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Summary Performance of a random array of recombinant inbred lines derived by single seed descent from five different source populations of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) is presented. A total of 2,356 lines were tested in trials during 1985 and 1986. Three of the source populations were derived from double crosses between F1 hybrids. These hybrids show a considerable heterotic advantage over their inbred parents for the most important agronomic traits. The recombinant inbred lines performed, on average, less well than the parental inbred material, indicating that additive x additive genie interactions may make a significant contribution to the performance of current inbred material. Nevertheless, the very large variation among the recombinant inbred lines permitted many lines to be identified which outperformed the best parental inbred for all traits. Two lines outperformed the reference F1 hybrid, Gower, for an index that included marketable yield and quality. Consideration was also given to the dangers of misinterpreting phenotypically based proportions. Accordingly, response equations were used to ascertain the real genetic progress that was made. Advance seemed small when compared with the large heterotic effect, which is consistent with the segregation of a large number of loci. The distribution of the recombinant inbred lines was compared to predictions made from early generation trials. There was broad agreement but significant discrepancies existed which, it is suggested, may arise from the effects of genotype-environment interactions.  相似文献   
Host plant relations of the monophagous weevil Ceutorhynchus constrictus Marsh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae) feeding on garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara & Grande (Cruciferae) were studied in the laboratory. Most other crucifers were rejected in choice tests using garlic mustard as a reference plant, but Brassica nigra, Sinapis alba and Thlaspi arvense were as acceptable as the host plant. Flowering plants of Descurainia sophia were acceptable while young plants of this species were not. The most important feeding stimulants in extracts of garlic mustard were uncharged, water soluble compounds. The most abundant glucosinolate in garlic mustard, sinigrin, was a feeding stimulant, too. However, the feeding stimulatory activity of sinigrin was only expressed in the presence of still unidentified uncharged compounds from garlic mustard leaves. Host plant relations in monophagous crucifer-feeding insects is discussed in relation to the distinctness of glucosinolate patterns found in their host plants.
Zusammenfassung Ceutorhynchus constrictus Marsh. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Ceutorhynchinae) ist ein monophager Rüsselkäfer, der an Knoblauchhederich frisst. Das Wirtswahl-Verhalten dieses Käfers ist im Labor untersucht worden. Die meisten Crucifiren waren im Wahlversuche nicht akzeptiert, wenn Knoblauchhederich als Vergleichspflanze vorhanden war. Von Brassica nigra, Sinapis alba, und Thlaspi arvense wurden im Vergleich gleiche Mengen verzehrt wie von der Wirtspflanze. Blühende Descurainia sophia Pflanzen wurden, im Gegensatz zu Jungpflanzen der gleichen Art, angenommen. Die wichtichsten Phagostimulanten in Extrakten von Knoblauchhederich-Blättern waren ungeladene, wasserlösliche Substanzen. Das häufigste Glukosinolat im Knoblauchhederich, Sinigrin, war auch ein Phagostimulant. Doch war die phagostimulierende Wirkung von Sinigrin nur in Kombinationen mit noch nicht identifizierten, ungeladenen Substanzen aus Knoblauchhederich-Blätter nachweisbar. Wirtspfanzen-Beziehungen von monophagen Insekten werden diskutiert im Zusammenhang mit der Eigenart des Glukosinolat-Inhaltes ihrer Wirtspflanzen.
trans-Cyclooctene, cis,trans-1,5-cyclooctadiene, and cis,trans-1,3-cyclooctadiene have been compared with the cis and cis,cis isomers and with 2,5-norbornadiene for competition with ethylene for binding in mung bean sprouts and tobacco and for action (induction of chlorophyll degradation) in banana. The compounds containing a trans double bond were much more effective in competition for binding and action than the cis and cis,cis compounds. trans-Cyclooctene and cis,trans-1,3-cyclooctadiene were in the general range of 50–90 times more effective than 2,5-norbornadiene.R.J. Reynolds Research Apprentice  相似文献   
Minirhizotron observations of roots of leeks and Brussels sprouts grown in the Wageningen Rhizolab were used to study the dynamics of root length. Day of appearance and the time of decay were assessed for individual root segments visible on the minirhizotron surface.A Brussels sprouts crop produced much more root length than leeks, but the average longevity of these roots was about half that of leek roots.To investigate whether root colour or UV fluorescence could be used as a quantitative index of root functionality or root age, changes in root colour (on a scale of greys) over time were measured with interactive image analysis. In both crops a gradual change towards black was found with ageing. Measurements of the intensity of the UV fluorescence showed that leek roots fluoresced more than Brussels sprouts roots. Over time, UV fluorescence decreased in Brussels sprouts roots but increased in leek roots. It is concluded that UV fluorescence cannot be used as a universal indicator of root age or root functionality, but in some plant species it may be used to separate (transparent) roots from the background with image analysis techniques.  相似文献   
Abscisic acid (ABA) inhibited embryogenesis in anther culture of Brussels sprouts. This was accompanied by enhanced ethylene production during the first half of the anther culture period followed by a reduction in ethylene during the latter half, when compared to anthers not treated with ABA. The enhancement of ethylene production by ABA 6 h and 48 h after the start of the culture period was counteracted by the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG). Both AVG and the ethylene antagonist AgNO3 removed much of the ABA inhibition of embryogenesis, suggesting that at least part of the ABA effect on embryo production is mediated through increased ethylene biosynthesis.
ABA promotion of ethylene production was reduced by high temperature: less ethylene evolved from ABA-treated anthers following a 24 h treatment at 35°C than from ABA-treated anthers incubated continuously at 25°C. A high temperature treatment such as this is invariably necessary for embryogenesis in Brussels sprouts anther culture.  相似文献   
Hot-water dips with and without the additives abamectin and sodium hypochlorite were evaluated for control of Ditylenchus dipsaci infection of garlic seed cloves. All treatments were compared to hot water-formalin clove dip disinfection and to nontreated infected controls for garlic emergence, midseason infection, bulb damage, and yield at harvest in field plots in 12 experiments. Hot-water treatments without additives only partially controlled D. dipsaci when a warming presoak dip (38 C) of 30, 45, or 60 minutes'' duration was followed by a hot-water dip (49 C) of 15-30 minutes'' duration. Exposure to 49 C for 30 minutes caused slight retardation of garlic emergence, although normal stand was established. Abamectin at 10-20 ppm as the 20-minute hot dip (49 C) or as a 20-minute cool dip (18 C) following a 20-minute hot-water dip and sodium hypochlorite at 1.052-1.313% aqueous solution as the 20-minute hot dip were highly effective in controlling D. dipsaci and were noninjurious to garlic seed cloves. None of these treatments was as effective as a hot water-formalin dip and were noneradicative, but showed high efficacy on heavily infected seed cloves relative to nontreated controls. Abamectin was most effective as a cool dip. These abamectin cool-dip (following hot-water dip) and sodium hypochlorite hot-dip treatments can be considered as effective alternatives to replace formalin as a dip additive for control of clove-borne D. dipsaci. Sodium hypochlorite was less effective as the cool dip, and at concentrations of 1.75-2.63% was phytotoxic to garlic.  相似文献   
Protoplasts derived from tissue-cultured shoot primordia of garlic (Allium sativum L.) initiated successive cell divisions within 4 days and formed small individual calli (0.2mm in diameter) after 5 weeks of culture on Gamborg's B5 medium supplemented with 0.1% casein hydrolysate, 1mg/1 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and 1mg/1 6-benzylaminopurine. Plating efficiency was roughly 5% at the density of 1x104 protoplasts/ml of medium. Adventitious buds developed from the calli during subsequent subculture on Gamborg's B5 medium supplemented with 40mg/l adenine and 10% coconut milk. When transferred to the same medium without supplements, these buds grew into shoots and rooted. The regenerated garlic plantlets were successfully transferred to the greenhouse and grew into whole plants.  相似文献   
Summary The total vegetative node number, rate of node production and number of sprouts over 13 mm diameter were recorded for 10 F1 Brussels sprout cultivars and 45 progenies derived by intercrossing and selfing them. Significant differences, resulting from additive gene action, were found between the 10 cultivars and between their progenies for both characters. For total node number there was also evidence of dominant gene action. Total node number and rate of node production were closely correlated as were total node number and the number of harvested sprouts. The factors causing differences in rate of node production are indicated and the relationship of this character to other Brussels sprout yield components is outlined.  相似文献   
AIMS: To evaluate the efficacy of a stabilized oxychloro-based (SOC) sanitizer to decontaminate mung beans artificially or naturally contaminated with Escherichia coli O157:H7 or Salmonella. METHODS AND RESULTS: Naturally contaminated beans were produced by introducing a five-strain cocktail of E. coli O157:H7 or Salmonella onto the flowers of growing mung bean plants. Escherichia coli O157:H7 was only sporadically recovered from sprout lots (three testing positive from 10 tested) derived from harvested beans. In contrast, Salmonella was recovered from 18 of 20 lots screened. Pathogens present on naturally contaminated seed could be successfully inactivated with SOC applied at 200 ppm for 24 h at 28 degrees C. SOC treatment could also decontaminate artificially inoculated mung bean batches containing different levels of contaminated seed. SOC inactivated E. coli O157:H7, but not Salmonella introduced onto damaged (scarified) beans. CONCLUSIONS: SOC sanitizer could inactivate Salmonella or E. coli O157:H7 naturally or artificially introduced onto mung beans. However, the SOC treatment failed to inactivate Salmonella introduced onto damaged mung beans. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: SOC sanitizer represents an effective method for decontaminating undamaged mung beans.  相似文献   
In Japan, the P1 protein (S-type) encoded by leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) isolates detected in Honshu and southward is shorter than the P1 (N-type) of LYSV isolates from garlic grown in Hokkaido due to a large deletion in the N-terminal half. In garlic fields in Hokkaido, two types of LYSV isolate with N- and S-type P1s are sometimes found in mixed infections. In this study, we confirmed that N- and S-type P1 sequences were present in the same plant and that they belong to different evolutionary phylogenetic groups. To investigate how LYSV with S-type P1 (LYSV-S) could have invaded LYSV with N-type P1 (LYSV-N)-infected garlic, we examined wild Allium spp. plants in Hokkaido and found that LYSV was almost undetectable. On the other hand, in Honshu, LYSV-S was detected at a high frequency in Allium spp. other than garlic, suggesting that the LYSV-S can infect a wider host range of Allium spp. compared to LYSV-N. Because P1 proteins of potyviruses have been reported to promote RNA silencing suppressor (RSS) activity of HC-Pro proteins, we analyzed whether the same was true for P1 of LYSV. In onion, contrary to expectation, the P1 protein itself had RSS activity. Moreover, the RSS activity of S-type P1 was considerably stronger than that of N-type P1, suggesting that LYSV P1 may be able to enhance its RSS activity when the deletion is in the N-terminal half and that acquiring S-type P1 may have enabled LYSV to expand its host range.  相似文献   
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