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To investigate the potential for and constraints on the evolution of compensatory ability, we performed a greenhouse experiment using Asclepias syriaca in which foliar damage and soil nutrient concentration were manipulated. Under low nutrient conditions, significant genetic variation was detected for allocation patterns and for compensatory ability. Furthermore, resource allocation to storage was positively, genetically correlated both with compensatory ability and biomass when damaged, the last two being positively, genetically correlated with each other. Thus, in the low nutrient environment, compensatory ability via resource allocation to storage provided greater biomass when damaged. A negative genetic correlation between compensatory ability and plant biomass when undamaged suggests that this mechanism entailed an allocation cost, which would constrain the evolution of greater compensatory ability when nutrients are limited. Under high nutrient conditions, neither compensatory ability nor allocation patterns predicted biomass when damaged, even though genetic variation in compensatory ability existed. Instead, plant biomass when undamaged predicted biomass when damaged. The differences in outcomes between the two nutrient treatments highlight the importance of considering the possible range of environmental conditions that a genotype may experience. Furthermore, traits that conferred compensatory ability did not necessarily contribute to biomass when damaged, demonstrating that it is critical to examine both compensatory ability and biomass when damaged to determine whether selection by herbivores can favor the evolution of increased compensation. Received: 2 April 1999 / Accepted: 21 September 1999  相似文献   
In this paper, we study a two-species competitive system where both the species produce toxin against each other at some cost to their growth rates. A much wider set of outcomes is possible for our system. These outcomes are important contrasts to competitive exclusion or bistable attractors that are often the outcomes for competitive systems. We show that toxin helps to gain an advantage in competition for toxic species whenever the cost of toxin production remains within some moderate value; otherwise it may result in the extinction of the species itself.  相似文献   
pathmatrix is a tool used to compute matrices of effective geographical distances among samples using a least‐cost path algorithm. This program is dedicated to the study of the role of the environment on the spatial genetic structure of populations. Punctual locations (e.g. individuals) or zones encompassing sample data points (e.g. demes) are used in conjunction with a species‐specific friction map representing the cost of movement through the landscape. Matrices of effective distances can then be exported to population genetic software to test, for example, for isolation by distance. pathmatrix is an extension to the geographical information system (GIS) software arcview 3.x.  相似文献   
In the past great efforts have been made to gain a thorough understanding of the processes involved in carbon fixation but the fate of the acquired carbon has been somewhat neglected, although this aspect is crucial for improving yield performance without diminishing the quality of the harvested organs. To contribute to the crucial debate on that topic the aim of the present study was to propose some unbiased components concerning in particular grain legumes: ‘Is there any antagonism between high yield and increased nutritional quality, with a focus on protein content?’ An original approach has been used to study the impact of the modification of seed composition on the crop production, which combines theoretical calculations of energetic cost and field yield data. When applied to a wide range of species with varying seed composition, a plurispecific negative relationship between the theoretical carbon costs of seed production and the observed yields was demonstrated. The high-throughput of genetic markers could result in large-scale screening of seed quality parameters and such studies, while evaluating the impact of seed composition on crop yield, could also be used to provide data to forecast the economic impact of a new line with an original composition compared with its economically enhanced value.  相似文献   
Recent years have seen the convergence of both genetic and biochemical approaches in the study of protein translocation inE. coli. The powerful combination of these approaches is exemplified in the use of anin vitro protein synthesis-protein translocaltion system to analyze the role of genetically defined components of the protein translocation machinery. We describe in this review recent results focusing on the function of thesecA, secB, andsecY gene products and the demonstration of their requirement forin vitro protein translocation. The SecA protein was recently shown to possess ATPase activity and was proposed to be a component of the translocation ATPase. We present a speculative working model whereby the translocator complex is composed of the integral membrane proteins SecY, SecD, SecE, and SecF, forming an aqueous channel in the cytoplasmic membrane, and the tightly associated peripheral membrane protein SecA functioning as the catalytic subunit of the translocator or protein-ATPase.  相似文献   
Energetic constraints and foraging efficiency   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Previous research considers foraging options that differ interms of their gross rate of gain b and rate of energy expenditurec. This research argues that maximizing efficiency b/c willmaximize net energetic gain when there is an upper limit onthe amount of energy that can be assimilated. This analysisdoes not include the expenditure during the time for which theanimal is unable to forage because of this constraint. Whenthis expenditure is included, maximizing efficiency is no longeroptimal. Instead the best feeding option is the one with thehighest value of b/(cc1), where c, is the metabolicrate when the animal is not foraging.  相似文献   
A whole-plant carbon balance model incorporating a light acclimation response was developed for Alocasia macrorrhiza based on empirical data and the current understanding of light acclimation in this species. The model was used to predict the relative growth rate (RGR) for plants that acclimated to photon flux density (PFD) by changing their leaf type, and for plants that produced only sun or shade leaves regardless of PFD. The predicted RGR was substantially higher for plants with shade leaves than for those with sun leaves at low PFD. However, the predicted RGR was not higher, and in fact was slightly lower, for plants with sun leaves than for those with shade leaves at high PFD. The decreased leaf area ratios (LARs) of the plants with sun leaves counteracted their higher photosynthetic capacities per unit leaf area (Amax). The model was manipulated by changing parameters to examine the sensitivity of RGR to variation in single factors. Overall, RGR was most sensitive to LAR and showed relatively little sensitivity to variation in Amax or maintenance respiration. Similarly, RGR was relatively insensitive to increases in leaf life-span beyond those observed. Respiration affected RGR only at low PFD, whereas Amax was moderately important only at high PFD.  相似文献   
Natal philopatry in passerine birds: genetic or ecological influences?   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The degree of natal philopatry (the likelihood that individualsbreed at or near their place of origin) can influence the extentof inbreeding in animal populations. Passerine birds have beencited as typically showing high natal philopatry, and natalphilopatry has been proposed as an adaptation to promote optimalinbreeding. A review of published and unpublished studies ofpasserines showed that natal philopatry was typically low, somaintaining a high level of inbreeding appears relatively unimportantfor such birds. Rather, natal philopatry appeared to be morestrongly influenced by ecological factors. Migratory passerineexhibited low natal philopatry compared to resident passerines,as predicted if dispersal costs for young birds are an importantdeterminant of natal philopatry. The erroneous view that natalphilopatry for passerines is generally high has resulted froma reporting bias toward resident species that have sufficientnatal philopatry to study. Natal philopatry was found to beevolutionarily labile; populations of the same species and pairsof closely related species that differed in their degree ofisolation differed considerably in their degree of philopatry.Future studies of natal philopatry should consider both theecological factors that could affect dispersal costs and thereporting biases that influence which data on philopatry tendto be reported.  相似文献   
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