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Summary Proponents of Developmental Systems Theory (DST) argue that it offers an alternative to current research programs in biology that are built on the historic disjunction between evolutionary and developmental biology. In this paper I illustrate how DST can be used to account for the acquisition of an important component of moral agency, conscience. Susan Oyama, a major proponent of DST, has set moral issues outside the compass of DST. Thus, I examine her reasons for restricting DST to non-moral matters, and argue that they are not decisive. On the positive side, I argue that DST not only is compatible with attempts to describe and explain moral agency but also aids us in understanding it. In particular, I show how DST can provide a fruitful perspective for viewing some significant current findings and theories in moral developmental psychology about the acquisition of conscience. The familiar dichotomies resisted by DST, those between genes and environment, inherited and acquired, innate and learned, and biological and cultural, have also plagued human developmental psychology, including moral development. By bringing a DST perspective to the study of moral development, I illustrate how a DST perspective might offer a promising way to reconceive that phenomenon, and provide some insights into how further work in understanding the development of moral agency might proceed. Thus, I hope to contribute to the current efforts of proponents of DST to integrate developmental and evolutionary considerations.  相似文献   
Testing for an association between the leading vectors of multivariate trait (co)variation within populations (the ‘line of least resistance’) and among populations is an important tool for exploring variational bias in evolution. In a recent study of stickleback fish populations, a bootstrap‐based test was introduced that takes into account estimation error in both vectors and hence improves the previously available bootstrap method. Because this test was implemented incorrectly, however, I here describe the correct test protocol and provide a reanalysis of the original data set. The application of this new test protocol should improve future investigations of evolution along lines of least resistance and other vector comparisons.  相似文献   
Myosin associated with the male germ cells of angiosperms interacts with actin, promoting transport of the non-motile generative and later sperm cells in the pollen tube. Myosin localizing on the sperm cell plasma membrane seems negligible in Plumbago, as reflected by the absence of: (i) anti-myosin labeling using immunoelectron microscopy, (ii) sperm motility on actin matrices, and (iii) electrophoretic movement changes after addition of antibody. Sperm cells injected directly into actively streaming Nitella internodal cells, however, follow actin bundles and their movement is sensitive to ATP and Mg2+. This may be based on simple charge binding since negatively charged latex beads also migrate on actin, whereas neutral or positively-charged latex beads do not. Sperm cells are negatively charged according to capillary microelectrophoresis, whereas killed sperm cells, which are positively charged do not migrate. The sperm cell that normally fertilizes the egg has a higher calculated charge (8.277 × 103 esu/cm2) compared with the sperm cell that fuses with the central cell (6.120 × 103 esu/cm2). Received: 15 December 1998 / Accepted: 21 January 1999  相似文献   
This scanning-electron microscopic study demonstrates the convergent evolution of the mouthparts of various herbivorous stream animals (insects from different orders, an isopod, snails, fish, and a tadpole) feeding on epilithic algal pastures. This food source is rich but is often difficult to harvest. Nevertheless, a large number of species can live on it because they have evolved highly specialized mouthparts. There are four functional problems that an algae grazer has to solve: the algae must be removed from the stone, they have to be collected and crushed, and a current shield is needed to prevent the water flow sweeping away the food. Among the 30 algae grazers examined in this study, a limited number of morphological solutions have been found for each of these adaptational problems. There are multiple evolutionary pathways for mouthpart adaptation and even closely related species have often evolved different types of tools for the same function. This refects the existence of a certain amount of evolutionary scope. Such freedom of evolution is present, however, only at the beginning of the adaptiogenesis of an algae grazer. Once one of the evolutionary pathways is taken, further improvement of the mouthparts is possible only by the refinement of the ‘chosen’ type of tools. The consequence of this is that a large number of astonishing convergences have occurred in algae grazers that have independently trodden the same evolutionary pathway.  相似文献   
The loss of flight ability has occurred thousands of times independently during insect evolution. Flight loss may be linked to higher molecular evolutionary rates because of reductions in effective population sizes (Ne) and relaxed selective constraints. Reduced dispersal ability increases population subdivision, may decrease geographical range size and increases (sub)population extinction risk, thus leading to an expected reduction in Ne. Additionally, flight loss in birds has been linked to higher molecular rates of energy-related genes, probably owing to relaxed selective constraints on energy metabolism. We tested for an association between insect flight loss and molecular rates through comparative analysis in 49 phylogenetically independent transitions spanning multiple taxa, including moths, flies, beetles, mayflies, stick insects, stoneflies, scorpionflies and caddisflies, using available nuclear and mitochondrial protein-coding DNA sequences. We estimated the rate of molecular evolution of flightless (FL) and related flight-capable lineages by ratios of non-synonymous-to-synonymous substitutions (dN/dS) and overall substitution rates (OSRs). Across multiple instances of flight loss, we show a significant pattern of higher dN/dS ratios and OSRs in FL lineages in mitochondrial but not nuclear genes. These patterns may be explained by relaxed selective constraints in FL ectotherms relating to energy metabolism, possibly in combination with reduced Ne.  相似文献   
Postnatal patterns of skeletal development, includingthe sequence of appearance of ossification centres and the distributionof sesamoids, appear to be highly conserved species-level phenomenain squamates. As such, they are a potential source of charactersfor phylogenetic inquiry. These patterns, from 21 species representing14 crown squamate clades, form the basis for two analyses. In thefirst, the sequence of postnatal skeletal events is coded as charactersusing the sequence unit approach. This analysis reveals that thesequence of postnatal skeletal events might be useful for determiningrelationships at or above the level of crown clades, but not amongthem. The second analysis utilizes discrete data from postnatalskeletal development, such as the presence/absence of sesamoidsand the number of secondary centres in epiphyseal cartilages. Thesediscrete data appear capable of recovering the deeper divergenceswithin Squamata, but evolve too slowly to be informative at thelevel of crown clades. Thus, patterns of postnatal skeletal developmenthave the potential to help illuminate relationships throughout thesquamate tree. Further progress in this area will require the examinationof additional squamate species, the exploration of alternative codingschemes for developmental sequences, and comparable postnatal datafor Sphenodon .  © 2002 The Linnean Societyof London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 136 ,277−313.  相似文献   
Summary The nuclei of plant cells harbor genes for two types of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases (GAPDH) displaying a sequence divergence corresponding to the prokaryote/eukaryote separation. This strongly supports the endosymbiotic theory of chloroplast evolution and in particular the gene transfer hypothesis suggesting that the gene for the chloroplast enzyme, initially located in the genome of the endosymbiotic chloroplast progenitor, was transferred during the course of evolution into the nuclear genome of the endosymbiotic host. Codon usage in the gene for chloroplast GAPDH of maize is radically different from that employed by present-day chloroplasts and from that of the cytosolic (glycolytic) enzyme from the same cell. This reveals the presence of subcellular selective pressures which appear to be involved in the optimization of gene expression in the economically important graminaceous monocots.  相似文献   
The various classifications of the orchid tribeNeottieae are reviewed and a new classification is proposed that divides the tribe into three subtribes,Neottiinae, Limodorinae, andCephalantherinae, based primarily on characters of the column (gynostemium). A cladistic analysis illustrates that these three subtribes are more closely related to one another than either is to any other group in subfam.Neottioideae, although there are very few apomorphic characters for the tribe. Pollination biology is also discussed showing links between breeding systems and distribution. There is also a possible role between column and labellum morphology and the emergence of a deceptive pollination syndrome from one of reward.  相似文献   
电刺激大鼠下丘脑室旁核(PVH),在同侧中脑中央灰质(CG)内寻找逆行及顺行反应单位,然后观察它们对躯体感觉刺激的反应。实验结果表明:CG 及邻近网状结构内有10%(32/318)的单位呈逆行反应。逆行传导速度平均为0.37±0.24m/s(均数±标准差);推测这种CG→PVH 投射纤维属于细有髓或无髓神经纤维。这些单位分布于 CG 的腹外侧及背外侧亚核。50%(14/28)的逆行单位对坐骨(胫)神经的强电刺激和夹尾等损伤性刺激起反应,但对触毛或低强度的神经干刺激无明显反应。以上结果表明:外周躯体感觉,特别是损伤性信息传入 PVH 时,CG 是其中枢驿站之一。电刺激 PVH 还能顺行激活7.55(24/318)、抑制0.7%(2/318)的 CG 单位。有69%(18/26)的顺行反应单位对外周躯体神经强电刺激及夹尾起反应。提示 PVH 可能通过影响 CG神经元的活动而参与中枢痛觉的整合。  相似文献   
In this paper we consider one method of mapping larger units identified from the spatial pattern of sequences of vegetation types. The basic data were presence/absence data for 6450 stands arranged in 90 transects. A second set of data was derived by averaging the species occurrences in non-overlapping groups of 5 stands. A divisive numerical classification was used to determine the primary vegetation units. In all, 5 different sets of primary types were derived, using different species suites, different sample sizes and different numerical methods. We briefly discuss the types identified and their spatial patterns in the area.Each of these types was then used to define a string of type-codes for every transect so that each transect represents a sample from the landscape containing information on the frequency and spatial distribution of the primary vegetation types. The transects may be classified using a Levenshtein dissimilarity measure and agglomerative hierarchical classification, giving 5 analyses of transects, one for each of the primary types discussed above. We then examine these transect classifications to investigate the stability of the vegetation landspace patterns under changes in species used for the primary classification, in size of sample unit and in method of primary classifications. There is a considerable degree of stability in the results. However it seems with this vegetation that the tree species and non-tree species have considerable independence. We also indicate some problems with this approach and some possible extensions.  相似文献   
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