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We studied the impulse activity of neurons of the basal and lateral amygdalar nuclei generated when experimental animals (rats) performed fast stereotyped food-procuring movements by the forelimb. Within the basolateral amygdala, there are neurons whose activity is related to different stages of getting off the food, and according to the characteristics of their spiking these neurons should be divided into a number of subpopulations. Activation forestalling the movement initiation by 0.5-1.0 sec was observed in most neurons of the basolateral amygdala; this is considered a manifestation of excitation related to a motivation component of the food-procuring behavior. Activation of amygdalar neurons following movement initiation can result from generation in this structure of additional excitation necessary for successful performance of a complete food-procuring motor cycle.  相似文献   
The functioning of the vertebrate eye depends on its absolute size, which is presumably adapted to specific needs. Eye size variation in lidless and spectacled colubrid snakes was investigated, including 839 specimens belonging to 49 genera, 66 species and subspecies. Variations of adult eye diameters (EDs) in both absolute and relative terms between species were correlated with parameters reflecting behavioral ecology. In absolute terms, eye of arboreal species was larger than in terrestrial and semiaquatic species. For diurnal species, EDs of terrestrial species do not differ from semiaquatic species; for nocturnal species the ED of terrestrial species is larger than fossorial species but not different from semiaquatic species. In relative terms, ED did not differ significantly by habitat for diurnal species. Although the ED of terrestrial species is larger than fossorial species there were no differences for nocturnal species between semiaquatic and fossorial snakes. In contrast to other vertebrates studied to date, colubrid EDs in absolute and relative terms are larger in diurnal than in nocturnal species. These observations suggest that among colubrid snakes, eye size variation reflects adaptation to specific habitats, foraging strategies and daily activities, independently of phylogeny. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The Capricorn silvereye (Zosterops lateralis chlorocephalus) is ideally suited to investigating the genetic basis of body size evolution. We have isolated and characterized a set of microsatellite markers for this species. Seven out of 11 loci were polymorphic. The number of alleles detected ranged from two to five and observed heterozygosities between 0.12 and 0.67. One locus, ZL49, was found to be sex‐linked. This moderate level of diversity is consistent with that expected in an isolated, island population.  相似文献   
Two hypotheses exist to explain ontogenetic eye reduction in Astyanax cave fish: first, after lens induction by the primordial eye cup, the lens plays the role of a central regulator of eye and retina regression or, second, the retina itself is an independent unit of eye development. A comparative study of five blind cave fish populations and their surface sister form was performed to investigate the differences of ontogenetic eye regression between the cave populations during different stages of development. The study revealed that, in addition to the initial formation of smaller primordia, eye regression is also caused during later ontogeny by different relative growth and specific histological characteristics. Whereas the cave fish lens never properly differentiates, the regressive process of the retina is transitorily interrupted by ongoing differentiation. In the newly-discovered Molino cave population, even visual cells with well-organized outer segments develop, which are secondarily reduced at a later ontogenetic stage. This result shows that the retina and lens are independent developmental units within the eye ball. Presumably, the genetic systems responsible for both show independent inheritance, which is also corroborated by hybrids of F 2-crosses between the cave and surface fish, in which lens and retina development do not correlate. During ontogeny, the eye size differs between the cave populations. In Pachón cave fish, the relatively large eye size correlates with an ancient introgression from a surface population, which may have delayed eye regression.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 287–296.  相似文献   
It is difficult to completely understand the life history of an intellectual excluding an understanding of his family upbringing and formative years. Family upbringing and childhood environment, often the less known part of a life history, play crucial roles in shaping the ideas and values individuals espouse in their adult life. Notwithstanding, this paper is not concerned with Don C. Ohadike’s childhood. It rather focuses on the professional career of our able historian – that is the part of his life as revealed by his most outstanding published writings. Ohadike’s published works contain a wellspring of idioms that tell much about his values, quality of mind, and his mission as an African historian. Ohadike was a humanist, an African patriot, and a nationalist crusader. His entire philosophy centered on safeguarding his African identity in an emergent world of cultural imperialism. The funds for this research were provided by a NEH-funded fellowship at the Schomburg Center, New York in the Spring of 2007. I owe a lot of gratitude to Professor John McLeod and Dean Blaine Hudson for granting me the extra incentives to pursue my research in New York. While all errors and misinterpretations are mine, I wish to thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for Journal of Dialectical Anthropology for their perspective comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   
Summary Single photoreceptor cells in the compound eye of the housefly Musca domestica were selectively illuminated and subsequently compared electron-microscopically with the unilluminated photoreceptors in the immediate surroundings. The rhabdomeres of the illuminated cells remain largely unaffected, but the cells show an increase in the number of coated pits, various types of vesicles, and degradative organelles; some of the latter organelles are described for the first time in fly photoreceptors. Coated pits are found not only at the bases of the microvilli, but also in other parts of the plasma membrane. Degradative organelles, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria aggregate in the perinuclear region. The rough ER and smooth ER are more elaborate, the number of Golgi stacks, free ribosomes and polysomes is increased, and the shape and distribution of heterochromatin within the nuclei are altered. Illuminated photoreceptors also interdigitate extensively with their neighbouring secondary pigment cells. These structural changes in illuminated fly photoreceptor cells indicate an increase in membrane turnover and cellular metabolism. When applied to the eye, Lucifer Yellow spreads into the extracellular space and is taken up only by the illuminated photoreceptor cells. These cells show the same structural modifications as above. Horseradish peroxidase applied in the same way is observed in pinocytotic vesicles and degradative organelles of the illuminated cells. Hence, the light-induced uptake of extracellular compounds takes place in vivo at least partially as a result of an increase in pinocytosis.  相似文献   
Summary In the superposition eyes of the sphingid moth Deilephila and the neuropteran Ascalaphus, adjustment to different intensities is subserved by longitudinal migrations of screening pigment in specialized pigment cells. Using ophthalmoscopic techniques we have localized the light-sensitive trigger that controls pigment position.In both species, local illumination of a small spot anywhere within the eye glow of a dark-adapted eye evokes local light adaptation in the ommatidia whose facets receive the light. Details of the response pattern demonstrate that a distal light-sensitive trigger is located axially in the ommatidium, just beneath the crystalline cone, and extends with less sensitivity deep into the clear zone. The distal trigger in Deilephila was shown to be predominantly UV sensitive, and a UV-absorbing structure, presumably the distal trigger, was observed near the proximal tip of the crystalline cone.In Ascalaphus we also found another trigger located more proximally, which causes local pigment reaction in the ommatidia whose rhabdoms are illuminated (the centre of the eye glow). The light-sensitive trigger for this response appears to be the rhabdom itself.  相似文献   
Summary The photoreceptors in the compound eye of a cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, were examined by conventional and intracellular-labeling electron microscopy by the use of the cobalt(III)-lysine complex as an ionized marker. Five types of spectral sensitivity were recorded intracellularly in electrophysiological experiments. They peaked at about 340, 380, 480, 560 and 620 nm, respectively. One of the distal retinula cells (R2) was a UV receptor, whereas the R4 distal retinula cell was a green receptor. The basal retinula cell, R9, was found to be a red receptor; it was localized near the basement membrane, having a bilobed cell body with an individual nucleus in each lobe. A small number of rhabdomere microvilli were present in a narrow cytoplasmic bridge connecting the two lobes. The axons of six retinula cells (R3–R8) in each ommatidium terminated at the cartridge in the lamina (short visual fiber), whereas those of the other three retinula cells, R1, R2 and R9, extended to the medulla (long visual fiber). The information from the UV and red receptors is therefore probably delivered directly to the medulla neurons, independent of that from the other spectral receptor types.  相似文献   
The migratory movements of reproductive potamodromus fish established in man-made tropical lakes in the dry zone of Sri Lanka were determined. It was shown that the nine indigenous riverine species do not spawn in these lakes but move into the upstream channels when sexually mature. The pattern of upstream movement was found to be species-specific although most species showed a diurnal periodicity. It is suggested that the development of totally lacustrine forms of riverine species is very unlikely to occur in the man-made lakes of Sri Lanka because of their relatively short duration time.  相似文献   
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