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J. K. Bush 《Plant Ecology》2006,183(2):215-225
This study evaluated the relationships among soil moisture, soil salinity, and soil oxygen on the growth of Helianthus paradoxus (Asteraceae), a threatened inland salt marsh species of western North America. The study was conducted in large growth boxes (1×2×0.3 m) tilted at an angle to achieve a saturated to dry water gradient similar to that found in the marsh. This experimental design allowed the evaluation of major abiotic factors (soil moisture and soil salinity) which have been shown to be potentially important for this species, while removing major biotic factors, such as competition from other community dominants. Maximum aboveground biomass occurred in the middle rows of the boxes, where surface soil water was reduced and subsurface soil water was intermediate in the gradient. Regression analyses indicated that H. paradoxus would grow best where surface soil water is approximately 5%, subsurface soil water ranges from 20 to 30%, and where surface soil salinity is less than 0.5 g kg−1. Edaphic variables, particularly soil moisture and soil salinity, affect the growth of H. paradoxus. Data presented here suggest that the survival of this species depends on maintenance of the hydrologic regime.  相似文献   
Summary Big Pod Ceanothus (Ceanothus megacarpus) is an obligate seeder after fire; Laurel Sumac (Rhus laurina) is primarily a resprouter after fire. Both species commonly occur together in mixed stands and are dominant members of the coastal chaparral of southern California. We compared the mean survival of post-fire seedlings of each species during the first summer drought after fire and found C. megacarpus to have a mean survival of 54% while R. laurina had a mean survival of only 0.1%. Rooting dephs were similar between species but predawn water potentials and leaf temperatures were higher for R. laurina seedlings. Leaf temperatures for R. laurina reached a mean value of 46.8° C on hot, summer days, about 5° C higher than seedlings of C. megacarpus. By the end of the first growing season, 92% of all C. megacarpus seedlings had suffered herbivory compared to only 17% of all R. laurina seedlings. Herbivory did not appear to be the immediate cause of seedling mortality. Transect data indicated that full recovery of prefire species composition and density at our study site was likely but the mode of recovery was different for the species examined. R. laurina recovered primarily by sprouting, C. megacarpus totally by seedling establishment and a third species, Adenostoma fasciculatum (chamise), by a combination of sprouting and seedling establishment. We attribute the higher mortality of R. laurina seedlings to the greater sensitivity of its tissue to water stress. It may be that differential survival of shrub seedlings and differential modes of reestablishment after fire play an important role in maintaining species diversity in the chaparral communities of coastal, southern California.  相似文献   
The encyrtid wasp Epidinocarsis (= Apoanagyrus) lopezi (De Santis) was imported from Paraguay into Nigeria for the biological control of the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero. It was mass-reared and released at four localities in Nigeria. The parasitoid is now established and it is dispersing throughout cassava growing areas of Nigeria.
Libération et installation au Nigéria d'Epidinocarsis lopezi, parasitoïde de la cochenille du manioc Phenococcus manihoti
Résumé Epidinocarsis lopezi (Apoanagyrus) lopezi a été introduit du Paraguay au Nigéria pour lutter contre la cochenille du manioc, Phenacoccus manihoti. Il a été lâché dans quatre champs de manioc pour étudier son acclimatation et son installation au Nigéria. Trois ans après les lâchers, les résultats ont permis de conclure que E. lopezi s'est établi avec succès et se disperse dans la plupart des zones de culture du manioc au Nigeria; il a aussi survécu à trois saisons pluvieuses pendant lesquelles les populations de P. manihoti ont été très faibles. Quatorze mois après les premiers lâchers, cet encyrtide a été obtenu à environ 150 km du lieu de libération.
Abstract. Altitudinal and latitudinal distribution limits of trees are mainly controlled by temperature. Therefore climate warming is expected to induce upslope or poleward migrations. In the Swiss Central Alps, summers in the period 1982-1991 were on average 0.8 °C warmer than those of the period 30 yr before. We investigated whether populations of conifers at the montane Pinus sylvestris-Pinus cembra ecocline exhibit demographic trends in response to that warming. We found no evidence for this. Young seedlings of Pinus sylvestris, the species which is expected to expand its range upward in a warmer climate, were virtually absent from all sites, whereas large fractions of Pinus cembra populations were observed in the seedling and juvenile categories even below the present lower distribution limit of adult trees. This suggests that there are no major altitudinal shifts in response to the recent sequence of warmer summers. Germination and seedling survival trials with Pinus sylvestris suggest that temperature per se would not exclude this species even from establishing at the current treeline in the Swiss Central Alps. Similar results were found at the polar treeline. Phytotron tests of seedling survival showed much less drought resistance in Pinus sylvestris than in Pinus cembra which is in contrast to their phytogeographic distributions. Thus, the montane pine ecocline in the Swiss Central Alps seems to be stabilized by species interactions and may not be directly responsive to moderate climatic change, which needs to be taken into account in predictive attempts.  相似文献   
The importance of macrostructure to root growth of ryegrass (L. perenne) seedlings sown on the soil surface was studied in two soils in which the macrostructure had resulted mainly from root growth and macro-faunal activity. Sets of paired soil cores were used, one of each pair undisturbed and the other ground and repacked to the field bulk density. Undisturbed and repacked soils were first compared at equal water potentials in the range −1.9 to −300 kPa. At equal water potential, the undisturbed soil always had the greater strength (penetration resistance), and root growth was always greater in the repacked soil with no macrostructure than it was in the soil with macrostructure intact. At equal high strength (low water potentials) it appeared that root growth was better when soils were structured. When strength was low (high water potentials), root growth was better in the unstructured soil. Soils were then compared during drying cycles over 21 days. The average rate at which roots grew to a depth of 60 mm, and also the final percentage of plants with a root reaching 60 mm depth, was greatest in repacked soils without macrostructure. The species of vegetation growing in the soil before the experiment affected root growth in undisturbed soil; growth was slower where annual grasses and white clover had grown compared with soil which had supported a perennial grass. It appears that relatively few roots locate and grow in the macrostructure. Other roots grow in the matrix, if it is soft enough to be deformed by roots. Roots in the matrix of a structured soil grow more slowly than roots in structureless soil of equal bulk density and water potential. The development of macrostructure in an otherwise structureless soil, of the type studied, is of no advantage to most roots. However, once a macrostructure has developed, the few roots locating suitable macropores are able to grow at low water potential when soil strength is high. The importance of macrostructure to establishing seedlings in the field lies in rapid penetration of at least a few roots to a depth that escapes surface drying during seasonal drought. ei]{gnB E}{fnClothier}  相似文献   
Synopsis Many species of shoaling fish are preyed upon by aerial predators. However, to date there has been no analysis of the evasive response of a group of shoaling fish to an aerial threat or attack. The response of a shoal of fish encompasses a suite of behaviors starting with a startle response. Shoals of golden shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas, responded to the threat of aerial predation from a kingfisher model with a startle response, an increase in shoal depth, an increase in polarity, swimming in the opposite direction under the model predator, shoal compression along the depth axis, and shoal expansion on the plane perpendicular to the depth axis. It was hypothesized that shoal compression along the depth axis serves to increase predator confusion by placing more fish in the predator's visual field. This compression was termed the ‘plane of confusion’.  相似文献   
Field experiments were done at two widely separated sites in England (Tadcaster, North Yorkshire and North Wyke, Devon). In each case an old permanent sward was re-seeded after ploughing or by direct drilling, or was left intact and fertilised. The carbamate pesticide aldicarb was applied to half of each experimental plot. The effects of sward improvement and pesticide on various soil invertebrate groups were assessed. Soil-dwelling macrofauna arthropods were scarce at both sites. Stem-boring dipterous larvae, however, were numerous at both sites. At Tadcaster, Oscinella vastator was the only species present in the original sward, but 0. frit was by far the most prevalent species in re-seeded areas. These can only have arisen from direct oviposition of eggs by adults on or near the emerging seedlings and not by migration of larvae from buried turf or the desiccated old pasture.
Mites and Collembola were abundant. Their numbers were reduced initially by cultivation and pesticide usage, but the effects of these practices were transient and their numbers recovered to previous levels usually within 10 wk.
Earthworms were present at both sites. Deep burrowing species, e.g. Lumbricus terrestris and Allolobophora longa were less affected by the treatments imposed than species such as A. chlorotica and L. rubelius which usually live close to the soil surface. Effects on their numbers were in any case, short-lived.
No improvement method consistently provided the greatest herbage dry matter yield. Pesticide application, however, greatly increased seedling stand and/or herbage yield at both sites and showed the benefits of using crop protectants, especially on direct-drilled re-seeds.  相似文献   
通过作在昆虫生物学方面近五十年研究工作的体会.提出了组建昆虫系统生物学的目的性和可行性探索.拟以昆虫分类序列目、科、属、种为单元,将一些已知种类的有关生物学环节.一一列叙.编成《中国农林昆虫系统生物学手册》.再以目、科、属、种为主体,探求彼此间在生物学各环节间的共性和个性,分别加以比较、归纳和分析.作为这—分支学科的蘸本。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of Pantoea agglomerans, a plant growth-promoting bacterium, to colonize various regions and tissues of the wheat plant (Triticum aestivum L.) by using different inoculation methods and inoculum concentrations. In addition, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to determine: (a) the ability of the bacterial cells to grow and survive both on the surface and within internal tissue of the plant and (b) the response of the plant to bacterial infection. After inoculation, cells of the diazotrophic bacterial strain P. agglomerans were found to be located in roots, stems and leaves. Colony development of bacterial cells was only detected within intercellular spaces of the root and on the root surface. However, single bacterial cells were observed in leaves and stems on the surface of the epidermis, in the vicinity to stomatal cells, within intercellular spaces of the mesophyll and within xylem vessels. Inoculated bacterial cells were found to be able to enter host tissues, to multiply in the plant and to maintain a delicate relationship between endophyte and host. The density of bacterial settlement in the plant in all experiments was about 106 to 107 cells per mL root or shoot sap. Establishment was confirmed by a low coefficient of variation of ELISA means at these concentrations.  相似文献   
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