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To analyze the sexual behavior of male black-legged deer ticks Ixodes dammini,we collected ticks infesting 202 white-tailed deer. On average, 17.7 males and 8.8 females infested each deer. Field-collected males copulated with a mean of 2.25 females, and virgin males mated with 2.4 females. On experimental hosts, males established sexual contact with feeding females and repelled other males, and about half remained paired after their mate detached. Engorged females continue to be receptive, and males mate more readily with them than with nonfed females. We conclude that male I. damminiare endowed with a repertoire of behaviors which favor an opportunistic mating before seeking a host and a preference for mating with feeding females on the host accompanied by tenacious mate guarding.  相似文献   
I compared male allocation to prolonged mate guarding versusnot guarding between two populations of the soapberry bug (Jaderahaematoloma) that differ in adult sex ratio: Oklahoma, USA (mean± SD adult sex ratio, 2.70 ± 0.95 males per female),and Florida, USA (1.09 ± 0.26 males per female). To predictthe reproductive performance of each mating tactic in each population,I collected data on search time per mating, time required forguarding to be effective, sperm competition, female rematingpropensity, and female resistance to guarding. Search time alonediffered significantly between the populations, being much greaterin Oklahoma (estimated as 26.2 h per mate) than in Florida (estimatedas 9.6 h per mate). For males in each region, these data wereused to model the costs and benefits of guarding for differentnumbers of oviposition bouts versus not guarding. The reproductiverate of nonguarders in Oklahoma is exceeded by that of guarderswho remain with a female for more than one oviposition bout,but in Florida, the reproductive rate of nonguarders is onlyexceeded by that of guarders who remain with a female for atleast three ovipositions. Consistent with the model, Oklahomamales in field arenas guarded more frequently than did Floridamales. However, nonguarding was common in both populations,and guarding durations were highly variable.  相似文献   
  • 1 In the spring, females of the leaf beetle Gonioctena sibirica deposited larvae on the ventral surface of growing young leaves situated on the apical position of shoots of the willow Salix bakko.
  • 2 The parent females remained with the larvae usually on the underside of the basal part of leaves, facing toward the base of shoots. When other arthropods approached, the females temporarily moved towards these intruders, showing aggressive behaviour such as swinging the body or stamping the legs. Many females remained with their larvae until the larvae grew into the final (fourth) instar. No female produced an additional brood in the field.
  • 3 Broods from which parent females were experimentally removed suffered higher mortality than those in which females were left intact. Arthropods such as spiders and ants were observed preying on the larvae. In contrast, the survivorship of broods from which females were removed and intruders were excluded with a sticky substance applied to the base of twigs was not different from that of control broods. These results demonstrate that the main mortality factor of offspring is pedestrian arthropod predators and females physically repel the predators.
  • 4 Potentially alternative reproductive strategies, such as producing a large number of offspring by iteroparity and/or larger brood(s) with less or no care, seem to be inhibited in G.sibirica by larval dependence on growing young leaves which are temporally limited and by ovoviviparity which may have limited brood size.
Summary We traced the development in the laboratory of 18 young colonies of the arboricolous ponerine antEctatomma tuberculatum. Colony foundation is of the partially-claustral type. During the early stages, when the colony is entirely dependent on the queen's behavior, the growth of the colony in terms of number of workers produced over time was relatively predictable. Afterwards, divergence in colony growth in function of the time increases as fast as the number of workers influences the efficiency of colony provisioning.Comparative analysis indicated clear changes in the predation behavior of foundresses and workers as colonies developed. For any stage of colony growth, all individuals provisioned the nest with dead prey or sugar-rich substances in the same way. However, prey hunting involves two different strategies. Foundresses and nanitic workers (originating from colonies with 9–15 workers) foraged actively, catching prey as the result of random encounters. Post-nanitic foragers (originating from colonies with 20–30 workers) and those from nature colonies developed an ambush strategy. Workers in these colonies gained experience at catching and handling prey during a period when they acted as nest guards, and so tended to be more efficient hunters than poorly experienced foundresses or nanitic foragers. The change in strategy was also positively correlated with an increase in the size of workers as the colony matured. A stable maximum in workers size is apparently reached only after the appearance of efficiently hunting foragers, presumably in numbers sufficient to provide adequate quantity and quality of larval food. Such a correlation between worker size and colony growth, assumed general for all ants, has not been demonstrated for Ponerinae before this work.  相似文献   
Three species of crane flies-Dactylolabis montana, Limonia simulans,and Antocha saxicola-gather near streams to mate and oviposit. All species are polygamous and sex ratios at these sites are male-biased. After a short mating bout, males guard females by standing over them during oviposition. Sperm competition appears to be intense and to follow last-male advantage, based on the packing of sperm within the two elongate spermathecae. Males of A. saxicolasuccessfully defend against rivals over 85% of the time. In contrast, defending males of D. montanaand L. simulanslose the female over 65% of the time during interactions with rivals. Despite the high frequency of loss, defending males gain additional oviposition time by engaging rivals in combat while the female continues to oviposit. Thus, a guarding male does not have to retain the female for guarding to be adaptive. Legs and claws of all species are sexually dimorphic and play an important role in guarding and defending.  相似文献   
Sperm competition and uncertainty of paternity hamper the evolution of male parental care. Thus, maternal care predominates in most taxa. What if males can, however, limit cuckoldry by guarding the eggs postmating? Here, we show that this provides a reason to reconsider an old and nowadays rather discredited hypothesis: that external fertilization is associated with male care because the parent who releases its gametes first can depart leaving the other in a “cruel bind,” having to care for the offspring. In our model, protection of paternity provides an additional incentive for the male to stay associated with its young. When we then assume that offspring survive better if guarded, paternity protection proves enough to kick‐start the evolution of male‐only parental care from a scenario with no care. This fits with data from fishes, where male‐only care is associated with external fertilization, whereas female‐only care almost always evolves after an initial transition to internal fertilization. Our model unifies disparate hypotheses regarding parental care roles and provides support for the idea that care roles can be influenced by sex differences in selection to be physically close to the offspring, including selection that is initially not based on offspring survival.  相似文献   
Paternity protection and the acquisition of multiple mates select for different traits. The consensus from theoretical work is that mate‐guarding intensifies with an increasing male bias in the adult sex ratio (ASR). A male bias can thus lead to male monogamy if guarding takes up the entire male time budget. Given that either female‐ or male‐biased ASRs are possible, why is promiscuity clearly much more common than male monogamy? We address this question with two models, differing in whether males can assess temporal cues of female fertility. Our results confirm the importance of the ASR: guarding durations increase with decreasing female availability and increasing number of male competitors. However, several factors prevent the mating system from switching to male monogamy as soon as the ASR becomes male biased. Inefficient guarding, incomplete last male sperm precedence, any mechanism that allows sperm to fertilize eggs after the male's departure, and (in some cases) the unfeasibility of precopulatory guarding all help explain cases where promiscuity exists on its own or alongside temporally limited mate‐guarding. Shortening the window of fertilization shifts guarding time budgets from the postcopulatory to the precopulatory stage.  相似文献   
Ejaculated proteins play important roles in reproductive fitness. In many species, seminal fluid coagulates and forms what has been referred to as a copulatory plug in the female's reproductive tract. In mice, previous work demonstrated that knockout males missing a key seminal fluid protein were unable to form a plug and less successful at siring litters in noncompetitive matings (one female, one male), probably the result of reduced sperm transport or insufficient stimulation of the female. Here, we extend these previous studies to competitive matings (one female, two males) and make two key insights. First, when first males were unable to form a plug, they lost almost all paternity to second males to mate. Thus, the copulatory plugs of second males could not rescue the reduced fertility of first males. Second, we showed that the copulatory plug of first males effectively blocked fertilization by second males, even if first males were vasectomized. Taken together, our experiments demonstrated that first males lost almost all paternity if they never formed a plug. We discuss our results in the context of natural populations, where in spite of the strong effects seen here, pregnant female mice regularly carry litters fertilized by more than one male.  相似文献   
In moustached tamarin (Saguinus mystax) groups, the single breeding female mates polyandrously with most or all nonrelated adult males. Nonetheless, paternity is monopolized in many groups by a single male. No evidence for male endocrine suppression has been found in this species. The proximate mechanisms of monopolization thus remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible impact of agonistic interactions and mate-guarding on the monopolization of paternity in male moustached tamarins. Furthermore, we evaluated the likely costs of these behaviors, and whether olfactory cues might be used for its timing. We used behavioral data on proximity, agonistic interactions, time budgets, and scent-marking behavior to answer these questions. While direct agonistic competition does not play a prominent role, fertile females were consorted in some periods by one male, the sire of the previous and next litter. Consorting was instigated nearly exclusively by the male. It probably occurred during the female's periods of highest fertility, and thus likely functions as mate-guarding. The timing of the consortship was probably guided by olfactory cues in the female's scent marks. While we did not obtain direct evidence for energy costs in terms of increased energy expenditure or decreased food intake, we found that consorting males are more conspicuous and therefore may be more vulnerable to predators.  相似文献   
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