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Dienelactone hydrolase (DLH), an enzyme from the β-ketoadipate pathway, catalyzes the hydrolysis of dienelactone to maleylacetate. Our inhibitor binding studies suggest that its substrate, dienelactone, is held in the active site by hydrophobic interactions around the lactone ring and by the ion pairs between its carboxylate and Arg-81 and Arg-206. Like the cysteine/serine proteases, DLH has a catalytic triad (Cys-123, His-202, Asp-171) and its mechanism probably involves the formation of covalently bound acyl intermediate via a tetrahedral intermediate. Unlike the proteases, DLH seems to protonate the incipient leaving group only after the collapse of the first tetrahedral intermediate, rendering DLH incapable of hydrolyzing amide analogues of its ester substrate. In addition, the triad His probably does not protonate the leaving group (enolate) or deprotonate the water for deacylation; rather, the enolate anion abstracts a proton from water and, in doing so, supplies the hydroxyl for deacylation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Potato cells (cv. Norchip) were cultured from tuber parenchymal tissue and subcultured to dissociate and habituate the despecialized cells. After several subculturings on a minimal nutrient media, this line of cells demonstrated repeatable physical growth profiles for dry weight (DW), fresh weight (FW) and protein. Two enzymes of plant lipid metabolism were investigated, lipolytic acyl hydrolase (LAH) and lipoxygenase (LOX), which respectively liberate and peroxidize fatty acids from lipid in cellular membranes. LAH, measured as p-nitrophenyl palmitate hydrolase, was present in this line of cells in easily detectable amounts (317 units g-1 DW) albeit much lower than that found in mother tuber (9878 units g-1 DW). The presence of LAH in this line is significant because LAH isozymes are often described as storage proteins, yet activity per gram fresh weight in these unorganized cells is reasonably constant until culture growth exits the linear phase. However, LOX, the most active free fatty acid metabolizing enzyme in potato tubers (89,800 units g-1 DW), was not detectable in this line of callus or suspension cultured cells. The absence of LOX activity in this line of cells was verified by a number of assay approaches and was confirmed by activity staining of extracted enzymes separated in polyacrylamide gels. The absence of LOX in these cultured cells is especially important in determining the functions of this lipid peroxidation system and how it may be genetically regulated.Mention of company or trade name does not imply endorsement by the United States Department of Agriculture over others not named.A laboratory cooperatively operated by the Midwest Area, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, The Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, the North Dakota Agrcultural Experiment Station, and the Red River Valley Potato Grower's Association.  相似文献   
R B Harris  I B Wilson 《Peptides》1985,6(3):393-396
We are examining the substrate specificity of atrial dipeptidyl carboxyhydrolase, a membrane-bound metallo enzyme that we isolated from bovine atrial tissue homogenates. This enzyme readily removes the dipeptide, Phe-Arg, from Bz-Gly-Ser-Phe-Arg, a stand-in substrate for atriopeptin II, one of several atrial natriuretic factors. We now report that the atrial enzyme cleaves the C-terminal dipeptide, Phe-Arg, from atriopeptin II to form atriopeptin I. The km (pH 7.5) is 25 microM and the ratio of relative Vmax/km as a measure of substrate specificity indicates that atriopeptin II is a 240-fold better substrate than Bz-Gly-His-Leu. Only Phe-Arg was detected as a hydrolysis product, indicating that sequential cleavage of Asn-Ser from atriopeptin II does not occur, and that atriopeptin I is not a substrate. Bz-Gly-Asn-Ser was as good a substrate for the atrial enzyme as Bz-Gly-His-Leu, but Bz-Cys(bzl)-Asn-Ser was not hydrolyzed. This result suggests that the presence of an intact disulfide bond or an S-alkylated residue in the P1 position of a substrate (as in atriopeptin I) prevents hydrolysis by the atrial enzyme. Comparative studies were made with the angiotensin I converting enzyme. Atriopeptin II was not a substrate. The stand-in substrates for atriopeptin I, Bz-Cys(bzl)-Asn-Ser and Bz-Gly-Asn-Ser were barely hydrolyzed, which by itself suggests that atriopeptin I is not a substrate of the angiotensin converting enzyme. Our results strongly suggest that atriopeptin II is converted to atriopeptin I and that hydrolysis is mediated by the atrial enzyme. The angiotensin I converting enzyme plays no role in processing these peptides. We suggest that the atrial enzyme be named atrial peptide convertase.  相似文献   
Resting cells of ethene grown Mycobacterium 2W produced 1,2-epoxypropane stereospecifically from propene as revealed by optical rotation, 1H n.m.r. using a chiral shift reagent, and also by complexation gas chromatography involving a glass capillary column coated with an optically active metal chelate. The gas-liquid chromatography method allowed the rapid screening of 11 strains with regard to stereospecific formation of 1,2-epoxypropane, 1,2-epoxybutane and 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane. Bacteria grown on either ethene, propene or butadiene all predominantly produced the R form of 1,2-epoxypropane from propene and 1,2-epoxybutane from 1-butene while the strains tested for 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane production from 3-chloro-1-propene predominantly accumulated the S enantiomer.  相似文献   
The metabolism of vulpinic acid by an unclassified soil micro-organism was studied. A new compound, 2,5-diphenyl-3-hydroxy-4-oxo-2-hexendioic acid (DHOHA) was isolated from the reaction mixture of a cell-free preparation and pulvinic acid. The existence of a hydrolase which catalyses the conversion of vulpinic acid to pulvinic acid was detected in cell-free preparation, and an inducible lactone hydrolase capable of converting pulvinic acid to DHOHA was purified 130-fold and characterized. This enzyme had a MW of ca 34 000, a Km for pulvinic acid at pH optimum (pH 7.0) less than 10 ? 6 M, pI = 5.0, and was inhibited by p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate and diethylpyrocarbonate. The enzyme was highly specific for pulvinic acid. The initial degradative steps proposed for this organism are vulpinic acid → pulvinic acid → DHOHA.  相似文献   
A proteinase inhibitor(s) was found in extracts of the excretory gland cells, intestines, esophagi, reproductive organs, and body walls from Stephanurus dentatus adults. The specific activity of the inhibitor(s) in the excretory gland cell extract was 45–175 times greater than in the other tissues. It is heat stable at pH 5.0 and inhibits the esterolytic activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin using p-toluenesulfonyl-l-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (TAME) and benzoyl-l-tyrosine ethyl ester (BTEE) as the substrates, respectively, and also the proteolytic activity of both chymotrypsin and trypsin using casein as the substrate. S. dentatus adults maintained in NCTC 109 medium, secreted a trypsin inhibitor.  相似文献   
Based on the concern of organochlorides in the environment and in human tissue, this study was designed to determine whether various noncytotoxic levels of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide could inhibit, reversibly, gap junctional intercellular communication in human breast epithelial cells (HBEC). Cytotoxicity and gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) were evaluated by lactate dehydrogenase assay and fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching analysis, respectively. Both heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide were noncytotoxic up to 10 μg/ml. At this concentration, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide inhibited GJIC of normal human breast epithelial cells after 1 h treatment. Within a 24 h treatment with heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide at 10 μg/ml, recovery of GJIC had not returned. GJIC completely recovered after a 12 h treatment of 1 μg/ml heptachlor epoxide, but it did not recover after a 24 h treatment of 1 μg/ml heptachlor. RT-PCR and Western blots were analyzed to determine whether the heptachlor or heptachlor epoxide might have altered the steady-state levels of gap junction mRNA and/or connexin protein levels or phosphorylation state. No significant difference in the level of connexin 43 (Cx43) message between control and heptachlor-treated cells was observed. Western blot analyses showed hypophosphorylation patterns in cells treated with 10 μg/ml heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide for 1 h with no recovery within 24 h. Immunostaining of Cx43 protein in normal HBEC indicated that heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide caused a loss of Cx43 from the cell membranes at noncytotoxic dose levels. Taken together, these results suggest that heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide can alter GJIC at the post-translational level, and that, under the conditions of exceeding a threshold concentration in the breast tissue containing ‘initiated’ cells for a long time and not being counteracted by anti-tumor-promoting chemicals, they could act as breast tumor promoters.  相似文献   
Abstract: The brain, with the exception of the choroid plexuses and Circumventricular organs, is partially protected from the invasion of blood-borne chemicals by the specific morphological properties of the cerebral micro-vessels, namely, the tight junctions of the blood-brain barrier. Recently, several enzymes that are primarily involved in hepatic drug metabolism have been shown to exist in the brain, albeit at relatively low specific activities. In the present study, the hypothesis that these enzymes are located primarily at blood-brain interfaces, where they form an "enzymatic barrier," is tested. By using microdissection techniques or a gradient-centrifugation isolation procedure, the activities of seven drug-metabolizing enzymes in isolated microvessels, choroid plexuses, meningeal membranes, and tissue from three Circumventricular organs (the neural lobe of the hypophysis, pineal gland, and median eminence) were assayed. With two exceptions, the activities of these enzymes were higher in the three Circumventricular organs and cerebral microvessel than in the cortex. Very high membrane-bound epoxide hydrolase and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activities (approaching those in liver) and somewhat high 7-benzoxyre-sorufin- O -dealkylase and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase activities were determined in the choroid plexuses. The pia-arachnoid membranes, but not the dura matter, displayed drug-metabolizing enzyme activities, notably that of epoxide hydrolase: The drug-metabolizing enzymes located at these nonparenchymal sites may function to protect brain tissue from harmful compounds.  相似文献   
The microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEH)-catalyzed hydrolysis of cis-4,4′–dimethylstilbene oxide ( 1a ), cis-4,4′-diethylstilbene oxide ( 1b ), cis-4,4′-diisopropylstilbene oxide ( 1c ), and cis-4,4′-dichlorostilbene oxide ( 1d ) have been investigated using rabbit liver microsomal preparations. The kinetic parameters, Km and Vmax, and the absolute stereochemistry of the reactions have been determined and compared with those of cis-stilbene oxide ( 1e ). All epoxides 1a – d are hydrolyzed by mEH with high product enantioselectivity to give (R,R)-(+)-diols with ee ≥ 90%. The presence of the substituents on the phenyl rings markedly reduces the rates of mEH catalyzed hydrolysis with respect to cis-stilbene oxide, by increasing Km and reducing Vmax in the cases of 1a , 1b , and 1d , or reducing only the Vmax in the case of 1c . The very low Vmax, together with a persistent ability to fit into the mEH active site, make all these epoxides, and particularly 1c , inhibitors of cis-stilbene oxide hydrolysis. The kinetic and stereochemical results are interpreted on the basis of the proposed topology of the mEH active site. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The available amino acid sequences of the α-amylase family (glycosyl hydrolase family 13) were searched to identify their domain B, a distinct domain that protrudes from the regular catalytic (β/α)8-barrel between the strand β3 and the helix α3. The isolated domain B sequences were inspected visually and also analyzed by Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis (HCA) to find common features. Sequence analyses and inspection of the few available three-dimensional structures suggest that the secondary structure of domain B varies with the enzyme specificity. Domain B in these different forms, however, may still have evolved from a common ancestor. The largest number of different specificities was found in the group with structural similarity to domain B from Bacillus cereus oligo-1,6-glucosidase that contains an α-helix succeeded by a three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet. These enzymes are α-glucosidase, cyclomaltodextrinase, dextran glucosidase, trehalose-6-phosphate hydrolase, neopullulanase, and a few α-amylases. Domain B of this type was observed also in some mammalian proteins involved in the transport of amino acids. These proteins show remarkable similarity with (β/α)8-barrel elements throughout the entire sequence of enzymes from the oligo-1,6-glucosidase group. The transport proteins, in turn, resemble the animal 4F2 heavy-chain cell surface antigens, for which the sequences either lack domain B or contain only parts thereof. The similarities are compiled to indicate a possible route of domain evolution in the α-amylase family. Received: 4 December 1996 / Accepted: 13 March 1997  相似文献   
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