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We have developed a rapid, simple, specific, and very sensitive bioluminescence method for the measurement of L-glutamate (L-Glu). Oxidation of L-Glu by glutamate dehydrogenase has been coupled with bacterial FMN reductase and luciferase. Light production (i.e., peak height or integral) was linear from less than 0.5 to 500 pmol of L-Glu. Potential interfering substances that may be encountered in brain tissue have been identified. The most potent inhibitors were ascorbate and the biogenic amines. Procedures that conferred long-term stability of the reagent mixture (greater than 8 h) were established. Bioluminescence analysis of L-Glu content in brain tissue extracts, fractions from release experiments, and human CSF corroborated respective results obtained by HPLC analysis. In this study, we have applied the method to monitor changes in the KCl-evoked release of endogenous L-Glu from milligram amounts of brain tissue, i.e., from lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus after visual cortex ablation.  相似文献   
双眼和单眼视觉剥夺猫外膝体细胞的图形适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang W  Shou TD 《生理学报》2000,52(3):230-234
为测定丘脑外膝体细胞的图形适应是否依赖于早期视觉经验,在细胞外记录了双眼和单眼缝合的猫外膝体中断细胞对手工时间运动光栅刺激的反应。在双眼剥夺猫,占68%的记录到的细胞在30s内反应下降到稳定值,其平均反应值下降33%,适应程度较正常猫显著。在单眼剥夺猫,记录到的剥夺眼驱动的和非剥夺眼驱动的细胞中,分别有占53%和44%的细胞显示图形适应,两者差别不大。研究表明,早期视剥夺能增强或保持图形适应,提示  相似文献   
Neurotrophins are a family of proteins that regulate neural survival, development, function and plasticity in the central and the peripheral nervous system. There are four neurotrophins: NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and NT-4. Among them, BDNF is mostly studied in the taste system due to its high expression. Recent studies have shown BDNF play an important role in the developmental and mature taste system, by regulating survival of taste cells and geniculate ganglion neurons, and maintaining and guiding taste nerve innervations. These studies imply BDNF has great potentialities for therapeutic usage to enhance sensory regeneration following nerve injury, with aging, and in some neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
In the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rat, characterized by inherited retinal dystrophy, retinal projections to the brain were studied using anterograde neuronal transport of cholera toxin B subunit upon injection into one eye. The respective immunoreactivity was found predominantly contralateral to the injection site in the lateral geniculate nucleus, superior colliculus, nucleus of the optic tract, medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract, and bilateral hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei. Although terminal density was somewhat reduced in dystrophic rats, the projection patterns in these animals appeared similar to those seen in their congenic controls and were comparable to the visual pathways described for the rat previously. In dystrophic rats, the number of cell bodies exhibiting immunoreactivity to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, viz. a population of suprachiasmatic neurons receiving major retinohypothalamic input, was reduced by one-third, and some differences were observed in the termination pattern of the geniculohypothalamic tract, as revealed by immunoreactivity to neuropeptide Y in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.This study was supported by grants from the DFG (Re 644/2-1) and the NMFZ, Mainz (to S.R.).  相似文献   
在39只用三碘季铵酚麻痹的成年家兔上观察刺激大脑皮层听区对内膝体神经元听反应的影响。刺激 Woolsey 氏 AⅠ、AⅡ区及其周围颞叶皮层,或刺激大脑嗅鼻沟后缘皮层,能抑制一部分 MGB 神经元的听反应,但也有少数神经元受到易化。有效的颞叶皮层刺激点分布范围弥散,而嗅鼻沟后缘皮层的有效刺激点分布得相当集中。根据抑制潜伏期较短以及抑制内膝体早、晚二反应的潜伏期相同等事实,作者认为,刺激嗅鼻沟后缘皮层对 MGB 神经元的下行性影响发生在 MGB 核团之内。  相似文献   
用正弦波调制的光点刺激麻痹的清醒猫外膝体神经元感受野中心,当平均亮度改变时,瞬变细胞的时间频率调谐曲线的形状和敏感频率没有或很少变化,与此相应,这些细胞的自发发放也不随未调制的光照水平而改变。持续细胞的调谐曲线的调幅大体随对未调制光照的平均发放水平的升降而增大或减小,但敏感峰不变。衰减平均亮度1—2对数单位,可使多数呈双峰的调谐曲线的高调频峰消失,对产生此变化的原因,曾加以讨论。  相似文献   
Summary Nerve cell types of the lateral geniculate body of man were investigated with the use of a transparent Golgi technique that allows study of not only the cell processes but also the pigment deposits. Three types of neurons have been distinguished:Type-I neurons are medium-to large-sized multipolar nerve cells with radiating dendrites. Dendritic excrescences can often be encountered close to the main branching points. Type-I neurons comprise a variety of forms and have a wide range of dendritic features. Since all intermediate forms can be encountered as well, it appears inadequate to subdivide this neuronal type. One pole of the cell body contains numerous large vacuolated lipofuscin granules, which stain weakly with aldehyde fuchsin.Type-II and type-III neurons are small cells with few, sparsely branching and extended dendrites devoid of spines. In Golgi preparations they cannot be distinguished from each other. Pigment preparations reveal that the majority of these cells contains small and intensely stained lipofuscin granules within their cell bodies (type II), whereas a small number of them remains devoid of any pigment (type III). Intermediate forms do not occur.  相似文献   
罗茀荪 《生理学报》1988,40(1):1-12
家兔的视觉系统有其特色,其外膝体的解剖和生理特性与猫的情况有所不同。本文综述了家兔外膝体神经元回路研究的进展,特别是关于返回抑制回路的组成和机能意义为研究进展,并以此为例说明丘脑-大脑皮层的复杂相关关系。  相似文献   
用微电极在猫外膝体进行记录时,有时同一支微电极能同时记录到两个神经元放电,通常是一个给光中心细胞和一个撤光中心细胞。这一对神经元具有共同的感受野,并且对光刺激的反应类型也相同(同属于瞬变型细胞,或者同属于持续型细胞)。当正弦调制的光点投射在它们的感受野中心时,在不同的刺激强度下,给光中心细胞和撤光中心细胞的反应相位彼此相差半个周期(180°)。在低的刺激频率(5Hz)下,给光中心和撤光中心细胞的反应峰值延迟时间(相对于光调制信号的最大和最小值)也相同,表明它们具有相同的反应潜伏期。这种相位互补特性使具有共同感受野的一对细胞工作于“推挽”方式。对于瞬变型细胞来说,尽管它们在单独活动时显示半波整流特性,然而组成互补对以后则能传递全周期光调制信号。  相似文献   
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