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The application of culture-dependent studies to quantify Fe-metabolizing microorganisms from the environment is a necessity, as there are so far no universal functional marker genes for application in culture-independent studies. Media composition can vary between studies, therefore, we determined the effects of three different growth media on the quantification (MPNs) and identity (via cloning and sequencing of dominant DGGE bands) of nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizers and lactate- or acetate-oxidizing Fe(III)-reducers from a lacustrine sediment: low sulphate freshwater medium (FWM), sterile filtered bicarbonate-buffered lake water (BLW) and a mixture of both (MIX). We consistently found fewer cells in the BLW than in the FWM and the MIX. The DGGE banding patterns of the microbial communities enriched in different media types clustered together according to the e? donor and acceptor couples and not according to the medium used. Thus, although the medium composition significantly influenced the quantification and thereby conclusions on the abundance and potential significance of the targeted group within the ecosystem, biodiversity assessments through enrichment cultures were less influenced by the medium, but instead were affected by the type and concentration of the e? donor/acceptor.  相似文献   
Electron transfer between horse heart and Candida krusei cytochromes c in the free and phosvitin-bound states was examined by difference spectrum and stopped-flow methods. The difference spectra in the wavelength range of 540–560 nm demonstrated that electrons are exchangeable between the cytochromes c of the two species. The equilibrium constants of the electron transfer reaction for the free and phosvitin-bound forms, estimated from these difference spectra, were close to unity at 20°C in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4). The electron transfer rate for free cytochrome c was (2–3) · 104 M?1 · s?1 under the same conditions. The transfer rate for the bound form increased with increase in the binding ratio at ratios below half the maximum, and was almost constant at higher ratios up to the maximum. The maximum electron exchange rate was about 2 · 106 M?1 · s?1, which is 60–70 times that for the free form at a given concentration of cytochrome c. The activation energy of the reaction for the bound cytochrome c was equal to that for the free form, being about 10 kcal/mol. The dependence of the exchange rate on temperature, cytochrome c concentration and solvent viscosity suggests that enhancement of the electron transfer rate between cytochromes c on binding to phosvitin is due to increase in the collision frequency between cytochromes c concentrated on the phosvitin molecule.  相似文献   
硝酸盐型厌氧铁氧化菌的种类、分布和特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王茹  郑平  张萌  赵和平  周晓馨 《微生物学通报》2015,42(12):2448-2456
硝酸盐型厌氧铁氧化(NAFO)是指微生物在厌氧条件下利用硝酸盐或亚硝酸盐作为电子受体,将低价铁(二价铁或零价铁)氧化为高价铁(三价铁)的过程。具有NAFO代谢能力的微生物称为硝酸盐型厌氧铁氧化菌(NAFOM)。NAFO是微生物领域的重大发现,也是环境领域开发新型脱氮技术和地学领域研究铁、氮循环的理论依据。整理文献报道的NAFOM资料,分析NAFOM系统发育性状,探讨典型NAFOM的生态分布及其营养、代谢特性,以期为NAFOM菌种资源的开发、地球铁素和氮素循环的研究、NAFO过程的优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The effect of ferrous ion on the biological activity in a upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was studied. A mathematical model was developed and validated in order to simulate the dynamic behavior of a UASB reactor. This model took into consideration of all the biological and physicochemical reactions. The model was able to simulate the accumulation of iron in the sludge bed and its effect on the biological activity of the anaerobic sludge. A significant increase in the maximum uptake rate of methanogens and acidogens was revealed when iron was supplemented to the UASB reactor. The addition of ferrous iron induced a stable and excellent COD conversion rate. The model can be a useful tool for the prediction of process performance in the future and can be used to assist in the operation of biogas plants. The ferrous ion addition proved to enhance the biological activity of UASB sludge. Thus, the model can be used for the design of treatment plants that will take advantage of the benefits of iron addition.  相似文献   
《Free radical research》2013,47(3-6):143-148
Iron plays a central role in oxidative injury, reportedly because it catalyzes superoxide- and hydrogen peroxide-dependent reactions yielding a powerful oxidant such as the hydroxyl radical. Iron is also thought to mediate the cardiotoxic and antitumour effects of adriamycin and related compounds. NADPH-supplemented microsomes reduce adriamycin to a semiquinone radical, which in turn re-oxidizes in the presence of oxygen to form superoxide and hence hydrogen peroxide. During this redox cycling membrane-bound nonheme iron undergoes superoxide dismutase- and catalase-insensitive reductive release. Membrane iron mobilization triggers lipid peroxidation, which is markedly enhanced by simultaneous addition of superoxide dismutase and catalase. The results indicate that : i) lipid peroxidation is mediated by the release of iron, yet the two reactions are governed by different mechanisms; and ii) oxygen radicals are not involved in or may actually inhibit adriamycin-induced lipid peroxidation. Microsomal iron delocalization and lipid peroxidation might represent oxyradical-independent mechanisms of adriamycin toxicity.  相似文献   
Liposomal delivery systems for water-soluble bioactives were prepared using the pro-liposome and the microfluidization technologies. Iron, an essential micronutrient as ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid, as an antioxidant for iron were encapsulated in the liposomes. Liposomes prepared by the microfluidization technology using 6% (w/w) concentration of the lipid encapsulated with ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid had particle size distributions around 150 to 200 nm, whereas liposomes from the pro-liposome technology resulted in particle sizes of about 5 μm. The encapsulation efficiency of ferrous sulfate was 58% for the liposomes prepared by the microfluidization using 6% (w/w) lipid and 7.5% of ferrous sulfate concentrations, and it was 11% for the liposomes from pro-liposome technology using 1.5% (w/v) lipid and 15% of ferrous-sulfate concentration. Both the liposomes exhibited similar levels of oxidative stability, demonstrating the feasibility of microfluidization-based liposomal delivery systems for large-scale food/nutraceutical applications.  相似文献   
In previous studies, three different strains (BrG1, BrG2, and BrG3) of ferrous iron-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing bacteria were obtained from freshwater sediments. All three strains were facultative anaerobes and utilized a variety of organic substrates and molecular hydrogen with nitrate as electron acceptor. In this study, analyses of 16S rDNA sequences showed that strain BrG1 was affiliated with the genus Acidovorax, strain BrG2 with the genus Aquabacterium, and strain BrG3 with the genus Thermomonas. Previously, bacteria similar to these three strains were detected with molecular techniques in MPN dilution series for ferrous iron-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing bacteria inoculated with different freshwater sediment samples. In the present study, further molecular analyses of these MPN cultures indicated that the ability to oxidize ferrous iron with nitrate is widespread amongst the Proteobacteria and may also be found among the Gram-positive bacteria with high GC content of DNA. Nitrate-reducing bacteria oxidized ferrous iron to poorly crystallized ferrihydrite that was suitable as an electron acceptor for ferric iron-reducing bacteria. Biologically produced ferrihydrite and synthetically produced ferrihydrite were both well suited as electron acceptors in MPN dilution cultures. Repeated anaerobic cycling of iron was shown in a coculture of ferrous iron-oxidizing bacteria and the ferric iron-reducing bacterium Geobacter bremensis. The results indicate that iron can be cycled between its oxidation states +II and +III by microbial activities in anoxic sediments.  相似文献   
Iron supplementation moderates but does not cure the Belgrade anemia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Belgrade rats inherit microcytic, hypochromic anemia as an autosomalrecessive trait (gene symbol b). Erythrocytes and tissue are iron deficientin the face of elevated TIBC (total iron binding capacity) and percent ironsaturation; iron injections increased the number of erythrocytes but theirappearance remained abnormal. We have investigated iron supplements toimprove husbandry of b/b rats and to learn more about the underlying defectand its tissue distribution. Weekly IM (intramuscular) injections ofiron–dextran (Imferon at 30 mg kg) improved the anemia but did not alter thered cell morphology. Certain diets also improved the health of b/b rats whencompared to standard rat chows by the criteria of weight, survival toadulthood, hematology and reproduction. The critical nutritional factorturned out to be iron bioavailability, with ferrous iron added to the dietimproving the health of Belgrade rats without affecting the underlyingerythroid defect. Tissue iron measurements after dietary or parenteralsupplementation confirmed the iron deficient status of untreated b/b rats andestablished that dietary ferrous iron partially relieved this deficiency,with injections leading to greater amounts of tissue iron. Serum iron andTIBC were also found to be elevated in untreated b/b rats, with dietarysupplementation decreasing but not eliminating the elevation in TIBC. Thesestudies indicate that iron supplements can improve the health of b/b ratswithout altering the underlying defect and also suggest that the mutationcould alter iron uptake in the GI (gastrointestinal) tract.  相似文献   
潜育性水稻田广泛分布于中国、斯里兰卡、印度、印度尼西亚、塞拉里昂、利比亚、尼日利亚、哥伦比亚和菲律宾等国,其中我国南方稻区就有近700万公顷低产潜育性水稻田。该类水稻田还原性强,矿质营养失调,尤以Fe^2 过量积累,对水稻生长发育产生不良的逆境胁迫作用。培育抗亚铁毒的水稻品种是简便、经济有效地提高稻谷产量的重要途径之一。该文利用由粳稻品种Asominori与籼稻品种IR24杂交衍生的Asominori染色体片段置换系(Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines,CSSLs)群体为材料,检测与抗亚铁毒胁迫有关性状QTL。共检测到与抗亚铁毒胁迫有关性状QTL14个,各QTL的LOD值为2.72~6.63。其中检测到与抗亚铁毒胁迫直接有关的性状叶片棕色斑点指数QTL3个,分别位于第3、9、11染色体C515~XNpb279、R2638~C1263和G1465~C950之间,对应的贡献率分别为16.45%、11.16%和28.02%;与其他已发表的定位结果比较发现,位于第三染色体C515~XNpb279间控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与水稻功能图谱上控制叶绿素含量的QTL的位置一致;表明在亚铁毒胁迫条件下,水稻在其叶片表面出现棕色斑点,叶片衰老,产生一些叶绿素降解物或衍生物,以提高叶片细胞对亚铁等重金属毒害的耐受力。另外,在第11染色体G1465~C950之间检测到了控制叶片棕色斑点指数、茎干重和根干重QTL1个,为主效QTL。在第6染色体XNpb386~XNpb342之间检测到控制茎干重、株高、根长和根干重QTL1个,是否与水稻抗亚铁毒有关需要进一步研究。本研究旨在通过定位与抗亚铁毒有关的QTL,借助与之紧密连锁的分子标记有效地聚合这些QTL,培育出抗亚铁毒性强的水稻新种质材料。  相似文献   
PVA-cryogels entrapping about 109 cells of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans per ml of gel were prepared by freezing-thawing procedure, and the biooxidation of Fe2+ by immobilized cells was investigated in a 0.365 l packed-bed bioreactor. Fe2+ oxidation fits a plug-flow reaction model well. A maximum oxidation rate of 3.1 g Fe2+ l–1 h–1 was achieved at the dilution rate of 0.4 h–1 or higher, while no obvious precipitate was determined at this time. In addition, cell-immobilized PVA-cryogels packed in bioreactor maintained their oxidative ability for more than two months under non-sterile conditions. Nomenclature: C A0 – Concentration of Fe2+ in feed stream (g l–1) C A – Concentration of Fe2 + in outlet stream (g l– 1) D – Dilution rate of the packed-bed bioreactor (h–1) F – Volumetric flow rate of iron solution (l h–1) F A0 – Mass flow rate of Fe2+ in the feed stream (g h–1) K – Kinetic constant (l l–1 h–1) r A – Oxidation rate of Fe2+ (g l–1 h–1) V – Volume of packed-bed bioreactor (l) X A – Conversion ratio of Fe2+ (%)  相似文献   
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