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Harbor seal ( Phoca vitulina ) haul-out site use may be affected by natural or anthropogenic factors. Here, we use an 11-yr (1997–2007) study of a seal colony located near a mariculture operation in Drakes Estero, California, to test for natural (El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), density-dependence, long-term trends) and anthropogenic (disturbance or displacement related to oyster production activities) factors that may influence the use of haul-out subsites. Annual mariculture related seal disturbance rates increased significantly with increases in oyster harvest ( r s= 0.55). Using generalized linear models (GLMs) ranked by best fit and Akaike's Information Criteria, ENSO and oyster production (as a proxy for disturbance/displacement) best explained the patterns of seal use at all three subsites near the mariculture operations, with effects being stronger at the two subsites closest to operations. Conversely, density-dependence and linear trend effects poorly explained the counts at these subsites. We conclude that a combination of ENSO and mariculture activities best explain the patterns of seal haul-out use during the breeding/pupping season at the seal haul-out sites closest to oyster activities.  相似文献   
电刺激大鼠下丘脑室旁核(PVH),在同侧中脑中央灰质(CG)内寻找逆行及顺行反应单位,然后观察它们对躯体感觉刺激的反应。实验结果表明:CG 及邻近网状结构内有10%(32/318)的单位呈逆行反应。逆行传导速度平均为0.37±0.24m/s(均数±标准差);推测这种CG→PVH 投射纤维属于细有髓或无髓神经纤维。这些单位分布于 CG 的腹外侧及背外侧亚核。50%(14/28)的逆行单位对坐骨(胫)神经的强电刺激和夹尾等损伤性刺激起反应,但对触毛或低强度的神经干刺激无明显反应。以上结果表明:外周躯体感觉,特别是损伤性信息传入 PVH 时,CG 是其中枢驿站之一。电刺激 PVH 还能顺行激活7.55(24/318)、抑制0.7%(2/318)的 CG 单位。有69%(18/26)的顺行反应单位对外周躯体神经强电刺激及夹尾起反应。提示 PVH 可能通过影响 CG神经元的活动而参与中枢痛觉的整合。  相似文献   
本研究用~3H-5-羟色胺作示踪,由大鼠侧脑室注入后用冰冻微观放射自显影和组织固定微观放射自显影平行探讨了针刺镇痛时中脑导水管壁及周围灰质部位5-羟色胺的含量定位变化。研究结果发现,当电针达到镇痛时,在中脑导水管壁及周围灰质部位~3H-5-羟色胺的放射自显影象都呈明显增高,这表明在针刺镇痛条件下,~3H-5-羟色胺可迅速被中脑导水管壁及周围灰质部位摄取和储存,从而提示上述部位与针刺镇痛作用有密切关系。  相似文献   
The most prominent protein ofPolygonatum multiflorum (common Solomon's seal) rhizomes has been identified as a mannose-binding lectin. Analysis of the purified lectin demonstrated that it is a tetramer of four identical subunits of 14 kDa. Molecular cloning further revealed that the lectin from this typical Liliaceae species belongs to the superfamily of monocot mannose-binding proteins. Screening of cDNA libraries constructed with RNA isolated from buds, leaves and flowers ofP. multiflorum also yielded cDNA clones encoding a protein, which contains two tandemly arranged domains with an obvious sequence homology to the mannose-binding lectins. Molecular modelling of thePolygonatum lectin and lectin-related protein indicated that the three-dimensional structure of both proteins strongly resembles that of the snowdrop lectin. In addition, this approach suggested that the presumed carbohydrate-binding sites of the lectin can accommodate a mannose residue whereas most of the carbohydratebinding sites of the lectin-related protein cannot.Abbreviations GNA Galanthus nivalis agglutinin - HCA hydrophobic cluster analysis - LECPMA cDNA clone encoding PMA - PM30 30 kDa protein isolated fromPolygonatum multiforum - PMA Polygonatum multiflorum agglutinin - PMLRP Polygonatum multiflorum lectin-related protein  相似文献   
At thoracic and lumbar levels the spinal dorsal gray of young specimens of the turtle Chrysemys d'orbigny consists of a cell-free neuropil and an aggregation of perikarya termed here the lateral column of the dorsal horn (LCDH). Nerve cell clusters also occur in the dorsal commissure. The main neuropil area can be divided into a thin superficial layer containing some myelinated fibers (neuropil area Ib) and a compact core composed of unmyelinated axon terminals, dendritic branches, and thin glial processes (neuropil area II). A looser neuropil area is located at the horn base (neuropil area III). The so-called marginal zone of de Lange represents a fourth synaptic field termed here neuropil area Ia. The LCDH consists of neurons of different size and shape. Two peculiar nerve cell types have been recognized in the dorsal horn: giant and bitufted neurons. The former exhibits a large dendritic arbor, which after passing through neuropil areas II and Ib projects into neuropil area Ia and the adjacent white matter. Most frequently Golgi-stained giant neurons have perikarya and dendritic domains on the same side (ipsilateral giant neurons). There are also heterolateral giant neurons whose dendritic branches invade the opposite horn. Bitufted neurons are characterized by the presence of two main dendritic shafts connecting neuropil area II of both dorsal horns. At neuropil levels the major dendritic branches ramify profusely giving rise to short tortuous terminal processes. Perikarya of bitufted neurons occur in the dorsal commissure. The LCDH also contains many small and medium-sized neurons. These are oriented in two main directions: parallel or radial with respect to the dorsal horn surface. The population of horizontally oriented neurons comprises two subtypes termed here alpha and beta. Radially oriented neurons are pleomorphic, defying precise, unequivocal classification.  相似文献   
Blood metabolites and urea kinetics were determined in starveling elephant seal pups to assess the transition to stage III fasting in this fasting-adapted species. Five postmolt and two premolt starvelings, denned as having a mass <50 kg, were studied until death or departure to sea. Premolt starvelings died on the rookery while postmolt starvelings departed to sea. Increased mass loss and a significant inverse relationship between mass and the ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine suggested that premolt starvelings had enrered stage III starvation prior to death while urea kinetics suggested that postmolt pups engaged stage III starvation prior to departure. The mean rate of protein catabolism was estimated at 19.4 g/d for departing starvelings, twice the absolute rate and about four times the mass-specific rate estimated in healthy weanlings after eight weeks of fasting. Three starvelings stranded after departure, possibly as a result of thermoregulatory challenges and inefficient dive behavior. Entrance into stage III fasting interrupts the development of diving in emaciated pups (<50 kg) suggesting that an increased rate of protein catabolism might be linked to the cue to forage. This biochemical trigger is possibly different than the cue to feed in healthy weanlings, which depart the rookery with substantial fat stores.  相似文献   
Between October and December of 1996–1999, off eastern Antarctica (60°-150°E), we darted 31 crabeater seals with midazolam and pethidine at estimated dose rates of 0.15–0.4 mg/kg and 1–3 mg/kg, respectively. Maximum sedation was reached at 23 ± 9 min (n = 18) and first signs of recovery were noted at 54 ± 24 min (n = 4). Seals greater than 250 kg body-mass were sedated by administration of approximately 90–100 mg midazolam and 600 mg pethidine, but the degree of sedation was unpredictable and did not permit invasive procedures in some cases. Behavior of the seal and adjacent conspecifics affected the success of procedures and our ability to monitor vital signs. Naloxone and flumazenil reversed sedation, making this combination attractive for use in animals adjacent to water. Additional ketamine was administered to two seals, resulting in improved restraint.  相似文献   
Unlike most mammals, hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) pups are born with a substantial layer of adipose tissue. Subsequently, during the brief lactation period of only 4 days, fasting mothers mobilize enormous amounts of lipid from blubber and secrete milk (60% fat) at rates of 10 kg·day-1. Pups gain 7 kg·day-1 due primarily to the deposition of fat in blubber. We measured blubber content and fatty acid composition of blubber and milk in hooded seal mother-pup pairs at birth and over the 4-day lactation period to examine the nature and source of fetal lipids, the incorporation of maternal blubber fatty acids into milk lipid, and patterns of fatty acid deposition in suckling young. The fatty acid composition of the blubber of the newborn was notably different from that of its mother. Fetal deposition was likely due to a combination of both fetal synthesis and direct placental transfer of maternal circulating fatty acids. The blubber of the newborn was characterized by high levels (>90% of total fatty acids) of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids of primarily endogenous origin. In particular, the fetus appeared to have high Δ-9 desaturase activity as evidenced by the large amounts of 14:1n-5 (4.2%) and 16:1n-7 (37.0%) in newborn blubber compared to maternal blubber (0.2% and 14.1%, respectively). Nevertheless, essential and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 and n-6 families, which could only have originated by direct transfer from the mother, comprised>7% of pup blubber fatty acids and indicated greater rates of placental transfer than found in humans. In hooded seal mothers, rapid lipid transfer during the brief lactation period appeared to be facilitated by direct incorporation of mobilized fatty acids into milk. Although some differences in proportions of specific fatty acids were found between milk and maternal blubber, most of these differences declined over the course of lactation. However, selective mobilization of 20:5n-3 from maternal blubber into milk was apparent throughout lactation and resulted in elevated levels in pup blubber at weaning compared to maternal blubber. Ingested fatty acids were deposited directly and without modification into the blubber of pups, and by 4 days the fatty acid composition of pup blubber was virtually identical to that of the milk consumed.  相似文献   
An annual average of 163 Kuril seals was found dead in two years in salmon trap nets along the coastal waters of the Nemuro Peninsula and adjacent areas. The seal-caused damage to the total salmon catch at the salmon trap nets was concentrated in some of them, particularly No. 27, where seals killed or injured 5.1% of the catch in 1982, and 1.8% in 1983. Based on the proportion of Kuril seals among the dead seals in the trap nets, it was estimated that Kuril seals damaged 4.7% of the total salmon catch at No. 27 in 1982, and 1.7% in 1983. Not all seals that entered the trap net drowned; some killed or damaged salmon, and then escaped.  相似文献   
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