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The use of plantations to manage extensive tracks of deforested lands in the tropics is a conservation strategy that has recently received considerable attention. Plantation trees can promote seed dispersal by attracting dispersers and creating favorable site conditions, leading to increased germination and establishment of indigenous trees. Subsequently, plantation trees can be harvested for profit or left to senesce, leaving a native tree community. We evaluated the effect of vine, grass, and shrub cutting (weeding) over a 3‐year period on regeneration of indigenous trees subsequent to the removal of plantation softwoods in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Counter to what would be expected if weeding released trees from competition, we found no difference in the total number of stems or in the stems greater than 10 cm diameter at breast height between control and weeded plots; there were more stems greater than 1 cm diameter at breast height in the control plots. For species found in both control and weeded plots, the maximum size of individuals did not differ. At the end of the study, 61 species were found in the control plots and 43 species were found in the weeded plots, and in both types of plots the three most abundant species were the same. The number of species and stems classified as early or middle successional species did not differ between weeded and control plots. The fact that weeding did not promote regeneration of indigenous trees after the removal of plantation trees illustrates the importance of evaluating and field‐testing potential management options.  相似文献   
Basiphilous pine forests and related birch forests are herb-and grass-rich forests on calcareous substrate. These forests are complex communities with floristic/ecological elements from different vegetation types occurring in a subtle micromosaic. These elements are e.g. species from acidophilous conifer forests, thermophilous forest-rim communities, calcareous shallow-soil and steppe communities, eutrophic wet meadows and fens, and in northern Fennoscandia also species from alpine Dryas heaths. Four associations are recognized in Fennoscandia: Convallario-Pinetum, Melico-Piceetum pinetosum, Peucedano-Pinetum and Epipacto atrorubentis-Betuletum. The main association is the Convallario-Pinetum, a widespread community in Fennoscandia and Estonia with a considerable floristic variation between the different regions. Examples of the floristic variation along west-east profiles and south-north profiles in Fennoscandia are presented. The basiphilous pine forest complex can be divided into a number of ecological types along the moisture and nutritional gradients. A further subdivision into geographical types (races) is presented.Nomenclature follows Lid (1974) for vascular plants, Nyholm (1954–1969) for musci and Dahl & Krog (1973) for lichens.  相似文献   
Summary The calcium ingestion of Malabar Giant Squirrels Ratufa indica (Sciuridae) was examined at two sites, Magod and Bhimashankar, in western India. In females at Magod a positive correlation was found between rates of calcium ingestion from food resources and the contribution of those resources to the daily diet. This relationship was true for all females at Magod irre-spective of their reproductive condition. This relationship was neither significant for males at the same site nor for both sexes at Bhimashankar. A differential requirement for calcium between the sexes and the occurrence of higher rates of calcium ingestion or the probable presence of more easily digestible calcium at Bhimashankar are postulated to explain the observed phenomenon. Mature leaves and bark appear to be reliable sources of calcium at these sites.  相似文献   
Most estimates of regional and global soil carbon stocks are based on extrapolations of mean soil C contents for broad categories of soil or vegetation types. Uncertainties exist in both the estimates of mean soil C contents and the area over which each mean should be extrapolated. Geographic information systems now permit spatially referenced estimates of soil C at finer scales of resolution than were previously practical. We compared estimates of total soil C stocks of the state of Maine using three methods: (1) multiplying the area of the state by published means of soil C for temperate forests and for Spodosols; (2) calculating areas of inclusions of soil taxa in the 1:5,000,000 FAO/UNESCO Soils Map of the World and multiplying those areas by selected mean carbon contents; and (3) calculating soil C for each soil series and map unit in the 1:250,000 State Soil Geographic Data Base (STATSGO) and summing these estimates for the entire state. The STATSGO estimate of total soil C was between 23% and 49% higher than the common coarse scale extrapolations, primarily because STATSGO included data on Histosols, which cover less than 5% of the area of the state, but which constitute over one-third of the soil C. Spodosols cover about 65% of the state, but contribute less than 39% of the soil C. Estimates of total soil C in Maine based on the FAO map agreed within 8% of the STATSGO estimate for one possible matching of FAO soil taxa with data on soil C, but another plausible matching overestimated soil C stocks. We also compared estimates from the 1:250,000 STATSGO database and from the 1:20,000 Soil Survey Geographic Data Base (SSURGO) for a 7.5 minute quadrangle within the state. SSURGO indicated 13% less total soil C than did STATSGO, largely because the attribute data on depths of soil horizons in SSURGO are more specific for this locality. Despite localized differences, the STATSGO database offers promise of scaling up county soil survey data to regional scales because it includes attribute data and estimates of areal coverage of C-rich inclusions within map units. The spatially referenced data also permit examination of covariation of soil C stocks with soil properties thought to affect stabilization of soil C. Clay content was a poor predictor of soil C in Maine, but drainage class covaried significantly with soil C across the state.  相似文献   
Biomass, litterfall, litter standing crop, and decomposition was studied in a native subtropical alluvial forest locally known as Selva Marginal (SM) and an exotic Ligustrum lucidum forest (LF) at the Reserva Integral de Punta Lara, Buenos Aires Province, 34°47S and 58°1W. The alluvial forest site was at the southern limit of distribution of subtropical forests in South America. The Ligustrum forest was invading disturbed areas. Total biomass was 147.7 Mg/ha (86% aboveground and 14% belowground) in the SM, and 71.4 Mg/ha (93% and 7%, respectively) in the LF. Litterfall was 10.3 Mg/ha·yr and 13.8 Mg/ha·yr respectively. Annual leaf decomposition rate was greater for Ligustrum (k=4.07) than for SM species (k=1.48). The mean residence time of aboveground biomass was 12 yr for the SM and 5 yr for the LF. The k1 values (litterfall/standing crop) were 1.9 and 2.0 for SM and LF respectively. The influence of coastal road and wall in the hydroperiod, native forested wetland ecosystem survival and exotic forest invasion is discussed.  相似文献   
Over a period of 7 years the biology and phenotypic variability of Chusquea culeou were studied at 5 locations in cool temperate forests of southern Argentina. Excavated rhizomes had an average of 1.1 successful rhizome buds, and an average of 2.1 years elapsed between successive generations of rhizomes. Rhizome buds usually develop within the first four years after a rhizome forms. Height, volume and weight of a culm can be calculated from its diameter 1 m above the ground. Culm size, length of foliage leaf blades, and pattern of secondary branching differed among study sites. Dead culms were numerous and commonly remained erect for more than 7 years after dying. New culm shoots appear in spring and reach full size within a few months. Shoots can grow more than 9 cm/day. Less than half of the shoots survived a year; most were killed by moth larvae. Multiple primary branch buds emerge through the culm leaf sheaths in the second spring. The mean number of branch buds at mid-culm nodes varied between 34.8 and 81.5, and the mean number of primary branches was between 22.8 and 40.8. Number and length of branches, and number and length of foliage leaf blades at each node is related to the position of the node on a culm. Most branches grow about 3 cm and produce 1 to 3 foliage leaves annually. Foliage leaf blades generally live 2 years or more; few survive 6 years. Relative lengths of foliage leaf blades and their spacing along a branch permit recognition of annual cohorts.Both gregarious and sporadic flowering have been reported, and every year a few isolated plants flower and die. Length of the life cycle is unknown. Seedlings require up to 15 years to produce culms of mature size. Foliage branches may live more than 23 years, and culms may survive 33 years. Extensive loss of new shoots to predation suggests that gregarious flowering may be driven by a need to escape parasitism. C. culeou clumps expand slowly. Average annual rate of increase of the number of live culms in a clump was 4.6%. Methods of seed dispersal are undocumented. A dense stand of Chusquea culeou had an estimated phytomass of 179 tons/hectare (dry weight), 28% of which was underground. Net annual production was about 16 t/ha dry weight.  相似文献   
Summary Six islands, each less than a hectare in area, were isolated in about 1913 from the mainland of central Panamá by the rising waters of Gatun Lake. By 1980, the diversity of trees on all but one of these islands was far lower than on mainland plots of comparable size. A restricted subset of tree species has spread on these islands, notablyProtium panamense, Scheelea zonensis, Oenocarpus panamanus andSwartzia simplex. We constructed a null model to predict how chance would change tree diversity and the similarity of tree species compositions of different islands, assuming that each mature tree has equal chances of dying and/or reproducing, regardless of its species. This model cannot account for the diminished diversity of the changes in vegetation on these islands: some factors must be favoring a particular set of tree species.Two factors, exposure to wind and absence of mammals, seem needed to bring about the vegetation changes observed on these small islands. Their vegetation shows many signs of wind damage and of adaptation to resist wind, reflecting its exposure to dry season winds and storm winds sweeping across the lake from the west. Their most common tree species appear to have spread because mammals rarely visit these small and isolated islands. Seed of these common species are normally much eaten by mammals and do not need burial by mammals to escape insect attack.A thorough grasp of plant—animal interactions is needed to understand the events that have taken place on these islands. Identifying those keystone animals essential for maintaining plant diversity is a necessary element of reserve design and forest management in the tropics.The US government has the right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper.  相似文献   
Deforestation and land use in the Brazilian Amazon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon was less than 1% before 1975. Between 1975 and 1987 the rate increased exponentially. By 1985, world opinion and attention to the destruction of the richest biome on earth led to elimination of some of the major incentives that had fueled deforestation. Favorable credit policies for cattle ranchers, rather than population growth, explains the process of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. The paper suggests other actions that may be taken to reduce deforestation, and examines the rapid growth rates of secondary successional species in a colonization area.  相似文献   
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