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Mouse strains which develop tumors at a high incidence with characteristics very similar to human cancers have been derived over the last 8 years. The tumors are caused by defined genetic alterations in the mouse genome. Three areas of research have contributed to the derivation of these mouse strains: (1) Molecular analysis of human tumors has shown that distinct oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are consistently involved in a high percentage of primary tumors. (2) Regulatory enhancer-promoter sequences have been identified which direct gene expression to specific target cells, preferentially mammary epithelial cells. (3) The introduction of recombinant DNA molecules into fertilized mouse eggs by microinjection and integration of the injected DNA into the genome of injected cells has given rise to mutant mouse strains with unique and defined genetic alterations. Studies with different promoter-oncogene combinations introduced into transgenic mouse strains have led to the following general conclusions: (1) Oncogenes expressed in mammary gland cells predispose transgenic mice to mammary tumors. (2) The oncogenic potential of individual oncogenes in mammary epithelial cells differs. (3) Oncogene expression initially often causes a preneoplastic state affecting growth and differentiation parameters of cells. (4) The expression of different oncogenes synergizes to reduce tumor latency. Synergism can also be observed with physiological growth signals like estrogen or growth hormone. The oncogenes with a role in mammary carcinomas which have been investigated in transgenic mice will be described here. The phenotypic consequences of oncogene expression and the implications for the multistep carcinogenesis model will be discussed.  相似文献   
Pancreatic hypertrophy and hyperplasia following chronic joint (CA + SE), or separate, caerulein (CA: 1 microgram . kg-1) and secretin (SE: 75 micrograms . kg-1) administration were studied in parallel with pancreatic somatostatin (SRIF) contents following 2, 4, 7 and 10 days of treatment. Parameters indicative of pancreatic growth (tissue weight, DNA and protein contents, cellular protein concentrations) increased significantly after 2 days of CA or CA + SE and reached a plateau between days 4 and 10. SE merely induced a mild hypertrophy after 4 days. Endogenous pancreatic SRIF contents varied upon treatment, differently so with each peptide regimen. Indeed, CA and CA + SE treatments decreased total SRIF contents after 2 days with no effect thereafter. SE also decreased the latter after 2 days while significant increases were observed after 7 and 10 days. The inverse relationship seemingly existing between SRIF contents and the amplitude of hormonally-induced pancreatic growth supports the hypothesis that endogenous pancreatic SRIF, operating as an 'antigrowth' factor, may participate in the exogenous CA, SE and CA + SE stimulated pancreatic growth phenomena.  相似文献   
To determine the dual effect of exercise training and copper depletion on myocardial function and ultrastructure, postweanling rats were either trained or sedentary while fed copper-adequate or copper-deficient diets for 8 wk. Rats developed characteristic myocardial subcellular degeneration and increased cardiac mitochondrial volume density when copper depleted, despite lack of overt cardiac hypertrophy, hypertension, or anemia. Training combined with copper depletion induced mild left ventricular hypertrophy. Basal laminae appeared fractionated in areas at capillary-myocyte interface, with focal pericapillary and interstitial collagen accumulation, where-as overt fibrosis was absent or minimal. Electrocardiograms revealed increased QRS wave and QT duration and notching of QRS complex with copper depletion, consistent with intraventricular conductance disturbances. The oxidative capacity of soleus muscle increased with training in copper-adequate rats, but was reduced with progressive copper depletion. These data suggest that copper depletion and training are synergistic in effecting focal accumulation of collagen, with deleterious effect on exercise capacity.  相似文献   
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common adenoma in old men. Tomatoes are a rich source of bioactive compounds that, as well as selenium (Se), possess antioxidant and antiproliferative activity. The aim was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Se in combination with a tomato extract in aged rats with BPH. Aged male Wistar rats were divided in the following groups (n = 10 rats/group): Control (C), BPH, BPH + Finasteride (BPH + F), BPH + Tomato Lipidic Extract (BPH + E), BPH + Selenium (BPH + S) and BPH plus E plus S (BPH + E + S). After 4 weeks of treatment, prostate weight, diuresis, antioxidants enzymes, prooxidants and inflammatory markers, growth factors and androgens were determined. BPH + E + S reduced prostate weight by 59.29% and inhibited growth by 99.35% compared to BPH + F which only decreased weight and inhibited growth by 15.31% and 57.54%, respectively. Prooxidant markers were higher with BPH + F (49.4% higher vs. BPH), but BPH + E + S decreased these markers (94.27% vs. BPH) and increased antioxidant activity. Finally, diuresis was higher with the BPH + E + S combination and markers of inflammation and growth factors were significantly lower with respect to BPH + F. Our findings provide a beneficial and protective therapeutic option of E + S directed against androgens, oxidative stress and inflammation that regulates cell proliferation in the prostate gland.  相似文献   
In recent years several 15β-hydroxysteroids have emerged pathognomonic of adrenal disorders in human neonates of which 3α,15β,17α-trihydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one (2) was the first to be identified in the urine of newborn infants affected with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In this investigation we report the synthesis of the three remaining 3ξ,5ξ-isomers, namely 3α,15β,17α-trihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (3), 3β,15β,17α-trihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (7) and 3β,15β,17α-trihydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one (8) for their definitive identification in pathological conditions in human neonates. 3β,15β-Diacetoxy-17α-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one (11), a product of chemical synthesis was converted to the isomeric 3 and 7, while conversion of 15β,17α-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3,20-dione (4), a product of microbiological transformation, resulted in the preparation of 8. In brief, selective acetate hydrolysis of 11 gave 15β-acetoxy-3β,17α-dihydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one (12) which on catalytic hydrogenation gave 15β-acetoxy-3β,17α-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (13) a common intermediate for the synthesis of the 3β(and α),5α-isomers. Hydrolysis of the 15β-acetate gave 7, whereas oxidation with pyridinium chlorochromate gave 15β-acetoxy-17α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-3,20-dione (14) which on reduction with -Selectride and hydrolysis of the 15β-acetate gave 3. Finally, hydrogenation of 4 gave 15β,17α-dihydroxy-5β-pregnan-3,20-dione (10) which on reduction with -Selectride gave 8.  相似文献   
Activities of Phosphorylase, glyceraldehyde-3 -phosphate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase in the rat endometrial tissue are significantly inhibited by an intrauterine copper device, while it stimulated glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. The copper device decreased the lactate/pyruvate ratio in the tissue; pyruvate utilizationin vitro by the rat endometrium is also blocked by copper. These findings suggested that the normal carbohydrate metabolism of the tissue may be affected in presence of copper, thus resulting in a change of the endometrial function, which may be one of the factors responsible for the contraceptive and pharmacological action of an intrauterine copper device.  相似文献   
The histopathogenesis of the foliar galls induced by Nothanguina phyllobia Thorne in Solanum elaeagnilolium Cav. was examined via serial sections prepared from plant shoots at 11 time intervals (0.5-30 days) following inoculation. Nematodes infected the blades and petioles of young leaves surrounding the shoot apex. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the palisade, pith, cortical, and vascular parenchyma resulted in the formation of confluent leaf, petiole, and stem galls up to 25 cm³ in volume. Externally, leaf galls were irregular, light-green, convoluted spheroid bulges distending the abaxial surface. Mature galls contained a cavity lined with parenchymogenous nutritive tissue comprising intercellular spaces and actively dividing hypertrophied cells. These cells contained granular cytoplasm, hypertrophied nuclei, and brightly stained large nucleoli. Vascular tissues were not discernibly affected during the early stages of gall development. As gall development progressed, however, vascular elements were often displaced and disoriented. The histopathology of this nematode indicates that N. phyllobia is a highly specialized parasite and, for that reason, is suitable as a biological control agent.  相似文献   
Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation is a hallmark of neointimal hyperplasia (NIH) in atherosclerosis and restenosis post-balloon angioplasty and stent insertion. Although numerous cytotoxic and cytostatic therapeutics have been developed to reduce NIH, it is improbable that a multifactorial disease can be successfully treated by focusing on a preconceived hypothesis. We, therefore, aimed to identify key molecules involved in NIH via a hypothesis-free approach. We analyzed four datasets (GSE28829, GSE43292, GSE100927, and GSE120521), evaluated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in wire-injured femoral arteries of mice, and determined their association with VSMC proliferation in vitro. Moreover, we performed RNA sequencing on platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-stimulated human VSMCs (hVSMCs) post-phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 (PCK2) knockdown and investigated pathways associated with PCK2. Finally, we assessed NIH formation in Pck2 knockout (KO) mice by wire injury and identified PCK2 expression in human femoral artery atheroma. Among six DEGs, only PCK2 and RGS1 showed identical expression patterns between wire-injured femoral arteries of mice and gene expression datasets. PDGF-induced VSMC proliferation was attenuated when hVSMCs were transfected with PCK2 siRNA. RNA sequencing of PCK2 siRNA-treated hVSMCs revealed the involvement of the Akt-FoxO-PCK2 pathway in VSMC proliferation via Akt2, Akt3, FoxO1, and FoxO3. Additionally, NIH was attenuated in the wire-injured femoral artery of Pck2-KO mice and PCK2 was expressed in human femoral atheroma. PCK2 regulates VSMC proliferation in response to vascular injury via the Akt-FoxO-PCK2 pathway. Targeting PCK2, a downstream signaling mediator of VSMC proliferation, may be a novel therapeutic approach to modulate VSMC proliferation in atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
p16和cyclinD1在乳腺导管非典型增生癌变过程中的表达   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨乳腺导管非典型增生癌变过程中p16和cyclinD1的变化及其相互关系。方法 应用免疫组织化学方法检溯p16、cyclin成在乳腺各组病变中的蛋白表达情况。结果 乳腺导管单纯性增生、非典型增生组织中p16蛋白表达率明显高于乳腺癌组织,差异有显性。cyclinD1在中,重度非典型增生组表达最为明显,且与乳腺导管单纯性增生组及轻度非典型增生组比较,差异均有显性。p16、cyclinD1蛋白在乳腺各组病变中表达呈负相关关系。结论 p16、cyclinDl在乳腺增生性病变中呈现不同程度表达,其表达强度在一定程度上与细胞的恶性倾向有关,检测其表达水平可作为乳腺导管非典型增生组织恶性转化的一个客观检测指标。其中,cyclinD1蛋白可能是乳腺癌发生过程中的早期分子事件,可作为临床早期发现乳腺癌的免疫学指标。  相似文献   
Most cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection worldwide occur following sexual contact, implying that the virus may breach the protective epithelial barrier lining the genital tract. HIV infection is known to preferentially occur when the genital epithelial integrity is altered, particularly when epithelial micro-ulcerations occur during heterosexual intercourse or ulcerations appear, due to sexually transmitted infections or else in the context of ectopy of the endocervical mucosa, which may leave the genital tissue. We report that R5-tropic infectious HIV-1 isolates are capable of in vitro transcytosis through a tight and polarized monolayer of human endometrial HEC-1 cells. Transcytosis of HIV particles was increased 2-fold within a pro-inflammatory micro-environment. Our findings suggest that transcytosis may be a relevant mechanism for the passage of virus through the genital mucosa in vivo, particularly when inflammatory cells and mediators are present in the vicinity of the mucosal surface.  相似文献   
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