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利用亲和层析方法纯化了小麦草酸氧化酶G和ψG,并对其生化特性进行了初步分析.G和ψG的最适pH为3.5,在60℃以下较稳定.当草酸浓度大于0.2mmol/L时,G和ψG的活性受到抑制.G和ψG的Km值分别为0.084和0.053mmol/L.0.1 mmol/L的EDTA、NH4 、Cl-、Mn2 、Mg2 、Na 和K 对G和ψG的活性没有影响,0.1 mmol/L的Zn2 、Cu2 、Fez 、Al3 、CO32-、NO3-和SO42-抑制G和ψG的活性.0.1 mmol/L的H2PO4-和HPO42-仅抑制G的活性.0.1 mmol/L的核黄素、FMN和FAD抑制ψG活性,G的活性则不受FAD和FMN的影响.  相似文献   
Oxalate decarboxylase (OXDC) from the wood-rotting fungus Flammulina velutipes, which catalyzes the conversion of oxalate to formic acid and CO(2) in a single-step reaction, is a duplicated double-domain germin family enzyme. It has agricultural as well as therapeutic importance. We reported earlier the purification and molecular cloning of OXDC. Knowledge-based modeling of the enzyme reveals a beta-barrel core in each of the two domains organized in the hexameric state. A cluster of three histidines suitably juxtaposed to coordinate a divalent metal ion exists in both the domains. Involvement of the two histidine clusters in the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme, possibly through coordination of a metal cofactor, has been hypothesized because all histidine knockout mutants showed total loss of decarboxylase activity. The atomic absorption spectroscopy analysis showed that OXDC contains Mn(2+) at up to 2.5 atoms per subunit. Docking of the oxalate in the active site indicates a similar electrostatic environment around the substrate-binding site in the two domains. We suggest that the histidine coordinated manganese is critical for substrate recognition and is directly involved in the catalysis of the enzyme.  相似文献   
We have identified a limited number of proteins secreted into the nectar of tobacco plants. Nectarin I is the most highly expressed nectar protein and has a monomer molecular mass of 29 kDa. The other major nectar proteins are expressed at lower levels and have monomer molecular masses of 41, 54, and 65 kDa respectively. Nectarin I was purified and antiserum was raised against the protein. Under nondenaturing conditions, Nectarin I has an apparent molecular mass of >120 kDa. The expression of Nectarin I was restricted to nectary tissues and to a much lower level in the ovary. No Nectarin I was found in petals, stems, leaves, or roots or other floral tissues. The expression of Nectarin I was also developmentally regulated. It is expressed in nectary tissues only while nectar is being actively secreted. Subsequently, the N-terminus of purified Nectarin I was sequenced. Sequence identity showed Nectarin I is related to wheat germin. Although hydrogen peroxide is readily detectable in tobacco floral nectar, we were unable to demonstrate any oxalate oxidase activity for Nectarin I. A partial cDNA encoding the mature Nectarin I N-terminus was isolated and used to probe a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia genomic library. The Nectarin I gene was isolated and the translated sequence was consistent with both N-terminal and internal cyanogen bromide-derived amino acid sequence. The gene contains a single 386 nt intron and encodes a mature protein of 197 amino acids.  相似文献   
The cupin superfamily of proteins is among the most functionally diverse of any described to date. It was named on the basis of the conserved β-barrel fold (‘cupa’ is the Latin term for a small barrel), and comprises both enzymatic and non-enzymatic members, which have either one or two cupin domains. Within the conserved tertiary structure, the variety of biochemical function is provided by minor variation of the residues in the active site and the identity of the bound metal ion. This review discusses the advantages of this particular scaffold and provides an evolutionary analysis of 18 different subclasses within the cupin superfamily.  相似文献   
Wheat germin is a homopentameric 125 kD glycoprotein mainly localized in the cell wall of monocots, and is a specific marker of the onset of growth in germinating seeds. The major objective of this study was to examine the expression and oxalate oxidase activity of two wheat germin isoforms: gf-2.8 and gf-3.8 in transgenic tobacco plants. The transgenic tobacco plants were created with different constructs: 1) one entire excision of gf-2.8 germin promoter and two partially deleted promoter sequences were used to generate 3 independent GUS constructs; 2) the whole gf-2.8 gene construct and the fusion with CaMV 35S promoter; 3) one entire excision of gf-3.8 germin gene and one partially deleted gf-3.8 promoter sequences were used to generate 2 independent GUS constructs; 4) the whole gf-3.8 gene and the fusion with CaMV 35S promoter. Hormonal treatment (auxin and gibberellin), salt treatment, heavy metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, As) and Al induced high GUS activity in tobacco transformed with entire and one partially deleted of the gf-2.8 gene. The immunoblotting confirmed induction of gf-2.8 gene and its product expressed oxalate oxidase activity in tobacco transformed with the entire gf-2.8 construct. Neither nicotinic acid, salicylic acid, heat shock, cold nor UV-C have enhanced significant GUS activity and germin gf-2.8 synhesis and activity. The germin gf-3.8 constructs with GUS gene and with the entire gf-3.8 sequences gave non-positive response with factors mentioned above. It has been demonstrated that gf-3.8 germin isoform is present as a monomer (Mr 25 kD). The non-active gf-3.8 protein is synthetised in transgenic tobacco plants only under control of the CaMV 35S promoter. Consequently, among two germin isoforms, only the gf-2.8 protein seems to be regulated by hormonal, salt and heavy metal factors. The gf-2.8 oxalate oxidase activity could be then involved in general stress-induced signalling in plant.  相似文献   
Germins and germin-like proteins (GLPs) constitute a ubiquitous family of plant proteins that seem to be involved in many developmental and stress-related processes. Wheat germin has been extensively studied at the biochemical level: it is found in the apoplast and the cytoplasm of germinating embryo cells and it has oxalate oxidase activity (EC Germin synthesis can also be induced in adult wheat leaves by auxins and by a fungal pathogen but it remains to be determined whether the same gene is involved in developmental, hormonal and stress response. In this work, we have studied the expression of one of the wheat germin genes, named gf-2.8, in wheat as well as in transgenic tobacco plants transformed with either this intact gene or constructs with GUS driven by its promoter. This has allowed us to demonstrate that expression of this single gene is both developmentally and pathogen- regulated. In addition, we show that expression of the wheat gf-2.8 germin gene is also stimulated by some abiotic stresses, especially the heavy metal ions Cd2+, Cu2+ and Co2+. Several chemicals involved in stress signal transduction pathways were also tested: only polyamines were shown to stimulate expression of this gene. Because regulation of the wheat gf-2.8 germin gene is complex and because its product results in developmental and stress-related release of hydrogen peroxide in the apoplast, it is likely that it plays an important role in several aspects of plant growth and defence mechanisms.  相似文献   
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