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Bacopa monniera Wettst. (BM, syn. Herpestis monniera L; Scrophulariaceae), is an Ayurvedic drug used as a rasayana. Its fresh juice was earlier reported to have significant antiulcerogenic activity. In continuation, methanolic extract of BM (BME) standardized to bacoside-A content (percentage-38.0 ± 0.9), when given in the dose of 10–50 mg/kg, twice daily for 5 days, showed dose-dependent anti-ulcerogenic on various gastric ulcer models induced by ethanol, aspirin, 2 h cold restraint stress and 4 h pylorus ligation. BME in the dose of 20 mg/kg, given for 10 days, twice daily showed healing effects against 50% acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers. Further work was done to investigate the possible mechanisms of its action by studying its effect on various mucosal offensive acid-pepsin secretion and defensive factors like mucin secretion, mucosal cell shedding, cell proliferation and antioxidant activity in rats. BME 20 mg/kg showed no effect on acid-pepsin secretion, increased mucin secretion, while it decreased cell shedding with no effect on cell proliferation. BME showed significant antioxidant effect per se and in stressed animals. Thus, the gastric prophylactic and curative effects of BME may be due to its predominant effect on mucosal defensive factors.  相似文献   
Corynebacterium equi IFO 3730 was found to oxidize a wide variety of sec-alcohols, including alkanols, substituted alkanols, alkenols and cyclic alcohols, in moderate to high yields. Among them, the sec-alcohols which have longer carbon chains were oxidized more smoothly than those with smaller numbers of carbon. Although both enantiomers of unsymmetrically disubstituted carbinols were oxidized, the S form of 2-dodecanol was converted to the corresponding ketone a little faster than the other enantiomer.  相似文献   
The effects of a cow's milk diet on receptor activity and histamine metabolism in gastric glands and mucosa isolated from adult rats were examined. The milk diet was associated with (1) a decreased mobilization of H2 receptors by histamine and (2) an increased mobilization of PGE2 (prostaglandin E2) receptors in mucous cells (cytoprotective effect) and parietal cells (antiacid effect). These changes are not observed for the receptors reducing pentagastrin- and histamine-induced gastric acid secretion (pancreatic/enteroglucagons, somatostatin) and stimulating mucus, bicarbonate and pepsin secretions in the rat (secretin). Cimetidine produced a parallel displacement of the histamine dose-response curve, suggesting competitive inhibition between this classical H2 receptor antagonist and histamine in the two experimental groups. Prostaglandins and other components in milk such as EGF (epidermal growth factor) and somatostatin might therefore protect gastric mucosa by a differential control of PGE2 and histamine H2 receptor activity eitherdirectly (PGE2 in milk) orindirectly (inhibition of endogeneous histamine synthesis/release and stimulation of PGE-I synthesis/release).  相似文献   
Several models of erosive peptic disease have used drug-induced lesions to examine protective mechanisms of the gastric mucosa. Physiological processes such as acid secretion, motility, or epithelial cell turnover have circadian rhythms which may modulate the susceptibility of the gastric mucosa to injury. In this review are described recent studies which demonstrated that susceptibility to gastric mucosal injury by acidified aspirin and absolute ethanol varied with the phases of the light-dark cycle. Acidified aspirin caused significantly more gastric mucosal lesions when administered early in the light phase compared to administration early in the dark phase. The differences in susceptibility were not altered by pretreatment conditions such as immobilization or length of the fasting period. Absolute ethanol also caused significantly greater gastric mucosal injury when administered in the light than in the dark phase, but this difference was only evident in rats immobilized during the pretreatment fasting period. Further studies are needed to correlate circadian susceptibility to drug-induced gastric mucosal injury with physiological defense mechanisms. Careful attention to circadian timekeeping may allow us to refine therapy to optimize physiological defense mechanisms in the stomach.  相似文献   
Cysteamine is widely used in rodents to induce duodenal ulcer. Herein, the pathogenesis of duodenal ulceration in its earliest stages was reviewed using findings from cysteamine-and propionitrile-induced duodenal ulcer in rodent models, especially taking into account changes in the secretion of gastric acid, duodenal and pancreatic bicarbonate as well asgastroduodenal motility. The effect of cysteamine-HCl in inducing ulcers in rats is circadian rhythm-dependent. The effect is greatest from just before the end of diurnal rest to just after the start of nocturnal activity. The chronobiologic effect may be in part due to the circadian rhythm-dependent increased gastric acid production from cysteamine. Titratable acidity was found to be twice as great in the gastric juice of rodents when cysteamine was given by injection at 2000 (just after the start of nocturnal activity) in comparison to when given at 0800 or 1200 (at the beginning or middle span of daily rest). Further studies have shown that adrenalectomy of rats 7 days before cysteamine administration obliterated the observed circadian susceptibility to ulcer formation. Duodenal ulceration, at least in the cysteamine model, appears to be under chronobiologic neuroendocrine control or influence, seemingly mediated by the adrenal glands.  相似文献   
大鼠应激性胃粘膜损害与eAMPCa~2及能量代谢变化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用放射免疫测定法、原子吸收光谱分析法和生化酶分析法,测定了大鼠在经受束缚加浸水急性应激四小时内,胃组织cAMP Ca~(2+)及在ATP、ADP、AMP和能量代谢的短期动态变化,同时观察了胃粘膜的损害程度。结果发现胃粘膜损害面积密度随着应激时间延长而逐渐增加;胃组织cAMP和Ca~(2+)则进行性降低;两者呈密切负相关;胃组织能量代谢却略有增强。若预先给以CaCl_2,再予应激,则有减轻应激性胃粘膜损害的作用。  相似文献   
血清胃泌素变化与急性胃粘膜病变关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对大白鼠血清中胃泌素水平的变化与急性胃粘膜病变的关系进行了初步的研究,结果表明以消炎痛为诱因引起的急性胃粘膜病变大白鼠血清胃泌素水平明显增高。而维酶素可以抑制因消炎痛引起的急性胃粘膜病变时血清胃泌素的释放,对胃粘膜具有保护作用。  相似文献   
Corticotropin-releasing factor inhibits gastric emptying in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) on the gastric emptying of a saline meal in conscious dogs. Intravenous infusion of CRF (220-880 pmol . kg-1 . h-1), induced a significant linear dose dependent inhibition of gastric emptying (16-71%). CRF action was not modified by naloxone and not associated with vomiting or other side effects. Intravenous infusion of sulfated cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8, 50-200 pmol . kg-1 . h-1) inhibited gastric emptying by 29-52%. The relative potency of CRF with respect to CCK-8 is 4 times less. These studies demonstrated that CRF given intravenously in picomolar amount inhibits gastric emptying of a liquid meal in dogs through a mechanism unrelated to opiates. The role of endogenous CRF in stress-induced inhibition of gastric emptying needs to be investigated.  相似文献   
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