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In the Volga Basin, the small Baikalian amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus was introduced in 1965 into the Gorky reservoir in order to enhance fish production; it appeared in 1986 in the Rybinsk reservoir and we recorded it during monitoring activities in 2006 at Tver. In total, at the monitoring site Tver/Migalovo 69 benthic invertebrate taxa were identified. We compared data from three summer seasons. During summer low flow period Gmelinoides fasciatus did not exceed a share of 12.6% considering individual (ind) densities (mean abundance 165 ± 104 ind m?2) and 14.2% considering biomass (mean biomass 0.39 ± 0.44 g m?2). Abundances and biomass of G. fasciatus were shown to be stable over three years and no increase was observed. The monthly dataset (March–November 2008) revealed dynamics in relation to the native benthic communities and it was shown that the maximal densities of Gmelinoides did not exceed 587 ind m–2. Understanding the effects on benthic communities caused by the invasive amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus is crucial in order to predict further developments in European inland waters and to establish management strategies.  相似文献   
1. The ability to achieve optimal camouflage varies between microhabitats in heterogeneous environments, potentially restricting individuals to a single habitat or imposing a compromise on crypsis to match several habitats. However, animals may exhibit morphological and behavioural attributes that enhance crypsis in different habitats. 2. We used an undescribed fish species, Galaxias‘nebula’, to investigate two objectives. First, we examined two potential methods of enhancing crypsis: change in colour pattern and selection of a suitable background. Second, we characterised the colour pattern of this unstudied fish and assessed its capacity for crypsis. 3. No background selection was apparent but the area of dark pigment expressed varied between backgrounds, which may negate the requirement to be choosy about habitats. The capacity to change colour and selection of a background that maximises crypsis are most likely separate, non‐mutually exclusive strategies. 4. Galaxias‘nebula’ exhibits polymorphic, non‐interchangeable colour patterns that have elements of both background pattern matching and disruptive colouration. This, coupled with habitat characteristics, suggests a combination of generalist and specialist strategies of habitat use. The fish’s camouflage strategy and air‐breathing ability may be key to survival under increasing pressure from habitat degradation and invasive predators.  相似文献   
Ecology of juvenile grouse during the transition to adulthood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A set of eight simple ecological and social principles is proposed that could enhance the understanding of what constitutes fish 'habitat' and, if implemented, could contribute to improved management and conservation strategies. The habitat principles are a small, interrelated sub‐set that may be coupled with additional ones to formulate comprehensive guidelines for management and conservation strategies. It is proposed that: 1) habitat can be created by keystone species and interactions among species; 2) the productivity of aquatic and riparian habitat is interlinked by reciprocal exchanges of material; 3) the riparian zone is fish habitat; 4) fishless headwater streams are inseparable from fish‐bearing rivers downstream; 5) habitats can be coupled – in rivers, lakes, estuaries and oceans, and in time; 6) habitats change over hours to centuries; 7) fish production is dynamic due to biocomplexity, in species and in habitats; 8) management and conservation strategies must evolve in response to present conditions, but especially to the anticipated future. It is contended that the long‐term resilience of native fish communities in catchments shared by humans depends on incorporating these principles into management and conservation strategies. Further, traditional strategies poorly reflect the dynamic nature of habitat, the true extent of habitat, or the intrinsic complexity in societal perspectives. Forward‐thinking fish management and conservation plans view habitat as more than water. They are multilayered, ranging from pools to catchments to ecoregions, and from hours to seasons to centuries. They embrace, as a fundamental premise, that habitat evolves through both natural and anthropogenic processes, and that patterns of change may be as important as other habitat attributes.  相似文献   
1. Despite the growing view that biodiversity provides a unifying theme in river ecology, global perspectives on richness in riverine landscapes are limited. As a result, there is little theory or quantitative data on features that might have influenced global patterns in riverine richness, nor are there clear indications of which riverine landscapes are important to conservation at the global scale. As conspicuous elements of the vertebrate fauna of riverine landscapes, we mapped the global distributions of all of the world's specialist riverine birds and assessed their richness in relation to latitude, altitude, primary productivity and geomorphological complexity (surface configuration). 2. Specialist riverine birds, typical of high‐energy riverine landscapes and dependent wholly or partly on production from river ecosystems, occur in 16 families. They are represented by an estimated 60 species divided equally between the passerines and non‐passerines. Major radiation has occurred among different families on different continents, indicating that birds have evolved several times into the niches provided by riverine landscapes. 3. Continental richness varies from four species in Europe to 28 in Asia, with richness on the latter continent disproportionately larger than would be expected from a random distribution with respect to land area. Richness is greatest in mountainous regions at latitudes of 20–40°N in the riverine landscapes of the Himalayan mountains, where 13 species overlap in range. 4. Family, genus and species richness in specialist riverine birds all increase significantly with productivity and surface configuration (i.e. relief). However, family richness was the best single predictor of the numbers of species or genera. In keeping with the effect of surface configuration, river‐bird richness peaks globally at 1300–1400 m altitude, and most species occur typically on small, fast rivers where they feed predominantly on invertebrates. Increased lengths of such streams in areas of high relief and rainfall might have been responsible for species–area effects. 5. We propose the hypothesis that the diversity in channel forms and habitats in riverine landscapes, in addition to high temperature and primary productivity, have been prerequisites to the development of global patterns in the richness of specialist riverine organisms. We advocate tests of this hypothesis in other taxonomic groups. We draw attention, however, to the challenges of categorically defining riverine organisms in such tests because (i) rivers grade into many other habitat types across several different ecotones and (ii) `terrestrialisation' processes in riverine landscapes means that they offer habitat for organisms whose evolutionary origins are not exclusively riverine.  相似文献   
Body size and area‐incidence relationships: is there a general pattern?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim This paper tests firstly for the existence of a general relationship between body size of terrestrial animals and their incidence across habitat patches of increasing size, and secondly for differences in this relationship between insects and vertebrates. Location The analysis was based on the occupancy pattern of 50 species from 15 different landscapes in a variety of ecosystems ranging from Central European grassland to Asian tropical forest. Methods The area‐occupancy relationship was described by incidence functions that were calculated using logistic regression. A correlation analysis between body size of the species and the patch area referring to the two given points of the incidence function was performed. In order to test for an effect of taxon (insects vs. vertebrates), an analysis of covariance was conducted. Results In all species, the incidence was found to increase with increasing patch area. The macroecological analysis showed a significant relationship between the incidence in habitat patches and the body size of terrestrial animals. The area requirement was found to increase linearly with increasing body size on a log‐log scale. This relationship did not differ significantly between insects and vertebrates. Conclusions The approach highlighted in this paper is to associate incidence functions with body size. The results suggest that body size is a general but rather rough predictor for the area requirements of animals. The relationship seems valid for a wide range of body sizes of terrestrial animals. However, further studies including isolation of habitats as well as additional species traits into the macroecological analysis of incidence functions are needed.  相似文献   
We studied the hibernation behavior of the water frog Rana lessonae and its hybridogenetic associate R. esculenta in their natural habitat during three successive winters. Animals caught in pitfall traps at a fenced pond were individually marked with PIT tags and some (n=36) were additionally equipped with radio transmitters. Of the animals caught, 85% left the fenced pond for hibernation. More R. esculenta remained inside the fenced area compared to R. lessonae. R. lessonae emigrated earlier in autumn and came back later in spring than R. esculenta, but the distance to their hibernation sites did not differ. Both species left the fenced pond earlier in the year when ambient temperatures were lower. All radio-tracked animals hibernated in woodland, 3–7 cm below the surface in soil, under moss, fallen leaves or small branches. Soil temperatures at the actual hibernation sites were significantly higher than at randomly chosen control sites. A surprising finding was that most frogs changed their hibernation sites during winter, and often more than once. Movements were more frequent in the warmer first half of the winter than in the cooler second half, but some animals were active even on days with mean temperatures below 1°C. These results show that both species do not spend the whole winter torpid in one particular hibernation site but move around, especially at higher temperatures. Most of the animals lost weight during the winter, and the weight loss was greater in females than in males and higher in warm than in cold winters. To what extent weight loss and survival is influenced by the chosen hibernation sites and the amount of movement during winter, and whether this contributes to the differences in species and sex ratios found in mixed populations, needs more investigation. Received: 4 August 1999 / Accepted: 15 November 1999  相似文献   
1. Ship‐induced waves can affect the physical characteristics of lake and river shorelines, and laboratory studies have shown effects on littoral invertebrates. Here, we explored whether these effects could be observed under field conditions along a natural lake shore affected by wave sequences (trains) produced by boats. 2. Individuals of five invertebrate species (Bithynia tentaculata, Calopteryx splendens, Dikerogammarus villosus, Gammarus roeselii, Laccophilus hyalinus) were exposed to waves with increasing shear stress in five habitats differing in structural complexity. 3. Detachment of invertebrates increased with increasing shear stress and was best modelled using sigmoid response curves. Habitat structural complexity mitigated the effects of shear stress, and detachment rate was influenced more by habitat type than by species. A threshold (90% of the individual invertebrates unaffected) stress level of 0.64 N m?2 was found for a structurally complex reed habitat, compared to 0.37 N m?2 for a simple sand habitat. 4. Shear stress associated with wave trains created by recreational boating at a distance of 35 m from the shore and at a speed of 11 km h?1 resulted in 45% detachment of littoral invertebrates. Decreasing the boat‐to‐shore distance to 20 m increased wave shear stress by 30% and invertebrate detachments up to 75%. 5. Disturbance of littoral habitats and invertebrate assemblages are widespread in inland waters used for recreational and/or commercial navigation. Our findings show that the integrity of littoral zones of navigable surface waters could be much improved by implementing management measures such as physically protecting complex habitats with dense reed belts and tree roots, and reducing boat speeds and increasing their minimum shoreline distance.  相似文献   
I.CORRELATIONBETWEENL0ESSSECTI0NAND0XYGENIS0TOPESTAGESIntheYuanloessarea,manyscientiststhinkthatthesedimentsarecontinuousandtheclimaticrecordsareperfect.Thisdoesnotappeartobeaccurate.Sedimentationwasdiscontinuousinmanysections.Forexample,manyscientistsarguethatS2corresp0ndstooxygenisot0peStage7(Liu,l985,KuklaandAn,l989;Dingetal.,l990).lnfact,S2includesthreelayersfS2SSl,S2LLlandS2SS2.Dingetal.(l990)reportedthatthereisathickunitofloessbetweenS2SSlandS2SS2intheBaicao…  相似文献   
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