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The photosynthetic reaction center complex from the green sulfur bacteriumChlorobium vibrioforme has been isolated under anaerobic conditions. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 80, 40, 30, 18, 15, and 9 kDa. The 80- and 18-kDa polypeptides are identified as the reaction center polypeptide and the secondary donor cytochromec 551 encoded by thepscA andpscC genes, respectively. N-terminal amino acid sequences identify the 40-kDa polypeptide as the bacteriochlorophylla-protein of the baseplate (the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein) and the 30-kDa polypeptide as the putative 2[4Fe-4S] protein encoded bypscB. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis shows the presence of an iron-sulfur cluster which is irreversibly photoreduced at 9K. Photoaccumulation at higher temperature shows the presence of an additional photoreduced cluster. The EPR spectra of the two iron-sulfur clusters resemble those of FA and FB of Photosystem I, but also show significantly differentg-values, lineshapes, and temperature and power dependencies. We suggest that the two centers are designated Center I (with calculatedg-values of 2.085, 1.898, 1.841), and Center II (with calculatedg-values of 2.083, 1.941, 1.878). The data suggest that Centers I and II are bound to thepscB polypeptide.  相似文献   
In the environmental health literature, errors in interpreting studies or data are not infrequent. Many are of the Type II variety. Common solecisms of this type are: treating the criterion of p < 0.05 as a sacrament; demanding complete confounder control; arguing for the existence of phantom confounders; arguing that the effect size is trivial; building nonveridical models; arguing for no effect from inadequate sample size; demanding causal proof; arguing that causality is reversed; conducting a ballot of published studies. These are examined in this paper.  相似文献   
One model for the timing of cytokinesis is based on findings that p34(cdc2) can phosphorylate myosin regulatory light chain (LC20) on inhibitory sites (serines 1 and 2) in vitro (Satterwhite, L.L., M.H. Lohka, K.L. Wilson, T.Y. Scherson, L.J. Cisek, J.L. Corden, and T.D. Pollard. 1992. J. Cell Biol. 118:595-605), and this inhibition is proposed to delay cytokinesis until p34(cdc2) activity falls at anaphase. We have characterized previously several kinase activities associated with the isolated cortical cytoskeleton of dividing sea urchin embryos (Walker, G.R., C.B. Shuster, and D.R. Burgess. 1997. J. Cell Sci. 110:1373-1386). Among these kinases and substrates is p34(cdc2) and LC20. In comparison with whole cell activity, cortical H1 kinase activity is delayed, with maximum levels in cortices prepared from late anaphase/telophase embryos. To determine whether cortical-associated p34(cdc2) influences cortical myosin II activity during cytokinesis, we labeled eggs in vivo with [(32)P]orthophosphate, prepared cortices, and mapped LC20 phosphorylation through the first cell division. We found no evidence of serine 1,2 phosphorylation at any time during mitosis on LC20 from cortically associated myosin. Instead, we observed a sharp rise in serine 19 phosphorylation during anaphase and telophase, consistent with an activating phosphorylation by myosin light chain kinase. However, serine 1,2 phosphorylation was detected on light chains from detergent-soluble myosin II. Furthermore, cells arrested in mitosis by microinjection of nondegradable cyclin B could be induced to form cleavage furrows if the spindle poles were physically placed in close proximity to the cortex. These results suggest that factors independent of myosin II inactivation, such as the delivery of the cleavage stimulus to the cortex, determine the timing of cytokinesis.  相似文献   
Genomic DNA isolated from 20 horses was digested with up to six restriction endonucleases and subjected to southern blot hybridization analysis using various human class II alpha- and beta-chain cDNA probes. A high degree of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was found for the DQ alpha, DP beta, DQ beta and DR beta probes, about 20 polymorphic bands being detected for each. DR alpha showed 2-4 polymorphic bands, whereas no evidence for DP alpha-like genes was found. A number of correlations of RFLPs with individual alloantisera were apparent.  相似文献   
Nowadays, AT1 receptor (AT1R) antagonists (ARBs) constitute the one of the most prevalent classes of antihypertensive drugs that modulate the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Their main uses include also treatment of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage due to diabetes) and congestive heart failure. Towards this direction, our study has been focused on the discovery of novel agents bearing different scaffolds which may evolve as a new class of AT1 receptor antagonists. To fulfill this aim, a combination of computational approaches and biological assays were implemented. Particularly, a pharmacophore model was established and served as a 3D search query to screen the ChEMBL15 database. The reliability and accuracy of virtual screening results were improved by using molecular docking studies. In total, 4 compounds with completely diverse chemical scaffolds from potential ARBs, were picked and tested for their binding affinity to AT1 receptor. Results revealed high nanomolar to micromolar affinity (IC50) for all the compounds. Especially, compound 4 exhibited a binding affinity of 199 nM. Molecular dynamics simulations were utilized in an effort to provide a molecular basis of their binding to AT1R in accordance to their biological activities.  相似文献   
This study used monoclonal antibodies to sheep MHC class II molecules as well as an L cell transfectant (T8.1) which expresses DRA and DRB genes to show that two distinct DRβ chains are expressed in the sheep. Two anti-β chain specific monoclonal antibodies VPM37 and VPM43 react with DR antigen but not DQ antigen by ELISA. These two antibodies do not react with the DRβ chain expressed in the T8.1 cell line. Two-dimensional immunoblotting shows that these antibodies recognize a subgroup of the spots recognized by the DR-specific monoclonal antibody VPM57 which does react with the T8.1 β chain. Amino-terminal sequence analysis of the α chain associated with VPM37β chain shows that this α chain is homologous to the human DRα chain strongly indicating that the β chain is DR-like. VPM37 and VPM43 are shown to be directed against different epitopes on sheep MHC class II molecules so it is highly unlikely that the data can be explained by the presence of posttranslational modifications or the existence of a very common allele. These data provide clear evidence for the expression of two distinct DRP chains in the sheep.  相似文献   
Transecting the axons of neurons in the adult superior cervical ganglion (SCG; axotomy) results in the survival of most postganglionic neurons, the influx of circulating monocytes, proliferation of satellite cells, and changes in neuronal gene expression. In contrast, transecting the afferent input to the SCG (decentralization) results in nerve terminal degeneration and elicits a different pattern of gene expression. We examined the effects of decentralization on macrophages in the SCG and compared the results to those previously obtained after axotomy. Monoclonal antibodies were used to identify infiltrating (ED1+) and resident (ED2+) macrophages, as well as macrophages expressing MHC class II molecules (OX6+). Normal ganglia contained ED2+ cells and OX6+ cells, but few infiltrating macrophages. After decentralization, the number of infiltrating ED1+ cells increased in the SCG to a density about twofold greater than that previously seen after axotomy. Both the densities of ED2+ and OX6+ cells were essentially unchanged after decentralization, though a large increase in OX6+ cells occurred after axotomy. Proliferation among the ganglion's total non‐neuronal cell population was examined and found to increase about twofold after decentralization and about fourfold after axotomy. Double‐labeling experiments indicated that some of these proliferating cells were macrophages. After both surgical procedures, the percentage of proliferating ED2+ macrophages increased, while neither procedure altered the proliferation of ED1+ macrophages. Axotomy, though not decentralization, increased the proliferation of OX6+ cells. Future studies must address what role(s) infiltrating and/or resident macrophages play in regions of decentralized and axotomized neurons and, if both are involved, whether they play distinct roles. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 53: 68–79, 2002  相似文献   
The ABO histo-blood group system is one of the most clinically important antigen families. As part of our overall goal to prepare the entire set of the A, B and H type I-VI antigens for a range of biochemical investigations, we report herein the synthesis of the type I and II antigens with a 7-octen-1-yl aglycone. This linker was chosen to facilitate not only the future conjugation of the antigens to a protein or solid support but also the synthesis of the H type I and II octyl glycosides for enzyme kinetic studies.  相似文献   
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