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SYNOPSIS. Gametocytes differentiated from ring-stage parasites in microcultures of human blood infected with Plasmodium falciparum. Immature gametocytes could be distinguished morphologically from late asexual trophozoites after ~ 40 h of culture. Differentiation into crescentic forms took several days and the incorporation of [3H]-isoleucine by developing gametocytes was demonstrated. About 1% of red cells contained gametocytes at the maximum densities attained. Differentiation of gametocytes occurred either directly from rings placed in culture or from the progeny of subsequent cycles of schizogony and invasion in vitro. The latter occurrence was confirmed by the development of gametocytes in marker fetal red cells added to cultures, although fetal red cells provide a less favorable environment than those with HbA for growth of the parasites.  相似文献   
The fine structure of gametocytes of 3 avian haemosporidian parasites Plasmodium gallinaceum, Haemoproteus columbae, and Leucocytozoon simondi has been studied and compared by electron microscopy. The gametocytes of all 3 species are bounded by a 3-layered limiting membrane system, possess a cytostome during some portion of their residence within host cells, and their sex can be distinguished by both nuclear and cytoplasmic characteristics. L. simondi differs most significantly from P. gallinaceum and H. columbae in possessing large intranuclear granules, mitochondria associated with pocket infoldings of the nuclear envelope near the atypical centriole complex and compartmentalization of the cytoplasm by segments of closely aligned unit membranes. Further, the cytostome of L. simondi does not appear to be a persistent structure as in the other 2 species and pigment is not present within food vacuoles. L. simondi also is capable of infecting a wider variety of host cells and within leukocytes produces striations of the host nucleus and an apparent spiral banding of the host cell surface. The comparison of P. gallinaceum, H. columbae, and L. simondi gametocytes by electron microscopy leads to the conclusion that Plasmodium and Haemoproteus are more closely related to each other than either of them is on Leucocytozoon. The terminology used to describe certain organelles within the gametocyte's cytoplasm has been reexamined and the relationship of the nucleolus to parasite maturation also is described.  相似文献   
Malaria is one of the leading causes of death among infectious diseases in the world, claiming over one million lives every year. By these standards, this highly complex parasite is extremely successful at generating new infections. Somewhat surprisingly, however, many malaria species seem to invest relatively little in gametocytes, converting only a small percentage of circulating asexual parasite forms into this transmissible form. In this article, we use mathematical models to explore three of the hypotheses that have been proposed to explain this apparent 'reproductive restraint' and develop a novel, fourth hypothesis. We find that only one of the previous three hypotheses we explore can explain such low gametocyte conversion rates, and this hypothesis involves a very specific form of density-dependent transmission-blocking immunity. Our fourth hypothesis also provides a potential explanation and is based on the occurrence of multiple infections and the resultant within-host competition between malaria strains that this entails. Further experimental work is needed to determine which of these two hypotheses provides the most likely explanation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Development of young gamelocytes of Leucocytozoon smithi into morphologically mature forms was studied using electron microscopy. Gametocytogenesis began on day seven post inoculation when merozoites, released from ruptured hepatic schizonts, developed into gametocytes within mononuclear phagocytes or leukocytes (monocytes or lymphocytes). No gametocytes were observed in any erythrocytes or polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Two gametocyte forms, round and elongate, were observed. Immature round gametocytes occurred on days 7-10 post inoculation in the deep vasculature of liver, lung and spleen. Mature elongate gametocytes were observed beginning on day 12 post inoculation in both the deep tissue vasculature and peripheral circulation of the turkey host. Growth and elongation of the gametocyte resulted in distortion of the host cell and its nucleus. the host cell nucleus initially was elongated and displaced to one side or indented by the growing parasite. Eventually, the nucleus was laterally compressed or split into two or three fragments. the compressed host cell cytoplasm was displaced longitudinally and stretched over the parasite to form hornlike cytoplasmic extensions from each end. the potential role of microtubules in the elongation of the gametocyte and its host cell, and possibly in the indentation and splitting of the host cell nucleus, is discussed.  相似文献   
An initial natural infection of Saurocytozoon tupinambi in a juvenile Tupinambis teguixin from Venezuela was studied for 131 days following capture of the host. Intralymphocytic parasites appeared in this sequence: small uninucleate and binucleate stages (days 1–31 and again on day 41); schizonts with 3–102 nuclei (days 8–14 and 29–35); immature gametocytes (days 29–35) and apparently mature gametocytes of Saurocytozoon tupinambi from day 41. Maximum parasitemia of trophozoites and binucleate schizonts occurred on day 4 when 11% of lymphocytes were infected. Maximum parasitemia by larger schizonts occurred on day 8 at 0.13% of lymphocytes, while maximum gametocytemia was found on day 49 with 16.4% of lymphocytes parasitized. Two types of schizonts were observed: intralymphocytic and the same type free of host cells, and fragments of varying size which may have been torn from capillary endothelium.Due to presence of concurrent infection by a small Plasmodium species, identity of intralymphocytic asexual stages with S. tupinambi cannot be established. Presence of asexual and sexual stages in the same type of host cells (lymphocytes and close derivatives), sequential appearance of trophozoites, schizonts and gametocytes over a period of 40 days, and correlated fluctuations in lymphocyte density suggest they are conspecific, and that Saurocytozoon, which has a plasmodiid type of sporogony may prove to further differ from leucocytozoids by presence of an asexual cycle in circulating blood cells.  相似文献   
The Plasmodium subtilisin‐like serine protease SUB1 is expressed in hepatic and both asexual and sexual blood parasite stages. SUB1 is required for egress of invasive forms of the parasite from both erythrocytes and hepatocytes, but its subcellular localisation, function, and potential substrates in the sexual stages are unknown. Here, we have characterised the expression profile and subcellular localisation of SUB1 in Plasmodium berghei sexual stages. We show that the protease is selectively expressed in mature male gametocytes and localises to secretory organelles known to be involved in gamete egress, called male osmiophilic bodies. We have investigated PbSUB1 function in the sexual stages by generating Pberghei transgenic lines deficient in PbSUB1 expression or enzyme activity in gametocytes. Our results demonstrate that PbSUB1 plays a role in male gamete egress. We also show for the first time that the PbSUB1 substrate PbSERA3 is expressed in gametocytes and processed by PbSUB1 upon gametocyte activation. Taken together, our results strongly suggest that PbSUB1 is not only a promising drug target for asexual stages but could also be an attractive malaria transmission‐blocking target.  相似文献   
Five controlled experiments were performed to test the validity of the theory of nocturnal infectivity of gametocytes of Plasmodium. Two gave equivocal results probably because synchronicity of parasitaemia was low; the remaining three, in which a langur strain of P. cynomolgi was used, largely confirmed Hawking's work and in particular demonstrated the much greater production of oocysts after midnight as compared with midday feedings.  相似文献   
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