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The influence of electrical stimulation on the level of intracellular Ca2+ in bovine oocytes, as well as activation and extent of parthenogenetic development, was investigated. Mature oocytes were electrically stimulated at 29 hr of maturation, and intracellular Ca2+ concentration was determined with the Ca2+ indicator fura-2 dextran (fura-2 D). The Ca2+ response of oocytes to a given electrical pulse was variable. Oocytes responded with either no Ca2+ rise from baseline (≈? 12 nM), a short-duration Ca2+ rise (from 12 nM to 300 nM) that returned to baseline within 2 min of the pulse, or a long-duration Ca2+ rise (from 12 nM to 1,000–2,000 nM) that never returned to baseline during the 8 min period over which the oocytes were monitored. In these oocytes, Ca2+ level returned to baseline when oocytes were removed from 0.30 M mannitol and placed in an ionic medium. Increasing field strength or pulse duration tended to increase the proportion of oocytes displaying a Ca2+ rise, and at 1.0 kVcm?1 for 40 μsec, all oocytes displayed a long-duration Ca2+ elevation. Direct transfer of oocytes from culture medium to mannitol also triggered a Ca2+ rise. Multiple stimulations, either electrical or by transferring to mannitol, produced multiple Ca2+ rises. This mannitol-induced Ca2+ rise could be inhibited by first washing the oocytes in medium containing equal parts of 0.30 M mannitol and phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The level of Ca2+ stimulation affected activation and development of oocytes. Insufficient, or, conversely, excessive Ca2+ stimulation impaired development. Optimum development was obtained with (1) three pulses of 0.2 kVcm?1 for 20 μsec, each pulse 22 min apart, after direct transfer of oocytes from culture medium to mannitol (22% blastocysts) or (2) three pulses of 1.0 kVcm?1 for 20 μsec after transfer of oocytes from culture medium to medium containing equal parts mannitol and PBS, then to mannitol (24% blastocysts). This procedure avoided induction of a Ca2+ rise prior to the pulse. The results indicate that the level of Ca2+ stimulation can be regulated by incubation conditions prior to the pulse and, to some extent, by field strength and pulse duration. The level of electrical stimulation influenced oocyte Ca2+ response, activation, and parthenogenetic development. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of microphytobenthic chlorophyll-a in the layer 0–1 cm were determined in the Western Scheldt estuary over the period 1991–1992. Connections between the annually averaged benthic chlorophyll-a and station elevation and sediment composition (as a measure of the hydrodynamic energy caused by currents and waves) were also examined.Microphytobenthic chlorophyll-a showed one main peak in early summer and a smaller peak in autumn. The mean chlorophyll-a concentration of 113 mg Chl-a m–2 in the upper centimeter is of the same order of magnitude as in other estuarine areas. The average annual primary production of the microphytobenthos has been estimated at 136 g C m–2 y–1 The primary production of sediment inhabiting microalgae is at least 17% of the total primary production in the estuary.Considerable differences in annually averaged chlorophyll-a emerges between the stations. These differences are related mainly to the interaction between station elevation and clay content of the sediment.  相似文献   
Invasive mesopredators are responsible for the decline of many species of native mammals worldwide. Feral cats have been causally linked to multiple extinctions of Australian mammals since European colonization. While feral cats are found throughout Australia, most research has been undertaken in arid habitats, thus there is a limited understanding of feral cat distribution, abundance, and ecology in Australian tropical rainforests. We carried out camera‐trapping surveys at 108 locations across seven study sites, spanning 200 km in the Australian Wet Tropics. Single‐species occupancy analysis was implemented to investigate how environmental factors influence feral cat distribution. Feral cats were detected at a rate of 5.09 photographs/100 days, 11 times higher than previously recorded in the Australian Wet Tropics. The main environmental factors influencing feral cat occupancy were a positive association with terrain ruggedness, a negative association with elevation, and a higher affinity for rainforest than eucalypt forest. These findings were consistent with other studies on feral cat ecology but differed from similar surveys in Australia. Increasingly harsh and consistently wet weather conditions at higher elevations, and improved shelter in topographically complex habitats may drive cat preference for lowland rainforest. Feral cats were positively associated with roads, supporting the theory that roads facilitate access and colonization of feral cats within more remote parts of the rainforest. Higher elevation rainforests with no roads could act as refugia for native prey species within the critical weight range. Regular monitoring of existing roads should be implemented to monitor feral cats, and new linear infrastructure should be limited to prevent encroachment into these areas. This is pertinent as climate change modeling suggests that habitats at higher elevations will become similar to lower elevations, potentially making the environment more suitable for feral cat populations.  相似文献   
西藏色季拉山垂直植被带土壤细菌群落组成及功能潜势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究青藏高原土壤微生物群落组成和功能的空间分布特征有助于深入理解典型高寒生态系统中土壤微生物的重要生态功能.本研究采用16S rDNA高通量测序方法,分析了西藏色季拉山4个不同海拔土壤细菌群落物种组成和功能潜势的变化特征及其驱动因子.结果 表明:随着海拔的升高,土壤细菌的丰富度和Shannon多样性指数显著降低;酸杆菌...  相似文献   
杨绕琼  范泽鑫  李宗善  温庆忠 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8983-8991
云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)是重要的造林树种,在我国西南地区广泛分布。研究不同海拔云南松径向生长对气候变化的响应,有助于了解气候变化背景下云南松的敏感性和适应性。在滇西北丽江玉龙雪山不同海拔采集了云南松树木年轮样品,采用传统的树木年轮方法制作了不同海拔云南松树轮宽度标准化年表,并分析了不同海拔云南松径向生长与气候因子的相关性。结果表明:1)低海拔样点云南松具有较快的年平均生长速率。2)不同海拔云南松对气候因子的响应模式一致,树轮宽度与当年5—6月的降水量、帕尔默干旱指数(PDSI)和相对湿度呈正相关,与同期温度呈负相关。3)不同海拔的云南松径向生长对气象因子的响应程度不一样,即低海拔样点云南松树轮宽度与当年5月份的干旱指数、相对湿度、降水量相关系数较高;而高海拔样点的云南松树轮宽度与5—6月的降水、相对湿度、干旱指数的相关系数较低。研究表明春末夏初的水分条件是玉龙雪山云南松径向生长的主要限制因子,且低海拔地区云南松生长受水分限制更为严重,区域气候变暖和干旱化趋势可能对低海拔地区云南松的生长产生持续的负面效应。研究结果可为探讨气候变化下云南松的适宜分布区、以及云南松人工林的经营和可持续管理提供参考。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to understand the effects of abiotic conditions on seasonal feeding activity of diverse herbivores on the same oak tree species in two different forests. We tracked changes in herbivore feeding activities on an oak tree species (Quercus serrata) in two localities: a low elevation small hillock forest patch (Muan, MN) and a middle elevation mountain forest patch (Mt. Jirisan, JR). A total of five sites were selected in each of two forest localities. Data for leaf expansion, leaf chemical qualities, leaf damage ratio, and numbers of lepidopteran caterpillars were collected during spring (May) and summer (July to August), 2012. Leaf expansion rate was higher at the low hillock forest than the mid‐mountain forest from spring to summer. Nitrogen and carbon content decreased seasonally at both localities. Lepidopteran larval diversity was high in the mid‐mountain forest, and two‐way ANOVA showed that species richness of lepidopteran larvae was significantly affected by the interaction between season and locality. Leaf damage by all herbivores was higher in the low hillock forest than the mid‐mountain forest in spring, but was higher in the mid‐mountain forest in summer. Relative proportion of general herbivores increased from spring to summer in the mid‐mountain forest, but not in the low hillock forest. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) ordination showed that altitude‐ and season‐related variables were significant species and environment interaction factors. Our data indicate that locality and temperature disproportionally affected the feeding activities of diverse herbivores in two different temperate forests.  相似文献   
采用现场调查与系统模拟的方法,以辽东湾复合湿地生态系统为研究对象,全面分析了生态系统内各生态单元对有机污染物的净化能力,提出了复合生态系统的污染物净化量估算模型,并基于研究区的数字高程模型(DEM)信息,对整个湿地生态系统重新进行了优化设计.结果表明:各生态单元对化学需氧量(CODCr)、生化需氧量(BOD5)、石油类等污染物的净化能力存在差异,导致不同组成与结构的生态系统净化负荷有所不同;系统原CODCr净化量为188.9 kg·d-1、净化负荷量为2.84 g·m-2·d-1,而根据研究区DEM信息对系统进行优化设计后的CODCr净化量为313.3 kg·d-1、净化负荷量达4.72 g·m-2·d-1,净化效率提高了近20%.  相似文献   
Understanding the genetic basis of environmental adaptation in natural populations is a central goal in evolutionary biology. The conditions at high elevation, particularly the low oxygen available in the ambient air, impose a significant and chronic environmental challenge to metabolically active animals with lowland ancestry. To understand the process of adaptation to these novel conditions and to assess the repeatability of evolution over short timescales, we examined the signature of selection from complete exome sequences of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) sampled across two elevational transects in the Andes of South America. Using phylogenetic analysis, we show that house mice colonized high elevations independently in Ecuador and Bolivia. Overall, we found distinct responses to selection in each transect and largely nonoverlapping sets of candidate genes, consistent with the complex nature of traits that underlie adaptation to low oxygen availability (hypoxia) in other species. Nonetheless, we also identified a small subset of the genome that appears to be under parallel selection at the gene and SNP levels. In particular, three genes (Col22a1, Fgf14, and srGAP1) bore strong signatures of selection in both transects. Finally, we observed several patterns that were common to both transects, including an excess of derived alleles at high elevation, and a number of hypoxia-associated genes exhibiting a threshold effect, with a large allele frequency change only at the highest elevations. This threshold effect suggests that selection pressures may increase disproportionately at high elevations in mammals, consistent with observations of some high-elevation diseases in humans.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   Although Savannah Sparrows ( Passerculus sandwichensis ) have been well studied across their North American range, few data are available for populations that breed in high-elevation habitats. We collected data over six years on the demography of a population of Savannah Sparrows ( P. s. anthinus ) breeding in alpine tundra and sub-alpine meadows in northern British Columbia, Canada. The mean duration of the breeding season at our site was 45.5 d, and pairs produced a maximum of one brood per season. Clutch sizes varied annually (mean = 4.37, range = 3.90 – 4.71 eggs). Nest fate also varied among years (range = 33 – 92%) due to variation in abiotic (weather) and biotic (predators) conditions. Uncorrected return rates of banded birds were 68% for adults and 17% for juveniles ( N = 22 and 102, respectively). However, when resighting probability was taken into account, apparent annual survival was 75% for adults and 34% for juveniles. Compared to populations at lower elevations, Savannah Sparrows in our study had shorter breeding seasons, fewer broods per season, larger clutches, and higher adult and juvenile return rates. Our results suggest that Savannah Sparrows that breed in high-elevation habitats have adopted a low fecundity, high survival life history strategy that enables their persistence in these challenging environments.  相似文献   
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