequences of, and roles for, the partial reduction to superoxide and peroxide. Complex and multiple regulatory networks ensure (i) the utilization of oxygen in preference to other oxidants, (ii) the synthesis of oxygen-consuming enzymes with appropriate properties (particularly affinity for the ligand), and (iii) appropriate cellular protection in the event of oxidative stress. This contribution reviews the terminal respiratory oxidases of selected Gram-negative bacteria and microbial haemoglobin-like proteins.Recent studies of the cytochromebd-type oxidases ofEscherichia coli andAzotobacter vinelandii suggest that, despite probable similarity at the amino acid level, the reactivities of these oxidases with oxygen are strikingly different. The respiratory protection afforded to nitrogenase in the obligately aerobic diazotrophA. vinelandii by the cytochromebd complex appears to be accompanied by, and may be the result of, a low affinity for oxygen and a high Vmax. The poorly characterized cytochromeo-containing oxidase in this bacterium is not required for respiratory protection. InE. coli, the cytochromebd-type oxidase has a remarkably high affinity for oxygen, consistent with the view that this is an oxygen-scavenging oxidase utilized under microaerobic conditions. The demonstration of substrate (i.e. oxygen) inhibition in this complex suggests a mechanism whereby wasteful electron flux through a non-proton-pumping oxidase is avoided at higher dissolved oxygen tensions. The demonstration of two ligandbinding sites (haemsd andb 595) in oxidases of this type suggests plausible mechanisms for this phenomenon. InE. coli, assembly of the cytochromebd-type oxidase (and of periplasmic cytochromesb andc) requires the presence of an ABC transporter, which may serve to export haem or some assembly factor' to the periplasm.There is at least one additional oxygen-consuming protein inE. coli — the flavohaemoglobin encoded by thehmp gene. Globin-like proteins are also widely distributed in other bacteria, fungi and protozoa, but most have unknown functions. The function of HMP and the related chimaeric flavohaemoglobins in other bacteria and yeast is unknown; one of several possibilities for HMP is that its relatively low affinity for oxygen during turnover with NADH as substrate could enable it to function as a sensor of falling (or rising) cytoplasmic oxygen concentrations.(until October 1994: Section of Microbiology, Wing Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-8101, USA)  相似文献   
Incubation of horse-heart oxymyoglobin or metmyoglobin with excess H2O2 causes formation of myoglobin(IV), followed by haem degradation. At the time when haem degradation is observed, hydroxyl radicals (.OH) can be detected in the reaction mixture by their ability to degrade the sugar deoxyribose. Detection of hydroxyl radicals can be decreased by transferrin or by OH scavengers (mannitol, arginine, phenylalanine) but not by urea. Neither transferrin nor any of these scavengers inhibit the haem degradation. It is concluded that intact oxymyoglobin or metmyoglobin molecules do not react with H2O2 to form OH detectable by deoxyribose, but that H2O2 eventually leads to release of iron ions from the proteins. These released iron ions can react to form OH outside the protein or close to its surface. Salicylate and the iron chelator desferrioxamine stabilize myoglobin and prevent haem degradation. The biological importance of OH generated using iron ions released from myoglobin by H2O2 is discussed in relation to myocardial reoxygenation injury.  相似文献   
Diets rich in fruits and vegetables delay the onset of many age-related diseases, and contain a complex mixture of antioxidants (including ascorbate, carotenoids, vitamin E and other phenolics such as the flavonoids). However, diet also contains pro-oxidants, including iron, copper, H2O2, haem, lipid peroxides and aldehydes. Nitrite is frequently present in diet, leading to generation of reactive nitrogen species in the stomach. In considering the biological importance of dietary antioxidants, attention has usually focussed on those that are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract into the rest of the body. In the present paper we develop the argument that the high levels of antioxidants present in certain foods (fruits, vegetables, grains) and beverages (e.g. green tea) play an important role in protecting the gastrointestinal tract itself from oxidative damage, and in delaying the development of stomach, colon and rectal cancer. Indeed, carotenoids and flavonoids do not seem to be as well absorbed as vitamins C and E. Hence their concentrations can be much higher in the lumen of the GI tract than are ever achieved in plasma or other body tissues, making an antioxidant action in the GI tract more likely. Additional protective mechanisms of these dietary constituents (e.g. effects on intercellular communication, apoptosis, cyclooxygenases and telomerase) may also be important.  相似文献   
Exogenously supplied bovine haemin, fed to etiolated barley leaves, inhibited chlorophyll synthesis in leaves exposed to light. Haemin inhibited the regeneration of protochlorophyllide (P650) and the conversion of exogenously supplied δ-aminolaevulinate (ALA) to protochlorophyll (P630). The effect of haemin on chlorophyll production was overcome by incubating the leaves in water in the dark before light treatment, suggesting the operation of a rapid haem destruction mechanism in leaves. Protohaem turnover in dark-grown leaves was between 8 and 9 hr, based on the rate of degradation of erogenous haemin and the rate of protohaem breakdown in laevulinic acid (LA) treated leaves. The rate constant for haem destruction was 85 pmol/nmol/hr in the dark and 45 pmol/nmol/hr after 4 hr light. There was no evidence that light affects the synthesis of protohaem. It appears that the regulation of endogenous levels of protohaem is by breakdown and it is this mechanism which is under light control. Haem considerably decreased the incorporation of radioactivity from glycollate-[14C], glycine-[14C] and glutamate-[14C] into accumulated ALA in the presence of LA.  相似文献   
The amounts of protochlorophyllide (P650) and protohaem were measured in ageing dark-grown barley leaves. Maximum amounts of P650 and protohaem were found in 6- to 8-day-old material after which P650 declined rapidly and protohaem more slowly. In leaves exposed to light maximum chlorophyll was produced in 6-day-old material with progressively less the older the leaves. Haem concentrations increased in seedlings of all ages exposed to light. A lag phase was observed for both chlorophyll and haem formation in leaves given a light treatment. Haem, however, showed a slight yet sig nificant decline as chlorophyll production commenced. The results indicate that chlorophyll and haem synthesis share a common pool of δ-aminolae vulinic acid (ALA). At a certain stage of development, the magnesium porphyrin pathway diverts precursors away from haem synthesis. It is only when the ALA synthesising system is well developed that the production of ALA can satisfy pathways to both haem and chlorophyll. The observed changes in haem under certain conditions suggest that, as in animal systems, haem levels may regulate porphyrin formation (chlorophylls) by controlling the supply of ALA.  相似文献   
Induction of Haem Oxygenase as a Defence Against Oxidative Stress   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Cells respond to metabolic perturbations by producing specific stress proteins. Exposure of mammalian cells to various forms of oxidative stress induces haem oxygenase, the rate-limiting enzyme in haem degradation. This response is proposed to represent an antioxidant defence operating at two different stages simultaneously. It (i) decreases the levels of the potential pro-oxidants haem and haem proteins such as cytochrome P-450 and protoporphyrinogen oxidase, and (ii) increases the tissue concentrations of antio-xidatively active bile pigments.  相似文献   
The majority of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis response to hypoxia and nitric oxide is through the DosRS (DevRS) two-component regulatory system. The N-terminal input domain of the DosS sensor contains two GAF domains. We demonstrate here that the proximal GAF domain binds haem, and identified histidine 149 of DosS as critical to haem-binding; the location of this histidine residue is similar to the cGMP-binding site in a crystal structure of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 2A. GAF domains are frequently involved in binding cyclic nucleotides, but this is the first GAF domain to be identified that binds haem. In contrast, PAS domains (similar to GAF domains in structure but not primary sequence) frequently use haem cofactors, and these findings further illustrate how the functions of these domains overlap. We propose that the activation of the DosS sensor is controlled through the haem binding of molecular oxygen or nitric oxide.  相似文献   
A novel potent trypsin inhibitor was purified and characterized from frog Bombina maxima skin. A full-length cDNA encoding the protein was obtained from a cDNA library constructed from the skin. Sequence analysis established that the protein actually comprises three conserved albumin domains. B.maxima serum albumin was subsequently purified, and its coding cDNA was further obtained by PCR-based cloning from the frog liver. Only two amino acid variations were found in the albumin sequences from the skin and the serum. However, the skin protein is distinct from the serum protein by binding of a haem b (0.95 mol/mol protein). Different from bovine serum albumin, B. maxima albumin potently inhibited trypsin. It bound tightly with trypsin in a 1:1 molar ratio. The equilibrium dissociation constants (KD) obtained for the skin and the serum proteins were 1.92 x 10(-9) M and 1.55 x 10(-9) M, respectively. B. maxima albumin formed a noncovalent complex with trypsin through an exposed loop formed by a disulfide bond (Cys53-Cys62), which comprises the scissile bond Arg58(P1)-His59(P1'). No inhibitory effects on thrombin, chymotrypsin, elastase, and subtilisin were observed under the assay conditions. Immunohistochemical study showed that B. maxima albumin is widely distributed around the membranes of epithelial layer cells and within the stratum spongiosum of dermis in the skin, suggesting that it plays important roles in skin physiological functions, such as water economy, metabolite exchange, and osmoregulation.  相似文献   
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