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The threat‐sensitive predator avoidance (TSPA) hypothesis was tested on hatchery‐reared pike Esox lucius larvae. Larval swimming activity, food attacks upon zooplankton, escapes, immobility behaviour, vigilance, as well as time in vegetation under different predation risk were measured. Single larvae were video‐filmed in aquaria allowing them to have visual contact with a small or a large perch Perca fluviatilis as predator. The odds of fleeing increased significantly if the larvae were exposed to a large predator instead of a small one. Swimming activity and foraging decreased significantly in the presence of a predator compared to the control. On the other hand, no significant effect was detected in time spent in the vegetation, and in vigilance of larvae, measured as time intervals between food attacks. The findings suggest that pike larvae primarily flee in the presence of a large predator, whereas they remain immobile, and forage, when possible, in the presence of a small predator. Sometimes a lack of response between the large and the small predator treatments was detected, which suggests that the antipredator response has a threshold, and when increasing the threat, the prey response does not increase. In the present paper it is demonstrated that hatchery‐reared pike larvae respond to the level of threat, and thereby seem to be risk adjusting as predicted.  相似文献   
《Current biology : CB》2021,31(24):5462-5472.e4
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Foraging in animals is often associated with characteristicbody postures, such as the head-down posture. When foragingconflicts with the ability to detect predators or to flee, individualsmay incur a greater risk of mortality to predation than otherwise.Here we investigate the influence of different foraging postures(horizontal versus nose-down body posture) on the ability ofindividuals to respond to approaching predators and on the riskof mortality to predation in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).Individuals engaged in nose-down foraging were assumed to beable to visually scan a smaller area for predators and to escapeless effectively due to their body posture, and thus are morevulnerable to stalking predators than horizontally foragingones. In a first experiment, we separately exposed nonforaging,horizontally foraging, and nose-down foraging guppies to anapproaching cichlid fish predator model. Nonforaging guppiesreacted sooner to and initiated flight further away from theapproaching model than did foraging fish collectively, and horizontallyforaging individuals responded sooner to the model than nose-downforaging ones. Comparing all test guppies, nose-down foragingindividuals were the most likely not to exhibit any responseto the predator model. When presented with a simultaneous choiceof two guppies behind a one-way mirror, individual blue acaracichlid (Aequidens pulcher), a natural predator of the guppy,preferred to attack foraging guppies over nonforaging ones andnose-down foraging guppies over horizontally foraging individuals.In a final experiment with free-swimming cichlids and guppies,we demonstrated that individual risk of predation for guppiesforaging nose down was greater than for guppies foraging horizontally,and both were at greater risk than nonforaging guppies. Thislatter result is consistent with the above differences in theguppy's responsiveness to approaching predators depending ontheir foraging behavior, and with the finding that cichlid predatorspreferred fish that were less likely to show any response tothem. Our results therefore indicate that the ability to respondto approaching predators and the risk of mortality to predationin the guppy is strongly influenced by their foraging activity,and in particular their foraging posture, and that cichlid predatorspreferentially select less wary and more vulnerable guppies.[BehavEcol 7: 264–271 (1996)]  相似文献   
We consider the optimal behavior of a cryptic prey individualas it is approached by a predator searching for prey. Althoughthe predator has not yet discovered the prey, it has an increasinglikelihood of doing so as it gets closer to the prey. Further,the closer the predator is to the prey when it discovers it,the more likely the predator will be to capture the prey. Thesearguments suggest that the prey should flee before the predatordiscovers it. However, the act of fleeing will alert the predatorto the presence of the prey and trigger an attack that mightnot have occurred otherwise. We capture these conflicting outcomesin a mathematical model, which we then use to predict the optimalbehavior of the prey and predator. We argue that the optimalstrategy for the prey is either to run as soon as they detecta predator approaching or to only flee in response to havingbeen detected by the predator. Running as soon as the predatoris detected is associated with low predator search speeds, alow nonpredation cost to running, a large advantage to the preyin initiating chases rather than reacting, limited ability tospot the predator at distance, a high ability to spot prey bythe predator, and a high probability that chases will be successful.The optimal strategy for the predator depends on whether itscurrent trajectory is taking it closer to or further from theprey. In the latter case, the predator should attack immediatelyon discovering the prey; in the former case, it should delayits attack until it reaches the point on its current trajectorywhere distance to the prey is minimized.  相似文献   
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