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应用超薄切片及电镜观察发现,人工感染雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒(gosling new type viral enteritis virus,NGVEV)后不同时间宰杀的及发病的雏鹅,其心、肝及小肠上皮细胞的细胞核(质)中均有典型腺病毒粒子.病毒侵害的靶器官主要是小肠粘膜上皮细胞,以上皮细胞微绒毛断裂、脱落开始,进一步发展为上皮细胞核畸形,固缩,核仁消失,核膜模糊和胞核崩解;胞浆严重空化,形成含有很多病毒粒子的"封入体";粗面内质网严重扩张呈囊状,其上的核蛋白体严重脱落;线粒体外膜破裂或嵴断裂及空化,部分受到损害的线粒体充满大量的病毒粒子;形成肠道栓子的外层假膜由大量的病毒粒子、细菌以及坏死的肠上皮细胞组成.肝和心的损害主要发生于感染早期,其粗面内质网和线粒体出现类似于小肠粘膜上皮细胞的变化.病毒在细胞核复制和装配,通过芽生或核膜的破裂而进入胞质,病毒于胞浆中主要是以"封入体"的形式存在,此外还有少量游离病毒.病毒释出细胞外可通过细胞膜芽生或破裂方式,也可通过与核外膜紧密联系的特殊膜性管道将病毒由胞核运至胞外.还讨论了小鹅瘟与雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎在超微结构上的区别.  相似文献   
The abundance of greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons frontalis) on the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of northern Alaska, USA, has more than tripled since the late 1990s; however, recent rate of annual population growth has declined as population size increased, which may indicate white-fronted geese on the ACP are approaching carrying capacity. We examined rates of gosling growth in greater white-fronted geese at 3 sites on the ACP during 2012–2014 to assist with predictions of future population trends and assess evidence for density-dependent constraints on recruitment. We marked goslings at hatch with individually coded webtags and conducted brood drives during early August to capture, measure, and weigh goslings. Annual estimates of gosling mass at 32 days old (range = 1,190–1,685) indicate that goslings had obtained >60% of asymptotic size. This rate of growth corresponds with that of other goose species and populations with access to high-quality forage and no limitations on forage availability, and is consistent with the overall increase in abundance of white-fronted geese at the ACP scale. Contrary to most previous investigations, age-adjusted mass of goslings did not decline with hatch date. Goslings grew faster in coastal areas than at inland freshwater sites. Taken together, these findings suggest forage was not limiting gosling growth rates in either ecosystem, but forage was of greater quality in coastal areas where goose foraging habitat is expanding because of permafrost subsidence. Spatial patterns of gosling growth corresponded with local-scale patterns of population density and population change; the areas with greatest rates of gosling growth were those with the greatest population density and rates of population increase. We found little evidence to suggest forage during brood rearing was limiting population increase of white-fronted geese on the ACP. Factors responsible for the apparent slowing of ACP-wide population growth are likely those that occur in stages of the annual cycle outside of the breeding grounds. Published 2021. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   
Recent declines in black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) are likely the result of low recruitment. In geese, recruitment is strongly affected by habitat conditions experienced by broods because gosling growth rates are indicative of forage conditions during brood rearing and strongly influence future survival and productivity. In 2006–2008, we studied gosling growth at 3 of the 4 major colonies on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Estimates of age-adjusted gosling mass at the 2 southern colonies (approx. 30% of the world population of breeding black brant) was low (gosling mass at 30.5 days ranged 346.7 ± 42.5 g to 627.1 ± 15.9 g) in comparison to a third colony (gosling mass at 30.5 days ranged 640.0 ± 8.3 g to 821.6 ± 13.6 g) and to most previous estimates of age-adjusted mass of brant goslings. Thus, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that poor gosling growth is negatively influencing the brant population. There are 2 non-mutually exclusive explanations for the apparent growth rates we observed. First, the population decline may have been caused by density-independent factors and habitat capacity has declined along with the population as a consequence of the unique foraging feedback between brant and their grazing habitats. Alternatively, a reduction in habitat capacity, as a result of changes to the grazing system, may have negatively influenced gosling growth, which is contributing to the overall long-term population decline. We found support for both explanations. For colonies over habitat capacity we recommend management to enhance foraging habitat, whereas for colonies below habitat capacity we recommend management to increase nesting productivity. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒强毒致鸭胚成纤维细胞凋亡初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈舜  程安春  汪铭书  周毅 《病毒学报》2008,24(5):396-400
细胞凋亡(Apoptosis)又称程序性细胞死亡[1](Programmed Cell Death,PCD),是细胞在内处物理、化学、生物等因素作用下启动系列自身调节基因而发生的一种生理性细胞死亡过程.  相似文献   
Abstract The dusky Canada goose (Branta canadensis occidentalis) population has been in long-term decline, likely due to reduced breeding productivity, but gosling survival of this population had not been examined. We studied gosling survival in broods of radiomarked adult females on the western Copper River Delta, Alaska, USA, during 1997–1999 and 2001–2003. Survival estimates for dusky Canada goose goslings to 45 days (x̄ = 0.32) were below estimates from most previous studies of geese. Daily survival of goslings increased with age and decreased with date of hatch. Precipitation during the first 3 days post-hatch was negatively related to gosling survival and this effect increased with date. Annual estimates of gosling survival were positively correlated with annual estimates of nest success, suggesting overlap in factors affecting nest and gosling survival. Nest success probably also directly affected gosling survival, because survival decreased with hatch date and more broods hatched from renests during years with low nest success. Gosling survival appears to play an important role in limiting current productivity of this population. Management directed at increasing nest success would likely also improve gosling survival. We recommend additional research directed at examining sources of gosling mortality and the link between nest success and gosling survival.  相似文献   
Migratory birds have a narrow time window to breed, especially in the Arctic, where early nesting typically yields the highest reproductive success. We assessed temporal changes (1991–2015) in reproductive success components in relation to timing of breeding in greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica). This species breeds in the Canadian Arctic, a region that has experienced a strong warming trend. We tested the effect of laying or hatching date, year and their interaction on six reproductive components: Total clutch laid, nesting success, egg survival, hatching success, prefledging, and postfledging survival. Over 25 years, mean laying date changed little, even though it advanced 1.8 days in early breeders and was delayed 3 days in late breeders. Likewise, the number of eggs in nests initiated early in the season decreased by 0.6 egg, whereas in late nests it increased by 0.3 egg. Success of nests initiated early and late in the season was lower than nests initiated near the population mean, and consistently increased over time. The proportion of eggs surviving to partial predation and postfledging survival decreased with laying date but the pattern did not change over time. In contrast, prefledging survival was not affected by laying date initially but declined in nests initiated late in the season toward the end of the study. Overall, nests initiated close to the population mean showed little temporal change for most components of reproductive success and seem to be less affected by environmental change than nests initiated early and late in the season.  相似文献   
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