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Cell abundances and distributions of Alexandrium catenella resting cysts in recent sediments were studied along time at two locations in the Chilean Inland Sea exposed to different oceanographic conditions: Low Bay, which is much more open to the ocean than the more interior and protected Ovalada Island. The bloom began in interior areas but maximum cyst concentrations were recorded in locations more open to the ocean, at the end of the Moraleda channel. Our results showed a time lapse of around 3 months from the bloom peak (planktonic population) until the number of resting cysts in the sediments reached a maximum. Three months later, less than 10% of the A. catenella cysts remained in the sediments. Maximum cyst numbers in the water column occurred one month after the planktonic peak, when no cells were present. The dinoflagellate assemblage at both study sites was dominated by heterotrophic cysts, except during the A. catenella bloom. CCA analyses of species composition and environmental factors indicated that the frequency of A. catenella blooms was associated with low temperatures, but not with salinity, chlorophyll a concentration, and predator presence (measured as clam biomass). However, resting cyst distribution was only related to cell abundance and location. The occurrence of A. catenella cysts was also associated with that of cysts from the toxic species Protoceratium reticulatum. By shedding light on the ecological requirements of A. catenella blooms, our observations support the relevance of encystment as a mechanism of bloom termination and show a very fast depletion of cysts from the sediments (<3 months), which suggest a small role for resting cyst deposits in the recurrence of A. catenella blooms in this area.  相似文献   
Sexual processes in the life cycle of the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium uncatenum Hulburt were investigated in isolated field populations. Morphological and morphogenetic aspects of gamete production, planozygote formation, encystment, excystment, and planomeiocyte division are described from observations of living specimens, Protargol silver impregnated material and scanning electron microscope preparations. The sexual cycle was initiated by gamete formation which involved two asexual divisions of the vegetative organism. Gametes were fully differentiated following the second division and immediately capable of forming pairs. Either isogamous or anisogamous pairs were formed by the mid-ventral union of gametes. Gametes invariably joined with flagellar bases in close juxtaposition. Complete fusion of gametes required ca. 1 h, involved plasmogamy followed by karyogamy and resulted in a quadriflagellated planozygote. Planozygotes encysted in 24–48 h to yield a hypnozygote capable of overwintering in estuarine sediments. Hypnozygotes collected from sediment in late winter readily excysted upon exposure to temperatures above 15°C. A single quadriflagellated planomeiocyte emerged from the cyst and under culture conditions divided one to two days later. The four flagella were not evenly distributed at the first division and both bi- and tri-flagellated daughter cells were formed.  相似文献   
Metacercarial cysts of Himasthla leptosoma were subjected to a solution containing bile salts, trypsin and l cysteine at 41°C. The treatment induced intense metacercarial activity and after 20 min metacercariae burst through the cyst walls and emerged. Electron microscopy demonstrated that organisms burst through a small area of cyst wall which was devoid of a layer of lamellae present elsewhere towards the innermost surface. The appearance of ruptured cyst walls indicated that they had been softened by the excystment medium. Newly emerged metacercariae possessed a reniform collar of 29 cephalic spines and these were sometimes withdrawn into pits, presumably by action of a muscle complex in the head region. Sensory papillae were distributed in a bilaterally symmetrical arrangement around the anterior sucker and none were visible on the surface of the ventral sucker. Tegumental spines were found only from a point some distance behind the head collar to the region of the ventral sucker. The most anterior spines were simple and peg-like and they quickly merged posteriorly into more complex palmate forms.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. A simple medium, consisting of riboflavin and a mixture of L-glutamic acid, L-tryptophan, L-isoleucine, L-serine, and L-proline has been shown to induce rapid and mass scale excystment in Schizopyrenus russelli. Whereas percentage excystment was found to depend on the concentration of riboflavin and amino acids, more than 80% of cysts were found to excyst within 4 hr, when adequate amounts of these were supplied. Several individual amino acids, particularly L-glutamic acid, L-tryptophan, and L-proline, also supported considerable excystment, but riboflavin was always indispensable.  相似文献   
Studies considering the biology and ecology of the toxic bloom‐forming species, Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, are rare. Our results highlight five features not described before in A. pseudogonyaulax life cycle: (i) A. pseudogonyaulax gametes showed two modes of conjugation, anisogamy and isogamy, (ii) sexual conjugation occurs either in the dark or in the light phase by engulfment or a fusion process, (iii) the presence of planozygote and newly formed cysts in monoclonal culture suggests homothallism, (iv) newly formed cysts have very dark vesicular content and are mostly unparatabulated when observed under light microscope and (v) natural resting cysts are able to give either a planomeiocyte or two vegetative cells. Cyst viability was enhanced after 5 months of cold storage (4°C), with excystment rate reaching 97% after 3 d of incubation. Excystment rate was highest (43%–79%) in Enriched Natural Sea Water diluted culture medium, whereas few germling cells were able to survive without the culture medium (0%–13%). Salinity‐irradiance experiments revealed that the highest cell concentrations occur at high irradiances for all the tested salinities. Vegetative growth rates generally increased with increasing irradiance, and were less dependent on salinity variations. The relatively low growth rate, low cell densities in the laboratory, and the notable capacity of producing cysts along growth phases of A. pseudogonyaulax could explain the occurrence of high resting cysts densities in the sediment of Bizerte lagoon and the relatively low abundances of vegetative cells in the water column.  相似文献   
Host–parasite systems have been useful in understanding coevolutionary patterns in sympatric species. Based on the exceptional interaction of the long‐lived and highly host‐specific freshwater pearl mussel (FPM; Margaritifera margaritifera) with its much shorter‐lived host fish (Salmo trutta or Salmo salar), we tested the hypotheses that a longer duration of the parasitic phase increases fitness‐related performance of mussels in their subsequent post parasitic phase, and that temperature is the main factor governing the duration of the parasitic phase. We collected juvenile mussels from naturally and artificially infested fish from eight rivers in Norway. Excysted juvenile mussels were maintained separately for each collection day, under similar temperature and food regimes, for up to 56 days. We recorded size at excystment, post excystment growth, and survival as indicators of juvenile fitness in relation to the duration of the parasitic phase. We also recorded the daily average temperatures for the entire excystment period. We observed strong positive relationships between the length of the parasitic phase and the post parasitic growth rate, size at excystment and post parasitic survival. Temperature was identified as an important factor governing excystment, with higher temperatures decreasing the duration of the parasitic phase. Our results indicate that juvenile mussels with the longest parasitic phase have better resources (larger size and better growth rate) to start their benthic developmental phase and therefore to survive their first winter. Consequently, the parasitic phase is crucial in determining subsequent survival. The temperature dependence of this interaction suggests that climate change may affect the sensitive relationship between endangered FPMs and their fish hosts.  相似文献   
A TEM study on pre—excystment cellular structures of Euplotes encysticus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Right before the excystment of an Euplotes encysticus sawtooth-like folds appeared among the pellicle plasmalemma,the inner and outer alveolar membranes were still sticking together,and were not distinguishable.Microtubular layers already formed at the sites beneath the dorsal cortical pellicle corresponding to vegetative cells,but they still proceed to be organized on the ventral structures.Cristae,highly-tangled with tubular-type structures,appeared on the mitochondria,and were morphologically similar to that of vegetative cells.In the cortical ciliatures,such as ciliary shafts,kinetosomes,surrounding fibrillar cirral baskets,and attached structures of ciliatures,etc.,they are different from those in resting cysts which are degenerated or lost.All the ciliature microtubules of ciliary shafts are of the 9 2 pattern,but the microtubule-like structure aggregates at tripletmicrotubule centers of many kinetosmes,are still under various stages of differentiation.Microtubules beneath the kinetosomal rows are of a developmentally elongated stage;crowded chromatins of various shapes and sizes are found in macronucleus,but there are no nuclear pores (formed by nuclear membrane as in resting cysts) on the nuclear membrane where these chromatins attached.  相似文献   
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