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The Euxinian and the Hyrcanian floristic province are analysed in respect to their trees and shrubs. These provinces mark the southern limit of the Euro-Siberian Region in SW. Asia. Mesophyllic forests dominate; they are deciduous, but there is a substantial component of evergreen shrubs in the understorey. Characteristics species frequently have a relic nature. Species lists and some exemplary distribution maps are presented for the Euxinian and the Hyrcanian element, both with endemic and more wide-spread species, including the characteristic Euxine-Hyrcanian group.  相似文献   
Abstract. The natural Mediterranean maquis and forest vegetation of Israel is commonly considered to be composed mainly of four, roughly equal components: Pinus halepensis, deciduous oak, evergreen oak, and Ceratonia - Pistacia communities. They represent the past climax and subclimax of this region. Evidence accumulated from pollen analysis and wood remnant research in geological and archaeological excavations, as well as from written historical sources, shows that this view is wrong: the ancient vegetation in this area was dominated by Quercus calliprinos.  相似文献   
浙江金华北山植物区系地理的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
金华北山约有种子植物140科、519属、1052种。区系成分中,以北温带、泛热带、东亚三种成分为主,植物区系具明显的亚热带性质。以植物地理成分为指标,对金华山与全国其它14个山地的植物区系进行了模糊聚类分析。结果表明,庐山、天目山植物区系与浙南一闽北的九龙山、武夷山植物区系之间无明显的分界线。  相似文献   
Mangrove stands in Puttalam lagoon and Dutch bay, two interconnected lagoons situated on the northwestern coast of Sri Lanka have been classified broadly into two groups, i.e., estuarine and island/mainland-fringing stands. Structural diversity of six mangrove stands, representing the two types was studied in terms of floristic composition, density, basal area, mean stand diameter, tree height, standing above-ground biomass and leaf-area index.Rhizophora mucronata andAvicennia marina were the dominant species. Higher mean stand diameters for the mangrove stands in Puttalam lagoon indicated greater maturity than the estuarine mangrove stands in Dutch bay. Nevertheless, estuarine stands in Dutch bay were structurally more complex (complexity indices 8.11–22.7) than the island/mainland-fringing mangrove stands (complexity indices 1.38–6.78). Higher number of species present in the estuarine mangrove stands is the major element that contributes to the higher values for the complexity indices for those stands. This appears to mask the contribution of stand-age to the complexity of a mangrove stand. Therefore complexity indices alone may not be used to explain adequately the structural diversity among mangrove stands.  相似文献   
A. Odland 《Plant Ecology》1992,102(1):69-95
This investigation is based on phytosociological and ecological analyses of stands dominated by M. struthiopteris within its main distributional area in Western Norway. The distribution and floristical composition of such stands are related to different environmental parameters such as regional climate, soil and topography. The data are analysed by numerical methods, of which two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), and simple discriminant functions (DISCRIM) are the most useful. Few stands occur in areas where the mean July temperature is below 12.0 °C, and where the mean January temperature is higher than 0 °C. The soil is rich in metal cations, with a base saturation mostly higher than 50% in the B-layer. Based on a TWINSPAN classification of the 230 investigated stands, 9 different groups (types) are distinguished. Many stands have a tree layer of Alnus incana, while stands with a canopy of Betula pubescens, Fraxinus excelsior and Ulmus glabra are considered to be marginal sites for M. struthiopteris. The types described are interpreted as belonging to the Pruno padi-Alnetum incanae, Alno incanae-Fraxinetum excelsioris and Alno incanae-Ulmetum glabrae associations within the Alno-Ulmion alliance. The floristic composition of the quadrats is highly correlated with the altitude/temperature gradient. The other important factor is interpreted to be soil moisture. Soil richness is poorly correlated with the floristic composition of the different stands. Several stands represent a regeneration stage after cessation in cultivation, while others appear to have been very little influenced by human activity.  相似文献   
Summary Studies on ragweed have been carried out in the province of Trieste (Northern Italy) in which it is becoming widespread. The floristic records, the increasing amount of airborne pollen monitored and the relevant skin reactivity are reported. This phenomenon, though still at the beginning, is actually showing an upward trend due to man's intervention over wider and wider areas which as a consequence become suitable for the settlement of these anthropophitic species. The aerobiological data are compared to the skin reactivities of allergic subjects.  相似文献   
为获取能够代表浙江天童山的森林植被典型群丛类型, 同时也为植被分类中如何发现过渡类型和确定典型类型提供参考, 该研究利用天童20 hm 2森林大样地资料, 运用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)与除趋势对应分析(DCA), 剔除过渡群落, 进行群丛划分。结果表明, 去除过渡地段后更利于研究区域典型群丛类型的确定。大样地的植被类型可划分为宜昌荚蒾-厚皮香/港柯+云山青冈群丛(Viburnum erosum-Ternstroemia gymnanthera/Lithocarpus harlandii + Cyclobalanopsis sessilifolia Ass.); 虎皮楠-柯/木荷+米槠群丛(Daphniphyllum oldhami-Lithocarpus glaber/Schima superba + Castanopsis carlesii Ass.); 红毒茴-紫楠/南酸枣+薄叶润楠群丛(Illicium lanceolatum-Phoebe sheareri/Choerospondias axillaries + Machilus leptophylla Ass.)。DCA排序同时能反映各群丛类型分布与环境的相关关系, 结果显示, 海拔和凹凸度对群丛分布有较大影响, 坡度和坡向对群丛分布影响较小。  相似文献   
基于种实性状的无患子天然群体表型多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
无患子(Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn.)是我国长江以南地区传统的重要绿化树种,其果皮富含皂苷,种仁富含油脂,是国家林业局审定的新型木本油料树种之一。为揭示无患子群体间和群体内种实表型性状变异式样,采用单因素方差分析、巢式方差分析、相关分析和主成分分析等方法,对无患子13个天然群体的10个种实表型性状进行比较分析,研究其群体间和群体内种实表型多样性以及表型变异与地理生态因子间的相关性。结果表明:无患子种实表型性状变异系数平均为7.34%,在群体间和群体内均存在丰富的表型变异。表型性状分化系数平均为62.21%,群体间变异(39.93%)大于群体内(27.46%),是无患子种实表型性状变异的主要来源。多数性状在群体间差异显著,不同程度的表现出边缘群体易于分化的特点,但地理变化规律不连续,而在群体内不同性状的差异性亦不一致。种子形态受群体地理生态的影响较果实形态大,西北部群体种子趋于椭圆形,东部、南部则趋于圆球形;地理纬度、年平均气温与多数种实性状间呈显著相关,是无患子种实表型性状变异的主要地理生态影响因子。可见,无患子种实表型性状在群体间、群体内变异都较为丰富,这些变异是由遗传和环境因素共同作用的结果。群体间和群体内多层次的变异为无患子优良种质资源保育和利用提供了物质基础。  相似文献   
对Vychegda河流域靠近Baika村(61°16'N,46°44'E)洪积平原的一个剖面进行了孢粉学研究.化石点位于泰加林带中部,靠近欧洲云杉林和亚乌拉尔-西伯利亚云、冷杉-西伯利亚松林界限附近.该河流盆地森林覆盖率高达98%.根据放射性碳年代测定,沉积涵盖了全新世大约自9000 yrs B.P.以来的大部分地层.主要运用化石植物群组成来恢复这一地区全新世以来的植被和气候变化,通过某些化石植物群的全部植物种类的现代地理分布的分析,可以发现与过去植被最接近的现代对应植被类型的位置,通过确定所有植物种现代生长地区的景观和气候来推测与古环境最接近的景观和气候.整个孢粉组合序列中云杉、松和桦占统治地位,但是植物群的成分和植被有变化.暖温带树种,如椴、榆及栎等在森林中的含量有变化,在全新世最暖期,相当于中晚大西洋期(6000-4500 yrs B.P.)达到最高.这些变化通过对应的现代植物群在俄罗斯平原的"迁移"反映出来,从中、南乌拉尔向西至Sukhona河盆地然后再返回到研究区的Vychegda河下游.运用古植物群的方法定量恢复的主要气候指标表明在大西洋期7月份月均温比现代高2.5℃,1月份月均温比现在高出1℃,年降雨量和现在接近.这段时间可以认为是本地区全新世的气候最适宜期.  相似文献   
Subspecific variation is widespread in vertebrates. Within Africa, several mammals have extensive geographic distributions with attendant morphological, ecological, and behavioural variations, which are often used to demarcate subspecies. In the present study, we use a primate species, the vervet monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops, as a case study for intraspecific divergence in widespread mammals, assessed through hard tissue morphology. We examine intraspecific differences in size, shape, and non‐allometric shape from a taxonomic perspective, and discuss the macroevolutionary implications of findings from microevolutionary analyses of geographic variation. A geometric morphometric approach was used, employing 86 three‐dimensional landmarks of almost 300 provenanced crania. Many of the taxonomic differences in skull morphology between vervet populations appear to be related to geographic proximity, with subspecies at opposite extremes of a west‐to‐east axis showing greatest divergence, and populations from central and south Africa being somewhat intermediate. The classification rate from discriminant analyses was lower than that observed in other African primate radiations, including guenons as a whole and red colobus. Nonetheless, taxonomic differences in shape were significant and not simply related to either geography or size. Thus, although shifts in size may be an important first step in adaptation and diversification, with size responding more quickly than shape to environmental change, the six vervet taxa currently recognized (either as species or subspecies) are not simply allometrically scaled versions of one another and are probably best viewed as subspecies. Holding allometry constant when examining inter‐population differences in shape may thus help to reveal the early stages of evolutionary divergence. The vervet case study presented here hence has relevance for future studies examining intraspecific differentiation in other large mammals, particularly through the methods used to identify small but biologically meaningful divergence, with attendant implications for conservation planning. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 823–843.  相似文献   
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