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Improving our knowledge of the links between ecology and evolution is especially critical in the actual context of global rapid environmental changes. A critical step in that direction is to quantify how variation in ecological factors linked to habitat modifications might shape observed levels of genetic variability in wild populations. Still, little is known on the factors affecting levels and distribution of genetic diversity at the individual level, despite its vital underlying role in evolutionary processes. In this study, we assessed the effects of habitat quality on population structure and individual genetic diversity of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) breeding along a gradient of agricultural intensification in southern Québec, Canada. Using a landscape genetics approach, we found that individual genetic diversity was greater in poorer quality habitats. This counter-intuitive result was partly explained by the settlement patterns of tree swallows across the landscape. Individuals of higher genetic diversity arrived earlier on their breeding grounds and settled in the first available habitats, which correspond to intensive cultures. Our results highlight the importance of investigating the effects of environmental variability on individual genetic diversity, and of integrating information on landscape structure when conducting such studies.  相似文献   
Summary   Worldwide, invasive weeds threaten agricultural, natural and urban ecosystems. In Australia's agricultural and grazing regions, invasive species often establish across extensive areas where weed management is hampered by an inability to detect the location and timing of an outbreak. In these vast landscapes, an effective detection and monitoring system is required to delineate the extent of the invasion and identify spatial and temporal factors associated with weed establishment and thickening. In this study, we utilize a time series of remote sensing imagery to detect the spatial and temporal patterns of Prickly Acacia ( Acacia nilotica ) invasion in the Mitchell grass plains of North Queensland. We develop a spectral index from Landsat images which is applied to images from 1989 to 2004, in combination with a classification mask, to identify locations and monitor changes in Prickly Acacia density across 29 000 km2 of Mitchell grass plains. The approach identified spectral and temporal signatures consistent with Prickly Acacia infestation on 1.9% of this landscape. Field checking of results confirmed presence of the weed in previously unrecorded locations. The approach may be used to evaluate future spread, or outcomes of management strategies for Prickly Acacia in this landscape and could be employed to detect and monitor invasions in other extensive landscapes.  相似文献   
The spatial epidemiology of Bluetongue virus (BTV) at the landscape level relates to the fine‐scale distribution and dispersal capacities of its vectors, midges belonging to the genus Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Although many previous researches have carried out Culicoides sampling on farms, little is known of the fine‐scale distribution of Culicoides in the landscape immediately surrounding farms. The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of Culicoides populations at increasing distances from typical dairy farms in north‐west Europe, through the use of eight Onderstepoort‐type black‐light traps positioned along linear transects departing from farms, going through pastures and entering woodlands. A total of 16 902 Culicoides were collected in autumn 2008 and spring 2009. The majority were females, of which more than 97% were recognized as potential vectors. In pastures, we found decreasing numbers of female Culicoides as a function of the distance to the farm. This pattern was modelled by leptokurtic models, with parameters depending on season and species. By contrast, the low number of male Culicoides caught were homogeneously distributed along the transects. When transects entered woodlands, we found a higher abundance of Culicoides than expected considering the distance of the sampling sites to the farm, although this varied according to species.  相似文献   
1. Macroinvertebrate community composition was assessed in small streams of the Melbourne region to test the effects of (a) urban density (catchment imperviousness 0–51%) and (b) stormwater drainage intensity (comparing the intensively drained metropolitan area with urban areas of the hinterland, which had open drains and some localized stormwater drainage).
2. Hinterland communities separated into two groups of sites correlating strongly with patterns of electrical conductivity (EC), basalt geology and annual rainfall. Community composition varied little in the high-EC, western group (imperviousness 0.2–1.2%), but in the eastern group it was strongly correlated with catchment imperviousness (0–12%), with lower taxon richness in more impervious catchments.
3. Metropolitan communities (imperviousness 1–51%) were all severely degraded, with high abundances of a few tolerant taxa. Community composition was poorly correlated with patterns of geology, rainfall or imperviousness. Differences between metropolitan and hinterland communities were well explained by patterns of biochemical oxygen demand and electrical conductivity, which were postulated to indicate the more efficient transport of pollutants to receiving streams by the metropolitan stormwater drainage system.
4. Degradation of macroinvertebrate community composition was well explained by urban density but intensive urban drainage increased degradation severely at even low urban densities. Quantification of relationships between imperviousness, drainage intensity and stream degradation can better inform the assessment, conservation and restoration of urban streams.  相似文献   
As an increasingly dominant feature in the landscape, transportation corridors are becoming a major concern for bats. Although wildlife–vehicle collisions are considered to be a major source of mortality, other negative implications of roads on bat populations are just now being realized. Recent studies have revealed that bats, like many other wildlife species, will avoid roads rather than cross them. The consequence is that roads act as barriers or filters to movement, restricting bats from accessing critical resources. Our objective was to assess specific features along the commuting route, road, or surrounding landscape (alone or in combination) that exacerbated or alleviated the likelihood of a commuting bat exhibiting an avoidance behavior in response to an approaching vehicle. At 5 frequently used commuting routes bisected by roads, we collected data on vehicles travelling along the roads (such as visibility and audibility), commuting bats (such as height), and composition of the commuting route. We revealed that commuting route structure dictated the frequency at which bats turned back along their commuting routes and avoided the road. We found that gaps (>2 m) in commuting routes, such as the road itself, caused bats to turn away just before they reached the road. Furthermore, we found that turning frequencies of bats increased with vehicle noise levels and the locations at which bats responded to vehicles corresponded with areas where noise levels were greatest, including gaps <2 m. This suggested that bats had a disturbance threshold, and only reacted to vehicles when associated noise reached a certain level. We found that threshold levels for our study species were approximately 88 dB, but this value was likely to vary among species. Thus, our findings indicate that restoring (e.g., replanting native trees and shrubs in gaps) and establishing commuting routes (such as planting tree-lines and wooded hedgerows), as well as creating road-crossing opportunities (such as interlinking canopies) will improve the permeability of a road-dominated landscape to bats. Furthermore, our study highlights the influence of the soundscape. We recommend that effective management and mitigation strategies should take into account the ecological design of the acoustic environment. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
pathmatrix is a tool used to compute matrices of effective geographical distances among samples using a least‐cost path algorithm. This program is dedicated to the study of the role of the environment on the spatial genetic structure of populations. Punctual locations (e.g. individuals) or zones encompassing sample data points (e.g. demes) are used in conjunction with a species‐specific friction map representing the cost of movement through the landscape. Matrices of effective distances can then be exported to population genetic software to test, for example, for isolation by distance. pathmatrix is an extension to the geographical information system (GIS) software arcview 3.x.  相似文献   
Regular unscheduled movements of rancherías within a confined area or settlement district result in the phenomenon described as "village drift," a process whereby a settlement may change its location gradually by several kilometers over a period of years. This article presents a model of village drift based on data acquired from recent archaeological and geomorphological field studies and archival research on the Akimel O'odham, the Gila River Pima of south-central Arizona. The model provides an excellent example of human ecodynamics---an emerging landscape perspective that emphasizes the coevolution of humans and their ecosystem---with implications for understanding prehistoric and historic settlement in desert riverine environments.  相似文献   
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