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肝星状细胞是肝脏中重要的间质细胞,是肝细胞外基质的主要来源.表皮形态发生素(epimorphin、EPM、syntaxin2)在肝脏发育、再生及癌变过程中发挥了重要的作用,目前其表达变化的调控机制及对肝星状细胞的作用还未有报道.通过对肝组织标本进行检测,发现肝纤维化过程中肝星状细胞表达EPM上调.从表观遗传学的角度对EPM表达变化调控机制进行研究,发现DNA去甲基化促进了EPM的表达.为了研究EPM对肝星状细胞的可能的调节作用,将EPM表达质粒转染肝星状细胞,之后检测了EPM对肝星状细胞增殖及迁移能力的变化.结果证明EPM能够促进肝星状细胞的增殖与迁移.本研究发现,激活的肝星状细胞高表达EPM可能是由于DNA去甲基化引起的,同时,高表达的EPM能够促进肝星状细胞的增殖与迁移,进而促进肝纤维化进展.  相似文献   
目的:明确表皮形态发生素(EPM)对盱细胞癌SK-HEP-1细胞生物学行为的影响。方法:构建高表达EPM的SK-HEP-1细胞,real-timePCR和Westem印迹检测EPM在肿瘤细胞内的表达,CCK8分析和克隆形成实验检测细胞的增殖能力,Matrigel-transwell实验检测细胞的浸润能力。结果:EPM在肿瘤细胞内的高表达不影响细胞的增殖能力,怛明显增强肿瘤细胞的浸润能力。结论:肝癌肿瘤微环境有可能通过EPM影响肿瘤细胞的生物学活性,对其作用机制的进一步明确,将有助于阐明肝癌发生发展的病理机制,发现新的恶性肿瘤诊断和治疗手段。  相似文献   
表皮形态发生素(epimorphin 又称为syntaxin2)是哺乳动物中高度保守的一个间质细胞表面膜蛋白,胞外区包含有1个19个氨基酸残基的部位(NL肽序列),是其与细胞的结合位点,但发挥效应必须有其它的胞外区存在.目前,已经发现它调控下游的2个分子MMP3和C/EBPβ,但对于其信号通路还知之甚少,推测其可能通过直接或者间接磷酸化表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)而激发MAPK/ERK信号通路.它在多种表皮组织(包括肺、肠、肝、乳腺、胰腺、毛囊、胆囊、血管内皮等)的表皮形态发生,尤其是腺管状结构的形态发生过程中发挥重要作用.依靠极性和非极性2种不同的表达方式,epimorphin可以选择性介导腺管形态发生的2个关键过程:分支形态发生和腔形态发生,分支状形态发生涉及到腺管的发生和延展,腔形态发生涉及到腺管直径的增大.  相似文献   
This study was designed in order to examine the expression and functional role of syntaxin 2/epimorphin in pancreatic β cells. Northern blot analysis revealed that syntaxin 2 mRNA was able to be detected in mouse βTC3 cells, but not in isolated mouse islets. In agreement with this result, immunoblot analysis detected an appreciable amount of syntaxin 2 protein in βTC3 cells, but not in mouse islets. Immunohistochemistry of the mouse pancreas demonstrated that syntaxin 2 was little evident in islet cells of Langerhans, and somewhat predominant in exocrine tissues. In order to examine whether syntaxin 2 is anchored to cell surfaces in βTC3 cells, living cells were incubated with a monoclonal antibody against syntaxin 2 (MC-1). The antibody bound to their surfaces, indicating that syntaxin 2 was localized on cell surfaces. The addition of MC-1 to the culture medium of βTC3 cells did not affect insulin release under the presence or absence of 11 mM glucose, indicating that syntaxin 2 is not associated with insulin exocytosis. Thus, the expression of syntaxin 2 in islets of Langerhans is very low and the function of this protein is probably unrelated to the insulin exocytosis pathway. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Epimorphin was recently described as a mesenchymal factor modulating morphogenesis of murine mammary ducts, skin, liver, and lung in vitro. In this study epimorphin was analyzed in a human, pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line (A818-6) which develops single layer epithelial hollow spheres resembling normal pancreatic ductal structures in vitro. Soluble 34- and 31-kD isoforms of epimorphin were found in the culture supernatant of A818-6 cells. In lysates of A818-6 cells we detected the 34-and 31-kD isoforms and the dimers, and in lysates of fibroblasts the 150-kD tetramers of epimorphin additionally. A neutralizing monoclonal antibody against epimorphin (MC-1) efficiently blocked the development of hollow sphere structures from A818-6 cells. Coculture of A818-6 cells with fibroblasts stimulated the development of hollow sphere structures in general and increased differentiation in 5-6-d-old hollow spheres. A818-6 hollow sphere development in the presence of fibroblasts was also blocked by MC-1. In this novel system for human duct-like differentiation of pancreatic epithelial cells, we provide evidence for an autocrine and paracrine function of epimorphin as a major mediator for morphogenesis.  相似文献   
Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are crucial for the proper development of many organs, including the pancreas. Within the pancreas, the ducts are thought to harbor stem/progenitor cells, and possibly to give rise to pancreatic ductal carcinoma. Little is known about the mechanism of formation of pancreatic ducts in the embryo. Pancreatic mesenchyme contains numerous soluble factors which help to sustain the growth and differentiation of exocrine and endocrine structures. Here, we report that one such morphoregulatory mesenchymal protein, epimorphin, plays an important role during pancreatic ductal proliferation and differentiation. We found that epimorphin is expressed in pancreatic mesenchyme during early stages of development, and at mesenchymal-epithelial interfaces surrounding the ducts at later stages. Strong upregulation of epimorphin expression was seen during in vitro pancreatic duct differentiation. Similarly, in vitro pancreatic duct formation was inhibited by a neutralizing antibody against epimorphin, whereas addition of recombinant epimorphin partially rescued duct formation. Together, our study demonstrates the role of epimorphin in pancreatic ductal morphogenesis.  相似文献   
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