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Species richness in the alpine zone varies dramatically when communities are compared. We explored (i) which stress and disturbance factors were highly correlated with species richness, (ii) whether the intermediate stress hypothesis (ISH) and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) can be applied to alpine ecosystems, and (iii) whether standing crop can be used as an easily measurable surrogate for causal factors determining species richness in the alpine zone. Species numbers and standing crop were determined in 14 alpine plant communities in the Swiss Alps. To quantify the stress and disturbance factors in each community, air temperature, relative air humidity, wind speed, global radiation, UV-B radiation, length of the growing season, soil suction, pH, main soil nutrients, waterlogging, soil movement, number of avalanches, level of denudation, winter dieback, herbivory, wind damage, and days with frost were measured or observed. The present study revealed that 82% of the variance in␣vascular species richness among sites could be explained by just two abiotic factors, daily maximum temperature and soil pH. Daily maximum temperature and pH affect species richness both directly and via their effects on other environmental variables. Some stress and disturbance factors were related to species richness in a monotonic way, others in an unimodal way. Monotonic relationships suggest that the harsher the environment is, the fewer species can survive in such habitats. In cases of unimodal relationships (ISH and IDH) species richness decreases at both ends of the gradients due to the harsh environment and/or the interaction of other environmental factors. Competition and disturbance seemed only to play a secondary role in the form of fine-tuning species richness in specific communities. Thus, we concluded that neither the ISH nor the IDH can be considered useful conceptual models for the alpine zone. Furthermore, we found that standing crop can be used as an easily measurable surrogate for causal factors determining species richness in the alpine zone, even though there is no direct causality.  相似文献   
The use of entomopathogenic nematodes on cabbage leaves against larvae of the diamondback moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella requires the addition of formulation adjuvants to achieve satisfying control. Without adjuvants nematodes settle in the tank mix of backpack sprayers causing uneven distribution. The polymers arabic and guar gum, alginate and xanthan were used in concentrations between 0.05 and 0.3% to retard sedimentation of Steinernema carpocapsae. Arabic gum had no effect, guar gum prevented sedimentation at 0.3% but the effect dropped significantly at lower concentration. At 0.05%, xanthan prevented nematode sedimentation better than alginate. Deposition of nematodes on the leaves was significantly increased by the addition of any of the polymers. Spraying nematodes on leaves with an inclination of 45° without the addition of any formulation resulted in 70% run-off. Adding 0.2% alginate or xanthan reduced the losses to <20%. The use of a surfactant–polymer formulation significantly reduced defoliation by DBM larvae. Visual examinations provided evidence that nematodes are not ingested by DBM larvae. Invasion of S. carpocapsae is an active process via the anus. The function of the formulation is not to prolong nematode survival, but to provide environmental conditions which enable rapid invasion of the nematodes. Nematode performance was improved by selection of the best surfactant in combination with xanthan and by optimisation of the concentrations of the surfactant Rimulgan® and the polymer xanthan. The best control results were achieved with Rimulgan® at 0.3% together with 0.3% xanthan, causing DBM mortality of >90% at 80% relative humidity and >70% at 60%. The formulation lowered the LC50 from 12 to 1 nematode/larva. The viscosity of the surfactant–polymer formulations correlated well with nematode efficacy, prevention of sedimentation and adherence to the leave. This physical parameter can therefore be recommended for improvement of nematode formulations to be used for foliar application against DBM.  相似文献   
Concentrations of soluble aluminum (Al) and manganese (Mn) frequently reach phytotoxic levels in acid soils. While dose response relationships for these metals are well documented, the effects of combined exposure have received less attention. We have examined the effect of combinations of Al and Mn on growth and metal accumulation in Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. grown in solution culture under conditions of low ionic strength (conductivities typically < 100 µS cm−1). The nature of interaction between these metals varied with the specific physiological response, the part of the plant investigated, and the relative amount of stress imposed. Analysis of growth data provided evidence for amelioration of metal toxicity (antagonistic effects), although this effect was dose dependent. Analysis of metal content data provided evidence for antagonistic and synergistic (exacerbation of toxicity) effects, again depending on dose. Analysis of foliar symptoms also provided evidence for antagonisms and synergisms, with the nature of the response dependent on the specific physiological response and specific plant part investigated. In contrast with previous reports, evidence for antagonistic, synergistic, and multiplicative effects on growth, metal uptake, and expression of foliar symptoms have been obtained under physiologically and environmentally relevant conditions. These results suggest a more detailed analysis of the potential for interactions between metals in the environment is required.  相似文献   
1. The effects of a moderate addition of nutrients (twofold N and threefold P) were examined during a 2‐year period to determine the response to nutrient addition in a meiofaunal community inhabiting sandy patches in a Mediterranean stream. 2. The pattern of meiofaunal assemblages exhibits a high degree of intra‐ and interannual variability. This pattern alternates between periods of hydrological stability and disturbances, such as floods and droughts, which is a characteristic of Mediterranean systems. 3. A before–after–control–impact (BACI) design was used to determine the outcome of the addition by comparing an upstream non‐enriched reach with an enriched downstream reach. Analysis of the study data by means of a nonparametric permutational procedure (permanova ) showed that fertilisation had a significant effect. Density and biomass values increased in the most abundant meiofaunal groups, including microcrustaceans, oligochaetes and chironomids. Microcrustaceans were the dominant group in the permanent meiofauna. 4. We also examined differences in microcrustacean secondary production in both reaches. Ostracods and cyclopoid copepods increased their secondary production in the impacted reach as a result of the nutrient addition. 5. Our study demonstrated that moderate nutrient enrichment can affect the biomass and production of stream meiofauna, but it is still unclear whether this effect was because of autotrophic or heterotrophic pathways.  相似文献   
The effect of soil burning on N and P availability and on mineralization and nitrification rates of N in the burned mineral soil was studied by combustion of soils in the laboratory. At a fire temperature of 600°C, there was a complete volatilization of NH4 and a significant increase of pH, from 7.6 in the unburned soil to 11.7 in the burned soil. Under such conditions ammonification and nitrification reactions were inhibited. Less available P was produced immediately after the fire at 600°C, as compared to P amount produced at 250°C. Burning the soils with plants caused a decrease in NH4-N and (NO2+NO3)-N concentrations in the soil as well as a reduction in ammonification and nitrification rates. Combustion of soil with plants contributed additional available P to the burned soil. The existence of a non-burned soil under the burned one played an important role in triggering ammonification and nitrification reactions.  相似文献   
A series of eight experiments was conducted using large pots to (1) find the most effective date, site, concentration of K-solution and K-salt for foliar K-fertilization of maize plants (Zea mays, L.) grown with sufficient K-supply in soil, (2) explain why maize responded to the K-treatment, and (3) examine the influence of various levels of N and P supplies on the effectiveness of K-fertilizer via the leaves. A single spraying on sweet maize and field maize on any day between 50% tasselling date to 10 days after tasselling shortened maturity date, increased grain yield, stover yield, grain-stover ratio, absorption of N, P, K, Ca and Mg, sweetness of young grain (of sweet maize), and crude protein content of grain. However spraying on the third day after 50% tasselling was most effective. The second application later than 7 days after the 50% tasselling date suppressed the effects of spraying on the most effective date. In application of many repetitive sprayings covering the most effective date, a spraying program with late spraying could reduce grain yield. KNO3, 2.5% KNO3-solution, and applications on all aerial parts were found to be the most effective. Increases in grain yield for spraying on all aerial parts, spraying on ear leaf only, spraying on all leaves above ear leaf and applying K to soil were 74%, 51%, 41% and 23%, respectively. The foliar K-fertilization affected maize by stimulating chlorophyll synthesis and not by increasing leaf area. A balance in N and K supplies was determined to be effective for the K-fertilization.  相似文献   
Munawar  M.  Weisse  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):163-174
Various components of the Microbial loop such as bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and autotrophic picoplankton were analyzed, for the first time across the Great Lakes, during a cruise in the summer of 1988. In addition, the size fractionated primary productivity using carbon-14 techniques was also determined. The statistical analysis indicated that bacteria, autotrophic picoplankton and ultraplankton/picoplankton productivity were significantly higher in Lakes Ontario and Erie than Lakes Huron and Michigan. The autotrophic picoplankton and ultraplankton/picoplankton productivity was higher in Lake Erie compared to Lake Ontario.The autotrophic picoplankton showed sensitivity to nutrients and contaminants in various types of environments. A dramatic decrease of autotrophic picoplankton in eutrophic-contaminated areas, such as Ashbridges Bay, Hamilton Harbour and western Lake Erie was observed. Conversely, in Saginaw Bay, another eutrophic environment, the autotrophic picoplankton were significantly higher than in Lake Huron. The sensitivity of autotrophic picoplankton to nutrients/contaminants might have implications to trophic interactions. Our results suggest that structural and functional characteristics of the microbial loop may be operating differently in stressed versus unstressed ecosystems. The possibility of using autotrophic picoplankton as an early warning indicator of environmental perturbation is proposed.  相似文献   
Benthic algal response to N and P enrichment along a pH gradient   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Nutrient enrichment and its effect on benthic algal growth, community composition, and average cell size was assessed across two sites of differing pH within a single habitat. Nutrients were added using in situ substrata, which released either N, P, or no additional nutrients (controls) at each site for 21 days. Upon collection, chlorophyll and biovolume standing stocks of the attached algal microflora were measured. Chlorophyll concentration was different among all treatments, accumulating greatest on P, followed by N, and the least on C substrata (P < 0.001) and was highest at site-2 (P < 0.001), while total algal biovolume was highest on P compared to both N and C substrata (P < 0.05) and did not vary between sites. Increased growth on P substrata was due to the enhanced biovolume of filamentous green algae, although the affected taxa varied between sites. Biovolume to cell density ratios (as a measure of average cell size) were highest on P substrata over both N-enriched and control substrata (P < 0.05) and this pattern was similar between sites. Progression towards a community composed of larger cells following P enrichment observed along this pH gradient, seems to be related to the dominance of larger celled filamentous green algae. Thus, nutrients exhibited greater control on benthic algal growth than did changes in hydrogen ion concentration.Contribution number 581, Great Lakes Environmental Research LaboratoryContribution number 581, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory  相似文献   
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