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Dental characteristics figure large in primate taxonomy because teeth fossilize commonly and reflect dietary adaptations. The mammalian dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) plays a crucial role throughout odontogenesis in determining the ultimate crown configuration, being the interface between the papilla and the dental cap. The final configuration of the dentin surface reflects the epithelium more closely than does the enamel surface of the crown. Enamel deposition occurs relatively late in calcification, often causing many changes from the pattern residing in the DEJ; the genetic determination of the two surfaces also differs. Comparative study of the DEJ (and its differences from the enamel crown) is a potential adjunct to dentition-based taxonomy and may help to resolve certain cusp homologies and morphogenetic order of appearance. Primate teeth were stripped of enamel after measurement, mapping, and anatomical observations on the original crown. The dentin surfaces thus revealed differ from the enamel surfaces in several respects and shed new light on such dental problem areas as the origin of the hypocone, the affinities of lorisoids and callitrichids, the monophyly of the anthropoid grade, and human affinities.  相似文献   
Based on a roentgenographic analysis, the molar enamel of certain European Miocene dryopithecines is absolutely thick (r=1.03–1.30 mm in thickness); the molar enamel of certain European pliopithecines is thin (r=0.32–0.82 mm thick). The rank order for enamel thickness in extant hominoids (from thickest to thinnest) is confirmed to beHomo, Pongo, Gorilla, Pan, andHylobates. There is a great deal of enamel thickness variability within the great ape sample. Extant analogues suggest that dryopithecines were probably adapted to a frugivorous/gramnivorous dietary regimen, while pliopithecines were probably better suited to folivory.  相似文献   
An epithermal neutron activation method is used to determine the concentration of mineral elements in human dental enamel. A large number (252) of samples from ancient and modern origins are analyzed. The analytical results are mathematically processed using a statistical multivariant method. This allows to differentiate deciduous from permanent teeth and decayed from sound enamel. It is also possible to distinguish the teeth coming from two different necropoles. The origin and the localization of determined elements in the mineralized part, or in the aqueous-organic part, of enamel is suggested. Their role, as witnessed in the physiopathological phenomena of dental enamel, is discussed.  相似文献   
The effect of various treatments on the Sudanophilia of the mineralizing fronts of hard tissues has been examined. We have shown that a variety of organic solvents. but not all lipid unmasking protocols. expose Sudanophilic lipids at the mineralizing fronts of dentine, enamel matrix, bone and cartilage by the extraction of a substance which is not Sudanophilic. A variety of organic solvents, but not all extraction protocols. abolish Sudanophilia at the mineralizing fronts of bone and cartilage. The present study indicates that only solvent mixtures containing methanol abolished Sudanophilia at the mineralizing fronts of dentine and enamel matrix.  相似文献   
植物显微结构计算机视觉技术的研究已得到人们的重视 ,本文综述了计算机视觉在植物显微结构中几个重要方面的研究进展 ,包括计算机视觉的形成和发展 ,计算机视觉在植物显微结构中的应用和目前植物显微结构计算机视觉系统的组成和原理。  相似文献   
通过土培方法研究了与玉米混作对花生根瘤形态结构及固氮功能的影响。结果表明,玉米与花生混作能够明显地改善花生铁营养、提高根瘤豆血红蛋白的含量。同时,单作花生根瘤细胞液泡化程度较高,正在发育的根瘤细胞内类菌体数量明显地比混作的花生低。成熟根瘤细胞类菌体周膜外空间(细胞壁以内、周膜外的空间)体积变大。说明单作花生固氮酶活性较低的原因是缺铁抑制了豆血红蛋白的合成和改变了根瘤形态结构以及类菌体的超微结构。  相似文献   
The as-quenched (AQ) microstructure of the Ag-containing alloys was found to be essentially a mixture of austenite (γ) and Ag phases. The Ag phase precipitates had a face-centered-cubic structure and lattice parameter a = 4.09 Å. When the alloy contained Ag ≥0.2 wt%, the mechanical properties were slightly enhanced because of the precipitate strengthening by the Ag phase precipitates. Moreover, the Ag-containing alloys exhibited ductile fracture after tensile testing. The results of an antibacterial test revealed that the Ag phase precipitates play a key role in the antibacterial mechanism of Ag-containing alloys: Ag+ ions released from the Ag phase precipitates can kill bacteria. It is suggested that as AISI 316L alloy has an Ag content ≥0.2 wt%, it will have excellent antibacterial properties against both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, with an antibacterial rate of nearly 100%.  相似文献   
高温胁迫对水稻花粉粒性状及花药显微结构的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对两个耐热性不同的水稻品系进行高温处理(8:00~17:00,37℃,17:00~8:00,30℃),测定了高温胁迫对水稻花粉粒性状及花药显微结构的影响.结果表明,高温胁迫导致花药开裂、花粉活力、花粉萌发率和柱头上花粉粒数的显著下降,花粉粒直径增大.高温下耐热品系996的花药开裂、花粉活力、花粉萌发率和柱头上花粉粒数明显高于热敏感品系4628,这表明耐热品系996在高温胁迫条件下能保持较好地花粉散落特性和花粉萌发特性,是其耐热性的生理基础;高温下耐热品系996的花药壁的表皮细胞排列较整齐,细胞间隙小;药隔维管束较大,维管束鞘细胞排列整齐,簿壁细胞多且排列整齐,木质部和韧皮部清楚可见;而热敏感品系4628花药壁的表皮细胞形状不规则,排列疏松,细胞间隙大,药隔维管组织受到很大程度破坏,维管束鞘细胞形状异常,排列紊乱,木质部和韧皮部界限不清.  相似文献   
水稻原品种"大力"以NaN3诱变方法获得了稳定突变体RM109.显微结构观察表明,RM109种子根外表根毛稀少且短小,无侧根发生,而"大力"品种则有侧根发生,且密生根毛.根毛观察比较显示,距种子根根端1 cm处的RM109根毛数是"大力"品种的19%,差异极显著,根直径与"大力"品种差异不显著;距根端8 cm处的RM109根毛数和根直径分别是"大力"品种的45%和79%,二者差异极显著;距根端3 cm处,RM109最大根毛长是"大力"品种的33%,差异极显著;RM109种子根根端到根毛发生区的长度,与"大力"品种的差异不显著.  相似文献   
春兰菌根的显微结构及菌根真菌的分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以盆栽春兰和野生春兰的根为材料,通过切片观察菌根真菌的分布特点和菌根的显微结构。同时采用组织分离方法从盆栽和野生春兰根分别分离得到6个和15个真菌菌株,分离菌株的出现频率分别为16.7%~50%和6.7%~73.3%,并由此判断CGP-3为盆栽春兰菌根的优势菌种,CGW-3为野生春兰菌根的优势菌种。经形态学观察将其初步分为6个分类单元,其中CGP-2和CGW-2分别具有拟日本曲霉(Aspergillus japonicus-like)和拟木霉属(Trichoderma sp.-like)的形态特征。此外,对兰科棺物与内生真菌间的专一件讲行了讨论。  相似文献   
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