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The association between the red macroalga Jania adhaerens J. V. Lamour. and the sponge Haliclona caerulea is the most successful life‐form between 2 and 4 m depth in Mazatlán Bay (Mexican Pacific). J. adhaerens colonizes the rocky intertidal area and penetrates into deeper areas only when it lives in association with H. caerulea. The aposymbiotic form of the sponge has not been reported in the bay. To understand the ecological success of this association, we examined the capacity of J. adhaerens to acclimate in Mazatlán Bay using transplant experiments. The transplanted aposymbiotic J. adhaerens did not survive the first 2 weeks; however, J. adhaerens when living in association with H. caerulea, acclimated easily to depth, showing no sign of mortality during the 103 d of the experiment. We conclude that the ability of J. adhaerens to colonize in deeper areas in this hydrodynamic environment may in part rely on the protection provided by the sponge to the algal canopy. Both species contribute to the shape of the associated form. Nevertheless, the morphological variation in the association appears to be dominated by the variation in J. adhaerens canopy to regulate pigment self‐shading under light‐limited conditions and/or tissue resistance under high hydrodynamics. Consequently, our results are consistent with light as the abiotic controlling factor, which regulates the lower depth distribution of the association in Mazatlán Bay, through limiting the growth rate of J. adhaerens. Hydrodynamics may determine the upper limit of the association by imposing high mass losses.  相似文献   
Abstract. Gas exchange, leaf-nitrogen concentration and water potential were measured in early and late spring in early successional herbaceous plants occurring after cutting and after fire, and in mature woody species from the Mediterranean climax community Quercetum ilicis in central Italy. Net photosynthesis peaked in early spring in all species studied when values for temperature and light were lower but leaf-nitrogen content was higher as compared to late spring, suggesting that nitrogen more than energy input controlled photosynt-hetic rates. Herbaceous pioneer species occurring after cutting showed higher field photo synthetic capacity than evergreen climax trees and shrubs. By contrast, net photosynthesis of herbaceous species occurring in a persistent stage after fire, was in the same range as that of climax trees. This evidence suggests that carbon-gaining appears to be partly related to the dynamic stage of succession and not solely to the growth form.  相似文献   
The morphology, altitudinal distribution and phytocoenology ofHypericum empetrifolium Willd., var.oliganthum Rech. fil. and var.tortuosum Rech. fil. are reassessed and as a result, the taxa are treated at subspecific rank. Essential characters proved to be growth form, number of flowers, foliage and epidermal surface characters, shape of seeds and testa sculpturing.The different growth forms can be interpreted as adaptations to the local habitats.Hypericum empetrifolium Willd. subsp.empetrifolium is a low subshrub of various vegetation types known as phrygana whereasHypericum empetrifolium Willd. subsp.oliganthum (Rech. f.)Hagemann grows as a cushion-like dwarf shrub in chasmophyte associations rich in relic species.Hypericum empetrifolium Willd. subsp.tortuosum (Rech. f.)Hagemann is confined in the high mountain regions and grows as a true dwarf espalier shrub with low spreading shoots.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   
Using HeLa S-3 cells synchronized by selective detachment, in this paper we report a parallel study of nuclear morphology and autoradiography grain patterns between middle G1 and middle S phases: Our results show two distinct [3H]-thymidine labeling patterns. The first “peripheral” labeling pattern has a characteristic nuclear size distribution, in contrast to the heterogeneous and varying size distributions of Feulgen-stained nuclei, and apparently is characteristic of very early S phase. The sizes of the second labeling pattern—homogeneous or inhomogeneous grain distribution throughout the nucleus—are equal or larger than the first and vary with S phase progression. Together, the corresponding nuclear sizes of the labeled nuclei represent the larger extreme of nuclear areas, and the labeling index closely parallels the fraction of nuclei with areas larger than the minimum size of the labeled nuclei. These results suggest a characteristic nuclear size (reflecting unique intranuclear DNA distribution) as a necessary, if not sufficient, requirement for S phase initiation. Parallel experimentation with rat liver cells—synchronized in vivo by partial hepatectomy and analyzed by thin section autoradiography—confirms the existence of a peripheral labeling pattern in both the very early part and the very late part of S phase, which reconciles our data with previous results and points to the fact that both initiation and termination sites for DNA replication are near the nuclear periphery.  相似文献   
Sixteen vegetation types were described from a north-south transect in the western Kalahari. Pronounced differences were found between communities on the nutrient poor red Kalahari sand, covering most of the area and those on fine soils and white calcareous sand. Syntaxa resulting from severe overgrazing by livestock were in most cases clearly distinguished from the less disturbed vegetation. The communities on red sand consisted mainly of shrub savanna dominated by perennial tufted grasses, whereas in the vegetation on calcareous material and on overgrazed land, forbs, dwarf shrubs and shrubs played a more important role. The major communities on red sand showed a clear geographical zonation roughly corresponding to the gradient in mean annual rainfall and its interannual variation. In the northern and central Kalahari these syntaxa were dominated by species of Sudano-Zambezian origin and in the southern Kalahari by species showing Karoo-Namib affinities.  相似文献   
K Mise  K Nakajima 《Gene》1985,36(3):363-367
A new restriction endonuclease, EcoO109, has been isolated from Escherichia coli H709c by polyethyleneimine (PEI) precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography and heparin agarose chromatography. The yield was high, more than 3000 units/g of wet cells. The EcoO109 endonuclease recognizes and cleaves a nucleotide sequence of (formula: see text), in the presence of 10 mM Mg2+. The enzyme will be useful for structural analysis and molecular cloning of DNA because of the stability, high yield and easy handling of the producer strain.  相似文献   
When the entire adeno-associated virus (AAV) genome is inserted into a bacterial plasmid, infectious AAV genomes can be rescued and replicated when the recombinant AAV-plasmid DNA is transfected into human 293 cells together with helper adenovirus particles. We have taken advantage of this experimental system to analyze the effects of several classes of mutations on replication of AAV DNA. We obtained AAV mutants by molecular cloning in bacterial plasmids of naturally occurring AAV variant or defective-interfering genomes. Each of these mutants contains a single internal deletion of AAV coding sequences. Also, some of these mutant-AAV plasmids have additional deletions of one or both AAV terminal palindromes introduced during constructions in vitro. We show here that AAV mutants containing internal deletions were defective for replicative form DNA replication (rep-) but could be complemented by intact wild-type AAV. This indicates that an AAV replication function, Rep, is required for normal AAV replication. Mutants in which both terminal palindromes were deleted (ori-) were also replication defective but were not complementable by wild-type AAV. The cis-dominance of the ori- mutation shows that the replication origin is comprised in part of the terminal palindrome. Deletion of only one terminal palindrome was phenotypically wild-type and allowed rescue and replication of AAV genomes in which the deleted region was regenerated apparently by an intramolecular correction mechanism. One model for this correction mechanism is proposed. An AAV ori- mutant also complemented replication of AAV rep- mutants as efficiently as did wild-type AAV. These studies also revealed an unexpected additional property of the deletion mutants in that monomeric single-stranded single-stranded DNA accumulated very inefficiently even though monomeric single-stranded DNA from the complementing wild-type AAV did accumulate.  相似文献   
Summary Recent advances in the ability to culture the hepatic forms of mammalian malaria parasites, particularly of the important human pathogen Plasmodium falciparum have provided novel opportunities to study the ultrastrucural organisation of the parasite in its natural host cell the human hepatocyte. In this electron-microscopic and immunofluorescence study we have found the morphology of both parasite and host cell to be well preserved. The exoerythrocytic forms, which may be found at densities of up to 100/cm2, grow at rates comparable to that in vivo in the chimpanzee. In the multiplying 5- and 7-day schizogonic forms the ultrastructural organisation of the parasite bears striking resemblances to other mammalian parasites, e.g., the secretory activity and distribution of the peripheral vacuole system, but also homology with avian parasites, e.g., in nuclear and nucleolar structure and mitochondrial form. The latter homologies support earlier suggestions of the close phylogenetic relationship of P. falciparum with the avian parasites. Evidence is also presented showing the persistence of the cytoskeleton of the invasive sporozoite within the cytoplasm of the ensuing rapidly growing vegetative parasites.  相似文献   
A Chatonnet  F Bacou 《FEBS letters》1983,161(1):122-126
Molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were examined in various skeletal muscles of the chicken and the pigeon. In chicken pectoralis m., AChE was found to be restricted to endplate containing segments, and no asymmetric form could be detected in aneural samples. In the chicken muscles studied, a relation has been established between globular (G1,G2,G4) forms or asymmetric (A8,A12) forms, and muscle fibre types. Asymmetric forms are preponderant in fast-twitch muscles, whereas in slow tonic muscles 80% of the AChE activity is due to globular forms. However, comparison with pigeon muscles shows that AChE chicken muscle patterns may not be generalized.  相似文献   
N,N′-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibits the activity of ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase in the isolated and reconstitued mitochondrial cytochrome b-c1 complex. DCCD inhibits equally electron flow and proton translocation (i.e., the H+e? ratio is not affected) catalysed by the enzyme reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. The inhibitory effects are accompanied by structural alterations in the polypeptide pattern of both isolated and reconstituted enzyme. Cross-linking was observed between subunits V (iron-sulfur protein) and VII, indicating that these polypeptides are in close proximity. A clear correlation was found between the kinetics of inhibition of enzymic activity and the cross-linking, suggesting that the two phenomena may be coupled. Binding of [14C]DCCD was also observed, to all subunits with the isolated enzyme and preferentially to cytochrome b with the reconstituted vesicles; in both cases, however, it was not correlated kinetically with the inhibition of the enzymic activity.  相似文献   
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