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Fluorescent lectins were used to study the chemical nature of carbohydrate moieties present on the surface of female and male germ cells isolated from mouse gonads during fetal and early posnatal development. Concanavalin A (ConA), lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA), ricinus communis agglutinin (RCAI) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound intensely to the germ cell plasma membrane at all stages studied. Other lectins such as ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEAI) and agglutinin (SBA) did not bind or bound moderately (SBA to female germ cells only). Distinct developmental-related changes were observed when female germ cells were labeled with fluorescein-conjugated peanut agglutinin (PNA) or dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA). DBA and PNA binding was absent or weak in fetal female and male germ cells, but became intensely positive in oocytes in the immediate postnatal period. The percentage of oocytes stained with DBA increased during the first three days after birth, and from day 3–4 onwards all oocytes were strongly labeled. I suggest that these changes in lectin binding reflect changes in biochemical structure of the oocyte surface related to differentiative events occurring in the mouse ovary immediately after birth.  相似文献   
Sex cell contact in Chlamydomonas is due to complementary sex-specific glycoproteins (mating-type substances, MTSs). Their interaction causes an instantaneous but labile flagella agglutination between sexually different gametes. The dynamic nature of this contact permits partner exchange between agglutinated gametes and accounts for the transitoriness of the contact, flagella adhesion being terminated upon ensuing pairing. This paper describes molecular events that underlie the adhesion potential of differentiated (+) gametes. In the contact-establishing interaction with its receptors on the (?) flagella, the agglutinin of differentiated (+) gametes is inactivated. Compensating for this inactivation, the adhesion potential of gametes in agglutination is sustained by continuous replenishment of the inactivated MTS by newly synthesized units. If this glycoprotein neosynthesis is blocked by tunicamycin (TUM), the adhesiveness of differentiated (+) gametes ceases. It is postulated that this complex interaction with incapacitation and neosynthesis forms the basis of the dynamic nature of the flagella contact and eventually accounts for its termination at pairing.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. During gametogenesis mother individuals of Hastigerina pelagica (d'Orbigny) undergo significant morphological changes. Thirty h before gamete release, the cytoplasm changes from pale orange to bright red, possibly due to transport of stored lipids from the inner region to more peripheral parts of the cytoplasm. During the next 10 to 15 h the bubble capsule which surounds the calcareous shell is discarded. After all bubbles have disappeared, the individual sheds its spines by resorbing the spine bases close to the shell surface. A single mother nucleus divides into some hundreds of thousands of gamete nuclei within a span of ~ 20 h. A bulge of cytoplasm is extruded from the aperture and increases in size during the next 5 to 10 h. This bulge consists of cytoplasmic strands in which gametes and spherical bodies are embedded. The gametes and spherical bodies mature and are released during the afternoon and early evening. The gametes have 2 unequal acronematic flagella. A previously undescribed structure in foraminiferal reproduction is the spherical body which consists of a large vacuole surrounded by a thin cytoplasmic layer in which several nuclei, various typical cell organelles and multiple flagella are present. The spherical bodies are believed to play a role as receptacles of waste material, possibly including residual digestive enzymes, thereby protecting the gametes from lysis during the reproductive process. Fusion of gametes and further development into the next generation have not been observed.  相似文献   
Reproductive cycle of seasonally breeding fish is synchronized with changes of photoperiod and temperature in environment. We hypothesize that arginine vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT) are involved in timing and synchronization of seasonal reproductive activity in the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). To verify this hypothesis, we examined the annual profiles of brain AVT and IT in round goby males and females in relation to their reproductive cycle. Wild round gobies were exposed to annual environmental changes in their natural habitats from where they were sampled monthly over a year. AVT and IT were measured using HPLC with fluorescence detection preceded by solid-phase extraction. This study shows seasonal variations in brain AVT and IT levels. Profiles of changes were similar in males and females: the peak of AVT was observed before spawning in March-April, whereas that of IT during spawning in May–June. Furthermore, the lowest AVT level was noted out of breeding season from November to January, while the level of IT decreased immediately at the end of the spawning. The results show that high AVT levels correlate with pre-spawning period whereas the highest IT levels correspond to spawning. A significant decline in AVT and IT in non-spawning season coincided with the quiescent phase of gametogenesis in both sexes.  相似文献   
Previously considered as toxic by-products of aerobic metabolism, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are emerging as essential signaling molecules in eukaryotes. Recent evidence showed that maintenance of ROS homeostasis during female gametophyte development is crucial for embryo sac patterning and fertilization. Although ROS are exclusively detected in the central cell of mature embryo sacs, the study of mutants deficient in ROS homeostasis suggests that controlled oxidative bursts might take place earlier during gametophyte development. Also, a ROS burst that depends on pollination takes place inside the embryo sac. This oxidative response might be required for pollen tube growth arrest and for sperm cell release. In this mini-review, we will focus on new insights into the role of ROS during female gametophyte development and fertilization. Special focus will be made on the mitochondrial Mn-Superoxide dismutase (MSD1), which has been recently reported to be essential for maintaining ROS homeostasis during embryo sac formation.  相似文献   
Studies of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have provided many of the most important insights into the mechanisms of autophagy, which are common to all eukaryotes. However, investigation of yeast self-destruction pathways, including autophagy and programmed cell death, has been almost exclusively restricted to cells undergoing vegetative growth, leaving very little exploration of their functions during developmental transitions in the yeast life cycle. We have recently discovered that whole nuclei are subject to programmed destruction during yeast gametogenesis. Programmed nuclear destruction (PND) possesses characteristics of apoptosis in the form of DNA cleavage by endonuclease G, and involves bulk protein turnover through an unusual autophagic pathway involving lysis of the vacuole rather than delivery of components to it through macroautophagy. We thus illuminate an example of developmentally programmed cellular “self-eating” in yeast, which is associated with the rupture of a lytic organelle, reminiscent of programmed cell death mechanisms in plants and animals.  相似文献   

The genital primordium of the first stage juvenile (J1) of the free-living marine nematode Halichoanolaimus sonorus (Chromadorida: Selachinematidae) was studied using transmission electron microscopy. The primordium consists of four undifferentiated cells: two primordial germ cells (PGC) 5–6 μm in diameter and two somatic cells. The PGC have a large nucleus with nucleolus. The centriole was detected in close vicinity of the PGC nucleus. Most of the cell mitochondria are in close contact with the nuclear envelope. The mitochondria are interspersed by 0.2–0.3 μm particles of an electron-dense diffuse substance devoid of surrounding membrane. Both PGC are closely attached to each other and to the neighboring somatic cells of the genital primordium. The elongated somatic cells contain nuclei devoid of nucleoli; the cytoplasm is filled with free ribosomes and contains occasional cisternae of rough endoplasmatic reticulum (RER), Golgi bodies, mitochondria, and transparent vesicles. The genital primordium is separated by a narrow space from of the intestine (dorsally) and the somatic muscles (ventrally). The PGC of H. sonorous are devoid of typical P granules known for previously studied nematodes as distinct markers of germ line cell lineage. Perinuclear particles of dense diffuse substance found in PGC of H. sonorous could be considered as germ determinants analogous to P granules.  相似文献   

Individuals of the sea star Asterias vulgaris from New Hampshire were maintained under two contrasting regimes of seasonally changing photoperiod. In one regime the lights turned on and off in phase with local sunrise and sunset; in the other, the daily photoperiod was kept 6 months out of phase with ambient photo- period. When dissected after being maintained for 18 months, the gametogenic condition of the out-of-phase animals was found to be 6 months out of phase with that of the in-phase animals. This experiment demonstrates that photoperiodic regulation of reproduction is important even in marine animals that normally experience marked seasonal changes in sea temperature.  相似文献   
The spawning cycle of the winged pearl oyster, Pteria penguin, was studied at Orpheus Island, north-eastern Queensland to observe seasonal changes in gonad development, mean oocyte diameter and sex ratio over time. A total of 201 oysters were collected over 10 sampling periods, approximately every 5–6 weeks (mean?=?20 oysters/sample). Histological analysis of gonads showed that spawning activity occurred mainly through the austral mid-spring to late summer (November to March), when mean monthly water temperature ranged between 27.5°C and 29.4°C. There was a primary spawning peak at the beginning of the spawning season in December, followed by a secondary peak in March. Mean oocyte diameter (µm) was highest during the warmer months, ranging from 31.2?±?2.4 in November to 36.2?±?3.2 in March, and sex ratio analysis showed the percentage of females in the population also peaked between 30% and 50% during this period.  相似文献   
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