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The canal-bearing diatom genus Nagumoea, described based on only morphological evidence, was tentatively assigned to the order Bacillariales, although its phylogenetic position remained unclear. Because three isolates of Nagumoea (SK002, SK024 and SK053) were successfully established from Japanese coasts, we performed their morphological observations and molecular phylogenetic analyses to discuss the phylogeny and taxonomic position of this genus. Strains SK002 and SK024 were identified as Nagumoea africana, whereas SK053 conformed with Nagumoea serrata. There was high interspecific divergence between N. africana and N. serrata in the rbcL sequences (8.03–8.17%), indicating their distinctness. Furthermore, intraspecific variations were detected within N. africana (2.35%) in the rbcL, implying its cryptic diversity. The maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic trees inferred from the plastid rbcL, psbC and nuclear 18S rDNA genes recovered Nagumoea as monophyletic with strong statistical support and embedded within an unresolved, poorly supported lineage containing Achnanthes, Craspedostauros, Staurotropis and Undatella in the canal-bearing order Bacillariales (= the family Bacillariaceae). Although the constrained tree based on the monophyly of Nagumoea and the other canal-bearing clade (Surirellales and Rhopalodiales) was statistically rejected by the topology tests, the phylogenetic position of Nagumoea with other Bacillarialean members remains equivocal. The possession of two plastids positioned fore and aft, observed in the present study, and lack of keel, typical of the Bacillariales, indicate the possibility of Nagumoea being part of the ingroup of the Bacillariales or its closely related outgroup.  相似文献   
A study of attached diatom communities on artificial and natural substrates was conducted in Wheelwright Pond, New Hampshire, during 1975. There were differences in the species composition growing on artificial glass slides and natural substrates. The slides favored the accumulation of Achnanthes minutissima Kütz. and decreased the relative abundance of Eunotia incisa W. Sm. ex. Greg. and Cocconeis placentula v. euglypta (Ehr.) Cleve. Large growths of planktonic species were also noted on the slides. Compositional differences between slides positioned at 15–30 cm (upper) and 1 m (lower) from the surface of the water were minimal. A similar community composition of periphytic diatoms was found on five aquatic macrophytes.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic activity of different algal communities at the outer edge of an Equisetum fluviatile L. stand in an oligotrophic lake (Pääjärvi, in southern Finland) was investigated. Production by the algal communities was measured simultaneously using a modified 14C-method, and the results were related to the volume of algae and the available irradiance. The relative production rate (P/B quotient) of phytoplankton was ca. 3 × that of epiphyton and ca. 20 × that of epipelon. Epiphyton productivity remained almost constant although the algal volume varied greatly, suggesting that the surface layer of the algal community was mainly responsible for the photosynthetic activity. In the littoral area (at 1 m depth) primary production/m2 of lake surface by phytoplankton, epiphyton and epipelon was similar but in the littoriprofundal area (2–4 m) phytoplankton production was twice that of epipelon. Primary productivity of epiphyton and epipelon/m2 of substratum was about equal to phytoplankton productivity/m3 of water at the same irradiance. This relation provided a means of estimating the relative contributions of the different algal communities to the total algal production in the lake.  相似文献   
通过比较分布于西双版纳热带雨林林下生境中的附生鸟巢蕨(Neottopteris nidus)和地生网脉铁角蕨(Asplenium finlaysonianum)的光合特征和光合诱导特性,来研究不同生态型蕨类植物的光斑利用策略。研究结果表明,2种蕨类植物的最大净光合速率、暗呼吸速率、表观量子效率、光饱和点和光补偿点没有显著差异,但网脉铁角蕨的最大气孔导度远远高于鸟巢蕨,表明后者具有更强的光合水分利用效率。在暗处理3/J',时接着光照(光强为20I~mol-m-2,s。‘)30分钟后,网脉铁角蕨的初始气孔导度显著高于鸟巢蕨。连续照射饱和强光后,网脉铁角蕨达到最大净光合速率50%(T50%)和90%的时间(T90%)比鸟巢蕨短:网脉铁角蕨和鸟巢蕨的T50%分别为0.57和5.31分钟,T90%分别为5.85和26.33分钟。诱导过程中,气孔导度对强光的响应明显滞后于净光合速率。鸟巢蕨达到最大气孔导度的时间明显比网脉铁角蕨慢,但在光合诱导消失过程中2种蕨类植物的光合诱导维持能力却没有显著差异。上述结果表明,与大多数地生林下植物(如网脉铁角蕨)相比,附生鸟巢蕨的水分保护比碳获得更重要,但却限制了附生蕨对光斑的利用。  相似文献   
从西双版纳纳板河流域国家级自然保护区的盆距兰Gastrochilus、隔距兰Cleisostoma、毛兰Eria、贝母兰Coelogyne和万代兰Vanda的根、茎、叶分离得到172株非菌根内生真菌,根据ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA系统发育分析鉴定为盘菌亚门的4纲11目29属,其中炭角菌目、肉座菌目和格孢腔菌目真菌的相对频率最高;XylariaFusariumPhoma为主要优势属,相对频率分别为23.3%、14.5%和10.5%,它们的组织专化性不同,其中Xylaria在根、茎和叶均有分布,而FusariumPhoma都分离自根部。不同组织的内生真菌多样性和种类组成差异明显,根、茎和叶的内生真菌Shannon多样性指数分别为2.4083、1.0312和0.6557,表明根部内生真菌多样性显著高于茎、叶内生真菌多样性,其中根的主要优势内生真菌类群有FusariumXylariaPhoma,茎的主要优势内生真菌类群有XylariaPestalotiopsisColletotrichum,叶的主要优势内生真菌类群有ColletotrichumPallidocercosporaPantosporaPhyllosticta。从附生兰种类来看,盆距兰、隔距兰、毛兰、贝母兰和万代兰内生真菌的Shannon多样性指数分别为2.2689、2.2635、2.0115、1.9197、1.7139,表明盆距兰和隔距兰内生真菌多样性高于毛兰、贝母兰和万代兰。  相似文献   
【背景】近年来,四川省黄龙风景区钙华沉积地貌上藻垫大面积滋生,厚度达3-5cm,严重影响了钙华的持续沉积及欣赏价值。【目的】为有效控制藻类过度生长,并提出相关治理方法措施,需要对藻垫的结构特征及滋生原因进行深入分析。【方法】利用PE-250高通量测序平台对黄龙钙华沉积区典型附生藻垫剖面的不同层次进行真核物种组成分析,同时通过场发射扫描电子显微镜对其微观形貌进行表征,并且对藻垫的生长厚度与水环境参数进行了相关性分析。【结果】藻垫内的真核生物有400种左右,优势藻类主要为硅藻门(Diatomea)、轮虫动物门(Rotifera)和链型植物门(Streptophyta),硅藻门主要为桥弯藻属(Cymbella)。非度量多维尺度分析(non-metric multidimensional scaling,NMDS)统计和聚类分析表明,藻垫的中层和底层真核物种组成具有较高的相似性。场发射扫描电子显微镜的结果显示,硅藻主要分布在藻垫上层,中层主要为丝状藻类,底层为钙华颗粒填充在丝状藻构成的网状结构中。水质参数与藻垫生长的相关性分析表明,藻垫厚度主要与水体中的总氮(total nitrogen, T...  相似文献   
Three Cocconeis Ehrenberg species, epiphytic on the leaves of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, were studied by light and electron microscopy. A new species, C. pseudonotata, is described which is closely related to C. notata Petit and C. diruptoides Hustedt. Gross morphology and the presence of a sigmoid raphe and sternum are the characters shared by the three species, whereas the central areas of sternum and raphe-sternum valves, and the stria and areola densities are the main distinctive characters for the species when observed by light microscopy. Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations revealed that the fine structure of areolae must be also considered in order to identify the species. Comparison among the three species has been carried out by observations on material from our samples, as well as on the type material of C. diruptoides and cleaned samples from the Hustedt collection. The study also provides new information on the geographical distribution of these species.  相似文献   
 蓝藻地衣是附生植物类群的重要组成部分, 在森林生态系统的环境监测和养分循环中发挥着重要作用。该研究在云南哀牢山亚热带森林系统的2种原生和6种次生森林群落中, 以粉缘绵毛衣(Leioderma sorediatum)、天蓝猫耳衣(Leptogium azureum)、网肺衣(Lobaria retigera)和双缘牛皮叶(Sticta duplolimbata) 4种常见蓝藻地衣为对象, 共设立120个样地, 调查了它们在3 600株树木0–2 m树干上的分布, 探讨其分布特征及与森林类群、宿主种类以及林龄等生境因子的关系。研究发现4种蓝藻地衣在森林群落间的分布模式明显不同。除双缘牛皮叶的盖度和频度在原生苔藓矮林中最高外, 其他3种蓝藻地衣的最高值均出现于次生林如厚皮香(Ternstroemia gymnanthera)林和滇山杨(Populus bonatii)林中; 而哀牢山地区广布的原生木果柯(Lithocarpus xylocarpus)林中, 4种蓝藻地衣极为少见。4种地衣都能生长于10多个树种上, 但明显表现出对厚皮香、滇山杨和硬壳柯(Lithocarpus hancei)等树种的偏好性, 以及对小花山茶(Camellia forrestii)等的排斥性。森林群落的林龄、胸径、最大胸径、林冠开阔度、基面积、树木密度和树种多样性等因子的变化均对4种附生蓝藻地衣的分布产生重要影响, 但在景观尺度上影响程度相对较小, 在不同森林群落内部却有各自的重要作用。其中, 林龄、林冠开阔度和宿主胸径是影响蓝藻地衣分布的最重要的生境因子。  相似文献   
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