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A hierarchical breeding design was used to determine if winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus embryos and yolk-sac larvae sired by Georges Bank males developed and grew larger than fish sired by Passamaquoddy Bay males, and to examine parental contributions to variations in fertilization success, time to 50% hatch, hatch success and larval morphological development. Significant stock effects were detected for time to hatch and larval development. Eggs fertilized by Passamaquoddy Bay males reached 50% hatch significantly earlier than eggs fertilized by Georges Bank males. Larvae sired by Georges Bank males were significantly larger during larval development for four of the six traits measured at 12 days post-hatch: head depth, jaw length, myotome height and body area. Embryo and larval development were strongly influenced by maternal contributions; there were significant maternal variance components for the majority of the variables measured. Paternal variance components were significant for fertilization success, time to hatch, larval jaw length and larval head depth, however, they acted principally through parental interactions. This information has important implications for the long-term sustainable development of winter flounder for aquaculture purposes as well as for understanding winter flounder genetic variation in the wild.  相似文献   
The cells dissociated from developing embryos of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) are cultured in vitro to examine the developmental fate of their pigment cells in relation to establishment of bilaterally asymmetric integumental coloration in vivo. When neurula embryos are dissociated using trypsin–EDTA in Dulbecco's modified Ca2+–, Mg2+–free phosphate buffered saline and then cultured in vitro using L–15–based fetal calf serum–supplemented growth medium at 20°C, numerous pigment cells appear twice in the same culture with an interval of approximately 1 month even under similar culture conditions. The first group of pigment cells, which is relatively larger in cell size (about 70 μm wide) and lower in cell density, emerges within 12 hr after plating, whereas the second, which is far smaller in cell size (about 30 μm) and overwhelmingly higher in cell density than the first, does so about 1 month after plating. The timing of their appearances in vitro is in good accordance, respectively, with that observed for the larvae under normal development in vivo; the first group appears at the period corresponding to hatching, whereas the second at the period corresponding to the completion of metamorphosis. Light microscopic examinations disclose that each group of pigment cells is composed of black melanophores and reflecting leucophores, and that the population density of melanophores and leucophores in the first group at the climax of appearance is approximated as 1:4. Typical xanthophores that are distributed in the skin of the larvae of this species are scarcely observed in culture in vitro. Because of their dual synchronous appearances with about 1 month interval under the similar culture conditions, and because of their low proliferative activity during the periods from the first appearance to the second, it is presumed that both groups of pigment cells are installed with a clock set differently for their differentiation. Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry on cultured cells using the HNK–I antibody, which marks avian migratory neural crest cells, both disclose that the antibody cross–reacts with all these pigment cells, and that a certain number of immunoreactive unpigmented cells exist even at the time of the second appearance of pigment cells. These findings would imply that the second group of pigment cells served in a form of undifferentiated propigment cells up to metamorphosis, at which they start to differentiate under control of a clock presumably set during neurulation.  相似文献   
To establish the molecular basis of circadian rhythm control by melatonin receptors (MTs), we investigated the mitochondrial ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expressions of three types of MTs in different tissues of the olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). All three types of MT mRNAs were expressed in the neural tissues, while MT1 mRNA was expressed in the peripheral tissues and MT2 and MT3 mRNAs were weakly expressed or undetected in these tissues. We observed increased MT mRNA expression in the neural tissues at night under both light–dark (LD) and constant dark (DD) conditions. Although the melatonin-treated cultured pineal gland samples showed similar diurnal variations with high-MT mRNA expression levels at night compared to those of untreated cultured pineal gland samples, the expression levels were considerably higher in the melatonin-treated samples. The plasma melatonin level also significantly increased at night. Under DD conditions, the expression patterns of MT mRNAs were similar to those under the LD photocycle, but the peak was lower and the circadian change patterns were less clear. These findings reinforce the hypothesis that MTs are active in processing light information, and that these genes are regulated by the circadian clock and light, thus suggesting that MTs play an important role in daily and circadian variations in the brain and retina of olive flounders.  相似文献   
We describe the isolation and characterization of 12 tetranucleotide microsatellites for Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and subsequently investigate their performance in Colorado River cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus), greenback cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii stomias) and Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri). All 12 loci are polymorphic in all subspecies of O. clarkii examined.  相似文献   
A method for measuring oxygen consumption in isolated perfused gills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is described for measuring respiration in isolated perfused flounder gills experiencing pressures and flows similar to those seen in vivo . Mean oxygen consumption of 13 preparations bathed and perfused in identical saline was 5·00 ± 0·75 (s.e.) μ mol h−1 g wet−1, whilst that of five preparations perfused with saline but bathed in sea water (32 mg l−1) was 12·06±2·39 (s.e.) μmol h−1 g wet−1. The oxygen consumption of the seawater bathed gills was significantly higher (P<0·05) than that in saline bathed gills. These results provide direct evidence both of the high metabolic activity of the gill under normal perfusion conditions and of the increased energy expenditure of the giil in hyperosmotic, compared to isosmotic, environments.  相似文献   
Summary Na–K–Cl cotransport stoichiometry and affinities for Na, K and Cl were determined in flounder intestine. Measurement of simultaneous NaCl and RbCl influxes resulted in ratios of 2.2 for Cl/Na and 1.8 for Cl/Rb. The effect of Na and Rb on Rb influx showed first order kinetics withK 1/2 values of 5 and 4.5mm and Hill coefficients of 0.9 and 1.2, respectively. The effect of Cl on rubidium influx showed a sigmoidal relationship withK 1/2 of 20mm and a Hill coefficient of 2.0. The effects of variations in Na and Cl concentration on short-circuit current (I sc) were also determined. TheK 1/2 for Na was 7mm with a Hill coefficient of 0.9 and theK 1/2 for Cl was 46mm with a Hill coefficient of 1.9. Based on the simultaneous influx measurements, a cotransport stoichiometry of 1Na1K2Cl is concluded. The Hill coefficients for Cl suggest a high degree of cooperativity between Cl binding sites. Measurements of the ratio of net Na and Cl transepithelial fluxes under short-circuit conditions (using a low Na Ringer solution to minimize the passive Na flux) indicate that the Cl/Na flux ratio is approximately 21. Therefore Na recycling from serosa to mucosa does not significantly contribute to theI sc. Addition of serosal ouabain (100 m) inhibited Rb influx, indicating that Na–K–Cl cotransport is inhibited by ouabain. This finding suggests that a feedback mechanism exists between the Na–K-ATPase on the basolateral membrane and the apical Na–K–2Cl cotransporter.  相似文献   
Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) can be used to identify microsatellite markers. We developed 81 polymorphic microsatellite markers from 4,940 ESTs of the olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Out of 100 EST-derived microsatellites for which PCR primers were designed, 81 loci were polymorphic in 30 individuals from a single natural population with 2–28 (mean 10.6) alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosities of these loci were 0.033–1.000 and 0.033–0.965, respectively. Segregation analysis within a mapping family revealed non-amplifying null alleles at five loci. These new EST-derived microsatellite markers should be useful for population genetic analyses, pedigree tracing and constructing a linkage map for olive flounder.  相似文献   
Little is known about the sensitivity of teleost post-embryonic developmental stages (larval and metamorphic) to dioxin-like compounds. Larval and metamorphosing summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) were exposed to the dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl congener PCB 126, to compare their sensitivity to other fish species early life stages, and to document effects on metamorphic development, including degree of eye migration and gastric maturation. Median lethal doses (LD 50 s) ranged between 30 and 220 ng/g wet mass, indicating that pre- and early-metamorphic stages of summer flounder are equally sensitive to the embryos of some of the most vulnerable fish species tested. Consistent with the presence of a functional aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway, dose-dependent induction of cytochrome P-4501A (CYP1A) at four days post-exposure was observed in liver, stomach, intestine, and kidney of metamorphosing larvae. Stage-dependent differences in the epithelial distribution of CYP1A immunoreactivity were observed in the developing stomach of fish exposed to relatively high PCB 126 doses. A single sublethal dose (15 ng/g) delayed metamorphic progress (determined by the degree of eye migration), and resulted in abnormally high levels of cell proliferation and abnormal gastric gland morphology in late metamorphic stages. These results suggest that the post-embryonic larval and metamorphic stages of summer flounder, and potentially other fish species with complex life histories, are vulnerable to the effects of dioxin-like compounds, including lethality, developmental delay, and malformations.  相似文献   
A number of evolutionary mechanisms have been suggested for generating low but significant genetic structuring among marine fish populations. We used nine microsatellite loci and recently developed methods in landscape genetics and coalescence-based estimation of historical gene flow and effective population sizes to assess temporal and spatial dynamics of the population structure in European flounder (Platichthys flesus L.). We collected 1062 flounders from 13 localities in the northeast Atlantic and Baltic Seas and found temporally stable and highly significant genetic differentiation among samples covering a large part of the species' range (global F(ST) = 0.024, P < 0.0001). In addition to historical processes, a number of contemporary acting evolutionary mechanisms were associated with genetic structuring. Physical forces, such as oceanographic and bathymetric barriers, were most likely related with the extreme isolation of the island population at the Faroe Islands. A sharp genetic break was associated with a change in life history from pelagic to benthic spawners in the Baltic Sea. Partial Mantel tests showed that geographical distance per se was not related with genetic structuring among Atlantic and western Baltic Sea samples. Alternative factors, such as dispersal potential and/or environmental gradients, could be important for generating genetic divergence in this region. The results show that the magnitude and scale of structuring generated by a specific mechanism depend critically on its interplay with other evolutionary mechanisms, highlighting the importance of investigating species with wide geographical and ecological distributions to increase our understanding of evolution in the marine environment.  相似文献   
Chemokines are small, secreted cytokine peptides that have the ability to recruit a wide range of immune cells to sites of infection and disease. A novel CXC chemokine was obtained from Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. This chemokine cDNA contains an open reading frame of 333 nucleotides encoding 111 amino acid residues containing four conserved cysteine residues. The gene is composed of four exons and three introns as are those of mammalian and fish CXC chemokines. Results of homology and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Japanese flounder CXC chemokine is closest to CXCL13 subgroup. The gene was expressed in immune-related organs, including head kidney, trunk kidney, spleen and peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs). Japanese flounder CXC chemokine gene expression was observed at 3 and 6h after induction by LPS, but not at 3 and 6h after induction by poly I:C. These results suggest that the Japanese flounder CXC chemokine is probably associated with inflammatory as well as homeostatic functions.  相似文献   
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