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Recovery time after experience of a given minimum temperature below torpor threshold is related to the value of that minimum, the length of time spent at that minimum, and the temperature prevailing during the recovery period above torpor threshold. A model can predict recovery time for flies experiencing a given temperature fluctuation if the length of time spent at the minimum is expressed as a proportion of LE50 at that minimum.The model has applications in defining the optimal protocol for chilling insects for use in the Sterile Insect Release Method. The model was confirmed by experiments showing that it is likely that flies will recover from non-lethal frosts before ant predators become active.
Résumé Le temps de récupération après avoir subi une température minimal située au-dessous du seuil d'engourdissement dépend de la valeur de ce minimum, du temps passé à ce minimum, et de la température au-dessus du seuil d'engourdissement pendant la période de récupération. Un modèle mathématique permet d'estimer le temps de récupération après avoir subi une chute de température déterminée, en fonction du temps passé au minimum thermique exprimé comme une fraction du LE50 (temps nécessaire pour tuer 50% des mouches) à ce minimum.Ce modèle s'est trouvé étayé par des observations montrant qu'il est probable que les mouches se remettent des gelées sublétales avant la reprise d'activité des fourmis prédatrices. Ce modèle peut être utilisé pour définir les conditions optimales de refroidissement des insectes utilisés lors de la libération d'individus stériles.
1IntreductionTheliteratUreonmulti-Criteriondecisionmaking(MCDM)problemshas~tremendouslyintherecentpast.TwomajorareashaveevolvedwhiChbothconcentrateondecisionmakingwithseveralcriteria:multiobjectivedecisionmaking(MODM)andmulti-attributedecisionmaking(MADM).TheformerconcentratesoncontinuousdecisionspaceandthelatterfocusesonproblemswithdiscreteSPace.FuzzysettheoryhascontributedtoMODMproblemsaswellastheMADMProblems.ThegeneralMODMproblemcanbedeft.edLllasfollows:Twostagescangenerallybe…  相似文献   
1. Larval success was compared when one, two, or three egg clutches were laid in kumquat fruits (≈ 10 ml in volume) either successively on the same day or at the rate of one clutch per day. 2. Increased clutch density was associated with a significant decrease in larval survival rate and non‐significant decreases in larval growth rate and pupal mass. 3. Larval and pupal parameters showed significantly larger variance when clutches were laid on successive days than on the same day, suggesting a competitive advantage for older larvae over younger larvae. 4. The results suggest that, in small fruit, reduced fitness due to larval competition may act against possible fitness benefits due to social facilitation among adult females, hence reducing the likelihood of non‐linear population dynamics caused by processes such as the Allee effect.  相似文献   
Despite the importance of understanding plant growth, the mechanisms underlying how plant and fruit growth declines during drought remain poorly understood. Specifically, it remains unresolved whether carbon or water factors are responsible for limiting growth as drought progresses. We examine questions regarding the relative importance of water and carbon to fruit growth depending on the water deficit level and the fruit growth stage by measuring fruit diameter, leaf photosynthesis, and a proxy of cell turgor in olive (Olea europaea). Flow cytometry was also applied to determine the fruit cell division stage. We found that photosynthesis and turgor were related to fruit growth; specifically, the relative importance of photosynthesis was higher during periods of more intense cell division, while turgor had higher relative importance in periods where cell division comes close to ceasing and fruit growth is dependent mainly on cell expansion. This pattern was found regardless of the water deficit level, although turgor and growth ceased at more similar values of leaf water potential than photosynthesis. Cell division occurred even when fruit growth seemed to stop under water deficit conditions, which likely helped fruits to grow disproportionately when trees were hydrated again, compensating for periods with low turgor. As a result, the final fruit size was not severely penalized. We conclude that carbon and water processes are able to explain fruit growth, with importance placed on the combination of cell division and expansion. However, the major limitation to growth is turgor, which adds evidence to the sink limitation hypothesis.  相似文献   
A sap-transmissible virus, provisionally named Sri Lankan passion fruit mottle virus (SLPFMV), was isolated from Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa and shown to induce leaf mottling and distortion in that host. The virus infected 23 species in five plant families with systemic infection being common in the Passifloraceae. Chenopodium amaranticolor was a good local lesion host and Passiflora foetida was a useful systemic host for purification. In P. foetida extracts, SLPFMV lost infectivity after 10 min between 70–75°C, 6–7 days at 20–23°C and at dilutions of 10--5 -W-6. The virus had flexuous, filamentous particles with a normal length of c. 841 nm. Two polypeptides of mol. wt c. 33 200 and 28 700 were detected in purified virus preparations, and a major species of double-stranded RNA (mol. wt 7.0 × 106), was detected in infected plants. Pinwheels, tubular and laminated inclusions were found in ultrathin sections of infected P. edulis f. plavicurpa and cylindrical inclusions were observed in epidermal strips. SLPFMV was transmitted by the aphids Myzus persicae, Aphis spiraecola, A. gossypü and A. cruccivora after brief acquisition feeds. SLPFMV reacted with antisera to several potyviruses including passion fruit woodiness virus, passion fruit ringspot virus, potato virus Y and watermelon mosaic virus 2 and thus, apparently, is a member of the potyvirus group.  相似文献   
Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from unmated, laboratory-reared, male and female oriental fruit flies, Dacus dorsalis, in response to a range of between C1 and C12 carbon chain-length saturated and unaturated aliphatic alcohols and aldehydes, most all of which are known host-plant volatiles. Only two of the 35 compounds tested elicited significantly larger EAGs from female than male antennae. For the two functional-group series tested, aldehydes elicited responses greater than or equal to the responses to the alcohols. In general, the unsaturated alcohols did not elicit responses significantly different from the saturated alcohols. However, the unsaturated aldehydes, (E)-2-hexenal and 10-undecenal, elicited larger amplitude EAGs than their saturated analogs. EAGs were significantly greater for a particular carbon chain-length, with responsiveness to primary alcohols peaking at C6 and aldehydes peaking at C7. The (E)-2- monoenic alcohols peaked at C6, while the (E)-3-alcohols plateaued between C5 and C8. The greatest EAG responses of all compounds tested were elicited by the saturated and unsaturated C6 alcohols and aldehydes which are constitutents of the general green-leaf volatile complex that emanates from most plants. The potential adapative benefit of selective sensitivity to green-leaf volatiles is discussed in regards to foraging behaviors of oriental fruit flies.
Résumé Des électroantennogrammes (EAG) ont enregistré les réponses, en élevages de femelles et mâles vierges de Dacus dorsalis, à une gamme de chaînes de carbones de C1 à C12 saturés et non-saturés d'alcools aliphatiques et d'aldéhydes, dont beaucoup sont connus comme substances volatiles des végétaux. Seulement 2 des 35 composés examinés ont provoqué des EAG significativement plus importants chez les femelles que chez les mâles. Pour les séries des deux groupes fonctionnels examinés, les aldéhydes ont provoqué des réponses supérieures ou égales aux alcools. En général, les réponses aux alcools nonsaturés n'étaient pas significativement différentes des réponses aux alcools saturés. Cependant, les aldéhydes non-saturés, (E)-2-hexénal et 10-undécénal, ont induit des EAG de plus grande ampleur que leurs analogues saturés. Les EAG étaient significativement les plus importants pour une chaîne de longueur particulière, la réponse aux alcools primaires culminant en C6 et les aldéhydes en C7. Les alcools monoéniques (E)-2- culminaient en C6, tandis que les alcools (E)-3- étaient étales entre C5 et C8. Les EAG les plus importants ont été obtenus pour tous les composés examinés avec les alcools et aldéhydes en C6 qui appartiennent à l'odeur verte complexe émise par beaucoup de plantes. Le bénéfice adaptatif potentiel de la sensibilité sélective à l'odeur verte des feuilles est examinée en fonction du comportement de prospection de D. dorsalis.
When mature larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) pupated in bran rather than naked there was an increase in adult eclosion, but no difference in 9 day pupal weight, 9 day lipid content, or flight ability. There was no difference when pupation occurred at 20 or 25°C. Pupation in sand at 20°C caused severe mortality, while pupation in sand at 25°C did not. Data are presented which favour naked pupation over pupation in any medium, and evidence is presented which indicates that collection of mature larvae in a rotary tumbler rather than by the conventional popping method is economically preferable and is without significant biologically adverse effects.
Résumé Si des larves mûres de Ceratitis capitata se nymphosent dans du son ou à l'air libre, dans le premier cas le taux d'éclosions est plus élevé, mais le poids et la teneur en lipides au neuvième jour de nymphose ainsi que l'aptitude au vol sont identiques dans les deux. Il n'y a pas de différences pour les pupaisons à 20°C et 25°C, mais la pupaison dans le sable à 20°C provoque une forte mortalité, tandis qu'à 25°C le sable n'a aucun effet. Les résultats obtenus sont favorable à une pupaison à nu plutôt que dans un substrat, et des arguments sont apportés montrant que la collecte des larves mûres dans un culbuteur rotatif ne provoque significativement pas plus d'effets nocifs que la méthode classique du saut.
Summary Fruit and seed set was studied in New Zealand flax (Phormium tenax Phormiaceae) a large monocot that preferentially sets outcrossed seeds. Fruit set was low and in particular situations could result from insufficient pollinator visitation. Observations of pollinator (Meliphagidae) movements showed that birds preferentially visited male phase flowers and predominantly moved pollen within inflorescences of the same plant. More dominant resident birds moved more between plants that subordinate non-resident birds. Combination of results of fluorescent dye carryover with known bird movements allowed predictions of fruit set and seed size that closely approximated observed levels. Resident birds account for almost half the observed foraging bouts but are predicted to be responsible for the vast majority of the viable seeds.  相似文献   
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