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Leukocyte cell surface sialyl Lewis x (sLex) and related epitopes play an important role in cell rolling and adhesion during diapedesis via interaction with E-selectin. Here, we present evidence that Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18, CR-3) is a major neutrophil glycoprotein decorated with sLex and ligation of these carbohydrate moieties by anti-sLex antibody significantly impairs neutrophil functions. First, Western blot analysis shows that both CD11b and CD18 subunit of purified Mac-1 are decorated with sLex moieties. A significant co-localization of CD11b and sLex moieties is observed at neutrophil secondary granules. With stimulation of formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP), neutrophil surface labeling with anti-sLex antibody follows an identical up-regulation pattern of Mac-1. Second, protein-binding assays indicate that sLex moieties on Mac-1 are critical for binding interaction of Mac-1 to E-selectin. Removal of sLex moieties completely abolishes Mac-1-E-selectin binding. Finally, ligation of Mac-1 sLex by anti-sLex antibody induces a significant degranulation of neutrophil secondary granules at the absence of chemoattractant stimulation. This “dysregulated” degranulation induced by anti-sLex antibody strongly inhibits neutrophil transmigration in response to fMLP. In summary, Mac-1 sLex moieties play a critical role in regulating β2 integrin functions during neutrophil transmigration and degranulation.  相似文献   
In order to establish whether non-mitochondrial oxidase activity in human neutrophils is tightly related to cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, we simultaneously measured Ca2+ oscillations induced by ATP and oxidant production in single adherent neutrophils using confocal microscopy. ATP induced fast damped Ca2+ spikes with a period of 15 s and slower irregular spikes with a period greater than 50 s. Spikes in Ca2+ occurred in the absence of Ca2+ influx, but the amplitude was damped by inhibition of Ca2+ influx. Using the oxidation of hydroethidine as a cytosolic marker of oxidant production, we show that the generation of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils adherent to glass was accelerated by ATP. The step-up in NADPH oxidase activity followed the first elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ but, despite subsequent spikes in Ca2+ concentration, no oscillations in oxidase activity could be detected. ATP induced spikes in Ca2+ in a very reproducible way and we propose that the Ca2+ signal is an on-switch for oxidase activity, but the activity is apparently not directly correlated with spiking activity in cytosolic Ca2+.  相似文献   
Eosinophils constitutively produce and store matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), a protease implicated in tissue remodeling observed in asthma. In this study, we examined the rapid release of stored MMP-9 from eosinophils following stimulation with either tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha or the bacterial product fMLP. TNF-alpha induced rapid and robust pro-MMP-9 release from eosinophils. MMP-9 could be detected in the cell-free supernatant as early as 15min after stimulation. Rapid MMP-9 release was similarly induced by fMLP. TNF-alpha stimulation activated the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases p38 MAP kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2 (Erk-2) at times and concentrations similar to that observed for MMP-9 release. Using pharmacological inhibitors, we found that TNF-alpha-stimulated MMP-9 release was mediated by p38 MAP kinase, but not Erk-1/2. Signaling through p38 MAP kinase may represent a universal mechanism for MMP-9 release from eosinophils, as fMLP-induced MMP-9 release was also regulated by p38 MAP kinase.  相似文献   
The structural complexity of the cell membrane makes analysis of membrane processes in living cells, as compared to model membrane systems, highly challenging. Living cells decorated with surface-attached colorimetric/fluorescent polydiacetylene patches might constitute an effective platform for analysis and visualization of membrane processes in situ. This work examines the biological and chemical consequences of plasma membrane labeling of promyelocytic leukemia cells with polydiacetylene. We show that the extent of fusion between incubated lipid/diacetylene vesicles and the plasma membrane is closely dependent upon the lipid composition of both vesicles and cell membrane. In particular, we find that cholesterol presence increased bilayer fusion between the chromatic vesicles and the plasma membrane, suggesting that membrane organization plays a significant role in the fusion process. Spectroscopic data and physiological assays show that decorating the cell membrane with the lipid/diacetylene patches reduces the overall lateral diffusion within the membrane bilayer, however polydiacetylene labeling does not adversely affect important cellular metabolic pathways. Overall, the experimental data indicate that the viability and physiological integrity of the surface-engineered cells are retained, making possible utilization of the platform for studying membrane processes in living cells. We demonstrate the use of the polydiacetylene-labeled cells for visualizing and discriminating among different membrane interaction mechanisms of pharmaceutical compounds.  相似文献   
Chemoattractant priming and activation of PMNs results in changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, tyrosine kinase activity, and gene expression. We hypothesize that the initial signaling for the activation of a 105 kDa protein (Rel-1) requires Ca2+-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation. A rapid and time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Rel-1 occurred following formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP) stimulation of human PMNs at concentrations that primed or activated the NADPH oxidase (10−9 to 10−6 M), becoming maximal after 30 s. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin (Ptx) or tyrosine kinase inhibitors abrogated this phosphorylation and inhibited fMLP activation of the oxidase. The fMLP concentrations employed also caused a rapid increase in cytosolic Ca2+ but chelation negated the effects, including the cytosolic Ca2+ flux, oxidase activation, and the tyrosine phosphorylation of Rel-1. Conversely, chelation of extracellular Ca2+ decreased the fMLP-mediated Ca2+ flux, had no affect on the oxidase, and augmented tyrosine phosphorylation of Rel-1. Phosphorylation of Rel-1 was inhibited when PMNs were preincubated with a p38 MAP kinase (MAPK) inhibitor (SB203580). In addition, fMLP elicited rapid activation of p38 MAPK which was abrogated by chelation of cytosolic Ca2+. Thus, fMLP concentrations that prime or activate the oxidase cause a rapid Ca2+-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Rel-1 involving p38 MAPK activation.  相似文献   
Originally regarded as just membrane constituents and energy storing molecules, lipids are now recognised as potent signalling molecules that regulate a multitude of cellular responses via receptor-mediated pathways, including cell growth and death, and inflammation/infection. Derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), such as arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), each lipid displays unique properties, thus making their role in inflammation distinct from that of other lipids derived from the same PUFA. The diversity of their actions arises because such metabolites are synthesised via discrete enzymatic pathways and because they elicit their response via different receptors. This review will collate the bioactive lipid research to date and summarise the findings in terms of the major pathways involved in their biosynthesis and their role in inflammation and its resolution. It will include lipids derived from AA (prostanoids, leukotrienes, 5-oxo-6,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid, lipoxins and epoxyeicosatrienoic acids), EPA (E-series resolvins), and DHA (D-series resolvins, protectins and maresins).  相似文献   
Skin secretions of hylid frogs show amazing levels of interspecific and intraspecific diversity and are comprised of a cocktail of genetically-related, but markedly diverse antimicrobial peptides that are grouped into a superfamily, termed the dermaseptins, comprising several families: dermaseptins (sensu stricto), phylloseptins, plasticins, dermatoxins, phylloxins, hyposins, caerins, and aureins. Dermaseptin gene superfamily evolution is characterized by repeated gene duplications and focal hypermutations of the mature peptide coding sequence, followed by positive (diversifying) selection. We review here molecular mechanisms leading to these vast combinatorial peptide libraries, and structural and functional properties of antimicrobial peptides of the dermaseptin and plasticin families, as well as those of dermaseptin S9, an amyloidogenic peptide with antimicrobial and chemoattractant activities.  相似文献   
Rac signaling in breast cancer: a tale of GEFs and GAPs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rac GTPases, small G-proteins widely implicated in tumorigenesis and metastasis, transduce signals from tyrosine-kinase, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and integrins, and control a number of essential cellular functions including motility, adhesion, and proliferation. Deregulation of Rac signaling in cancer is generally a consequence of enhanced upstream inputs from tyrosine-kinase receptors, PI3K or Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factors (GEFs), or reduced Rac inactivation by GTPase Activating Proteins (GAPs). In breast cancer cells Rac1 is a downstream effector of ErbB receptors and mediates migratory responses by ErbB1/EGFR ligands such as EGF or TGFα and ErbB3 ligands such as heregulins. Recent advances in the field led to the identification of the Rac-GEF P-Rex1 as an essential mediator of Rac1 responses in breast cancer cells. P-Rex1 is activated by the PI3K product PIP3 and Gβγ subunits, and integrates signals from ErbB receptors and GPCRs. Most notably, P-Rex1 is highly overexpressed in human luminal breast tumors, particularly those expressing ErbB2 and estrogen receptor (ER). The P-Rex1/Rac signaling pathway may represent an attractive target for breast cancer therapy.  相似文献   
Epidemiological data suggest an association between smoking, respiratory infections, and impaired wound healing. Inflammation is critical in the body's defense against pathogens and in the wound-healing process. Although nicotine is used to treat some inflammatory conditions, the mechanism of this action is largely unknown. To determine how nicotine affects inflammation, rats and mice were exposed to nicotine via miniosmotic pumps, and the inflammatory response to turpentine or influenza virus was assessed. Results showed that while nicotine suppressed the migration of leukocytes to the inflammation/infection site, it increased the influenza titer in the lung. The decreased inflammation correlated with lower chemotaxis/chemokinesis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) toward formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 without affecting the density of their respective receptors. However, nicotine suppressed the chemokine-induced Ca(2+) response in PBMC, indicating impaired chemokine signaling. Thus, because nicotine suppresses leukocyte migration, it might contribute to the delayed wound healing and increased incidence of respiratory infections among smokers.  相似文献   
Summary The signaling pathways leading to extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation by N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP) or platelet activating factor (PAF) in human neutrophils were examined. Previously, we found that changes of intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca ) stimulated by PAF and fMLP were due to Ca2+ influx and internal Ca2+ release, respectively. To further determine the mechanism of MAPK activation and its relation with Ca2+ influx, blood from healthy human volunteers was taken by venous puncture. Human polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) were isolated and incubated with protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor Calphostin C, PKC- isoform inhibitor GF109203X, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002, phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor U73122, phospholipase A2 (PLA2) inhibitor Aristolochic acid, store-operated calcium (SOC) channel inhibitor SKF96365, or extracellular calcium chelator EGTA followed by fMLP or PAF treatment. Phosphorylation of ERK p38 was determined by immunoblotting analysis. Our data indicate that neutrophil MAPK signaling pathways mediated by fMLP and PAF are different. PAF-induced ERK phosphorylation is mediated by PI3K, PKC, PLA2, PLC, and extracellular calcium, whereas fMLP-induced ERK phosphorylation does not involve the PKC- isoform and extracellular calcium. PAF-induced p38 phosphorylation involves PLA2, whereas fMLP-induced p38 activation is PLC dependent.  相似文献   
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