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Flowering plants display spectacular floral diversity and a bewildering array of reproductive adaptations that promote mating, particularly outbreeding. A striking feature of this diversity is that related species often differ in pollination and mating systems, and intraspecific variation in sexual traits is not unusual, especially among herbaceous plants. This variation provides opportunities for evolutionary biologists to link micro-evolutionary processes to the macro-evolutionary patterns that are evident within lineages. Here, I provide some personal reflections on recent progress in our understanding of the ecology and evolution of plant reproductive diversity. I begin with a brief historical sketch of the major developments in this field and then focus on three of the most significant evolutionary transitions in the reproductive biology of flowering plants: the pathway from outcrossing to predominant self-fertilization, the origin of separate sexes (females and males) from hermaphroditism and the shift from animal pollination to wind pollination. For each evolutionary transition, I consider what we have discovered and some of the problems that still remain unsolved. I conclude by discussing how new approaches might influence future research in plant reproductive biology.  相似文献   
The involvement of gibberellins in the control of flowering of sunflower was studied by direct application of GA3 to the apex of the plants, analysis of the endogenous levels of gibberellin-like substances at different plant ages, and indirectly by the application of paclobutrazol, an inhibitor of gibberellin synthesis. GA3 speeded-up flower initiation and floral apex development. The time of GA3 application was more critical than the amount of GA3 applied. The endogenous levels of gibberellin-like compounds increased significantly by day 15 after sowing. The application of paclobutrazol markedly delayed floral initiation and this effect was also depedent on plant age. Both GA3 and paclobutrazol had their greatest effects between 10 and 20 days after sowing suggesting that an increase in gibberellins in that time period plays a role in floral initiation.  相似文献   
Morphological studies were carried out with peach flower buds collected monthly in 1989 and 1990, from two months before leaf fall (7 March) until two to three weeks before bloom (7/8 August). Chilled (2–4°C for 30 days) and unchilled buds were exposed to 20 to 25°C, 100% RH and continuous light. Gibberellin A3 (3 ng or 30 ng) was applied to some of the non-chilled cuttings at three days intervals. Then, 12, 19, and 26 days after they were planted, the buds were sampled and processed for histological studies. Cultured flower buds (chilled or unchilled) had accelerated anther and gynoecium morphogenesis after 12 days under controlled conditions, compared to buds processed immediately after collection from the field. Chilling treatment augmented the bud culture effect, while Gibberellin A3 applications to the excised buds retarded bud morphogenesis to a stage comparable to that of buds collected directly from the field. This, suggests that the comparatively high levels of Gibberellin A1/3 we previously found in mid winter [15, 18] could be at least one of the factors that controls floral bud dormancy by retarding anther and gynoecium development.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the responses of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and Glossina pallidipes Austen to various host odours using either arrangements of electrocuting nets or visual observations. Tsetse flying upwind in a plume of carbon dioxide, acetone and octenol turned downwind upon flying into a plume of acetone or octenol, but did not turn upon flying into a plume of carbon dioxide. They also turned in response to a transient decline in odour concentration. Tsetse landed on the ground in the vicinity of a source of natural odour or artificial odour containing carbon dioxide but not at sources of acetone or octenol only. The proportion of female G.pallidipes caught at a source of natural odour (37%) was significantly different from that caught at a source of synthetic odour (17%). Resting tsetse stimulated by natural odour took off sooner than non-stimulated flies and had a strong upwind bias in the direction of take off. Tsetse stimulated with artificial odour did not take off sooner than non-stimulated flies. It is suggested that there is an unidentified components) of ox odour that activates resting tsetse.  相似文献   
Identification of potentially embryogenic microspores in Brassica napus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies were undertaken with Brassica napus L. cv. Topas to identify buds containing microspores predisposed to embryogenesis in vitro and to investigate bud and microspore development in relation to this process. No significant correlation was found between the final embryo number and bud components. There appears to be a developmental window of less than 8 h duration during which microspores are very likely to form embryos: over 70% of the microspores can undergo division and up to 70% of these can form embryos. Embryos were mainly obtained from late uninuucleate to early binucleate microspores: the former contained mainly a G2 or M phase nucleus located at the microspore periphery and the latter a generative nucleus (associated with the intine) and a vegetative nucleus. Observations indicated that only the vegetative nucleus contributed to embryo formation. The first embryogenic division occurred between 8 and 16 h for uninucleate- and between 8 and 48 h for binucleate-derived embryos.  相似文献   
Mitotic activity and nuclear DNA synthesis in tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv. King plus) flowers targeted for abortion under unfavorable light conditions are completely stopped 6 days after macroscopic appearance of the inflorescence. Ovular cells are arrested at the G1 (80%) and G2 (20%) stages of the cell cycle. Exogenous applications of a mixture of N6-benzyladenine (BA) and gibberellins A4+7 (GA) directly on the inflorescence may prevent its failure. Nuclear DNA synthesis and mitoses resume in ovules of the flower 16 to 20 h after the BA+GA treatment. When applied alone, BA and GA are able to mimic the effect of the mixture upon the progression of ovular cells through their cycle. Sporogenesis processes are also set in motion by the exogenous plant growth regulators. The mechanism of action of cytokinins and gibberellins in the control of floral development is discussed.  相似文献   
The action of light in the initiation of floral buds in vitro has been studied using monochromatic light qualities on root explants of a long day plant, Cichorium intybus L. cv. Witloof. Red light (660 nm, 0.30 W m-2) promotes flowering, while far-red (730 nm, 0.31 W m-2) and irradiation with combined red + far-red (0.20 + 0.41 W m-2) have no effect. In short day conditions floral response can be obtained in two ways: 1) by interrupting the dark period with 5 brief irradiations of red light (0.45 W m-2, 12 min) at regular intervals, although these are counteracted by far-red irradiations of equal intensity and duration; 2) by interrupting the long night with 5 h red light applied during the second third of the night, while at the beginning or at the end it is ineffective. Red light efficiency appears to depend on the photosynthetic activity of the tissues, so that flowering increases with increasing intensity of white light and is suppressed if no white light is supplied. The reproductive development is determined by the coordination of proper irradiation conditions with sufficient sensitivity of the perceiving meristematic cells. The period of highest sensitivity to environmental light conditions in the life cycle of a Cichorium root explant occurs between the 8th and the 16th day after the start of the culture. The data strongly suggest that phytochrome is involved in flower induction of Cichorium in vitro.  相似文献   
Specificity and mutual dependency of the orchid-euglossine bee interaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seasonal and geographic relationships, and host pollinator specificities are examined for indications of interdependency in the orchid-euglossine bee interaction. The orchids are dependent on the bees for pollination, and their flowering seasonality corresponds well with peak activity of their pollinators. However, there is little evidence that the bees are dependent on these fragrance hosts. The orchids tap the majority of euglossine species and individuals for pollinator services during any given season, but most of those bee species that temporarily lack orchid fragrance hosts persist in the area, continually emerge from nests, and seek floral fragrance compounds. Pollinator specificity occurs in less than half of the orchids, and host specificity is rare. Geographic distributions of nearly all orchid-pollinator pairs are not mutually inclusive. Moreover, nearly a third of the local male euglossine bee species censused are not pollinators of any fragrance orchids in the area. Local alternative fragrance sources occur. The orchid-male euglossine bee interaction does not appear to represent a mutually obligatory relationship. The orchids may have exploited a preexisting behavioural phenomenon of the bees, and reciprocal evolutionary responses may not have occurred.  相似文献   
The enantioseparation of the sherry aroma components 5-oxo-4-hydroxyhexanoic acid γ-lactone (solerone) and 4,5-dihydroxyhexanoic acid γ-lactone (solerole) is achieved, using Chiraspher (Merck) as the chiral HPLC phase and the optical purity ascertained directly by HRGC with heptakis(3-O-acetyl-2,6-di-O-pentyl)-β-cyclodextrin (Lipodex D) as the chiral stationary phase. The absolute configurations of 4,5-dihydroxyhexanoic acid γ-lactones are assigned by 1H-NMR spectral data of diastereomeric α-methoxy-α-trifluoromethylphenylacetic acid (MTPA) esters, according to Mosher's model. Sensory qualities of the isomers are given.  相似文献   
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