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Synopsis Experiments were carried out to study the feeding rates of the predator fish Therapon jarbua (Forsk) on mullet juveniles, before and after treatment with DDT. Mullet juveniles treated with a subacute concentration, were refused by the control predators, whereas predators treated with a subacute concentration consumed more mullet juveniles. In the present study crescent perch T. jarbua were exposed to subacute and acute concentrations of DDT, and their behaviour was compared with that of the control predators. There were changes in oriented behaviour and co-ordinated movements, and in feeding, aggression and comfort behaviour of the fish. Inflammation in the gills, and caudal fin serration, were noticed in treated fishes. The findings presented here throw light on fundamental pathways by which pollutants interact with the behaviour of fishes.  相似文献   
High concentrations of boron (B) and selenium (Se) naturally found in the environment are detrimental to sustainable agriculture in the western USA. Greenhouse pot experiments were conducted to study B and Se uptake in three different plant species; Brassica juncea (L.) Czern (wild brown mustard), Festuca arundinacea Schreb. L. (tall fescue), and Brassica napus (canola) were grown in soil containing naturally occurring concentrations of 3.00 mg extractable B kg–1 and 1.17 mg total Se kg–1 soil. During the growing season, four intermediate harvests were performed on wild mustard and tall fescue. Final harvest I consisted of harvesting wild mustard, canola, and clipping tall fescue. Final harvest II consisted of harvesting wild mustard, which had been planted in soil in which wild mustard was previously grown, and harvesting previously clipped tall fescue. The greatest total amount of above ground biomass and below surface biomass was produced by tall fescue. Plants were separated into shoots and roots, weighted, and plant tissues were analyzed for total B and Se. The highest concentrations of tissue B were recovered in shoots of wild mustard and canola at final harvest I, while roots from tall fescue contained the highest concentrations of B irrespective of the harvest. Tissue Se concentrations were similar in all plants species. Soils were analyzed for residual B and Se. Extractable soil B concentrations at harvest times were lowered no less than 32% and total Se no less than 24% for all three species. The planting of wild mustard, canola, or tall fescue can reduce water-extractable B and total Se in the soil.  相似文献   
Assessment of lead availability in soils contaminated by mine spoil   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The uptake of lead by two contrasting plant species, radish and red fescue, grown in soils contaminated by mine spoil was investigated. Uptake was found to be poorly correlated either with pH or total Pb concentration in the soils. By contrast, a good correlation was obtained, particularly for red fescue, between Pb uptake and Pb concentration in the solution of equilibrated soil suspensions over a wide range of soil pH, total soil Pb and soil solution Pb concentration.Calculations suggested a similar order of magnitude in the total amounts of Pb taken up by the plants and Pb in the soil solution of the root zone, justifying the latter as a good index of Pb-availability. ei]Section editor: A C Borstlap  相似文献   
Distribution of net assimilated C in meadow fescue (Fectuca pratensi L.) was followed before and after cutting of the shoots. Plants were continuously labelled in a growth chamber with 14C-labelled CO2 in the atmosphere from seedling to cutting and with 13C-labelled CO2 in the atmosphere during regrowth after the cutting. Labelled C, both 14C and 13C, was determined at the end of the two growth periods in shoots, crowns, roots, soil and rhizosphere respiration. Distribution of net assimilated C followed almost the same pattern at the end of the two growth periods, i.e. at the end of the 14C- and the 13C-labelling periods. Shoots retained 71–73% of net assimilated C while 9% was detected in the roots and 11–14% was released from the roots, determined as labelled C in soil and as rhizosphere respiration. At the end of the 2nd growth period, after cutting and regrowth, 21% of the residual plant 14C at cutting (14C in crowns and roots) was found in the new shoot biomass. A minor part of the residual plant 14C, 12%, was lost from the plants. The decreases in 14C in crowns and roots during the regrowth period suggest that 14C in both crowns and roots was translocated to new shoot tissue. Approximately half of the total root C at the end of the regrowth period after cutting was 13C-labelled C and thus represents new root growth. Root death after cutting could not be determined in this experiment, since the decline in root 14C during the regrowth period may also be assigned to root respiration, root exudation and translocation to the shoots. ei]{gnH}{fnLambers} ei]{gnA C}{fnBorstlap}  相似文献   
R.S. Pearce 《Phytochemistry》1982,21(4):833-837
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv S.170) plants were grown in environments differing only in temperature: 6/4, 16/14 or 21/19°. The content of total and individual sugars and amino acids in leaf laminae and roots did not relate closely to the hardiness of the organ. The unsaturation of lipid fatty acids alone was clearly unrelated to hardiness because the difference in unsaturation was greater in the neutral lipids, glycolipids and phospholipids from roots than from leaves but only the latter differed in hardiness. Total amounts of lipids could have been related to hardiness but phospholipids and glycolipids in the roots were not. At least some of these changes may be related to adaptation of growth to temperature.  相似文献   
红脖游蛇咬伤引起严重中毒的临床观察报告   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
温汉春  李其斌 《蛇志》2006,18(2):115-117
目的为了观察红脖游蛇(Rhabdophis subminiatus)咬伤的临床表现,探明其中毒引起出血的机制。方法对2001~2005年我科诊治的7例红脖游蛇咬伤病人,采取临床观察结合实验室检查:试管法凝血时间(coagulation time)、PT、APTT、TT、纤维蛋白原浓度(Fibrinogen,Fib)和纤维蛋白降解产物含量(3P和D-二聚体)测定等实验检查的血液学研究。并采用自行设计方法治疗:蛇咬伤伤口局部消毒后给予点状加压止血(绝对不能切开,已经切口的需把伤口缝合后再止血)。全身治疗主要有(1)根据需要输注全血或血浆;(2)止血抗纤溶药:止血敏维生素K,止血芳酸,止血环酸;(3)654-2加地塞米松静脉点滴防治全身炎症反应综合症(SIRS);(4)口服中草药蛇药;(5)抗感染;(6)抗休克和治疗MODS等对症处理。结果7例病人就诊时全部有伤口出血难止,全身严重出血倾向,其中1例头颅CT检查发现有脑出血,2例出现了休克、急性肾功能衰竭。全部患者进行血液学检查试管法凝血时间均明显延长,普通试管里血液未能凝固;PT、APTT和TT均延长,纤维蛋白原明显减少,基本检测不出,3P阳性和D-二聚体增加,呈脱纤维蛋白原血症状态。脑出血患者因无手术指征,保守治疗病情稳定后自动出院,1例急性肾功能衰竭患者因无法人工肾治疗而自动出院(后证实死亡)。其余5例痊愈出院。结论提示该蛇咬伤可引起患者体内凝血系统被激活而继发纤溶亢进完全脱纤维蛋白状态的DIC样血液学改变,如不及时治疗,可引起严重合并症,甚至死亡。  相似文献   
香柱菌属Epichloë内生真菌存在于宿主植物地上部组织,不仅能提高宿主植物对生物与非生物逆境的抗性,而且能对周围环境中的微生物产生影响。该研究以染内生菌(endophyte-infected,EI)和不染菌(endophyte-free,EF)苇状羊茅Festuca arundinacea为实验材料,探究内生真菌和不同水平盐碱胁迫处理对宿主根系丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)群落多样性和组成的影响。结果表明,内生真菌和盐碱胁迫处理对苇状羊茅根系AMF多样性影响存在交互作用。EF苇状羊茅根系AMF多样性随盐碱胁迫处理水平的增加而降低,内生真菌的存在缓解了这一效应,在200和400 mmol/L盐碱胁迫处理下,内生真菌感染增加了苇状羊茅根系AMF多样性;此外,内生真菌感染改变了苇状羊茅根系AMF群落组成,降低了优势属Funneliformis相对多度,增加了ClaroideoglomusGlomus和unclassified AMF相对多度。结构方程模型结果表明,内生真菌通过间接增加土壤总磷浓度对苇状羊茅根系AMF多样性产生影响。本研究为筛选盐碱污染区生态修复的植物-微生物共生体提供基础。  相似文献   
以感染内生真菌(endophyte-infected,EI)和不感染内生真菌(endophyte-free,EF)的高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)为材料,在温室沙培条件下研究内生真菌对高羊茅适应缺磷及利用不同形态磷肥的影响。结果表明,1)缺磷条件下,高羊茅EI和EF植株生长差异不显著;正常供磷条件下,高羊茅EI植株拥有更多分蘖数和绿叶数。说明正常供磷条件下内生真菌改善了宿主高羊茅的生长。2)与水溶性磷相比,高羊茅根有机酸和酸性磷酸酶(acid phosphatase,APase)活性在难溶性磷条件下显著增加,而根总酚含量无显著变化。在水溶性磷条件下,高羊茅EI植株根总酚含量显著高于EF植株,此时EI植株比EF植株拥有更多分蘖数和绿叶数,说明在水溶性磷条件下内生真菌对宿主地上部生长具有一定贡献。在难溶性磷条件下,虽然高羊茅EI植株根总酚含量仍然高于EF植株,但同时EI植株根有机酸含量显著低于EF植株,因此内生真菌感染只是增大了宿主植物的根冠比,而对分蘖数和绿叶数等无显著影响,说明内生真菌对宿主利用难溶性磷贡献不大。可见,内生真菌对宿主植物的生长在水溶性磷条件下更有利。  相似文献   
Flowering requirements of Scandinavian Festuca pratensis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flowering requirements of three Scandinavian cultivars of Festuca pratensis Huds, have been studied in controlled environments. At 3 and 6°C, primary induction was independent of photoperiod, while short days (8 h) were more effective than long days (24 h) at higher temperatures. The critical temperature for induction was about 15°C in short days and about 12°C in long days. Saturation of induction required 18–20 weeks of exposure to optimal conditions. At temperatures below 12°C both induction and initiation of inflorescence primordia took place in long days, while a transition to long days was required for inflorescence initiation after primary induction in short days. A minimum of 8 long-day cycles were required for flowering of plants primary induced in short days and saturation of flowering required more than 16 cycles. The critical photoperiod for secondary induction was about 13 h. High temperature (21°C) had some devernalization effect in primary induced plants, suppressing flowering compared with 15°C.  相似文献   
Environmentally induced epigenetic variation has been recently recognized as a possible mechanism allowing plants to rapidly adapt to novel conditions. Despite increasing evidence on the topic, little is known on how epigenetic variation affects responses of natural populations to changing climate. We studied the effects of experimental demethylation (DNA methylation is an important mediator of heritable control of gene expression) on performance of a clonal grass, Festuca rubra, coming from localities with contrasting temperature and moisture regimes. We compared performance of demethylated and control plants from different populations under two contrasting climatic scenarios and explored whether the response to demethylation depended on genetic relatedness of the plants. Demethylation significantly affected plant performance. Its effects interacted with population of origin and partly with conditions of cultivation. The effects of demethylation also varied between distinct genotypes with more closely related genotypes showing more similar response to demethylation. For belowground biomass, demethylated plants showed signs of adaptation to drought that were not apparent in plants that were naturally methylated. The results suggest that DNA methylation may modify the response of this species to moisture. DNA methylation may thus affect the ability of clonal plants to adapt to novel climatic conditions. Whether this variation in DNA methylation may also occur under natural conditions, however, remains to be explored. Despite the significant interactions between population of origin and demethylation, our data do not provide clear evidence that DNA methylation enabled adaptation to different environments. In fact, we obtained stronger evidence of local adaptation in demethylated than in naturally‐methylated plants. As changes in DNA methylation may be quite dynamic, it is thus possible that epigenetic variation can mask plant adaptations to conditions of their origin due to pre‐cultivation of the plants under standardized conditions. This possibility should be considered in future experiments exploring plant adaptations.  相似文献   
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