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Summary The long-range structure of 5S rRNA gene clusters has been investigated in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Using aneuploid stocks, 5S rRNA gene clusters were assigned to sites on chromosomes 1B, 1D, 513 and 5D. Cluster sizes were evaluated and the copy number of 5S DNA repeats was estimated at 4700-5200 copies for the short repeating unit (410 bp) and about 3100 copies for the long repeat (500 bp) per haploid genome. A comparison of wheat cultivars revealed extremely high levels of polymorphism in the 5S rRNA gene clusters. With one restriction enzyme digest all varieties tested gave unique banding patterns and, on a per fragment basis, 21-fold more polymorphism was detected among cultivars for 5S DNA compared to standard restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) detected with single copy clones. Experiments with aneuploid stocks suggest that the 5S rRNA gene clusters at several chromosomal sites contribute to this polymorphism. A number of previous reports have shown that wheat cultivars are not easily distinguished by isozymes or RFLPs. The high level of variation detected in 5S rRNA gene clusters therefore offers the possibility of a sensitive fingerprinting method for wheat. 5S DNA and other macro-satellite sequences may also serve as hypervariable Mendelian markers for genetic and breeding experiments in wheat.  相似文献   
In this study three different techniques suitable to recover high molecular weight genomic DNA from small blood samples of different species of malagasy primates are compared: we suggest the use of a very simple phenol-chlorophorm DNA extraction for badly stored or coagulated blood as for samples collected under difficult field conditions. Furthermore we briefly describe the use of this DNA in determining RLFP patterns and DNA fingerprints.  相似文献   
Primers complementary to simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and with variable three-base anchors at their 5 end, were used in PCR analyses to compare pooled DNA samples from various Brassica napus and B. rapa cultivars. Amplification products were resolved on polyacrylamide gels and detected by silver-nitrate staining. The resulting banding patterns were highly repeatable between replicate PCRs. Two of the primers produced polymorphisms at 33 and 23 band positions, respectively, and could each discriminate 16 of the 20 cultivars studied. Combined use of both primers allowed all 20 cultivars to be distinguished. The UPGMA dendrogram, based on the cultivar banding profiles, demonstrated clustering on the basis of winter/spring growth habit, high/low glucosinolate content, and cultivar origin (i.e. the breeder involved). Intracultivar polymorphism was investigated using a minimum of ten individuals for each cultivar and was found to vary considerably between cultivars. It is concluded that anchored SSR-PCR analysis is a highly informative and reproducible method for fingerprinting oilseed rape populations, but that intra-cultivar variation should be investigated before using banding profiles from pooled samples for the identification of individuals.  相似文献   
Summary The use of DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF) as a tool for monitoring mixed microbial populations in bioreactors was evaluated. Short (8-mer or 10-mer) oligonucleotides were used to prime DNA extracts from various biological reactors during polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. The reactors examined in this study included two sets of anaerobic stirred tank continuous flow bioreactors. One set of anaerobic reactors was operated under methanogenic conditions and one set was operated under sulfate-reducing conditions. The anaerobic reactor communities in the methanol-fed reactors showed extensive DAF homology. DAF was also applied to a fixed-film azo dye degrading reactor to examine the degree of uniformity of colonization of the substratum in representative regions of the reactor. This method is a quick and relatively inexpensive means of monitoring microbial community structure during biological processes. Since no cultivation of the sample is involved, the genetic profile of the community is not biased by outgrowth conditions. DAF profiles may be useful for comparisons of population changes over time or of bench-scale vs pilot-scale reactors but not adequate for assessing community diversity.  相似文献   
An efficient and easy method for genetic characterization of plant somatic hybrids is proposed. In a first qualitative approach, four somatic hybrids and their parental species (Nicotiana tabacum andN. plumbaginifolia) were characterized by DNA fingerprinting and Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). After this, a quantitative estimation of the degree of parental contribution to the hybrids was carried out by means of a slot-blot analysis. Both qualitative methods, showed one hybrid identical toN. tabacum, two almost identical toN. plumbaginifolia, and a fourth similar to this parental species, but with someN. tabacum admixture. The quantitative method, for the same hybrids, gave 83%, 7%, 7%, and 37%N. tabacum DNA contribution, respectively.  相似文献   
We conducted DNA fingerprinting analyses to ascertain the mating system and population genetic structure of the palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, which occupies a fragmented range on the Mauna Kea volcano of the island of Hawai'i. DNA fingerprinting of twelve complete families from the Pu'u La'au population revealed no evidence of extrapair fertilization or intraspecific brood parasitism. Band-sharing coefficients from fingerprints produced with two probes revealed that the large Pu'u La'au population on the southwest slope of Mauna Kea, and a smaller, geographically separate population on the east slope (at Kanakaleonui) had relatively high and virtually identical levels of minisatellite variability (mean S of 0.27 for each population based on combined data of M13 and Jeffreys 33.15 probes). The two populations also had nearly identical allele frequencies based on their mean corrected similarity, Sij, of 0.98. These data suggest that the two populations have not been fragmented long and/or have sufficient current gene flow to ameliorate any affects of genetic drift. We conclude that present levels of inbreeding are low within both populations, and that proposed translocations of individuals from Pu'u La'au to Kanakaleonui appear appropriate from a genetic standpoint.  相似文献   
Multiple endonuclease digestion of template DNA or amplification products can increase significantly the detection of polymorphic DNA in fingerprints generated by multiple arbitrary amplicon profiling (MAAP). This coupling of endonuclease cleavage and amplification of arbitrary stretches of DNA, directed by short oligonucleotide primers, readily allowed distinction of closely related fungal and bacterial isolates and plant cultivars. MAAP analysis of cleaved template DNA enabled the identification of molecular markers linked to a developmental locus of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill). Ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)-induced supernodulating, near-isogenic lines altered in the nts locus, which controls nodule formation, could be distinguished from each other and from the parent cultivar by amplification of template pre-digested with 2–3 restriction enzymes. A total of 42 DNA polymorphisms were detected using only 19 octamer primers. In the absence of digestion, 25 primers failed to differentiate these soybean genotypes. Several polymorphic products co-segregated tightly with the nts locus in F2 families from crosses between the allelic mutants nts382 and nts1007 and the ancestral G. soja Sieb. & Succ. PI468.397. Our results suggest that EMS is capable of inducing extensive DNA alterations, probably around discrete mutational hot-spots. EMS-induced DNA polymorphisms may constitute sequence-tagged markers diagnostic of specific genomic regions.  相似文献   
We have developed a novel molecular probe that is useful for DNA fingerprint analysis in chickens. The probe is based on the middle-repetitive, chicken endogenous retroviral (EAV) element. It consists of 1503 bp of the 3′ portion of the EAV element, extending from the downstream end of the envelope gene to the beginning of the downstream long terminal repeat (LTR). Unlike other probes that are currently in use for fingerprint analysis with chicken DNA, the EAV-based probe works well at normal levels of stringency, and with standard hybridization buffers. Digestion of chicken genomic DNA with a variety of restriction enzymes routinely yields up to 30 resolvable bands per bird in the 500 bp to 20kbp range. In order to test the efficacy of the EAV-based fingerprint probe, we have used it to estimate the degree of inbreeding in the inbred WG strain of White Leghorns. We find that the estimates derived with the EAV probe are very similar to those reported previously for the WG strain. These results suggest that molecular probes based on endogenous retroviruses and other middle-repetitive DNA elements should be useful for fingerprint analysis in chickens, and in vertebrates in general.  相似文献   
Monogamy in black vultures: genetic evidence from DNA fingerprinting   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Recent research has indicated that avian mating systems maycommonly deviate from monogamy due to extrapair fertilizations(EPFs). Because the majority of avian species have long beenconsidered monogamous, accurate measurement of the frequencyof EPFs in a variety of species is important to enhance understandingof the evolution of avian mating systems. We used DNA fingerprintingto investigate the apparently monogamous mating system of blackvultures (Coragyps airaius) by assaying parentage within severalnuclear families. Monogamy is suggested in black vultures becausemated pairs exhibit long-term pair bonding and year-round association,and share incubation and nestling feeding duties equally. Thirtytwobreeders and 36 nestlings representing 16 complete nuclear familieswere tagged for individual identification and sampled for DNAanalysis using 2 restriction enzymes and 3 probes for hypervariableregions. Putative parents were assigned parentage in all cases.We empirically examined the probability of detecting EPFs bycomparing nestlings' fingerprints to those of a putative parentand another randomly chosen adult. All putative parents couldbe assigned with 95%confidence and all outside adults couldbe similarly excluded. There is therefore no evidence for successfulEPFs in this population, indicating a mating system that doesnot deviate from strict monogamy. The complex social behaviorof black vultures may eliminate the opportunity for EPFs dueto the prohibition of copulations in the presence of relatives.  相似文献   
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