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Free radical mechanisms in enzyme reactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Free radicals are formed in prosthetic groups or amino acid residues of certain enzymes. These free radicals are closely related to the activation process in enzyme catalysis, but their formation does not always result in the formation of substrate free radicals as a product of the enzyme reactions. The role of free radicals in enzyme catalysis is discussed.  相似文献   
Using molecular dynamics simulations and steady‐state fluorescence spectroscopy, we have identified a conformational change in the active site of a thermophilic flavoenzyme, NADH oxidase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 (NOX). The enzyme's far‐UV circular dichroism spectrum, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, and apparent molecular weight measured by dynamic light scattering varied little between 25 and 75°C. However, the fluorescence of the tightly bound FAD cofactor increased approximately fourfold over this temperature range. This effect appears not to be due to aggregation, unfolding, cofactor dissociation, or changes in quaternary structure. We therefore attribute the change in flavin fluorescence to a temperature‐dependent conformational change involving the NOX active site. Molecular dynamics simulations and the effects of mutating aromatic residues near the flavin suggest that the change in fluorescence results from a decrease in quenching by electron transfer from tyrosine 137 to the flavin. Proteins 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
A survey of the major known structural aspects of monoamine oxidase (MAO) is given and a first partial model of human MAO A is presented. This 3D model has been established using secondary structure predictions and fold recognition methods. It shows two α/β domains (the FAD-binding N-terminal and central domains) and an α+β domain. The C-terminal region is predicted to be responsible for anchoring the protein into the mitochondrial membrane and was not modeled. The covalent binding of the flavin cofactor to a cysteine residue is well predicted. The model is validated with experimental data from the literature and should be useful in designing new experimental studies (site-directed mutagenesis, chemical modification, specific antibodies). This first step towards the 3D structure of monoamine oxidase should contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of action and inhibition of this drug target in the treatment of clinical depression. Proteins 32:97–110, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In human brain the flavoprotein D ‐amino acid oxidase (hDAAO) is responsible for the degradation of the neuromodulator D ‐serine, an important effector of NMDA‐receptor mediated neurotransmission. Experimental evidence supports the concept that D ‐serine concentration increase by hDAAO inhibition may represent a valuable therapeutic approach to improve the symptoms in schizophrenia patients. This study investigated the effects on hDAAO conformation and stability of the substrate D ‐serine (or of the pseudo‐substrate trifluoro‐D ‐alanine), the FAD cofactor, and two inhibitors (benzoate, a classical substrate‐competitive inhibitor and the drug chlorpromazine (CPZ), which competes with the cofactor). We demonstrated that all these compounds do not alter the interaction of hDAAO with its physiological partner pLG72. The ligands used affect the tertiary structure of hDAAO differently: benzoate or trifluoro‐D ‐alanine binding increases the amount of the holoenzyme form in solution and stabilizes the flavoprotein, while CPZ binding favors a protein conformation resembling that of the apoprotein, which is more sensitive to degradation. Interestingly, the apoprotein form of hDAAO binds the substrate D ‐serine: this interaction increases FAD binding thus increasing the amount of active holoenzyme in solution. Benzoate and CPZ similarly modify the short‐term cellular D ‐serine concentration but affect the cellular concentration of hDAAO differently. In conclusion, the different alteration of hDAAO conformation and stability by the ligands used represents a further parameter to take into consideration during the development of new drugs to cope schizophrenia.  相似文献   
The lux genes from Photobacterium phosphoreum (NCMB844) have been cloned into Escherichia coli in a plasmid containing the T7-bacteriophage promoter. By specific expression in vivo under the T7 promoter, five structural genes (luxA-E) coding for the fatty acid reductase and luciferase polypeptides were identified as well as a new gene, designated as luxF, which codes for a 26kDa polypeptide. This new gene is located between luxB and luxE and thus disrupts the structural gene order of luxCDABE found in the Vibrio genus. The luxF gene and the protein it codes for have recently been identified in other Photobacterium species and so appears to be widely distributed within this genus. Nucleotide sequencing of the luxF gene has shown it to code for a protein homologous to the luciferase subunits, coded by the luxA and luxB genes. Although this gene is not necessary for light emission in all luminescent bacteria, it must play an essential role in the biochemistry, physiology, or ecology of the luminescent system in species of the Photobacterium genus.  相似文献   
Abstract: Using an experimental approach similar to that used for Euglena flagella, we found that flagella and flagellar membrane preparations (isoagglutinins) of the unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas moewusii and C. reinhardtii , but not cells without flagella, bind radiolabelled riboflavin with high affinity and specificity. In addition, flagella and isoagglutinins contain high amounts of methanol-extractable flavins. These results indicate an abundance of proteins with high affinity for riboflavin in the flagella. Since sexual adhesiveness of gametic flagella in C. moewusii is controlled by light, the possibility is discussed that flavoproteins in the flagella are involved in this reaction. Action spectra exhibit maxima at 450 and 600 nm, suggesting–at least for the 450 nm band–a typical blue-light receptor.  相似文献   
Reduction of polynitroaromatic compounds: the bacterial nitroreductases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most nitroaromatic compounds are toxic and mutagenic for living organisms, but some microorganisms have developed oxidative or reductive pathways to degrade or transform these compounds. Reductive pathways are based either on the reduction of the aromatic ring by hydride additions or on the reduction of the nitro groups to hydroxylamino and/or amino derivatives. Bacterial nitroreductases are flavoenzymes that catalyze the NAD(P)H-dependent reduction of the nitro groups on nitroaromatic and nitroheterocyclic compounds. Nitroreductases have raised a great interest due to their potential applications in bioremediation, biocatalysis, and biomedicine, especially in prodrug activation for chemotherapeutic cancer treatments. Different bacterial nitroreductases have been purified and their biochemical and kinetic parameters have been determined. The crystal structure of some nitroreductases have also been solved. However, the physiological role(s) of these enzymes remains unclear. Nitroreductase genes are widely spread within bacterial genomes, but are also found in archaea and some eukaryotic species. Although studies on regulation of nitroreductase gene expression are scarce, it seems that nitroreductase genes may be controlled by the MarRA and SoxRS regulatory systems that are involved in responses to several antibiotics and environmental chemical hazards and to specific oxidative stress conditions. This review covers the microbial distribution, types, biochemical properties, structure and regulation of the bacterial nitroreductases. The possible physiological functions and the biotechnological applications of these enzymes are also discussed.  相似文献   
The first identified covalent flavoprotein, a component of mammalian succinate dehydrogenase, was reported 42 years ago. Since that time, more than 20 covalent flavoenzymes have been described, each possessing one of five modes of FAD or FMN linkage to protein. Despite the early identification of covalent flavoproteins, the mechanisms of covalent bond formation and the roles of the covalent links are only recently being appreciated. The main focus of this review is, therefore, one of mechanism and function, in addition to surveying the types of linkage observed and the methods employed for their identification. Case studies are presented for a variety of covalent flavoenzymes, from which general findings are beginning to emerge.  相似文献   
Abstract A collection of 10 Gram-negative bacteria was examined for the presence of a fumarate reductase related to that of Escherichia coli K-12. When the frd genes encoding the E. coli enzyme were used as DNA:DNA hybridization probes good signals were obtained from all members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. No significant hybridization was detected, even under non-stringent conditions, with the well characterized fumarate reducer Vibrio succinogenes or with Pseudomonas aeruginosa . These findings were confirmed and extended by immuno-diffusion studies using cell membranes and antiserum against the E. coli reductase. Precipitin lines were observed in all cases where frd homologies were detected. It was concluded that the V. succinogenes enzyme differs extensively from the E. coli fumarate reductase.  相似文献   
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